Thursday, February 21, 2019

Valentines Smellintines...

Even though we don't believe in celebrating valentines day, my sweet husband still wrote me a poem (as he does every year - so okay, that kinda does technically mean we celebrate LOL).

Here it is for 2019

A day some fear and some find scary.
The 14th day of February.
With unrealistic expectation
Of P.D.A's from our entire nation.
Your love's not true, without a gift...
To this notion, folks...I GET MIFFED!
EVERY day I show my wife
That SHE is my love and the joy of my life.
Consumerism sux. All the pressure it brings.
Making millions for companies, coz we buy their "things".
I implore you, dear people. Don't fall for this farce.
Tell the BIG corporations, "Stick it up ya Khyber Pass".
Love should be shown, each and every day.
With the deeds that we do and the words that we say.
My dear darling Deni, this one thing I pray 
That you KNOW that love, not just today but ALWAYS!

Here is my reply...a poetic one ofcourse!

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Thank you for emptying the bucket for me
When I spew!

Well, we did vow in sickness and in health afterall!

Anyway, bottom the people you love, that you love them through your actions.  Words mean so much more when the action matches that being said!

Week 2 of Feb...

This week was not one of my favourites! 

Let me just say "Oh the joys of being a menstruating woman"! 

But, despite feeling like my uterus was trying to kill me, having an energy level of zero to negative 100 and my emotions flying off the radar in all directions - there were okay parts! 

On The Healthy Mummy side of things food wise it wasn't perfect (PMS munchies), but it also wasn't diabolically crap! Exercise however, was non existent and on Tuesday I even spent the entire day in bed catching up on MAFS! 

Oh, I did get up in the afternoon though to facilitate a homework session for Ace and his mate. Normally this would be something that would have me feeling all flustered and grumpy (patience is not my strongest attribute), BUT it went ultra well and I had a proud mumma moment which felt so awesome. 

The kids had the day off on Friday, and then that night we attended a local event - the Freeza Pool Party. 

Let me just say that not being able to swim when you are a water baby, even if it wasn't a very warm day, is absolute torture!  They also had a mechanical surfboard which I really wanted to have a go on but didn't feel comfortable doing so...oh well, next time for sure!

Despite that though, and despite the fact that I really wasn't in the mood to go out, it was a really good night of great company and watching the kids have a ball!  Oh they shouted pizza for tea which I had a slice or two of that ended up in the loo (along with most of my meals this week actually except the chocolate and cheezels).  

That night we ended up bringing back 3 other kids with us for a sleepover...I don't know why we call it that when technically it doesn't involve much sleep LOL! By 2pm Saturday everyone had gone home and we were ready to just have a relaxing afternoon/night, and then...Ace remembered he had a sleepover party to go to. Queue mad run around...then back home to collapse into bed! 

Sunday I worked out Week 3's meal plan, ordered shopping and got to work making what I could from the plan from what we had ( I will post a pic of everything I cook up in the next blog...gotta give you something to check back in for)!

Oh I remembered something else that was a really positive part of the week and I have to give credit where its due (especially after my last no so positive post). Glenns child sipport didn't go through again BUT he actually called me to let me know, which meant I could stop my direct debits AND he drove out to drop the cash off to me personally! 

Anyway thats it...there is always something to be grateful for even when you really just want to stay in bed and hide away from the world and all those in it for the week! Actually that reminds me, due to a case of teenage Mondayitis we started our week speaking about that exact topic.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

I'm a healthy Mummy...

Okay, so I know that I KNOW what to do both food and exercise wise, but I just need it to be something I don't have to overthink and so I joined up to give THE HEALTHY MUMMY program a try.

I decided to give it a go mostly because the recipes shared on their facebook page looked like stuff the kids would actually like, and as I don't want to be doing something for them and something for us, I thought its a good way to do it together.

On Sunday night I worked out the meal plan for the week, got shopping ordered ready for pick up in the morning and psyched myself up ready for a kick arse week...remembering that in a previous blog I said that I am content where I am and mostly only doing this to lose weight so I can have the prophylactic masectomy operation and be able to bounce back quickly!

Day 1 - Week 1 started on Monday the 4th of Feb...

I got the weigh in, measurements and fitness test done and dusted first thing that morning!

As I didn't start work until 11.00am, we also got time to do our first workout video.

