Monday, October 24, 2016


On Saturday 22nd of October we had plans that fell through and so instead of just putting on our PJ's and having a lazy night (which seems to be the norm on our kid free weekends), Mark suggested that we go out and celebrate our 2 year 'friend' anniversary a couple of days early.

So, we put on the clothes we were wearing the night we met, albeit it a big snug. 

 Thankfully nothing split! LOL

And what happened next you can hear about in the VLOG below! 


To say I was surprised is an understatement..I think me saying BULLSHIT loud enough for everyone in the restaurant to turn around proves that, I will never live that down! 

We had of course spoken about moving forward in our lives together and he knew that since my last counselling session I no longer had any reservations BUT I didn't expect for it to happen when it did OR in a restaurant full of strangers! OMGoodness, I can remember hearing them say "Oh wow, I've only ever seen this happen in the movies", yep me too! When I finally sealed my Yes with a kiss they all applauded which was really special.

What came as no surprise to me though was that like the true gentleman Mark is, he was sure to ask the boys, my step Dad and my Mum for their permission first - thank goodness they all said yes *phew*. 

I've since found out that he asked them a while ago and purchased the ring with the money he got from the settlement of his old house (what a perfect way to end a chapter and start a new one) but was waiting for the 'right' time.

After I had composed myself enough to leave the restaurant, we popped into the pub where we first met to listen to the band that was playing the night we met (synchronicity at its finest) and to have a celebratory drink...Tequila of course! 

After the band had finished its set, this man came up to talk to us. He said he had been watching us across the dance floor and just wanted to tell us how beautiful it was to see two people so in love. Of course I had to blurt out that we only just got engaged and with that he sang a few lines of 'love is the air', shook Marks hand, kissed my hand, told us how happy he was and went back to his drink. 

I also told the bouncer, the lead singer and a few other strangers too, after texting my Mum and my Sister and a brief phone call to Mark's parents to tell them...but again he was a sweetie and had already made a sneaky phone call earlier that day to tell them he was going to be 'asking me a very important question by the end of the weekend'. 

I wanted to shout it from the rooftop but I also knew that I didn't want to post it on face book until I had an opportunity to tell the boys and also Glenn, in person first. 

We were so excited that we just kept taking selfies LOL!

So yesterday when Glenn dropped off the boys I told him in person. I know that I don't owe him any thing and that it is my life to choose to do what I like but I felt that it was the right thing to do. I have too much love and respect for him, for him to find out from social media or to be told by the boys.

Then it was time to tell the boys...what better way than to do a re-enactment.

A re-enactment photo of Mark proposing to me!

They both gave us the thumbs up with lots of whoo hooing and said 'about time' LOL.

Then we could announce it to the world!

WOW! The messages of support just keep flowing, we are so deeply touched by all the comments and messages.

I LOVE my ring...
I can't stop staring at it!

It is no secret that since we met, became friends then progressed to more, that it has not always been easy. One thing I know for sure though, is that through it all our love just grew stronger and we knew that together we can get through anything. 

Who would of thought that 2 years ago when we met in a crowded bar that we would be here now. Its been a roller coaster ride and a half, but I'm glad to be screaming, laughing, terrified, excited, riding the ups and the downs with Mark right beside me.

We haven't set a date yet as I still haven't come down from the high after he surprised me, not an easy thing at all to do (he was supposed to give me a sign to get my nails done LOL). 

I am so excited to move forward into the future knowing that I have my sweet man by my side every step of the way...he makes me giddy with happiness and I am so in love!

Change 5 - New Friendship / Relationship...


On the 25th of October after attending a charity event with a friend we decided to head down to the local where we met up with a few girlfriends.  I had a few shots and danced to some tunes by the amazing cover band 'Shameless'.  During the night one of my friends introduced us to this guy and I was polite and said Hi.

Me, Bec (the one who introduced us) & Sarah

Anyway come the end of the night everyone congregated out the front of the pub just yakking as you do, not wanting the night to end.

The guy that we had met briefly inside was unchaining his pushbike and the friend that was with me decided she wanted to have a ride.  So, I went up introduced myself again and asked if my friend could ride his bike.  He said yes, she rode the bike - her first ever push bike ride - in high heels of course, drunk, with him running beside her and me squealing saying to be careful - it was hilariously fun.

The bike guy and my friend on his bike...

So after that we all got chatting.  My first question to the bike guy was 'Are you gay?'...easy mistake, he was wearing a purple shirt and a matching baseball cap on backwards and very polite and a bit shy...not at all like the local lads.  He said NO, laughed and told us he had 6 kids all to the same woman but they had recently separated. Our reponse was ofcourse 'WOW, 6 kids!'.  There was more conversation but in all honesty I didn't really pay much attention as another group was talking about heading to another pub to see if it was open.  We all ended up joining them as it was on our way home anyway.

