Monday, March 26, 2018

March 2018...

GUESS WHAT!!  We are getting MARRIED!!

If life has shown us anything the past month its that life is too short to put off that which makes you happy AND so with that we set a date! We are getting married on Saturday 21st of April.

Nearly everything is organized, it helps that it is going to be very laid back - nothing OTT!

I cannot wait until we make our love official, so bloody exciting!

MAR 4th - Sunday is Food Prep Day!

For lunches this week the boys have pizza scrolls and salted caramel brownies and the big kids (aka moi and Mark) have a mixed veg fritatta with feta.

The scrolls are the easiest thing to make albeit the messiest: 1 cup SR flour & 1 cup Greek yogurt. Mix into a dough, roll out flat, add toppings, roll, cut into 2cm rounds and bake until golden. These ones have tomato paste, salami, semi dried tomatoes, pineapple and cheese.

MAR 5th - Study Break is Over!

And so it begins...year 2 of uni!  I am only taking on two subjects this semester; Herbal Preparation and Sociology of Food and Nutrition.  It should be an interesting, informative and perhaps a little stressful 16 weeks ahead - Let the studying begin!  Oh how one day I wish to be able to live in a "cancer free world"!

MAR 6th

I am now spending my Tuesdays with my Sister, helping with the kids and general stuff around the house.  One of the things I get the honour of doing, is taking my nephew to his swimming lessons - its such a great bonding time for us.  If only it didn't take the "C word" for this time spent together to happen...oh well, main thing is that it is, can't think about the past just live in the moment of now!

How freaking adorable is this photo OMG!

MAR 10th

Yep I'm counting down and looking forward...I am so excited!

MAR 15th

I feel like I'm riding a bloody roller coaster at the moment, one minute I'm up and the next...

I sit tonight with the tears I have been holding back for so long streaming down my face. Theres a part of me that feels so ashamed of feeling this way when I know there are others who deserve to be shedding tears and wearing a heavy heart far more than I. But theres another part of me that says if I don't let it out, if I don't express it, it will only build up and create more dis-ease within and that goes against every piece of advice I give to others about self expression. So here I am...expressing! I have been so good at pretending to keep it together and just pushing through, but the truth is, I'm as human as f%@* and I'm hurting! I feel so lost in my own thoughts right now, lost in the haze of changes happening that I am yet to fully grasp. I don't plan to unpack and stay here and I know I have an abundance of things to be thankful for, but I just needed to share, to reach out...I may tell you I'm fine and even look like I've got my shit together, but sometimes even the toughest trees bend in the storm.

MAR 17th

5 weeks until I stand on this very beach and pledge my eternal love to my sweet man!

MAR 22nd

I have been reflecting a bit this past week...perhaps because yesterday would have been the 20 year anniversary of my first wedding! Anyway, it got me thinking about how I have changed over the years due to my experiences and how if I hadn't of gone through each of the things I have then I wouldn't be who I am today. There are some things I am certainly not proud of, I think we all have those. I don't know if I agree with the 'no regrets' bit, because in all honesty I do regret the major mistakes but, I can say that despite them...I like, actually no, I love who I am...scars and all!

MAR 24th

It is funny how normally you don't want life to go too fast, but when you are waiting on an event, you want it to hurry up LOL!  4 will be here before we know it, besides we need that time to be able to get up the money to pay for 'stuff'!

MAR 25th

Amen to this for both men and woman! Aesthetics are just the surface you and wear it with pride whatever shape or size!

I put off setting a wedding date because I didn't want to be a "fat" bride again! Then life showed us that it is way too short to put off that which makes you happy and so we set a date regardless of not losing weight. 

I won't lie, there was a part of me that thought 'Shit! I need to drop (blah blah) kilos in 8 weeks' and I noticed a shift happen...a shift that wasn't a good one! I decided then and there that I wasn't going to do it - push myself to achieve a certain size that is! I was just going to embrace me as I am, the same way my sweet man loves me and wants to marry me just as I am, and vice-a-versa.
Being healthy is one thing (both physically and psychologically) but aesthetics is another. If I have learnt nothing else from my yoyo sizes it is, that it doesn't matter what size or shape you are, if you are happy and healthy, that's when you are most beautiful!

Wanna hear a funny story?

