Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The same yet different!

The common threads that I have observed in the indigenous/tribal contexts of healing throughout the lectures has been a strong holistic approach to medicine.  The view that health is more than just physical but also related to mind, body, community, nature and spirit. Balance of these things is paramount with each being inseparable from the other.
The belief in something greater than themselves played a big part in their lives and enabled a deep interconnectedness with everything within and without.  Traditions and values were the back bone of their culture; with knowledge, orally being passed down through story-telling, song, dance and art.
The ways in which the cultures addressed different components of illness by using varying approaches was also similar.  This included things such as prayer, manipulative therapies and herbal medicines to name a few.  Other commonalities included a trusted and respected member of the tribe holding the position of healer and acting as an intermediary to connect with ancestors of the past.
The affect that colonisation had upon the cultures was also similar; the introduction of new disease, foods foreign to their genetic makeup and changes to their way of life having a devastating impact to their health overall.
Although they share many similarities some of which are mentioned above, there are also things that set them apart from the other.
Geographical, climate and environmental differences meant that food sources varied based upon what was more readily available. Those in the Arctic survived on animal fat, South East/West America were more carbohydrate based and others such as the South West Coast of America had a higher protein diet from mammals and fish. 
The way in which the tribes lived also differed; from those that were nomadic/mobile based tribes to the more stationary/village based.  There was also a contrast in the way in which they lived, from those who resided in a tepee, to those who dwelt in the crevices of a rock face.
Although herbal treatments were a commonality of the cultures with similarities in the way in which herbs were administered, there was a uniqueness in their usage in the treatment of ailments.   Differences were also seen in the types of herbs available again due to environmental and climate factors, although there were cultures that did use the same herbs for differing purposes.
Despite spirituality being highly regarded across the tribal cultures, their religious beliefs varied; from the worship of either one or many gods/goddess’s and the masculine/feminine being interchanged between them.
There were also different beliefs in regards to the cause of illness; be it sent by gods as retribution for sin, alienation from cultural land and community or because of the taboos or virtues being broken.

Another difference that I noticed was the visibility and depth of knowledge that could be shared by some cultures but not by others. This, I believe is due to many of the cultures using oral transmission, thus not leaving behind written archives.

xox LLP, Tash

Eeekkkk...life is crazy!

Its all becoming increasingly 'real'...I am going to be having surgery in only 2 more sleeps eeekkk!

To say I have been a major stress head the past week or so is an understatement and a half but the haze seems to be lifting a little despite the nerves elevating.


I finished work for the year on Friday so that I could have this coming week to tie up a few personal loose ends and also to spend time with my fam'.  I am allowing myself 6 weeks off work which is stressful financially but I think is better for me personally to ensure a good recovery time.  It can always change if I've bounced back quicker and we are on the desperate side.


Last week I dropped out of uni...well, not completely only the November intake that I have been doing for the past 4 weeks.  I pretty much just swapped into the December intake which started today.  Sounds crazy yeah that I will restart only days before my op? Unfortunately though it was the best option.

I could of gotten extensions for my assignments (mind you only those worth 20% or more could be extended and there were quite a few under that which I would of had to try and get done) but it was only a 2 weeks max extension.  Basically it would of meant I was constantly running behind the 8 ball to catch up and we all know how well I cope with that...both the running and being behind LOL.

Option 2 was the one I took - swapping from Nov to Dec.  I would of preferred to re-enrol for Jan but I couldn't unless I forked out some big bucks to fund it myself and well, its Christmas and my money has been used to spoil my kids.  

Whilst not perfect it is still a load off as doing it this way means that I wont need to worry for the next 4 weeks as I have already done that part of the course.
Unfortunately it does mean that my exam week falls on the same week as the court contest which sucks.  On a plus though the uni is only a few blocks from court and its only for 90 minutes so I will be able to do both.  The other hurdle we will need to work around is that Aces first high school camp is also that week and I really want to be able to drop him off and pick him up.  Enough stressing about that now though we will deal with that when the time comes!

Oh have I also mentioned that it is ALOT of work...omgoodness once I am back on my feet I need to work a schedule out that will fit better as late night catch ups are exhausting.  I am enjoying it though.   I am loving learning about the different healing styles of the cultures throughout history and the challenge of chemistry is keeping me on my toes.