On our walk up there my friend (the same one who rode the bike) decided she wanted a kebab but none of us could be arsed walking up the street again to the van SO the guy on the bike  (I couldn't remember his name even though he had told me when I introduced myself) took off down the street to see if it was open - a knight on a well...push bike wasn't and neither was the other pub.

After some more chit chatting, taxi hailing and procrastination we (myself, and two other friends) started stumbling back to my place.  The guy on the bike said he was headed in the same direction so we let him walk with us and continued chatting.

We only got about 200 meters before the girls decided they needed to pee and were hungry.  One walked through the Maccas drive through and the other headed to Apco and here was I trying to figure out which one to keep my eye on and round up first.  I ended up sending the guy on the bike after the Maccas one and told him to met me in Apco.  Oh the poor Apco man LOL...we all used his loo, brought all his dim sims and potato cakes and he even let my friend have a cute little owl teddy.  So funny.

The Owl Teddy was something like this...

Then it was time to start stumbling home again.

We had noticed earlier that his creepy dude that was really rude and obnoxious at the pub was walking behind us and seemed like every time we stopped he stopped so when we reached the turn off for the bike guy to head home he asked if he could walk us all the way home...I was thankful for the offer and so we walked and chatted some more.  Again I have no idea what we chatted about as I was more concerned about getting home and a little preoccupied making sure my friends were OK.  One of my friends had told me along the way how good the bike dude smelt and that she was tempted to kiss didn't happen as I know it went against what she believed in and she was way too drunk to be thinking straight.

Anyway we got to my front gate, the creepy guy kept walking and we all chatted out the front for a bit longer adding the bike guy...his name was Mark, on Facebook.  We gave hugs said thanks for walking us home, spoke briefly about catching up another time and said goodnight.

As my friends lived at different ends of town I didn't feel comfortable with them catching a cab on their own (we had all had a bit to drink) so I woke up my Uncle and asked if he would be our taxi...I am so thankful for him doing that for us.

A few days later I got a PM from Mark complimenting me on taking such good care of my friends and of course cheekily asking how the all girls after party went.  I was polite and replied but life at that stage was crazy with work and family life not being all that great so I didn't engage in long winded conversation.  Anyway he messaged a few more times over the week and again I was short but polite in my replies.  Then one night he messaged and we ended up chatting for ages, and from there a suggestion to catch up for coffee one day was made, which we did.

Over a few weeks we would message and catch up when life allowed and we would talk and talk and talk for hours about his life story, my life story, hopes, fears and so on.  He was so open and honest and non judge mental when I shared my stories although in comparison I really felt I had nothing to complain about.

His life had basically been turned upside down.  His marriage of 15 years had ended and like my relationship with Glenn it did have some good parts, well obviously if they had 6 kids together although he did say that he felt that each additional child would help strengthen their relationship which worked for a little while but then reality kicked in. However, in the end he described it as them being 'toxic' for each other and him being incredibly unhappy to the point of having depression but trying to make it work for the sake of the kids.  DHS had become involved before they separated however it wasn't until after they separated that the shit really hit the fan and the 5 youngest were taken into DHS care with the eldest following short after.  Although they were taken out of the mothers care, Mark wasn't able to care for them due to not having a proper place to live and also because of a mistake he had made in the past and the fact that he had previously already been a part of DHS being involved.  So anyway, at that time they were still having a family contact with all the children once a week and he was also getting to spend time with some of them for an hour on their own.  His plan at that stage (well the plan his ex had come up with anyway) was that he would try to fight to get back the 3 older kids and the mother would get back the three younger ones.

Anyway long story short (and there is so much more to this story that I haven't mentioned but as court is still going I felt I'd better not share too much), we certainly didn't jump into a relationship straight away although from the outside looking in it does look like that, however I was in a relationship that was falling apart and didn't want to make the same mistakes twice and despite the fact that there were obviously 'feelings' being developed between Mark and I,  I was very upfront with Mark about not being ready for my life to be turned upside down anymore than it was and definitely not ready to be a step mother to 6 kid involved with DHS as my kids were my top priority.  I loved being in his company but I really just needed a friend.

Us in the early days....
So sad but happy in each others company.

Our saying became "Second by second, minute by minute, day by day"...

When the time came however that my relationship had been over for a few months and his contact with his kids increased and was looking like their plan would come into fruition, our friendship had reached a point that walking away was a difficult thing to face and so on the 13th of March 2015, we decided to officially give it a go.