So, when we first decided to set a date and have a wedding, we had the intention of it being a very small 'family only' intimate gathering on the beach.  This to me meant that it really didn't matter what I looked like, I could get married in my PJs and my family would think nothing of it LOL!  Given that was the case, I purchased a dress off Ebay for $30.00 which looked amazing on the 'skinny - straight up and down' model.  Anyway, it fit me and it looked okay, although Mum suggested a tummy tucker inner'er would look better and so I pulled it out the draw put it on, and she was right, it did make a difference - the fact that I felt like I couldn't breathe wouldn't matter right?  

So, one afternoon, after I had a hair trial, I decided to put my dress on again just to see if it had grown on me a little more...nope it hadn't AND now we had announced it to the facebook world it meant that more people were going to see me in my dress than expected, which left me feeling a little defeated.  I don't know why I decided to sit down, but I did and with that I heard a 'rip'...yep I split the seam!  You can imagine the words that came out of my mouth and to say that I went into anxiety overload is an understatement.  But, I quickly gave myself a pep talk not to cry, and decided that it was an omen...I had to find another dress then and there - one I could actually breathe in, one I felt more like me in, one that also made me feel like a beautiful bride.  And I did just that - City Chic and Afterpay to the rescue!  OMG how awesome is afterpay!  

So I know have another dress, that I absolutely adore and if anything is maybe even a little on the big side...gggrrrr for being a 1/2 size...if only they made size 15 LOL!

The dress that wasn't meant to be...

Mar 26th...NOW!

UNI Update

I would love to tell you that everything is going great, but we are now into week 4 and I am still struggling to find my study mojo (infact I should be studying rather than blogging hhhmmmm).  I am so far behind with it all and to be honest I considered dropping out of this semester.  I didn't because I know that if I do, I probably wont start back up again, and its something that I really want to do...I just need to knuckle down and do it, rather than letting the anxiety get the better of me where I feel so overwhelmed and can't focus.  Admittedly, life is a little - okay alot, difference now to only a couple of months will all fall into place soon, I just need to stop being so hard on myself.


So I had the doctor feel me up and she found a few lumps, so I had a mammogram and ultra sound which confirmed the GPs findings and then they sent me off to get a biopsy.  BUT, the specialist said that they couldn't get enough cells from the lumps to be able to give a conclusive result and so now I am wanting on my Peter Mac appointment which could be up to 3 months away.  I was really freaking out at one stage, but I have decided that there is no point worrying about it, until I get to my appointment, do more tests plus the genetic testing, counselling etc...etc...

So while I wait for my appointment, I focus on my family that needs me.  It also gives me time to gather as much information as I can, before I go ahead and make any major life changing decisions, like getting my boobs chopped off - which may be a high probability.  Anyway enough about that or else my head will become a muddled mess again.

Oh I also have another specialist appointment in early May to do with the rear end...just a general check as things haven't quite been right and there is also a history of bowel cancer in the's all a bit shitty really, hahaha pun intended!


I know that over the past few years alot has changed in my life that made me somewhat (okay alot) self absorbed and as a result I was ultra shit at staying intouch, and so I truly appreciate those friends who have reached out and taken the time to check in and ask how I am.  This past month I have come to realise how important friendships are to me, I may not have a massive list, in fact my circle is quite small but I cherish you all.

In answer to the above question...I'm in a really odd place!

Part of me is over the moon at the fact that in 3 weeks and 5 days, I am going to be getting married to a man that makes me feel like I am the most precious and loved woman on the planet.  A man who I love with every inch of my being and am so happy in his presence.

And yet, there is another part that just can't get her shit together and feels like she is falling apart at the seams...lost and lonely.  I don't like feeling this way!  I can usually pull myself out of this dark place and get back to being my usual positive happy go lucky self really quickly, but at the moment, I just don't have the energy!

I'm Okay though OR so I keep on saying!

Maybe its just that its almost April and well, its not exactly been a good month for me since my Dad died and to add salt to that wound, losing my precious fur baby last year.  I was hoping that by setting the wedding date in April that it would help to lift the mood of things a little, and it has somewhat, but it has also made me wish my Dad was here even more.  Life is just so fucking unfair sometimes!

GGGRRRR I'm getting angry at myself because I have so much to be thankful for in my life and yet I'm a sad sack!  FFS pull yourself together woman!  Ok time to TRY and get some sleep...tomorrow I am going to call my counsellor - this is crazy, this is not me *SIGH*.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

February 2018...

