Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Challenge - Day 2, Week 6

Today was a 'blah' kind of day for me to the point of me bawling my eyes out in the Gym (half way through my PT session) like a sooky girl - how embarrassing!  

I am so frustrated that my knee is still sore and prevents me from doing certain exercises (eg. Dead Lifts) when I really want to work to my full potential.  On top of that I felt that my performance was pathetic as I was struggling to push past my sticking point, which for me means that it beat me and that is something I don't deal with very well. 

I am so thankful to my traniner Kerriann and to my team mate Sarah who comforted and reassured me that I was just being too hard on myself.  

Once I got myself together I managed to dig deep, focus and push on to finish the session which I feel is a postive step as I could of just walked away.

Anyway I felt that it was equally as important to share this side of the challenge as well as the highs.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Challenge - Weigh In #5, Day 1 Week 6

Well in the words of Mr. Meatloaf, 2 out of 3 aint bad!!  Weight Down, Muscle Down but No Change in Muscle Percentage.

So far over the past 5 weeks I have lost a total of
4.1kg and 2.1% body fat.

I looked up in the Louise Hay 'You can heal your life' book tonight about Knee Problems and this is what it says:  'Stubborn ego and pride.  Inability to bend.  Fear.  Inflexibility.  Won't give in.'  Which as much as I hate to admitt it (perfect example right there LOL), does speak volumes!

"I bend and flow with ease, and all is well."  Forgiveness, Understanding and Compassion is the key!

This weeks goals:
  • To loose .5 - 1.0kg
  • To loose .5% - 1.0% Body Fat
  • Hopefully increase Muscle Percentage without it affecting my weight
  • Stay true to my Nutrition plan
Well that's it for now as I have a million and one things to get done before my midnight curfew and I need my rest as I have a feeling that tomorrow I will be tortured in my PT session!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Challenge Day 4, 5, 6, 7 - Week 5

This week has been one of frustration, complatency, guilty splurges and self punishment and so I am interested to see how it is reflected in tomorrow's weigh in results again if it is a not so great result I have only myself to blame!

I have still exercised this week despite my knee giving me crap which I know is a huge step as I haven't let it beat me.  I must say though that the limitations have been incredibly frustrating to say the least.  I brought a brace on Friday and since wearing it I have noticed some improvement.  I am hoping that it will provide enough support to be able to work a little harder this week. 

Food wise I have been slack and allowing myself to have little splurges here and there.  Although its nothing major all the little bits and pieces add up, for example:  stealing one of the kids chips when I open their packet, having a bite of Glenn's piece of cake, a low fat muffin, an extra serve of pasta with 'real' cheese.  I really need to kick myself up the butt and get back on track or else all the hardwork I have put in will be undone! 

So that's it from me for today.  Stay Tuned for the weight in results.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Challenge - Day 2, 3 Week 5

I did it!!  I went to the movies and did not have one single piece of popcorn!!  I was even passing it back and forth between Glenn, Mum and the Boys and managed to stay strong.  I am so proud of me right now. :oD

Its been a week of ups and downs with regards to motivation for training but I have been plodding along and trying to keep up the determination.  I must say though that having an awesome trainer who won't let me give in even when I say "I can't" makes all the difference.  

Oh now for the bit the sucks;  I hurt my knee at Zumba yesterday :o( and so now I am a little limited with training until it heals which is f*#('n frustrating.  I am not letting it slow me down completely though as there is plenty that I can still do as long as I don't push. 

I was thinking today when I was doing Boxing that if I had of been injured a couple of months ago I would of used it as an excuse not to be able to do anything except sit on my butt and eat popcorn LOL - goes to show that a leopard can change its spots if it really wants to!  Another accomplishment!

Oh, lastly I wanted to share a couple of really Yummy food ideas.

Maple Mustard Chicken

Chicken Breast
Sugar Free Maple Syrup
Wholegrain Mustard

Mix the Maple Syrup and Mustard together and rub into Chicken.  Place under Griller and cook both sides.

Lamb Wraps

Lamb Strips (Marinate in Yogurt, Garlic, Rosemary and Mint)
Capsicum (Tri Colour)
Mountain Bread
Lite Greek Yogurt

Cook up Lamb with Onion and Capsicum.  On a Mountain bread, place Lettuce, Lamb, Onion and Capsicum and top with a Dallop of Yogurt.