Top:  Mark's way of asking me to be his girlfriend...
Bottom:  Me agreeing...

I am not going to sugar coat anything here, there have been times that life has been absolutely shit for one reason or another; a narcissistic ex wife, kids that don't respect their father because of being shared information they should not of been shared, behaviours displayed that children should not be displaying, our lives being turned upside down with hectic schedules and additional chaos in trying to make it so that Mark could continue a relationship with his children, court cases one after the other and still ongoing in an attempt to get full custody of his daughter and, extremely hard being decisions made.

There have been times when its all gotten too much for me to handle and I have considered walking away but I have stayed because the love that Mark and I share for each other has just grown stronger and stronger despite all the things that could of torn us apart.

A few blog posts ago I mentioned some reservations I had in moving forward with Mark, his decision to no longer have any contact with his boys is one of them.  As someone who puts her kids first it is really hard for me to understand how he choose do to that.  Despite us both agreeing that having them come into our home was no longer an option until behaviours drastically changed which, let's face it is not going to happen whilst ever they are spending the majority of the time in an environment where they are allowed and sadly,  encouraged to continue with behaviour that both Mark and I feel is not at all appropriate and detrimental to the well being of the two boys in our full time care - yes, I put my children first.  In true Mark and Tash fashion we spoke about it for hours and a suggestion was made that Mark have contact with his boys outside of our family home.  Mark however for his own personal reasons which are not mine to share, chose not to.  Regardless of it not being something I would do, I support him and can understand how he came to the decisions that he did - it certainly did not come easily to him.

Another reservation I had, was the whole not wanting to move forward until we had some clear direction about what was going to happen with the court case and to just live in limbo until then.   Although, as much as we are fighting for it to happen we have both also reached a place where we would be happy for her to stay in foster care where she is loved and safe - that is our number one concern.

After conversations with our counsellors and then the adjournment of court, we both realised that pausing our life was more detrimental for us, than not.

And then there was me being worried about others not yet being truly happy...OK, I will just say it, I was worried about Glenn.  But again, it is no longer my place to try and make him happy - that decision is his and his alone just as it is up to me to do what makes me happy.

So here we are almost two years since meeting each other and what a roller coaster of a ride it has been full of many twists, turns and changes!

Change 4...End of a 14 year relationship...


Glenn and I first separated in Dec 2012, with the boys and I going to live with my Mum to give Glenn a chance to find somewhere else (well technically it was the second time as we had separated for a little while just after Ace was born in Jan 2004 and decided to try again in the Apr 2004 but let's just forget that bit). Long story short we came to an agreement that we would move home and he would move into the bungalow at the back. 

That in itself was a change as I had to move my work space into the house and find something, somewhere to go every second weekend so that he could have time alone with the boys (if I stayed home I would of still had to do most of the parenting which defeats the purpose of it being his weekend). There were other changes too of course but reflecting on that now the only thing that us separating back then brought both of us was some freedom from each other and him freedom not to be a parent and partner on a daily basis.

Despite the separation (if you could really call it that) neither of us could truly move forward. Well, I kind of tried to, even though I know that it would never had eventuated to anything 'real' and was purely just a comfort thing...but enough about that, some lines should never be crossed!

Anyway after the shit hit the fan with my best friend (which I have previously blogged about) he was there for me (although he never let me forget about my 'mistake' despite me saying that in order for us to start again it needed to be left in the past) and I guess on some level I felt safe with what I knew and so we decided to try again (July 2013). 

Needless to say that after 18 months it ended again (December 2014), this time seeing him move out completely and I was faced with a whole new set of changes that I pretty much had to face alone as I had lost the support of my Mum (there is a previous blog about that also) and other close friendships (I had contemplated writing a blog about this but, it is what it is - quite simple as that. Do I miss it, yes of course just like I miss the dynamics of other friendships that have changed over the years. I hold no resentment or grudges though because as I said, it is what it is...some friendships stand the test of time and the hurdles along the way, others for whatever reasons associated don't and no amount of going over it will change that).

Glenn and I were together for a total of 14 years. I don't even know where to begin to describe our relationship other than to say when it was good it was AMAZING (and there were a lot of amazing times) but when it wasn't, it really wasn't (not talking and then only arguing when we did...basically living separate lives but trying desperately to make it work for the sake of the children....which is never the right reason as they aren't silly and always end up in the middle one way or the other). In the end, the bad times out weighed the good and we weren't happy together. I think we just had different ideals about what we expected from each other and what we wanted in life and we couldn't give each other those things. 

I very much live for my kids, they are my everything and everything I do is with them in mind - even if it can be too regimented and logical. Glenn, not so much. Not to say that he doesn't love the boys but he and I are just wired differently. 

