Thursday, May 31, 2012

Good Food and Exercise

Wednesday 30th May 2012


Random Thought:  Sometimes I look at my life and I shake my head in disbelief.  I would of never ever imagined that I would love being as physically active as I am.  Don't get me wrong I have my days when I love sitting on my butt and doing nothing but its only days, not months or years as was the case.  Now when I don't move, my body craves it.  I love the challenge of exercise even when I feel like I can't possibly  push myself any further, I love the feeling of empowerment it gives me afterwards,  I love the strength, the energy...I just love it - Crazy I know!

Yesterday morning I did a PT session with Craig that really pushed me out of my comfort zone, but it was exactly what I needed.

Warm up on the bike (my leg took a little while to respond but it got there in the end)

2 x Sets
TRX - Single Leg Lunges X 10 each Leg
16kg Kettlebell Deadlifts X 10
Wall ball squats squeezing ball between legs to switch on VMO X 10

2 x Rounds (CrossFit)
20 X 8kg Kettlebell Swings
10 X 6kg Deadball Slams
20 X 8kg Kettlebell Swings
10 X Inch Worms
20 X 8kg Kettlebell Swings
10 X Step Ups (I held onto TRX's for support)
20 X 8kg Kettlebell Swings
10 X Ring Rows

Then I came home and did Abs...

2 x Sets (Alternating 4kg and 6kg Kettle Bells)
10 X Kettle Bell Crunches
10 X Toe Taps
10 X Rev. Crunches

2 X 30 second Plank


Well the photos don't do them much justice but dinner was delicious!

Pork and Coleslaw Wraps

This was my take on a recipe in this months Weight Watchers Magazine.

Serves 4

1/4 Shredded Cabbage
2 Carrots Grated
1/8 Red Onion thinly sliced
OR a 250g Bag of ready made coleslaw mix
1/2 Cup of low fat natural yogurt.

Combine all ingredients together, season with salt and pepper, cover and set aside in fridge.

1 tbs olive oil
500g Diced Lean Pork
1 medium brown onion, sliced
2 garlic gloves, finely chopped
400g can diced tomatoes
2 tbs tomatoe sauce
1 tbs apple cider vinegar (I used white wine vinegar)
1 tsp dried oregano leaves
Pinch of chilli flakes (I didn't use these)

Heat oil and cook onion, garlic and pork until browned and onions are softened.  Add remaining ingredients, season to taste and bring to the boil.  Reduce heat to a simmer - the longer the better as you want to be able to shred the pork with forks so it melts in your mouth.

Spread wholemeal tortilla with mashed avocado (we forgot this bit), top with warm pork and the coleslaw mix, wrap and enjoy.

Minestrone Soup
Recipe is HERE

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Update I promised


On Wednesday afternoon after much self debate, I had my lapband adjusted by .7ml.  As you are aware, of late I have been really struggling with willpower and consistency (which we all know is the key) and so I swallowed my pride and decided that as long as I make sure I do all the 'right' things with regards to good nutrition and exercise and not use the band in the wrong way, then I might as well use it to my benefit.  So for the first couple of days it was back to only eating what fits through a straw and then onto mush and now I am doing a combination.  Juice for Breakfast, Juice or Soup for Lunch, Fruit for Snacks and either Soup or a small serving of dinner and yogurt for dessert if desired.  Unfortunately I don't feel much restriction but I am still doing better than I was.  My week hasn't been perfect but it could of been far worse than it was and  I am happy that I managed to keep some control. 

I spoilt myself with a new juicer
Kmart Homebrand - $50.00 - It is awesome.

Mean Green Juice = Delicious


The biggest and most exciting news is that on Friday morning, I LIFTED MY LEG and the physiotherapist has given me the permission to do local drives - no more taking the boys to and from school on the scooter.  It is such an awesome feeling to once again be in control of my body.  I still have a little way to go before I get full function back and build up strength but its a huge step.  The oddest thing is that the day before it wouldn't budge and then I woke up on Friday morning and thought today's the day - and it was!

I was also given a new Physiotherapy exercise (mini lunges with resistance band - with right knee in front) to help prevent the laxation in my knee (stop it giving way on me).


The saying 'If you don't use it, you lose it' doesn't only apply to your level of fitness but also your body composition - in other words all the hard work you put into building muscle turns to fat!  I got weighed and measured today and although the difference in weight since my operation 8 weeks ago isn't that great the difference in measurements and body composition is. I know that this was to be expected (on some level) but it still sucks and now I feel like I'm back to square one again BUT I've done it before so I can do it again....I'm going to do it again!