That's it for tonight, sorry I haven't been doing daily entries but I have been feeling a little behind the 8 ball and there are just not enough hours in the day.  Thank you so much for the support.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Challenge - Weigh in #4, Day 1, Week 5

Todays weigh in result was as I expected - a GAIN!!  But, on a plus I didn't let the team down because my Body Fat % was a LOSS!  So it at least shows that I did something right.  I am fairly confident that the weight gain is not just due to me splurging on Birthday Cake and Fish 'n' Chips but also a lack of bowel movement and muscle gain. 

I can't help but still feel disappointed even though theres also a positive result but beating myself up about it will only lead to destructive behaviour and I am so not going back there.  So its time to get back on track and just keep on keeping on. 

Surely if I do all the right things again this week I am bound to find the balance point for Weight Loss, Fat Loss and Musce Gain!!  

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Challenge - Day 7, Week 4

In general this week, I was happy with my exercise effort but know that I could of done better food wise.

My Baby Boy turned 5 yesterday and so its been a HUGE weekend of celebration.

I am shitty at myself, if tomorrows results suck then I have no one to blame except myself and that means not only have I let myself down but my team mates too.  Note to self:  NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS BEING THIN WILL FEEL!!

OK tomorrow is a new day and the start of a new week and regardless of the result I will just keep on keeping on, we all make mistakes how we amend them is what matters.  IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO START AGAIN!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Challenge Day 1, 2, 3 Week 4

Not a huge weight loss this week but the fat loss percentage more than makes up for it.  Finally it looks as though I am on the right track, I just hope that I can reach a balance at some point soon so that I can achieve both my weight loss and fat % goals.

Total of 3.9kg, 13.5cm and 1.5% BodyFat 

I have missed out on blogging the past couple of nights due to being too exhausted on all levels - mentally, phycially and emotionally and although I am still feeling much the same,  I really felt as though I needed to get it all out.

I must admitt that I have been somewhat stressed this week as I feel as though the Challenge is consuming me.  Of course it doesn't help that I am juggling it all around my family, work, study and other committments.  I am however confident that when it becomes second nature and once the 'challenge' side of things is over I can find some kind of happy medium so that I can fit everything in nicely. 

Physically I have been working hard this week so I can hopefully achieve good results in both weight and fat loss.  One of the best decisions I have made this week was to use my Personal Training Sessions to focus on my Resistance Training rather than Cardio, its amazing what one can achieve with a kick up the butt!!

Emotionally its been really hard to stay focused as I have been worried about my Step Dad who was rushed into hospital for an emergency operation (incarcerated hernia) on Monday.  He is up in Mackay QLD and I'm here in Victoria so I'm feeling very usless as I just wish there was something that I could do to help.  This afternoon we found out that since the operation he has developed an infection which sets back recovery.  I am hoping with all that I have that he will pull through and get better soon.

 Well thats it from me for now, Thank you so much for your support.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Challenge - Day 6 & 7, Week 3

Another week is almost over and tomorrow is weigh in and measure day which I am kind of nervous and excited about all at the same time.  The past week has been the hardest so far due to a number of factors;  moontime, lapband adjustment and general complacency, however I am still as motivated as ever to reach my goals.

Total Exercise:  5 hours and 45 minutes

Monday - Boxing Class with Impact (45 minutes)
Tuesday - Upper Body Resistance + Cardio (60 minutes)
Wednesday - NOTHING
Thursday - P/T, Fat Burn, Lower Body Resistance + Toing Class with Impact (2 hours 30 minutes)
Friday - Group Training Circuit (45 minutes)
Saturday - Boxing and Toning Class with Impact (45 minutes)
Sunday - REST DAY WHOO HOO Sleep in until 2pm!! 


My Calorie intake has improved slightly although still not where it should be at between the 1400 - 1600 calorie mark, but I am working on it.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

How many calories in a kilo?

My wonderful trainer put together the following information which I found to be very valuable and thought I would share it.

Firstly you need to work out your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), this is the energy your body uses in a state of rest to 'maintain' your current bodyweight/composition.