Again...I know that I KNOW what to do training wise, afterall I did do my PT qualifications and have done plenty of sessions with awesome trainers in the past BUT I don't want to have to overthink it...okay, I don't want to become obsessed with it and there is a very fine line that I could easily cross that I don't want to cross!

Day 1 went off awesomely and I managed to get in and keep down most of the food for the day!

Day 2...Tuesday 5th Feb

As it was my day off, and as such my sleep in day, we didn't have breakfast until almost lunch time which meant I didn't get in any snacks, AND I chucked most of lunch.  Dinner was delish though although Ace wasn't too much of a fan (hmmm, Mr. Fussy strikes again, he did enjoy the salad though - ofcourse he did MANGO)!

Exercise wise since linedancing hadn't (still hasn't) started back we went on a family bike ride.

I did have all intentions of heading down to do the Avenue track, but considering it was my first bike ride in a very long time (so happy my cycling gear still fits albeit a little snug), Mark and I worked out in the morning (did the same video as the day before because silly me made a booboo) plus danced around like idiots for a little while (hahaha we have joined the zftuesday bandwagon) AND I needed to be able to move the next day so I can work (not a good look when the massager can't move without winching)...I figured it was best to ease into it!

Apart from the boys cutting me off a few times (helllloooo trying to stay on here), it was really enjoyable and I didn't fall off or get off to walk once - WINNING!

Day 3...Wednesday 6th Feb

Food was good...dinner didn't stay down though AND I made a booboo on the amount of noddles eeekkk, Ace thought it was good so thats a bonus!

Decided to do something a little different on the exercise front and just dance around like idiots to some Fitness Marshall Clips on YouTube...omg so freaking funny, but it helped with my cranky "technology sucks" mood - kids and their freaking xbox dramas OMG!

Day 4...Thursday 7th Feb

Struggled with the food today and only kept down 3 meat, rice and veggie balls.

Exercise wise, the boys escorted me (Mr. Grandpa Ace, didn't like the idea of me riding on my own...sooo sweet) to Aqua on our bikes.  Bloody hell!  Their short cut IS NOT SHORT LOL!  Also, it was the toughest but also the best session of Aqua yet!  It was like a normal PT session just in the water; shuttle runs, weights, walking got my heart rate up and I loved it!  Then, the boys picked me up and we rode home.  Eeekkk that bridge is a bit sketch to ride over, but I did it!

Day 5...Friday 8th Feb

Started the day with a bloody horrible green smoothie eeeewww!

Was going to exercise in the evening but didn't, instead we dropped the boys at their Dads then climbed into bed and watched a movie...yes, with microwave popcorn - No guilt though, I'm still gonna splurge here and there BUT for the most part I want to be ontrack towards getting 'op ready'.

Progression NOT Perfection!

Day 6...Saturday 9th Feb

Food today was very little, I even spewed the pizza!

Exercise wise was more about movement, and boy did I move!  I cleaned my pantry and then the entire kitchen and then took stuff out to the shed for the upcoming (been upcoming for over a year) garage sale!

I also worked out the menu for Week 2 and ordered the shopping ready to collect tomorrow!

Day 7...Sunday 10th Feb

Today was a better food day than yesterday.

Whilst I again didn't do any proper movement, I did go the psychic expo (I spoilt myself with crystals) with a good friend and walked about the market AND up and down the steps to get in LOL...okay, so clutching at straws there *giggle worthy though*

I also did a little food prep, which was good.

Oh and did I mention that I've been drinking 2 litres of water (sometimes more) a day!  That for me is huge...and a big goal of mine!  Oh did I also mention that I've been getting up umteen times during the night to pee...that part really does pee me off a bit LOL!

Oh another thing, I've been meeting curfew of 11pm for bed (so not tonight as I'm typing this, but every other one)!

Anywho...that is week 1 done and dusted, I've signed up for 4 weeks as a starter and will see how we go.  Slow and steady will win this race...I've got a whole year and a bit to get there, and I WILL get there, I just refuse to cross that fine line!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Part 2 Feb 2nd 2019


We arrived at the York on Lilydale at 2pm.

After checking into our room we lazed around for a bit before deciding to jump in the pool.

After that, it was a mad rush to get ready and head off to Dale (Marks cousin) and Alicias Wedding Ceremony.

