Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 2, Week 11

OMG it has been a whole week since I have written anything in here - life has just been so hectic lately that I am struggling to keep up and to be honest it really doesn't feel like I am achieving anything other than barely managing to keep afloat of the usual day to day runnings. 

Yesterday I spent the morning and early afternoon in Bacchus Marsh Emergency Department as I was chucking up my guts (literally), and then to top that off I spent the better part of last night on the loo.  So, today I have been taking it easy and resting as much as possible, Gastro sucks - I don't have time for this crap!!

So here's a quick summary of the past week...

Day 3, Week 10 - Swimming.  I managed to do 45minutes with very little stops in between in each, and of course when I did stop I made sure I kept moving.

Day 4, Week 10 - Todays PT Session was AWESOME!!  I have a feeling that my sessions have stepped up a notch but I am can handle it - well Im sure gonna give it everything I've got anyway.  I jogged non-stop for 1 whole km in 10 minutes as a warm up today can you believe it, I still can't LOL!.  In my head I stopped 6 or more times but Kerri-ann kept me going and for that I am so blessed, she really is an incredible inspiration.  Did I mention that the jog was only a warm up, pheww - I also did Boxing, Sprints, Ab work and Walking Lunges holding 7kg weights.  Oh I also went to Zumba too - only managed 30 minutes before my little man (Ace) wanted to come home but it was good all the same.

Day 6, Week 10 - I gave my bestie a piggy back today and although to me she is only tiny I can tell you when you carry that weight for long enough it sure becomes heavy.  Oh you wanna know something really trippy...she weighs what I have lost (or there abouts) - AMAZING!  How did I do it?  How did I manage to carry around an extra 56.5kg every single day for years and years.  I am so happy with what I have achieved and I never want to forget that.

Day 7, Week 10 - I WON an Egg and Spoon competition tonight at my Mum's work party and I was the only female.  The best part about winning was that afterwards Glenn said to me "How did you manage to do that"?, Haha, don't you love it when people under estimate you.

And that brings me to Days 1 & 2 of Week 11 which as you know are a write off!

Here's hoping that tomorrow I can get back on track.  Yes! Yes! Yes! within reason, I won't push myself too hard!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 2, Week 10

Todays Calories HERE.

I am back on track again which feels great and although I didn't do a 'proper' workout I at least moved by cleaning my house and I parked further away from the days destination points so that meant some walking too. 

I made curried sausages and mashed potatoes for dinner which was delicious but unfortunately 'NONE' of it stayed in so my calories are on the low side.

Tomorrow is swimming day - yipee!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 1, Week 10

Hmmm,  I let myself have the weekend off and although I managed to not compleletly go off the rails, last night and today has been a different story.  I have now well and truly fallen off the wagon (let me just say BUTTERD POPCORN and CARBONARA) and I am lacking the motivation to get back on.  I didn't even make my bed this morning which for me is a major alert that something is up.  I am counting down the weeks now until I can get another lapband adjustment because I just dont feel that it is working for me the way it should.  A friend lent me the lapbanders book and it says that I should be having 1200 calories per day, (if that) BUT I have been having 1600 (not deducting my exercise calories) and have still been hungry.  I think I might actually see if they can fit me in earlier because I am feeling depressed about it all.  I was going to try to do some exercise tonight but I just can't be stuffed so instead I have decided to allow myself the rest of the day to feel fat, frumpy and blah before I kick myself up the backside in the morning and get back on track.  Wish me luck and  if I'm not back to my usual manic headless chook self tomorrow please feel free to kick me up the arse OK!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 2, Week 9

I am feeling really proud of myself right now, I managed to walk/jog 3km in 30minutes (on the road).  80% of it was a brisk walk so I need build up my jogging stamina.  On a positive, I slowed my jog down so that I could go for a longer distance and it felt really great being able to push that little bit further.  I plan on putting this to the test by jogging up Jhanines street again to see if I can manage to get up and back without stopping.