How do know what your BMR is?   Follow this formula:

Females: BMR = 655 + ( 9.6 x weight in kilos ) + ( 1.8 x height in cm ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )

Males: BMR = 66 + ( 13.7 x weight in kilos ) + ( 5 x height in cm ) - ( 6.8 x age in years )

EXAMPLE:  I am currently 80.4kg and 173cm tall and 35 years of age.

655 + (9.6 X 80.4) + (1.8 X 173) - (4.7 X 35)

655 + 771.84 + 311.4 – 164.5

BMR = 1573.74 calories needed per day (at rest) to 'maintain'.

So how many calories are needed to lose a kilo?

It takes a '7000' calorie deficit.  So that means once you have taken into account your BMR and calculated roughly how much energy you expend through activity you would then reduce that figure by 7000 per week and you will in theory lose a kilo.

The following enables calculation of an individuals recommended daily calorie intake to maintain current weight:

Little to no exercise - Daily calories needed = BMR x 1.2

Light exercise (1-3 days per week) - Daily calories needed = BMR x 1.375

Moderate exercise (3-5 days per week) - Daily calories needed = BMR x 1.55

Heavy exercise (6-7 days per week) - Daily calories needed = BMR x 1.725

Very heavy exercise (twice per day, extra heavy workouts) - Daily calories needed = BMR x 1.9

NOTE:  You need to be honest with yourself when using this equation otherwise you will end up consuming too many calories and hence instead of being in a calorie deficit at the end of the week you will be in excess which is not what you want.

EXAMPLE:  My PAL is Moderate 3 - 5 days per week

BMR 1573.74  X PAL 1.55 = 2439.97 calories needed per day (at current exercise rate) to 'maintain'

Calculation for 1kg per week loss

2439.97 x 7 (days in a week) = 17,079.79 calories needed per week 

17,079.79 – 7000 (calorie deficit for 1kg) = 10,079.79 

10,079.79 / 7 days = 1439.97 daily intake to achieve 1kg loss per week, exercising 3-5 times per week.

IF, however you only want to loose .5kg per week the deficit would be 3500 calories

2439.97 x 7 (days in a week) = 17,079.79 calories needed per week

17,079.79 - 3500 (calorie deficit for .5kg) = 13, 579.79

13579.79 / 7 days =1939.97 daily intake to achieve a .5 kg loss per week, exercising 3-5 times per week

It goes without saying that if you exercise more you loose more and vice-a-versa.

It is important to remember that these figures are Total Intake (including exercise to lose weight), so don’t get confused and think you need to allow for exercise.

Also don't forget that as weight changes (be it up or down) the equation will need to be recalculated. 
Remember that in order to maintain vital lean muscle mass you need to loose weight at a sensible pace.  Too few calories will cause muscles to degenerate and the body will store excess body fat which is No Good AND too many calories in and not enough energy out (exercise) will result in weight gain which again means more body fat.

Hope that this has been helpful...

The Challenge - Day 4, Week 3

EXERCISE:  2 Hours and 30 minutes!!

Whoa!!!!!! It was a huge training day but somehow I managed to dig deep and do it despite feeling flat and I gotta say that I am so proud of that accomplishment.  Its amazing how time flies when you are in the zone and working out with friends!

30 minutes Personal Training.

Warm Up on Treadmill @5kph

Stairs with 6kg Dumbell (singles down - doubles up X2)
Boxing - 8 Jab Cross + 4 Scissor Jumps (over and over again)
Bar - Upright Row, Overhead Raise, drop bar behind shoulders and Squat, Overhead Raise and Lower (over and over)


30 minutes Fat Burn on Recumb Bike

30 minutes of Lower Body Resistance 

15 minutes of Abs

45 minutes Toning Class


Dinner was really YUMMY and I will make it again for sure.

Easy Chow Mien
Serves 5
1 tbs Olive Oil
1 Brown Onion
1 tsb Garlic
500g Lean Mince
500g Bag of Coles Coleslaw Mix
3 Stalks of Celery
2 tsb Curry Powder
2 tsb Soy Sauce
400g of Ardona Tomatoes
500ml Water
1 tsp of Salt Reduced Chicken Stock

I basically just browned off the Onion, Garlic and Mince in olive oil and then threw everything else in and turned it onto simmer for 15 - 30 minutes (depending on how soft you like your vegies).