I also did a PT session with the focus being on strengthening my VMO Muscle (Vastus Medialis Obliquus)


I spent these days in bed with my sick little man Ace.

 We watched DVD after DVD and one that we really enjoyed (enough to watch 3 times) was A Dolphin's Tale.  I found it very inspiring.

I drove for the first time on Monday morning and it took some getting used to.  I definately need to build up my plantar flexion strength as I couldn't put my foot down hard on the pedals - luckily school is just around the corner so snail speed wasn't too bad and with practise I will get better.



I worked out with Kerriann this morning and even though I feel like I didn't push myself hard enough (I was worried I would over do it and not be able to do anything tomorrow) it was still an awesome feeling and I certainly felt it.

5 minute warm up on rower

5 x Rounds
12 x Push ups (on chair)
12 x 5kg Wall Balls
12 x 6kg Kettle Bell Swings (I dropped the weight to ensure correct position of my legs)
300m Row Sprint

15 minutes Cycle
Alternating between 30 seconds High Resistance / 30 seconds Low

3 or 4 (can't remember) x Rounds Abs (Alternating 4kg and 6kg Kettle Bells)
10 x Kettle Bell Crunches
10 x Toe Taps
10 x Rev. Crunches

2 x Rounds (Alternating 10kg and 12kg Kettle Bells)
10 x each side Kettle Bell side bends (obliques)


The girls came over again today and we managed to finish off the rest of our module.  All going well I will be able to send it off before the week is over.


I am back on track and it feels great.  Despite being tempted by some delicious Pastizzi today I stuck to my juice and fruit and had fish wraps for dinner (very yummy and so quick and easy) and some Yogurt for dessert.  The only thing that let me down again today was that I had 4 cups of tea and 2 cups of coffee each with lite milk and 1 sugar.  Tomorrow I will alternate with herbals to reduce my sugar intake.

I made a combination of the Refresher and Mean Green Juice today and it was very yummy.

Tash's Mean Refresher (sorry no pic)
1/2 Beetroot
1 Cucumber
1 Lemon
Knob Ginger
1 Carrot
1 Green Apple
4 Celery Sticks
Spinach (handful)

Anyway that's it for now....TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY and....

PS.  Tonight is the first time in ages that I have taken my pain killers (endone) and its all because of trying to catch up on my housework.  I managed to do every room except the boys and the toy room (they are on tomorrows to do list) before my feet and legs decided that enough was enough.  Still a good achievement today though and the house looks, smells and feels much better. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Quick Update WE 27 May 2012

So I just wanted to come by and pin point a few things that I will come back and address in more detail once I no longer have a sick little boy to look after and have once again gotten on top of family life and study and everything else that I am juggling and feeling 100% again myself.
  • I had a lapband adjustment on Wednesday afternoon +.7ml
  • I lifted my leg on Friday morning =)
  • I was doing really well nutrition wise until today when I allowed myself permission to comfort eat.

That's it for now, hopefully I will be back to post again in more detail sooner rather than later.

Kicking Goals...

Wednesday 23rd May 2012


I just had my PT session with Craig and I kicked some awesome goals.

  • Cycling (Recumbent Bike)
  • Single Legged TRX Squats
  • Single Legged TRX Lunges (with my good leg on a chair)
  • Calf Raises
  • Deadlifts
  • Leg Lowers
We did about 7 minutes on the bike as a warm up (next time I want to aim for 10minutes) alternating between speed (my knee didn't like this much), high resistance, low resistance and isolating the left side to make the right leg work.

The lunges were really tough mentally as I had to trust that my right leg would hold me, which IT DID and although I didn't have a huge R.O.M it was still better than nothing.

The deadlifts started off easy so we added more weight and then I realised that I was favouring the left side, so we dropped the weight and really focused on shifting the weight to the right side to make the leg work.  It felt so awesome to be able to feel my hamstring engage.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Study, Study...

And yep you guessed it more STUDY!!

I had a couple of my GFI  massage buddies come over today so we could all work together on completing our last module and after lots of saying words that I can't repeat, chatting, laughing and snacking on a platter of yummy food (I still managed to keep my nutrition within reason - I could of so easily eaten the whole plate but didn't) we managed to get a good 3/4's of the work done and I can now finally see a light at the end of the very dark tunnel.