A good example of that is this Fathers Day. As you may have read in a previous post Glenn came over for Father's Day and we spent some time together and had a great time at the park. What I didn't mention is that he didn't arrive until about 3.00pm and I had the boys asking me every five minutes when Dad was coming. When we rang him that morning at 11.00am he said he would be here soon. Now, I know that technically it was his kid free weekend but being that it was Fathers Day and the boys really wanted to see him, if it was me I would of made every effort to be there for them earlier.  

He ended up leaving at around 5.30pm to head to a family function...without the boys! Its not the first time and I am sure it won't be the last. Only a few weeks ago he attended another family dinner but yet again his two children were not considered. His excuse was, it was too much mucking around with his work and he just wanted to get there and back. Thing is, if he had of communicated with me (something that has always been lacking in our relationship...well clear open communication anyway) I would of been more than willing to drop them off and pick them up. 

Another example of him not putting his children first is that some weeks he is lucky to call them once because hes busy or tired. I struggle to go a weekend without speaking to my boys (or texting Glenn to see if they are OK) and as a parent I believe you drop everything for them as there will come a time when they will be grown up and living lives on their own and hopefully will make time for you just as you did for know what I mean? Its also not like he has to call me to speak to them as he and my Mum brought Ace his own phone. That was done when neither of them were speaking to me...without my permission. He and Mum had an agreement to go halves in the monthly credit, he has had his phone for nearly two years and so far Glenn has given him $5 credit twice. Anyway I'm OK with Ace having a phone its only a simple one and all three of us at least agree with the no social media or using internet on his phone rule. It has also come in handy for him texting to say he and Jazz got to school safe of a morning and when he has gone to his mates places for sleep overs I always get a 'goodnight love you Mum' message. But enough about Ace and his phone I will be talking more about that in another blog.

Anyway...that's just who Glenn is and the older the boys get the more they are able to see it. When they talk to me about it, I tell them to discuss it with Dad but their answer is 'he won't listen'. Unfortunately it's sad but true as I have tried several times to discuss it with him and there has been no change, well I shouldn't say 'no change' as he will call everyday for a few days after we speak about it but its short lived...he probably figures its appeased us enough. So, I just reassure the boys that he loves them and that its worth trying to talk to him again.

So anyway the not putting the boys first, plus the constant argument over a motorbike (well more the lack of money needed for one - money was always something we argued about) on top of feeling as though I was not acknowledged, considered, appreciated, supported or heard... all just got to much for me to deal with. Those things may not seem like much but to me they are everything in a relationship even more so than physically intimacy; which is another thing that suffered in mine and Glenn's relationship towards the end and for him that is high on his list of what makes him happy. Funnily enough without sharing TMI...when I 'put out' he would be attentive and less self centred but for me its hard to give myself in that way without first feeling loved. Ironic that there was a time in my past that I thought sex = love or more so being wanted. It doesn't, well not for me anyway. Maybe while it is happening but love making starts in the kitchen so to speak. 

I don't want this to sound like me slinging shit at Glenn and blaming him for everything as I know that I played a big part of it all. I am not without my faults. I am stubborn and pig headed and expect the same from others as I expect of myself and that is hard enough for me to live up to let alone anyone else. I do put my kids before myself and anyone else and I can see how that would have made him feel unimportant when he is the reason for me having them in the first place. I also know that us having the additional person in the house didn't help and I didn't have his back when I should have. On top of that when I wasn't getting what I needed from him despite me voicing it repeatedly, I sought it from outside sources...whether that be in my friendships, community involvement, work or attention of another. In other words I'm not perfect and I own my share of our relationship failing. 

It broke my heart to admit defeat and give up on the fairy tale, but there comes a point that if neither of you are happy and a halfway point to change things can't be reached that you know the end of the line has come. In saying that you need to be happy in yourself too before you can be happy with others. One of the expectations that Glenn had on me was it was 'my job' to make him happy. Maybe to a point I agree but if that was the case then it should of worked both ways yeah.

Look, we tried, we really did probably beyond the point of where we should have but then again I also wonder if we could of both tried harder? Probably, but how much of yourself do need to let go of in order to make it work? 

Anyway, despite the hurt, resentment and anger when everything first fell apart and let me tell you it wasn't pretty, the things that still get to me and I am sure still get to him, I am happy to say that we are able to put our conflicts aside for the sake of the boys. We may not prioritize the boys in our lives the same way but we are on the same page when it comes to parenting them (admittedly he is more lenient) - that I think is huge.