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Challenge - Day 3, Week 3

I did it - I had .5ml removed from my band!!  Now I just hope and pray that it works in my favour and not against gotta say that I'm not feeling all that optimistic but its worth a try either way.

I didn't do a workout today as my iron levels are way too low and I am feeling very drained and just generally blah (moontime).  Do I feel guilty about it - yep!!  I am however trying to convince myself that it is OK.

Food wise I have done well and my calories are almost where they should be which is fantastic - a plus of 'no exercise' - no deficit.  I have been craving chocolate and comfort food all day though which has been hard to deal with, but I have been strong.

Well thats all for today, I am going to bed to snuggle with my wheat bag, watch the idiot box and not eat chocolate (boo hoo).

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Challenge - Day 2, Week 3

After yesterday's weigh in result I allowed myself to splurge a little and I woke up this morning feeling really guilty - all I can say is Thank goodness I did the Impact Boxing Class last night otherwise I would of completely blown out the calories.  Check out what I pigged out on Here.  I know its not 'really really' bad I still feel like I went overboard.

In the past I would of let it get to me and then spent the day either not eating or eating and purging or maybe not purging, exercising to the extreme or not at all and just generally beating myself up about it.  Today however I decided to build a bridge, get over it and just get back on track which is another HUGE Step for me!


Tonights dinner was D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S.  I was inspired by the front cover of the June 2010 Recipes + Edition and made my own version of Minted Lamb and Peas Pie.

Minted Lamb and Peas Pie
(Serves 5)
1 tbs Olive Oil
1/2 tbs Minced Garlic
500g Lamb
1 Brown Onion
Fresh Mint
1/2 Cup of Peas
1 Carrot (Diced)
400g Ardmona Chopped Tomatoes
2 Cups Water
1 tsp Salt Reduced Chicken Stock Powder
Mashed Potatoe or Kumera (I used both)

Brown lamb with garlic, onion and fresh mint.  Add peas, carrot, tomotoes and Chicken Stock and bring to the boil.  Spoon mixture into individual ramikins and place into oven at 180 degrees until cooked.  Top with Mashed Potatoe and Serve.

Note:  I sprinkled tasty cheese on top of the boys potatoe and put them back into the oven until it melted which was a big hit!


Normally on a Tuesday I head to the Gym where I put Jazz into Creche for an hour so that I can do a half hour PT session followed by an extra 15 minutes on the bike BUT today that didn't happen and so I did my Upper Body Workout in my Home Gym and finished it off with a Jog/Walk around the block.  


I am discovering that it would become very easy to get complacent at this stage in the challenge and so I am trying very hard to keep my enthusiasm up.  I say trying because the whole increase in body fat % has been really playing on my mind.  I feel as though I have let the team and my trainer down and most of all myself.  Yes the weight loss is awesome but its only one part of the bigger picture and I don't want to be 'Skinny Fat' - I want to be Fit and Healthy.

Once again today's calorie intake SUCKS (no where near 1000 calories) and so in order to try to get more food in so that I can come out of Starvation Mode and boost my metabolism, tomorrow I am heading off to get my lap band loosened.  I will be honest and say that I contemplated cancelling my appointment today and not going through with it but I need to be brave and remember that I am now in control and I can do it - Food does not rule my life!  I am hoping that it will make a difference even if only just slightly.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Challenge - Weigh In # 2

Here are this weeks results...

The Challenge - Weigh In #2

I am shocked at the amount of weight I lost this week as I figured that after a big loss last week I would of been lucky to get even half a kilo.  Despite my lack of optimisim I still set myself a goal of 1 - 1.5kg and have managed to completely blow that figure out of the water which is an awesome achievement.

Whilst however, the loss is terrific and I should be jumping for joy my jubilation has once again been dampened by the increase in Body Fat and decrease in Skeletal Muscle which put simply - SUCKS!! 

In the past 2 weeks I have not had any popcorn, chocolate or junk, I have not deliberately purged and in fact have noticed at least a 75% reduction in my 'lapband' rejection rate, I have not used any laxatives and I have been eating constantly and that does not mean living on a packet of Delites and yet I am still in 'Starvation Mode'.