Why I decided to straighten my fringe and wear bangs on a stinking hot day is beyond me!


Omgoodness it brought back so many memories of our special day that I had tears welling up before the absolutely stunning bride had walked down the the Star Wars theme LOL!

There were a couple of moments that really stood out to me...

*Acknowledgement and committment from each of the parents.

*Ring ceremony which included the significance of the engagement ring.

*Box of letters to remain closed until certain milestones and in tough times.

Gotta say though, I don't know about the 'tough times' bit...I mean, even in those times that Mark has given me the shits (yes they do happen, although very rarely and usually only one a month or during the month over something trivial), the last thing I want to do is look at anything wedding related LOL!

After the ceremony, we went back to our room to cool down in front of the aircon AND enjoy our room service dinner.

The added bonus was that Marks sister (Deb) and niece (Kiralee) also joined us. It was so good to catch up and spend time in each others company.

The reception was lots of fun, abeit my dinner getting stuck and not allowing me to drink more than a glass of wine...bugger, I was hoping to get a little tiddly! Didn't stop me kicking up my heels on the dance floor though and mingling.

After the reception we went back to the room where we had a spa, watched some TV and just enjoyed each others company **wink wink**

Sunday 3rd Feb

So we slept through our 8am alarm and woke at 9am. We had planned to meet the newly wedds at 8.30am for breakfast (free too which is a bonus) and so got dressed, packed up the room and arrived fashionably late oops.

At 10am we checked out and headed home, arriving at 12.15pm because we waited 20 minutes at maccas for a frappe and coffee (and they were horrible OMG).

The boys were happy to see us (Ace had text umteen times asking when we were coming) and even happier that we bought a cupcake and lollie bag back for them.

A rant to start Feb....

Hello February 2019

So lets see...

The end of January saw the kids back and school, me back at work & Mark back into being an awesome SAHD/H and running around madly after us all.

Friday 1st February

We had a lovely visit from the gorgeous Bec, but other than that we did zip!
We were invited to a local church games night which sounded like heaps of fun, but we were all a little pooped!

Oh...I also tried unsuccessfully numerous (like 50 or so) times to contact the boys father to confirm arrangements for dropping them off the next day.

I also wasn't paid my Child support and wanted to find out what was going on! Um, I don't like what if's, BUT what if it was an emergency to do with the kids (it wasn't praise God), FFS answer the freaking phone! In the end I gave up!

Saturday 2nd February

The day started with a phone call from the afore mentioned person, advising that he had 'Gastro' and was unable to have the boys as previously planned the week before, and that I wouldn't be getting child support this week as he had no money (mind you he only said that because I asked about it DESPITE asking several times for him to let me know if its not going to be paid so I can stop direct debits and amend the budget). You could say, I was a little (okay ALOT) pissed off!

So...we had a wedding to attend that day and given it was over the other side of the city, we booked a room for the night (good old credit card to the rescue, as I had used the money I had on hand, to buy Ace two new jackets for school plus some food shopping, thinking that I was getting a payment this week anyway GRRR selfish people really give me the shits!).

Anyway, when I first asked him to take them a few weeks back, he had said No as it was his birthday weekend. So, I arranged for Mum to have them and she arranged her schedule to do so. As the boys were more keen on going to their Dads instead (it was going to be hot and he has aircon and would possibly take them to the wier), when he dropped them off last fortnight I asked him again and he agreed (the boys were there also probs why he said yes)...providing it wasn't Friday as he was planning a big night for his birthday! I assured him it would be from 12pm Saturday to 12pm Sunday and to sweeten the deal, I said that we would have them on the Friday of his weekend and drop them Saturday instead...mind you, he owes us a day from dropping them back early a few weeks prior. Not like it phases us really as we prefer them being home with us.

Long story short, Mum once again changed her schedule and so the boys spent the night at Mapas house, where they went to the trots for the first time ever! Considering I basically grew up at the trotting track because of having race horses, I can't believe I haven't shared this part of my life with them before.

It took me a while to calm down, but I reminded myself that it was an affirmation of the fact I made the right decision in leaving AND that being angry about it doesn't solve anything and only robs me of more joy! Inhale the good shit...exhale the bullshit!

Stay tuned for Part 2 of Feb 2nd!