I know that I will always be there as much as I possibly can for Glenn, he is the father of my children and I still love him despite sometimes not liking him or more his behaviours and attitude very much (him moving in with me and my partner in March of this year after he separated from his girlfriend and had no where to go proves that. As does letting his new girlfriend stay because she started working with him and it was too far to travel from her place - sometimes I wonder if I'm too nice and really do have the 'sucker' sticker on my forehead) and I'd love to think that he would do the same in return but lets just say that I hope I am never in a position for it to be tested.

Glenn has his motorbike now so is living the dream, as the saying goes. He is single again (kind of hmmm) and I really hope that he finds true happiness and someone who will love him as much as I used to once upon a time - like I said earlier, when it was good it was amazing but it just wasn't meant to be.

I'm so thankful for all the times we spent together both good and bad although its only the lessons that I'm thankful for there. I am also eternally grateful to him for the gift of our incredible children.

Glenn and I made a promise to each other before Ace was born that should we ever separate our child/ren would not be used as a pawn in a game. Glenn had been married previously and had children from that marriage who were used as just that and as I witnessed first hand the damage it did all round, it was an easy promise for me to make and most importantly for me/us to keep.

Glenn takes the boys every second weekend from after work on Friday to 5pm on Sunday (although most weeks he drops them early at around 3pm...I don't mind too much as it means we can get organised for the week ahead and have a nice quiet night together) and we meet half way to swap over. These days though I drop them to his place on Friday and he drops them here on the Sunday which gives us time for a cuppa and debrief about whats been going on in our/their lives.

He can also call whenever he likes and can have extra time during the week day / weekends if we don't have any plans - this isn't something that has happened though. We also share special occasions like birthdays, Easter and Christmas and he attends school functions if work permits (again...remembering that we prioritize our lives differently).

Regardless of it not always being roses we have been able to remain amicable and make agreements outside of court just as we promised.

I believe that Glenn being in the boys life is incredibly important he may not always behave in a way that I believe is good role model material but he is their 'real biological' Dad and he has some wonderful qualities...I fell in love with him for a reason and out of love for a reason but our children are a product of our love and they should never be made to choose, they didn't make the decision for us to live separate lives we did and so it is up to us to ensure that regardless of us no longer being together they know that they are still loved and they can love us both in return.

So that's that...I'm one of the lucky ones I guess but realistically I don't think it's luck I think its about making a choice and sticking to it regardless of how hard it can be and just so I'm keeping it real as good as it can appear on the surface there are cracks and some days are easier than others.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

I've been quiet of late...

I've been a bit quiet of late with regards to this blog and so I thought I would write to fill you all in on whats been going on.

Grab a cuppa you are going to need it :)

It seems ironic that someone can be so happy and yet so over the existence of their life at the same time and yet that's where I am right now.  I know that life is the culmination of the good and the bad experiences and that you make the most out of the hand you are dealt at the time but in all seriousness, right now I am so sick and tired of the inconsistency of my life because of being sick and tired.  I know that this too shall pass, that I just need to keep being patient and doing all I can until I get the operation that I am desperately hoping will actually fix what is going on, and that I have an abundance of things to be grateful for so me complaining is like me being ungrateful, BUT just let me indulge in a rant, whinge, whine before I put my positive polly hat back on, K?

So things had been running pretty smoothly, I was working, studying, dealing with life and getting stuff organised just in case come Nov 17 I get an operation date for this year.  I had even seen my counsellor and had a really good session walking out knowing exactly what I wanted to focus on in future sessions (I will talk more about that later).  Admittedly I was tired; it's normal with a low immune system but I was pushing through and kicking goals.


So on Wednesday 6th; omgoodness 2 weeks ago now, after work, a counselling session and a date with Mum, I took my 12 year old (Ace) to the doctor to get his immunisations.  He has a fear of needles so rather than have them in front of all the year 7's next year we felt this way was better -  see I was organised and getting stuff done.  I have even ordered his birthday present for January, made a start on Christmas stuff, ordered his uniform for high school next year - well the logo stuff anyway the rest I will get from Best'n'Less as its way cheaper and I'd done a heap of other little bits and bobs too. 

So here we were at the doctors for Ace to have his needles and as I was 'looking pretty ordinary' - the nice way to say you look like shit LOL the doctor checked me too. I had seen him the Friday before as I needed some paper work filled in for my Uni course and at that time my tonsils were red and swollen but not infected.  This time however, I had a fever and my tonsils were huge and covered in puss - ewww, sorry for the gross mental image.  Not only did Ace get his shots but I also started weekly antibiotic jabs to the butt - again!  