Basically the major reason that we can see is that my 'CALORIES IN - CALORIES OUT = TOO LOW.  Ironically, the less calories at the end of the day, the more your metabolism slows down and it actually makes you fatter by resulting in Muscle Loss!  When you eat less, your body burns less. When you eat more, your body burns more. It’s the ultimate paradox.  Even though I'm eating more I'm also burning more and going into too much of a calorie deficit.

So how am I going to fix it?? 

EAT MORE!!  It's the obvious answer but not as easy as it sounds as my lapband is preventing me getting any more food in and when I force it, it just comes back up.  So in saying that this Wednesday I am going to go and have it loosened (fluid taken out) which is terrifying but it must be done in order to achieve the results that I want.

EXERCISE LESS!!  No more double sessions which means no Cardio on Resistance Days.  By doing this it will reduce the calorie deficit a little;  OR I could work within my Fat Burning Heart Rate Zone at a slow steady pace for 60 minutes which I don't find very appealing. 

I am trying to remind myself that I can't fix years of abuse in only 2 weeks let alone 8 or 12 for that matter.  The main thing is that I am working to make a difference and that is a Huge Accomplishment.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Challenge - Day 6 & 7, Week 2

Arrrhhhhhhhh I am so totally pissed off at myself, I have not eated regulary or enough all weekend and I haven't exactly gotten a great deal of rest either.  Yesterday I cleaned and today I was out in the garden; well, up until a mad dash to the emergency department to get Jazz's head glued back together!  I am hoping for a good result tomorrow morning but I'm not to optimistic so I guess I will just have to wait and see.  I will have Jazz home with me tomorrow so we are going to grab some DVD's and then spend the rest of the day in bed snuggling. Well that's it for tonight - hopefully I will have some good news tomorrow. 

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Challenge - Day 5, Week 2


Once again I haven't managed to get in enough calories which is really starting to piss me off because I am trying so hard and feel like I am constantly eating to the point that by the time I finish one meal I am starting the next. 

Yesterday and Today I have craved something sweet but have not given into temptation so I'm proud of me for that reason; I'm holding out till Monday.


Today's Red Team Group Training was a Circuit and lots of Running plus a little bit of fun too!!

Warm Up
Jog around Stoney's Block.

Figure of 8's with Rope
Commando Jumps
Upright Row (20kg)
Step Lunges
Lateral and Front DB Lifts (4kg)
Run to gate and back

Boat Hold
10 Crunches
10 Bicycles

Tug of War

Jog around Stoney's Block

Plank - Which I managed to hold for 2:30 which is AMAZING!!  


Short and Sweet - this cold/flu sucks; I am clogged up, have razor blades in my throat and my energy is depleted - ewwwww!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Challenge - Day 4, Week 2

Colds and Flu's SUCK - I am feeling like death warmed up and so this will be short and sweet.  


Despite feeling like crap I still dragged myself along to my 30 minute PT session and also managed to do a 15 minute fat burn on the bike afterwards.  As hard as it was I am so glad that I pushed through and didn't give in.

Today's PT
(30 minutes)
100m Row
1 minute on Spin Cycle
200m Row
2 minutes on Spin Cycle
300m Row
3 minutes on Spin Cycle
300m Row
3 minutes on Spin Cycle
200m Row
2 minutes on Spin Cycle
100m Row
1 minute on Spin Cycle
Cool Down on Spin


I am struggling alot today with my food as my throat feels like there are a million razor blades in it; but I have been trying.

