Thursday, August 20, 2020

A 'Dam' Good Day...

Wednesday 19th August, 2020

This morning we all slept through our alarms and didn't get up and at em' until 10.00am.  I figured we must have all needed the rest, so instead of stressing about being behind and trying to catch up, we instead just started where we were!

I have to admitt, I surprised myself with how "at ease" I was about missing the first two school periods.  Especially considering that the boys only worked half a day each yesterday due to me being at Uni (aka our home classroom), and  Mark assisting them on his own.  Mind you, as the boys are doing work from a work-pack rather than zoom classes, we can be a "little" more flexible.  I say "a little" as I believe its important to maintain the usual school day schedule (as much as possible) so that they don't have trouble readjusting when it comes time to go back to school.  Who am I kidding, I believe routine, structure, and consistency is important fullstop!

Anyway, today was one where we just went with the flow!  Something that is good for the soul!

And wouldn't you know it, it was probably one of our most productive of days.

Not to say they enjoyed having to do the work though.

Cheeky little buggers, all three of them!

And since we were just going with the flow, after our work was done for the day we decided to head out to one of our favourite places. 

A decision inspired by our beautiful friends who came out here yesterday to celebrate a special young man's 17th birthday!

I hadn't planned on going for a walk today, truth be told I was going to have a rest day.  But, I figured that since we were here we may as well fully embrace it.

So off we went across the first set of stepping stones.  

After a short distance we came to a second set of stepping stones.   

As the mastectomy reconstruction involved using the gracilis muscle in my upper inner thigh, I sometimes have a little difficulty opening (abduction) and closing (adduction) my legs, especially when they feel tired.

With this in mind, I found this set of steps a little tricky to navigate.  

How blessed this mumma is that her boy took of his shoes and came to the rescue!


After that, it was a nice easy track.

A beautiful one at that.  Oh how I love the bush!


This narrow bit was awesome!


And before we knew it, we arrived at our destination.  

I am so proud of me!

After skimming a few rocks, it was time to turn around and head back.  

I'll be honest here and let you know that my anxiety flared up a little as I was worried it was going to get dark before we got back.  This was slightly eased by the boys saying 'it's okay Mum, our phones have charge so we can use the torch'.  

And even more so once we reached the stepping stones.  This time I decided to make things a little easier by taking off my shoes...ah, now were talkin'...grounded is much better!

And then, just like that we were done.  So, back across the first set of stepping stones we went.

I was surprised that it took us an hour just as the sign said.  So, for those who are in better condition than I, it would be quicker.

We also stopped quite a few times to take photos.  Between all of us snap happy hikers there was over 100 photos.  I picked out 15 of my favourites to share with you...


Before heading back to the car the boys explored the picnic spot river area, whilst Mark and I just sat and breathed in the fresh air.

Then it was time for one last selfie...

Before Ace drove us all home, where we arrived safe and sound.

We will definitely be doing thIs walk again.  The other walks are also on our wish list!

Thanks for taking the time to read this post, it truly means heaps.  LLP xo Tash.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Uni Daze...

Tuesday 18th August, 2020

For those who are unaware, I am  studying a Bachelor of Naturopathy at the Endeavour College of Natural Health (aka Uni).  Yesterday, semester 2, 2020 officially started.  For the next 13 weeks, Tuesdays are my lecture days!

Today is my very first lecture...starting at 8.00am.  It is currently 2.25am!  

I am thinking the insomnia is due to nerves, excitement, and...did I mention nerves!?!  I have to say, I am ultra glad to be attending from the comfort of my own home; lecture is via zoom due to Covid-19.  Oh my goodness, imagine the nerves when I need to attend campus! 

I'm anxious about making friends, keeping up with the workload, and especially being asked a question in class...oh gosh I hope I don't have to participate.  I fear that I will say the wrong thing and make a complete fool of myself!  Another thing contributing to the feeling of overwhelm is the workload.  How the heck am I going to remember everything?  How am I going to get all the work done?  Oh gosh, what if my grades aren't as good as the last course?  

*SIGH*  Breathe woman, breathe!  

It is now has taken me 20 minutes just to write this small paragraph...oh Lord please help me!

I managed to drift off for a little while, just woke up again, looked at the clock and it's 4:44am.  Looked up angel messages, and found this!

"Angel Number 444 is a message that you have nothing to fear in regards to your life, work and Divine life purpose. When you take positive action towards your highest intentions, aspirations and goals, the Universe works in your favour and helps you to establish solid foundations and advance you along your path".

Ahhh thank you, ok, time for sleep, I feel better now!

Wednesday 19th August, 2020

Uni part 1...

Despite very little sleep I was up bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to start making a dream come true.

First up was two hours of Herbal Botany (8.00am - 10.00am), followed by two hours of Manufacturing (10.30am - 12.30pm).  

Thank goodness there was a 30 minute break in between as my bladder is not what it used to be LOL! 

