Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dec 28th 2011

Well its been a while since I posted so I thought that I would pop in and let you all know that I now officially have absolutely NO FLUID in my band and I have been enjoying a christmas of real food rather than having to mush it like I have in previous years....oh and no milk required either it was a beer for Santa this year. 

I consiously made the choice that I would allow myself to enjoy the festive season in its entirity, to eat, to drink and to be merry without the stress of what food group it falls into, how many calories it has in it and any other associated guilt AND it has been wonderful.

In saying that though I also made a plan that once I have my little 'holiday' that I will be straight back into business as usual come the 3rd of Jan 2012 and I have to admitt that I am really looking forward to the fresh start.

What about you did you eat, drink and be merry or did you allow the dreaded 'd' word to spoil the fun?