I am so determined to finish my courses, not because I don't want them to be yet another thing I haven't completed but because I know that I will be / 'am' good at what I am choosing to do with me life and I actually really enjoy it too.

So with that said, I am going to keep this post short as I am 400 words away from being able to submit one of the requirements.

Unfortunately the government funding for my courses have been cut and so I have until the 30th of June to submit my modules.  I called today to find out what's going to happen with the other courses I have booked in to start next but they couldn't give me answer - cross your fingers in the hopes that my funding will still be allowed to apply.

Ok , that's it....bye for now.

Monday, May 21, 2012

This week is my week..

So I woke up this morning feeling incredibly heavy and blah and unfortunately the scales agreed with that feeling but rather than letting it get me down I decided to just get back on the horse!  This is something I had to do regularly as a kid growing up on the farm, I loved my horse/s but was a lousy rider and I spent more time off the horse than on the bloody thing.  My sister used to sit on the fence and watch me and was forever running back and forth between my Mum and I saying 'Mum, Mum, Tasha fell off her horse' and then coming back to tell me exactly the same thing 'Tasha, Mum said to get back on'...(funnier when told in person because then I can use the funny accent she used to talk in hahaha) anyway, I've gone of track - where was I??

Oh yeah, so rather than let it get me down I decided to just get back on the horse and change the day from a negative to a positive.  Firstly I decided to give myself 2 things to focus on, these being Productivity and Will Power; both of which have been lacking for me of late.

So despite wanting to crawl back into bed I got up and got on with my morning jobs....Getting the kids ready, Taking them to school (on my trusty scooter - very cold trip this morning as Jack Frost was out in full swing), Making Beds and a General House Tidy Up.  Then, I decided that it was time for some Renew Juice to get me through the mornings PT sessions - 3 back to backs.

RENEW JUICE - Serves 1
½ Carrot
1 stick of celery
¼ small beetroot
½ small cucumber
½ knob of ginger
¼ bunch of parsley
3 mint leaves
¼ whole lemon
Process all ingredients in juicer and serve with ice. For a runnier consistency, add a little water.

So once I had finished putting everyone else through their paces,  I went and did a 45 minute Hydrotherapy Session.  I have to say that today's was a little awkward as everyone else in the pool with me were 70+ and here was little ol'e me - shame!


3 x Sets of each 
  • 10 x Squats
  • 10 x Pistol Squats (Left)
  • 10 x Pistol Squats (Right)
  • 15 x Calf Raises
  • 15 x Calf Raises (Left)
  • 15 x Calf Raises (Right)
  • 10 x Lunges (Left)
  • 10 x Lunges (Right)
  • 10 x Lateral Raises with weights
  • 10 x Push Ups on side of pool
As well as laps forward and backwards and knee lifts and some nice relaxing floating LOL!

After Hydro I came home and booked in a wedding to photograph in Feb next year and also had a lovely catch up with my friend Sarah who I have to say is Superwoman as after only 2 weeks of a major surgery she is out and about - talk about inspiring.  Then it was more housework before picking up the boys from school.

As Glenn got home in time for the school run today he helped me to walk in to pick them up from their classrooms - something that I haven't done in 8 weeks - the boys were happy and it was nice to see some friendly faces.

Then it was home again for 2 more PT sessions and I even managed to squeeze my own workout in between each one.

(15 minutes)

3 Rounds - x21 reps, x15 reps, x9 reps
  • 5kg Medicine Ball Throwdowns
  • 8kg Kettle Bell Swings
  • TRX Rows / Pull Ups
2 x Sets
  • 10 x 8kg Kettle Bell Shoulder Press  
Finally at 6.30pm I got to sit down and put my feet up and I have to say that despite being tired and really sore (my leg is aching and I've been getting an electric shock feeling shooting through the bone for the past couple of days - horrible feeling), I no longer feel as heavy or blah.

MY PLAN (as at May 21st 2012)
  • 2 x Personal Training Sessions (Wednesday and Saturday)
  • 3 x Hydrotherapy Sessions
  • 1 X Physiotherapy Session with Hospital 
  • Daily Physiotherapy Exercises (3 exercises 3 sets x required reps)
  • Use only 1 crutch and/or Walk unassisted as much as possible
  • Listen to my body and do not push too far
  • Lose 500 grams 
  • Finish at least 1 module
  • Use my Will Power
  • Stay Positive
Today's Food...