I cruised through Manufacturing as I did it as part of the Complementary Medicine degree; I made the Elderberry and Echinacea syrup (HERE) for my assessment (and, got 97% for it).  Ait is mixed with Herbal Botany for this degree, which I haven't done before, I couldn't get an RPL.  Hence, why I'm redoing it.  I don't mind too much though as its a topic I really enjoy, and as the saying goes 'practice makes perfect'.

On the other hand, Herbal Botany is intense!  All I can remember so far is the plant classification memory key words: King Phillip Comes Over For Great Tantric Sex!  Haha, ofcourse I remember that, I bet all 90+ students that attended with me remember it!  

I actually think the subject should be spilt into two separate subjects.  Thank f@€% there is no exam!  There is four written assessments though!

Break Time...

I was so thankful to get a 90 minute break.  It gave me just enough time to have a yummy lunch, check in with Mark and Jazz, and go for a walk with Ace.  

Technically he rode ahead of me, then would back track to come and get me.  It made a great incentive for me to keep a good pace so he didn't have to ride so far.  At one stage I was walking as fast as my legs allowed, and I had the time down to 12:09 min/km.  But, my poor legs struggled on the last stretch and so the pace dropped!  Not that it is about speed though, I simply just want to be moving and hopefully reaching my 10,000 steps per day.  I only managed 7000 today, which is better than nothing considering I sat on my butt for most of the day.  I'm thinking that if I slow my pace down I will be able to go further.  I shall have to test out my theory next time!

Uni part 2...

At 2.00pm it was back to the laptop for the next zoom lecture.  
My second subject is Herbal Medicine Materia Medica 1, and oh boy it is a doozie!

It has one written assesment and two exams.  One is at the half way point and is open book.  The second, is at the end of the 13 weeks, and is closed book eeekkk!  It should be the other way around hey! The thought of having to memorise medicinal information for 65 herbs has me mind boggled. 

The fact that I find the content super interesting, and really like learning about it helps though.

What I'm not so keen on, is the interaction component of the lectures.  Not because I was put on the spot and asked a question, theres too many of us to do that.  It's because the lecture went 30 minutes over time due to people "sharing" about their experiences.  Okay so they were herb related, but I just want to learn the material we are being graded on.  

What's worse, is that because of all the interruptions we didn't get to finish the lecture material and now its additional homework, without any of the lecturers pearls of wisdom.

At 5.30pm I finished school for the day.  Well, the zoom lectures anyway...

I still had homework and lots more study to get through!

Monday, August 17, 2020

It comes in threes...

For those unaware, I am now waiting on three, yes '3', different operations!

1.  Lapbad port revision

I discovered in January 2020 that my port has done a 180 degree flip.  This means that they are unable to get the syringe in to draw any fluid out, or put any fluid in.  I got called in to have the operation done only a few weeks after the mastectomy, but for obvious reasons said no! 

2.  Additional Breast Surgery

More tissue transfer to get the breast size even, and provide fullness.  As well as fix and smooth out the scarring.

3.  Hysterectomy 

This has been recommended by both the team at the familial cancer centre, and the gynecologist due to previous abnormal checks, high risk and various issues.  Paperwork has been submitted and I am on the 90 day waiting list as Category 2.  

Waiting isn't so bad...

In saying that though, due to Covid-19 putting a hold on elective surgeries, when they will happen is anyones guess.

As much as I'd love to get them all over and done with, this waiting period is allowing me the opportunity to focus on getting in tip top shape and becoming 'op-ready'.  

Confession Time...

Unfortunately, during my recovery time, the sedentary lifestyle has seen me put on a whole 8 kilos eeekkk, and I have reached a point where I am ultra uncomfortable in my own skin.  I am thankful that I realised my downward spiral before I entered triple figures...just!

My Goal...

-  To be op-ready; mentally and physically strong, healthy, and lighter!

My plan...

- Move more by walking (aim of 10,000 steps per day) and doing physiotherapy exercises.  Not only will this improve physical stamina and strength, I am hoping that coupled with the next goal it will see the scales and tape measurement numbers go down.

- Be more mindful of my unhealthy food choices, and make small gradual changes to improve nutrition.  e.g. drink more water, reduce sugar in cuppas, cut back on crappy carbs!

- Keep my mental health strong by attending psychology appointments, and keeping it real!

-  Most importantly, I will listen to my body, and not get down on myself if I don't reach my steps, or am too sore to do my physio session.

My thoughts...

I am pissed off at myself, and totally embarrassed to be here in this place again!  But, I will forgive myself, and I will show myself love by working hard to reach a place where I will stand tall with pride.  I've done it before so I know it can be done, even with the restrictions that I face.

When I get there, I will share my before photo, so be sure to stay tuned!

Friday, August 14, 2020

Federation Track

Wednesday 12th August 2020

Todays walk/ride was along the Federation Track; from the end of Holts Lane (Melbourne side) to Darley Bridge, and then back again.