Our decorations are all up - actually we did them early as I needed to have it ticked off my to do list.

When the boys were decorating the tree they said 'Mum! Did you and Mark miss a piece when you set up the tree? It looks like its shrunk!' LOL Ummm No!! Stop bloody growing up too fast holy cow!! Last year we needed to lift them up to do the star this year they can reach on their own.  Omgoodness where did the time go!

So up until Saturday morning I had been stressing about not having stuff ready for Christmas BUT after a mad dash around the shops on Friday and again on Saturday, I think I have it all under control.  We have a few things we are waiting on to arrive via post but at least its been ordered.  I am sure I will have forgotten a few bits and pieces but I will just have to send Mark down to get them.


We received a special delivery from the North Pole on December 1st - a scout elf that the boys have named Jeffal (Jeffrey Alex LOL).  It's nice to have our very own Hurst-Smith-Shilling tradition.  So far he has been found in the cereal box which the boys found hilarious.  This morning he was still sitting in the tree...oops, we told the boys that as he must not of needed to go off to the North Pole to give Santa a progress report as they had spent the weekend at Glenn's - they seemed to buy it.  I wonder where he will be found in the morning?   



Today I went in and had a whole 4mls of fluid taken out of my band.  I was so nervous the whole way to Williamstown thinking it was going to be a nightmare but luckily he got it first go 'phew'.  4mls is heaps to have out but the last thing I want after my op is to be spewing up and possibly damaging my throat so it had to be done. 


I don't know if I mentioned that a few weeks away some arsehole waltzed through our backyard and stole Mark and Aces bikes?  So anyway without saying too much the police followed a lead that didn't have an outcome on the day but only a week later Aces bike was miraculously handed in to the police station in the suburb where the investigation was made...coincidental much?  All that aside Ace was so happy to have his bike back.

No sign of Marks bike but he was given a bike as a replacement which is almost brand new.  We feel so blessed by such a kind gesture and its a major load off not having to stress about how to we were going to find the money to buy him a new one.


Ace had his first ever high school experience last week and loved it.  I was stressing a bit but the fact he gave me a kiss and cuddle in front of everyone when I said goodbye melted my heart and gave me one of those 'thats my boy' moments.  Tonight we had an info night and tomorrow is the proper Orientation day.

Unfortunately one of 'Satans' kids are going there next year which is a bit of a worry but we have spoken to the school and made them aware of "everything".  I also know a few of the staff too so they will keep an eye on Ace which is comforting. 


In my madness to get everything in order before my operation I even managed to bring our parent teacher interviews forward.  I am so proud of the progress that both of my boys have made this year.  The main thing said about each of them was how they are just genuinely good, kind, caring boys and that for me is more important than grades.  Unfortunately I didn't get to do Jazz's specialised interview so it will be interesting trying to do it after the op LOL.


My sister and her fam' gave Mark and I a night away as a combined Birthday/Engagement gift.  So on Saturday we headed off to Torquay and spent the night in the Peppers Sands Resort.   We went for walk along the beach and then pretty much locked ourselves away in our room.   It was so good being away from everything and just simply being in each others company.  It was the recharge we needed.


Something I had been stressing over was getting the pool up for the boys (Mum's Christmas gift to them), thankfully though Glenn came up tonight and he and Mark did it together while I took Ace to his high school info night. I know I have said it before but I am truly thankful that we can all get along the way we do. 


Last week I started some pre-op Chiropractic sessions which include Low Level Laser therapy which is said to stimulate and encourage the cells to function - hence boosting immunity and recovery.  I am so thankful to Mark for organising it for me and even more thankful that it has been given as a gift.  Oh golly I will certainly be paying forward all these acts of kindness once I am on my feet again.


So anyway, that's that...I could bore you with the list of things I still need / want done before my op but I won't because as Mum my said last week, 'The time will pass anyway whether you are ready for it or not, so there is no use stressing over tomorrow'.  Wise lady that one! I am so glad that we found our way back to each other - I will never allow my pride to get in the way of what matters most ever again.  Time is something that you can never get back.