Food wise I decided to write off the weekend as I had potatoe chips and pizza (3 slices) and didn't do any exercise (I did move though).  That's not the worst of it.  Last night I ate a whole packet of snakata pizza supreme crackers (400 calories) OINK and I didn't even enjoy them which sucks.  What sucks even more was that I did so well during the day and even managed to do a 45minute Gym Workout then I go and blow it - well not exactly I was still within my calories (luckily) but at this rate I will end up skinny fat and that is something I don't want!     

I am considering doing Light and Easy for a week to give me a diet kick start, but I'm not sure if it is worth the $, hmmm I will need to think it over some more.

Well, that's it for me for tonight, I am so sorry that I haven't posted my March weight/measurements and photos as yet but life has just been so bloody crazy.

Tomorrow is swimming day - I wonder if I can beat last weeks lap time!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 4, Week 8

Todays PT session was a killer, in a good way of course and even though by this afternoon I was ready to just head to bed I managed to also do a 45 minute Zumba session.  I am absolutely exhausted now but I am really proud of the days effort.

Todays PT Workout!
Warm Up on Bike
Chest Press - 7kg for Max
Assisted Chin Ups - for Max
Upright Rows and Overheads - 20kg bar for Max
Down Stairs and Up by 2's X 3
Walking Lunges
Walking Lunges
Up Stairs

Treadmill - 10minutes @5kph

Ab Circuit X 2
Swiss Ball Passovers - Max
Side Knee Taps
Leg Lowers

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 3 Week 8

Went swimming today and managed to beat my last lap time of 30 seconds and did it in.....wait for it......23 seconds - WHOO HOO!!  Thats a whole 7 seconds quicker - AWESOME!!

Have put in my Calories for today but dinner hasn't been accurately reflected as I ended up purging.  I have also had heartburn alot lately.  Im not conviced its because my band is too tight - I think alot of is that I have tried to eat too quickly and not been relaxed enough.  I will keep an eye on it and if it is still happening after I change those key points I will look at getting it loosened.

I am exhausted tonight, a little sore and menstral on top of it all so I am going to leave this short and head off to bed for a well deserved rest as I have a PT session and Zumba tomorrow - OMG why do I do it to myself! 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 2, Week 8

I feel so bad for neglecting this blog but I have either been too sick or too busy to get around to it and so I thought I would come in tonight and give you all a quick update!

My eating has been a little on the slack side for the past couple of days due to skipping meals.  I plan to fix this asap as I am feeling really tired again and I need to keep up my strength in order to maintain my hectic schedule.  I did have a couple of days when I pigged out.  When I say pig out I was still within my calories but it was all unhealthy choice foods.  My band has come into play again as my hunger isnt as intense and I have noticed that I get full quicker and yes a couple of times it has come back up.

Exercise wise I am making sure to at least be active even if it isn't in the form of an actual workout - for example.  Today I wore my heartrate watch while I cleaned my carpets and I burnt 298 calories in 1 hour and 15 minutes, how awesome is that!  I can only imagine how many I burnt all up I wish I had of just kept it running all day.  Oooh I think I will do that one day next week just to see what it says!


I jogged 300 metres non stop from one end of Jhanines street to the other in 2 minutes and 8 seconds - I am so PROUD of me!!  When Jhanine first suggested we try it I didn't think there was any way that I could do it.  This morning however, after some excellent advice from The Biggest Loser, I decided that rather than think in a negative way I would believe in myself instead and it worked!

NOTE:  I need to pace myself better - I started out too fast and found it hard to push it towards the end.  I am going to try this again in a couple of days and see if I can better my time!

Tomorrow is swimming day WHOO HOO so excited!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 1, Week 7

I weighed in and measured today and all I can say is that my hard work has paid off because everything is down - YAY!! 

Well, thats all I am going to leave you with tonight as I am exhausted.

Thanks so much for sharing this journey with me, your support is incredible!