That night I ended up with a rash EVERYWHERE and so needed phenergan to help counteract it.  Unfortunately the medication has a low strain of penicillin and I'm allergic to penicillin but it is the medication that actually works for me so it comes down to choosing the lesser of two evils:  a) tonsillitis or b) the drug that actually helps to get rid of the tonsillitis but leaves me all itchy and blotchy and sees me taking another drug to counteract the side effect but comes with its own side effect of sending me into la la land.  I have been getting a rash on and off now since then, yesterday I woke up with one, it is so annoying!

OK what's next?  One of the other things I did when I was getting all my shit organised was make a lap band appointment.  So, the next day I went and got my band tightened - and so begins the next saga. 

I must be like totes awesome!


After the dreaded weigh in which wasn't actually that bad as I had come down 2.9kg since my last appointment in May, it was a crunch, quick jab in the gut to put a whole 2ml in and a 'suck it up (literally - liquids only in other words) over the weekend, but if it's too tight come back next week' from the specialist.

At first it wasn't that bad but by Friday afternoon, I was back on mylanta and milk to help with my heartburn (reminds me of a funny story about me ordering milk from a pub back in my gigging days LOL).  The mental hunger had also set in but I can mentally talk myself around that.  By late Sunday afternoon I couldn't keep any fluids down at all, including my own saliva - my silly fault for attempting a soup with corn in it for lunch...not a good move.  First thing Monday morning I made an emergency appointment to have some fluid out.

I can't believe that living with my band that tight used to be my daily existence, yes I lost a whole 2.5kg in only a couple of days but it was horrible - a good reminder of what I never want to go back to.

So anyway, here I was thinking I will go in, get another jab, have fluid taken out and all will be hunky dory...unfortunately it didn't quite go that way.  

After the fourth unsuccessful jab in the gut to find my port I was sent off to have it done under a CT Scan, unless worst case scenario it had flipped which would then mean urgent surgery.  Holy flipping frog balls! You can imagine the panic I went into...I have a wedding to photograph on Saturday so would have to find someone else to do it and then come up with the money to pay them for it; What if it means my chances of getting surgery for my tonsils is less; I'd have to cancel all my clients for the week (which ended up being the case anyway); I'd have to call and tell uni; I'd have to organise someone to watch the boys...all these thoughts and more all within in the time it took to walk from the building I was in, next door to the other one - a million miles per hour plus some!

So anyway I go in for my CT Scan, lay down on the machine and they take their scans, then the nurse comes in and offers me a local anesthetic and I say 'Yes please' (I had been jabbed and poked 4 times without an anesthetic so was sore), they give me that and prep me for the procedure and then the doc comes in and starts doing his thing.  

'Hmmm, its a bit tricky isn't it', the doctor hits the side of the port - at least it wasn't my rib like the last jab.  He pulls it out and jabs again - needle number 7!  There's lots of jiggling the needle around, checking of the monitor to see if its getting close, more jiggling, more checking, more 'hmmm's' and then finally success, he gets it and takes out 1ml, hallelujah!  Oh did I mention that during all these attempts I had to hold a crunch as the port is embedded in my muscle?  There is definitely a six pack under all this flab.

Next, they send me off to the waiting room with a glass of water to see if I could keep it down - yay, another success!  Then it was back next door to show the specialist the results.  Bottom line was liquids and mush only for the next couple of days and if too tight come back and he will attempt an adjustment.  If however, I need to have it done under ct again then I will be referred for surgery.  Anyway so far all is good and everything is going down...oh it is so good to be able to enjoy the simple pleasure of a cup of tea.

I can tell you know, I am not going back until I get a surgery date for my tonsils and then it will only be to have ALL fluid taken out so that I can have the tonsil surgery (if the bands too tight they can't get tubes down), if I need surgery for the band it will have to wait until after my tonsil recovery.  


The next day, I had another GP appointment and tonsils are looking better, not 100% but thankfully, no need for any more jabs -  I just need rest!  He was however concerned that I look pale and my blood pressure is high (it's normally low) and so I have to go get some bloods taken.  We already know I'm anemic and not eating for a couple of days wouldn't of helped so it isn't a surprise and the stress of everything with the adjustment the day before wouldn't of helped the BP but he said its still good to check everything out.  I think they just like using me as a pin cushion!

Oh, he put me on the scales too and in one day I had already gone up .5kg.  I knew as soon as something went in it would be inevitable AND it was fully dressed with shoes on so not really accurate compared to the specialists the day before.  I am dreading weighing at home though...even though I know that it was an unhealthy loss because of not putting anything in, the thought of the scales going up freaks me out.  Hmmm OK let's put this into perspective...I will be OK with a 1kg increase, maybe!  I definitely want it down before I got to my appointment on the 17th of next month though.