Chicken, Vegetable and Pasta Soup.
Serves 1
100g BBQ Chicken (Breast Meat)
2 cups Mixed Diced Vegetables
2 Cups of Salt Reduced Chicken Stock
1Ttbs Curry Powder
1 Tsp Mixed Herbs
1 Tbs Tomate Paste
1 Tsp Soy Sauce
1/2 Cup Cooked Pasta

Lunch - Chicken, Vegetable and Pasta Soup

Dinner - 50g Pork Schnitzel, Potatoe and Vegies


Apart from this Cold/Flu or whatever it is I am still feeling postive but I really want to see some good results; especially in my Body Fat Percentages.  Well that's it from me for tonight I want to be well enough to perform well in Group Training tomorrow. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Challenge - Day 3, Week 2


Savoury Mince
Serves 1
100g Cooked Beef Mince (Lean)
1/2 tablespoon Olive Oil
2 teaspoon Minced Garlic
1/2 Brown Onion
1 Zucchini
1 Carrots
3 Celery stalks
1/3 can Ardmona Tomatoes (No Added Salt or Sugar)
2 teaspoon Curry Powder
1 teaspoon Mixed Herbs (Dried)
1 tablespoon Tomato Paste
500ml Salt Reduced Chicken Stock
1/2 cup Cooked Pasta (I used Risoni)

Cook Mince, Onion and Garlic until done and then add all other ingredients (except pasta) and bring to the boil and then let simmer until cooked.  To serve toss through pasta and enjoy.

This recipe made a 'HUGE' serving (One and a Half of the bowls pictured) and the Calories are on the high side but '266' of them are the Mince and Pasta. 

It was delicious but you need to be hungry to get through it OR have it as 2 half serves and then work out the extra amounts some other way eg. 3 thin rice cakes (carbs) and 1/4 cup cottage cheese (protein).

This is Half a Bowl - 1/3 of a serve


Today I did Option 2 of the Lower Body Work out (45 mins) and an Express Boxing Class (45 mins).  I was partnered with this guy (Phil) that was fit as so I was really worried that I would slow him down but he was really encouraging and I managed to keep up pretty well apart from piking on 1 lap around the court because of my stupid asthma.  I'm definitely going to be doing the class again!


It was a huge effort for me to just get out of bed this morning (sore throat, runny nose, fever, sore knee) let alone being able to complete 2 workouts and all the other manic stuff I do in my day so for that I am feeling really accomplished.  It really is amazing what you can do when you set your mind to it.
Think, Believe, Achieve!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Challenge - Day 2, Week 2

Food / Exercise Diary


Today's Food Accomplishment - No more sugar!!

I didn't manage to get to my 1000 calories again (Food minus Exercise) and so tomorrow I am going to try harder to eat more although I have to admitt that I am struggling.  I'm thinking that I may just have to do Protein Shakes - which is better than being in 'starvation mode' and cutting out an exercise day is just not an option for me at this stage!!

I made a stirfry tonight that I didn't really like but then again I've never really been a stirfry fan - Glenn had seconds so that a positive sign.

Serves 4
400g Pork Strips
Asian Vegies
(I used frozen packet + Bok Choy and Bean Sprouts)
2 tbs sugar free maple syrup
1 tbs soy sauce
1 tbs oyster sauce


Today's PT session was High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and let me just say thank christ it was only a short session (plus 15 min warmup on bike) - I think Kerriann was trying to kill me.

First up I hit the treadmill - 1 minute walk @ 5kph and then 30 seconds sprint @ 11kph and then back to a 1 minute recovery @ 5kph and so on over and over again for 20 minutes with the last sprint @ 12kph.

Oh but wait there's more torture - the dreaded Stepper for 15 minutes also at varying intervals ewwww.

To finish off it was Abs (with a medicine ball) - 10 X Crunches, 20 X Russian Twists and a 1 minute plank hold, yep that's right 1 minute and just when I thought it was all over I had to do it again!!

Although the hardest session so far I feel so good about being able to complete it and to push myself to the limits, mind you there is no way I could of achieved it without my awesome trainer - Thanks for trying to kill me Kerriann (lol), Mwah XOXO


I am full, absolutely knackered and to top it off - I have a sore throat, but other than that all is good!

Glenn said that I looked taller today so I am guessing that I am more aware of my posture which is a huge accomplishment.

Mum has been asking me a million questions and voicing her disapproval at a few things which gets on my nerves, but at the same time I know that it wouldn't be her if she didn't - its her way of showing she cares.  We had lunch together today and she was so impressed with my Salad that she asked if I can make her meals too.  I cannot even begin to tell you how much it means to me to have her support and; she gets to loose weigh in the process so its a win win situation.

That's me over and out for another day.  Catch you tomorrow!!