FEB 3rd

So, I'm not one to do things by halves AND cleaning helps me clear my head!  So with that being said I am absolutely fooboocachewed but we did it! It is amazing how much 'stuff' one accumulates over time and how 'un'clean something can be under the surface *sigh*, but every nook and cranny inside the house is sparkling, the camping stuff is all packed away and the backyard patio and yard is once again our place of home sanity.  As much as I love the feeling of accomplishment after I've tackled a mammoth task...I really wish I had a magic wand and instead of working like a trooper today to get shit done, could have been sitting in my meditation chair instead!   I was just saying to Mark how proud I am that despite the upheaval of my mad clearing and cleaning frenzy this week, I still managed to accomplish working, feeding the kids and a few hours of sleep! His reply "Yep, you sure did, but geez you were a bitch to live with"! Haha love your honesty babe!  

Feeling very tired but also very accomplished!

FEB 7th

But those who hope in the Lord, will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

I'm still working on my relationship with God and trying to find where the bible sits with me...its a personal journey and one that is quite eclectic given my spiritual beliefs. BUT, I can say that these words resonate strongly for me. Perhaps its because I was directed to them at a time I very much needed to read them, perhaps its because I believe in the power of holding hope and positive thought...either way the message is a powerful one!

My POSITIVE reminders for this month!

FEB 10th

Life doesn't always run smoothly! Sometimes, there are storms that you are faced with that have the power to completely capsize your entire being. Yep, those storms completely and utterly suck big fat hairy sweaty balls! But, you can choose the chaos and allow yourself to be drawn up into the whirlwind, drowning in the heaviness of emotion, gagging and getting pubes stuck in your teeth OR you can choose calm, anchoring yourself in positivity, in love, in hope, in gratitude, accepting it, for all that it is, in all its shitty fucked up glory, knowing that by centering yourself, you 'will' find the strength needed to push through and the storm 'will' pass!

I am learning that 'being positive' means different things to each person. For me its about ONLY focusing on the POSITIVES and not allowing any traces of 'what ifs', 'maybe's' or 'possibly's' to enter my mind! My rationale for this is, that by thinking 'everything is going to be okay', that is indeed what will be manifested. Whereas, if I were to focus on the fact that 'this may happen' or 'that may happen', then that is where the energy goes and as such, it becomes the reality I do not truly desire. Call it what you will; me just being an optimist, a wearer of rose coloured glasses, someone refusing to face the reality of the situation laid upon the table...but, I CHOOSE HOPE!

FEB 14th 

Happy Valentines Day - Bah Humbug LOL!  Here is a poem my sweetman wrote for me today :)

For MY gorgeous girl, the one, the only Natasha
No chocolates shall I bring thee.
Nor flowers in my hand.
This is no accident, truth...
In fact, twas ACTUALLY planned.
Both you and I, Sweet Deni
Hate worldy consumerism.
That says today we MUST give gifts
We wont be trapped in that prison.

On ANY given day of the year
To you, my Queen, I bring
Gifts tasty, beautiful, lovely.
Tis the pleasure of this King.
So today the gift I bring, Babe
Is an outcry of my love
In declaring to thee, "I love you"
My Precious Gift, from Heaven above

Oh gosh I love this guy so bloody much!

FEB 18th

Sometimes it doesn't matter how busy you keep yourself, or how much you focus on the blessings in your life, the emotions catch up and the tears just flow. Today was one of those days! And it's okay!

FEB 22nd

Despite all my positive thoughts and affirmations, my prayers for strength and staying busy to ignore the gravity of the situation,...bottom line is I'm scared! is what it is until it is something different, and we just deal with it when and if we have to! Honestly, there are just not enough swear words right now!

FEB 24th

...This post will make all the others make more sense!

I'm hoping this picture has gotten your attention! Why am I posting it? To ask you ALL, both male and female to check your breasts!

Recently my little sister (36 years old) was diagnosed with breast cancer! She is urging her family and friends to be aware and to get checked! Early detection is the key! Don't wait for a special awareness month or share a 'red heart' via a message!

Get those boobies out and have a feel or get a friend to feel for you (Mark Shilling once a day is plenty enough of a feel for you). 

If you don't know what you are feeling for, please book in with the GP!

Yes, I got checked, Yes they found something, Yes, they have started tests, Yes it is as scary as f%@&, BUT again...Early detection is the key! 


My beautiful sister and her family!