So that's that...what else can I share?


I am loving studying albeit only doing the refresher (enabling) courses at the moment, I officially start my course on the 7th of November...10 days before I find out if I will get my operation this year or not.  The uni has said they are willing to make suitable allowances for me when it finally happens which will mean that I won't need to stress about getting assessments in or sitting exams during the operation / recovery time.      

I was approved for credits in about 8 subjects which is a huge load off both mentally and financially, chemistry was not one of those subjects though.  I did an online Quiz assessment yesterday for my Module 2 Chemistry enabling course and got 75% which is not bad considering it's been over 20 years since I last did any proper chemistry or maths stuff like algebra.  I have 2 more enabling Chemistry modules/quizzes to complete before uni officially starts and so at the moment I have gas laws, chemical equations and chemical elements floating around in this head of mine.  I've memorised up to element number 40 (still heaps to try and add to the memory bank) using a song to the tune of  the cancan, some days I can't get the bloody tune out of my head but it is working so that's good...maybe!


In my counselling session we covered heaps of stuff in the hour...

Me, feeling sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Me, being totally stressed out over our finances or the lack there of at the moment because I've had to cancel clients due to being unwell which then has me worrying about how I'm going to pay for everything Ace needs for high school next year, as well as Christmas and Ace's birthday AND also the inconsistency in running my business as I'm OK one day but feeling like crap the next.

Me, being completely over the inconsistency of my life but also happy with that which is in my life.

Me, having some reservations about moving to the next step of my relationship with Mark (you know...the 'M' word) because of worrying about the outcome of court and feeling like we are in limbo, stuff from our past relationships, others not being happy.  Mark is my forever, that part I have no reservations about at all.  I love him! I love the way he loves me!  Us loving each other is AMAZING!  He makes me so sickeningly (I use this word as he makes me feel like a love struck school girl who mopes when we are apart) happy!  I do quite often wonder though if its all too good to be true, I mean; how did I get to be this lucky?  Why me?  My counsellors response to that question was 'Why not, you?'  Good response!  I deserve to be happy and as 'in love' as I am, I am a good person!

Me, worrying about how I'm going to go in my uni exams as there is so much to remember.  Me worrying about the fact that 8 years is a big commitment...what if things change?  

That's just a scratch on the surface of what was can see why an hour is just not long enough huh.

Oh, can you see a pattern here?  Yes I have been worrying a lot despite KNOWING that worrying is pointless and just robs you from the joy of the NOW.  SO that is going to be our focus in further sessions.  Me, letting go of my worry and fears and instead focusing upon the now - MINDFULNESS!  No doubt blogs on said topic will follow so if I haven't bored you too much with this what has turned out to be an epic post, be sure to stay tuned.


Ace recently went on his school camp to Canberra for a whole week which he loved, I of course missed him like crazy.  He came home taller and with a slightly deeper voice which I can remember happening to my bf's son too.  He isn't really looking forward to his primary days ending and going to high school next year, I think its more nerves as some of his mates are going to different schools.  He also isn't one that likes school very much, he likes learning new things but not in a classroom environment.  If my boys weren't such a socialites I would consider homeschooling them (well Mark would do it as I don't have the patience), we will just see what time brings huh!  

Jazz has improved so much this year and a couple of weeks ago was awarded a certificate at his school assembly for 'student of the week'.  I think I have mentioned before that Jazz (Mr.10) has GDD (Global Development Delay) and so he has struggled a fair bit with things.  Since he has had a teachers aide though the improvements have been amazing and he can now read and write.  Admittedly it is not something that comes easily to him but he has the most beautiful handwriting and is getting more confidence to just give it a go.  He has tonsillitis (he takes after his Mumma) at the moment so the poor little mite isn't his usual high wire self, he has an appointment to see my Surgeon in December.  When he got the referral I jokingly said "if you get your tonsil out before me, I won't ever speak to you again", which he of course replied with "I will just tell them to do yours first Mummy cause' I don't want you not to talk to me"...I must remember that he takes everything literally.