It was the first time that Mark had been to the track, and he found humour in the rhyming sign.

We certainly weren't aiming to break any records for furthest distance in quickest time.  It was just nice being outside away from the school books.

The boys even ditched their bikes for a second to climb a tree.

This was possibly inspired by stories we were sharing about tree climbing adventures earlier in the day.

How cool to see a goat on our stroll.

I love seeing my boys hang out together.  As much as it freaks me out, it is also really heart warming to watch Ace teaching and encouraging Jazz to do MTB manouvers.

How pretty is this?!

Wanna know another special thing about going for our walks?

Walking hand in hand with my sweet man!

Be sure to stay tuned to see where our feet take us next time.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Physio Exercises

Well, I said I would do it and so here it is.  This is my post-mastectomy strengthening exercise program as prescribed by my physiotherapist at Djerriwarrah Health Services.  Please excuse my shabby looking appearance, but it was a matter of just getting it done! Totally cringey but I'll get over it, just makes me more determined to keep on going.  Whilst not about losing weight, it is my hope that it will happen as a chain reaction.

I've had quite a few other exercises before getting to this stage, which I videoed way back at the beginning and then forgot along the way.  Oh well, there is still much progress that can be made so this is still a good semi-starting point.

A movement I am finding difficult is raising my arms above my head.  When doing the movement it feels as though the side of my foob is going to rip open.  This means that I am struggling when it comes to hanging clothes on the line, reaching the top cupboards in our kitchen, washing my hair, and sometimes dressing.  

The exercise I am doing to help is called a Wall Crawl.

Quite simply, in both the front and side positions I slowly crawl my fingers up the wall as high as I can (before being painful), and then crawl down again.

My Strength Workout Circuit 

All exercises are performed 10 times x 3 sets 

1.  Stand to Sit Squats 

Start by standing close to the front of the chair.  Then sit down on the chair for a second, and push back up to a standing position.  Hold dumbell weights to make harder.

2.  Wall Push Ups

Start with feet and legs together, standing about 60 centimetres from a wall with your arms straight out in front of you. Palms should be on the wall at about shoulder-level height and shoulder-width apart, with fingers pointed upward. (If you feel like you’re reaching too far, move your feet closer.  The further feet are from the wall, the harder it is).  Bend your elbows and lean your body toward the wall until your nose almost touches it. Ensure your back stays straight and your hips don’t sag.  Push back to the starting position.

3.  Bridge

  1. Lay on the floor face up, with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Place arms at your side with your palms down.  Lift hips off the ground until your knees, hips and shoulders form a straight line. Squeeze the glutes hard and keep your abs drawn in so you don’t overextend your back during the exercise.  Hold for a couple of seconds before easing back down.
  2. 4.  Single Leg Bridge 

As above with the difference of one leg straight up in the air with sole of foot pointing towards the ceiling.

I only manage to do 5 on each leg at the moment as other wise my form goes.

5.  Front Raises 

Begin by holding both dumbbells of equal weight in front of your thighs with your palms facing your body. Keeping your back straight and feet shoulder-width apart, lift the dumbbells in front of you in a controlled manner until your hands are in line with your shoulders. Pause, then slowly lower back to the starting position.

6.  Lateral Raises

Stand tall with your core braced and feet together. Hold the dumbbells together in front of your abdomen with palms facing each other. Leading with your elbows, raise the weights out to the sides, making sure you use your muscles and not momentum. Stop at shoulder height, then slowly return to the start.

As 1/2 a kilo was too easy, I decided to up my weights to 1kg.  This made a big difference to the feeling felt through the foobs...not ultra painful but it can be felt!

7.  Bird Dog 

Begin on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Pull your abs in to your spine. Keeping your back and pelvis still and stable, reach your right arm forward and left leg back. Don't allow the pelvis to rock side to side as you move your leg behind you. Focus on not letting the rib cage sag toward the floor. Reach through your left heel to engage the muscles in the back of the leg and your butt. Return to the starting position, placing your hand and knee on the floor. Repeat on the other side to complete one rep.

8.  Walking

No set distance, just simply moving.  To make it more challenging suggestions include walking with dumbbells, adding incline or stairs, and doing varied walking tracks.

It is my goal to go for a walk, and do the circuit, three times a week, alternating between each.  This will allow me to have one day of rest.

You will notice a few blogs popping up all about my walking sure to stay tuned!

P.S.  I want to give a shout out to a mate of mine who has given me a little kick up the butt by sharing his own journey.  Thank you for the inspiration Adam xo

P.P.S.  And...because I get frustrated at myself for not being able to lift as much, or do as much as I once could, here's a reminder of where I was 5 months ago.

Not forgetting the infections, open wounds, and two additional operations a month later.  Plus additional nether region issues to complicate matters further!

Maybe I'm doing a-okay afterall, I've got this, onward I go!