FEB 26th

My sweet man started working 3 days a week today. To say I miss him is an understatement, as I have grown so used to him being a stay at home hubby/dad. As daunting as it all is, it is also a new and exciting chapter in our lives. Omgoodness, this whole making my own cuppa thing is not good though, tomorrow I will have to get him to make me a flask before he leaves for work LOL.


I got 10 hours sleep last night...whoo hoo! Busy day ahead so it was much needed. Best part was this morning as the boys gave me a kiss goodbye, Ace said "Mum, are you wearing make up"?. I'm like no matey, I haven't even had a shower yet. To which he replies "well you look really pretty".  Gosh my kids make me the proudest mumma ever!

January 2018...



It is so hard to believe that 14 years has passed by, somedays it feels like only yesterday I was holding my sweet boy for the very first time. 14 years earth bound and what an incredible journey it has been. As is the case with life, the past year has been one full of everything it has had to offer...the ups the downs, the smiles the frowns and everything in between, but my baby boy has taken it all in his very large stride, placing one foot in front of the other and continuing to grow (and oh boy has he ever grown...he is now officially taller than me and I'm 171cm) into an incredibly handsome and loving young man. Tonight as he was heading to bed, I asked if he was too old for decorations and if he wanted to change it up a bit. His reply was 'I will never be too old Mum, I will always be your baby'! So with that, Mark and I followed tradition and have wrapped presents and decorated the room ready for him to wake up all excited tomorrow as a 14 year old! I say it every year but time really does fly by so fast! I am so very blessed that we have Ace here with us today to celebrate his birthday and hope that the year ahead is one of happiness, love and laughter! Happy 14th Birthday my baby boy...I never truly knew what love was until that very first moment I held you in my arms.

Our traditional decoration and present set up!

This boy melts my heart!


We got to spend some time at Torquay beach with Marketta, Keana and Kohden and the best part was that Pa was there too.  I think it is awesome that he is off travelling around Australia,but when he comes to visit its awesome!


How blessed we are to have spent 13 days and 12 nights away in this beautiful piece of the Australian Bush. Being off the grid, away from the distractions of daily life was exactly what we needed to recharge and refocus.  We all came home with our hearts are so full of gratitude and we cannot wait to get back out into the bush again soon.  Ahh the SERENITY!

Wellington River, Licola


I stuck it out and I actually did it!  I cannot even begin to tell you how proud I am of myself for sticking this through.  Its been a tough ride at times but I am not going to quit!  Oh and I am actually kicking some major arse and getting half decent grades...okay so not as many HD's as I would like but a D beats a P and that's all I really need for the degree.


Given it was a stinkin' hot day and our pool was green from us neglecting it when we went away, we decided to head down to the local pool to cool off.  This turned into the most awesome impromtu afternoon, evening, night as we caught up with Mel and the kids and not only hung out at the pool together but also went for fish 'n' chips in the park and a had a boogie and a slurpee at 7-11.  I really hope we do it again soon as it really made all our hearts smile!

Love these much fun!


JAN 29th

Despite the fact that we were all still in holiyay mode with camping gear from arsehole to breakfast and our scheduling up shit creek, we managed to get stationary all labelled, uniforms laid out and lunches ready for the start of the 2018 school term. Ace, Mr. 14 an experienced high schooler in Year 8, took it all in his massive 7ft 20" giant stride. Jazz, Mr. 12 and new to the high school experience, was more on the nervous side about it all,but excited about the tooth fairy visiting. Me?  I just sitting there thinking WOW...where did the time go?

JAN 30th - Term 1 2018!

Our house was bustling with first day of school excitement from the crack of dawn! I can't believe that I am now officially a highschool Mum...oh how time passes by so fast and how so much changes and yet stays the same. 

 They may be all grown up, but they will forever be my baby boys. 


The boys are back to school and I have a month off uni which means I can do a big summer clear out and clean up which equals room to create - all whilst juggling work in between it all ofcourse! The boys came home from their first day of school to find their rooms now have a homework space. I have a meditation corner and Hosannas room has a little table and chairs. I can't believe how 'stuff' just wasn't that long ago I did a massive cull!  Still not quite done, but it will get done, one thing at a time.  I am starting to feel a little more sane with it organised, ironic really, as this frenzy state makes me look the opposite!  By the time I finish this cleaning frenzy I think studying is going to be a breeze in comparrison!

Goodbye January, you have been full of amazingly awesome memories!