Oooh I have to share something that was hilarious, if only I had of captured their facial expressions.  So with everything going on at court I felt it was incredibly important to talk to the boys about what was and wasn't know the viewing of pornography and sexual touching. They have both done a sex ed class at school so I brought it up by asking if they remembered what was covered in the class.  The reply was 'we weren't really paying attention as we don't need to know about that crap yet', Jazz did remember stuff about the umbilical chord and found that fascinating but couldn't remember how the baby got there in the first place for there to be an umbilical chord, LOL bless his little innocent cotton socks.  So anyway I ended up having to tell them about the birds and the bees and the fact that sometimes things like that can pop up on the computer (they love watching things on you tube like the Shaytards, Tanner Fox, Dude sons).  Needless to say they were grossed out completely.  I am always checking the history anyway and am never very far away from being able to hear what they are watching but you can never really know and considering the horrible stuff that my eyes have been opened to I am even more vigilant about ensuring they are safe and doing the right things.  Which is more than I can say for another so called parent I know who is still allowing her kids to access pornography and brushing off wrong inappropriate behaviours because they are apparently just normal behavioural things (OMG NOT NORMAL AT ALL!), but let's not go there or else this blog will end up even more epic than it already is.

I am so incredibly proud of the young men that my boys are, of course they have moments where they give me the shits and bicker with each other but for the most part, they are both so well mannered, kind, caring, considerate and loving little men.  Glenn and I can be sure that we have at least done two really good things in our lives - Ace and Jazz!  I am so thankful that he and I are on the same page with regards to parenting them; our rules, our routines, what we believe is appropriate - although he is a little more lenient than I am.  Having Mark as an influence in their life is also a blessing, he loves them and considers them as his own and they they respect him in the same way.

They are both driving me nuts about Halloween at the moment though, I will be glad to see the back of it.  Although, then they will become obsessed with Christmas.  If them nagging me over going trick or treating is the worst thing I'm facing with them at the moment I really have nothing to complain about.

We don't have Walmart in Australia but its still valid...

Well, thats about it really...the ups, the downs and everything in between.

We have to go back to court on the 2nd of November, I start uni on the 7th of November, I go for my pre-op appointment at the hospital on the 17th of November...but how about I just focus on the rest of October first hey.

Mark's birthday is on the 28th of this month so we have the celebration of that to look forward to :)

Anyway until next, light and peace to you all xoxo

PS.  THANK YOU for enduring this epic blog post.  

Friday, October 14, 2016

Our Garden...

I am happy to report that other than the big jobs on Marks to do list (build a bike rack, timber racking, pool path and anything else I think to add to it - you know I will!) and of course maintenance (we are never, ever, ever letting it get so out of control again. I plan to use my study breaks as garden weeding breaks)...OUR GARDEN IS (pretty much) DONE!

It was such a big job but what an amazing feeling to walk through now looking at the progress we have made.

One section done...

Second section done...

Umm hello...we aren't finished yet Mr!

It wasn't until loading the skip that we were truly able to see how much we had actually done. We were a little worried that it wasn't all going to fit, but with my tetris skills and Mark pretending to be Donkey Kong we got everything plus some on.

Mark put his building skills to good use and finished off the compost area - looks so much neater.

The front path along the house all cleared so no one has to walk in the garden to get to the gas meter anymore. I also sprinkled some colourful seeds along the pond beds so I can't wait to see if they bloom.

Mark drained the old water out of the pond, cleaned out all of the debris and re-stacked the bricks ready for our water plants to sit on. Gosh I love this man, he truly makes my heart skip a beat.

We still have to fill with fresh water, buy plants and fish and make a better cover - buts its looking much better than before. Jazz (Mr. 11) thought it would make a good swimming pool LOL...he's a funny bugger.

Front side garden all done too YAY!

We picked up the Yucca for free off one of the facey sites and she works perfectly in this area :)

I also sprinkled some colourful seeds in here...

Looking so much nicer...

We also spent a little more time trimming up the Birds of Paradise...huge difference! 

As promised in the last blog, here is an update on my Herb, Salad and Vegetable Patches.

Top: Herb Garden (Rocket, Parsley and Coriander have come up - still waiting on Chives, Lemon Balm and Sage). 

Middle: Salad Garden (Lettuce and Spring onions shooting but still no tomatoes, capsicum or cucumber). 

Veggie Garden (Zucchini, Carrots, Silver beet, Beans and Corn doing well, waiting on Watermelon and celery). 

Thinking that we may try to grow some potatoes in pots and get some raised garden beds for more veggies like cauli and broccoli. Wouldn't mind a chili plant in a pot too.

We had a few cuttings (and a rouge bulb) so thought we would see how they went in some pots as we have no idea where in the garden to put them just yet.

I found some colander pots at the tip shop for $1 each so thought I would add some colour to my front verandah...I really like it - it's different!

Mum brought me the white flowers, the succulents are from cuttings I picked and the last pot is some Geranium cuttings from the plants already established in our yard.

And that's that...

Every evening we go for a walk through the garden to see if something else has started blooming and it fills us with so much excitement and joy to see a new shoot or to see how much something has grown. We feel so incredibly blessed by the beauty of our has been well worth the hard work and effort we have put in.