Without getting into the nitty gritty details of my bowel movements, let me just say that my IBS settled down a little last night and this morning I weighed 1kg lighter and suprise suprise had a little more energy too. Whilst I'm still not feeling 100% I did manage to get out and about a little bit today and to also do some housework.
Tomorrow I'm meant to be doing a PT session which I really want to do but I am unsure if its what I should do considering that I'm still not 100%. The thing that is really weighing on my mind is that there is only 18 more days until the Mothers Day Classic and so far I have only managed to jog 1km of the 4km. The other thing is that I don't want to let down my Personal Trainer. If I do it, I know that I will push myself to the limit and then more than likely end up falling in a heap again (and Mum and Neen will say "I told you so") whereas if I wait another week I can get back on my feet properly again. Its catch 22 really because I know that if I don't go I will feel guilty and then more than likely pig out and then end up feeling worse emotionally. OMG is it any wonder I have a bloody headache!
Anyway I'm going to finish on a POSITIVE by sharing this much quoted piece of magic...
"As you think, so you are. As you imagine, so you become."