Breakfast - Renew Juice

Snack - Banana

Lunch - Coles Asian Salad with 50g Turkey

Snack - Mandarin & 1 Cup of Tea (white x 1 sugar)

Dinner - Savoury Lamb Mince and Mashed Potatoe (mix of sweet and normal)

Snack - I plan on having 2 X Cups of Tea (white x 1 sugar) and maybe some Greek Yogurt with Sugar Free Maple Syrup or some tinned (Weight Watchers) fruit and yogurt but right now I'm feeling satisfied, I will let you know tomorrow what I ended up doing.

I have to say I am really happy with todays food so far, now to keep it up over the weekend too!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I feel good

Nana-nana-nana-nah!  Who knew that I would after last weeks little breakdown but here I am back in the ring and fighting stronger than ever...look out Rocky because the Tashinator is in town.  Bahahahahaha I crack myself up I'm that corny!


Yesterday I had a Physiotherapy Session with Kusal from Vigor Sports Medicine Clinic and despite nearly falling over from the invoice of $99.00 for 30 minutes I walked out in tears of happiness (I'm a sook lately I know) and with a smile from ear to ear.

If you have been following my blog (thank you) you will remember that last week my surgeon was less than positive and pretty much told me my lack of progress was due to me not doing enough blah blah blah (it's HERE if you didn't read it and want to).

So ANYWAY here is what Kusal (who works with Olympic athletes) said.

Most people who have my type of surgery take a minimum of 12 weeks to get to where I am after only 7 weeks post-op, so I am actually 5 weeks in front.

Currently I have only got about 40% to 45% (on really good day) leg function but he is confident that I will regain 90% (better than the odds my surgeon gave me) if not 100% BUT it will take time.

The Quad muscle needs work BUT not as much as I have been doing because it has actually been too much (see HERE for the exercises I have been doing).  He has give me '3' exercises to focus on.  Any other exercises after these 3 are a bonus but must be done within reason and not to the extent that it will compromise recovery time.

Quad Press - Sitting with legs straight out tighten the thigh by pushing the back of the knee to the floor - wait for Quad to engage around knee and then raise heel and hold for five seconds, relax.  Repeat x 10 times x 3 sets.

Wall Squats- With feet shoulder width apart and 30cm - 45cms away from the wall, slowly lower your buttocks toward the floor.  Stop at the point before pain occurs.  Hold for five seconds then return to the starting position. Repeat x 10 times x 3 sets.  (Ensure that weight is evenly placed on both feet).

Heel Raises - Stand facing a wall with hands up above head slightly wider than shoulder width apart and raise heels off the floor as high as possible and repeat x 15 times x 3 sets.

I only need to go back to Vigor once a fortnight as it is obvious that I have the motivation and skills to do home physiotherapy, he did however say that keeping once a week with the hospital physiotherapist would be ok.  I have an appointment in 2 weeks to see Henry who specialises in Exercise Prescription.

He also said that I can do Hydrotherapy (but no kicking if I swim - arms only) so I brought a Pool Pass ($100 for unlimited sessions between now and July when it closes - but by then I'll be able to drive to Genesis again anyway) and had my first session yesterday afternoon.  I only did 30 minutes but it was enough.  I plan on going to Hydro at least 3 times a week.

I did 3 sets of 10 reps of the following:
Single Leg Squats (Left and Right)
Lunges (Left and Right) - these hurt a bit with my 'right' leg behind so I couldn't go down very far but better than nothing.
Calf Raises

I also walked, did knee lifts and 'attempted' to jog up and down and around the pool and then swam laps to get my heart rate up as well as up and down the stairs a couple of times.


So despite my leg only having 40% function I managed to do a 500 calorie burn workout this morning - WHOO HOO!!  What an amazing feeling it is to know that I can still achieve awesome results without being able to do everything that I used to do.  I am so thankful to Craig for coming up with ways to work around 'the leg' and for his patience and compassion.

Here's what I did today

Warm up on the Rower
I started off using my legs but needed to isolate them for the last 2 rounds and so I just used my upper body and did more of a hip flexion action.

500 metre sprint - 30 second rest
400 metre sprint - 30 second rest
300 metre sprint - 30 second rest
200 metre sprint - 30 second rest
100 metre sprint - 30 second rest

Wall Ball Squats - 3 sets x 15 reps

Calf Raises - 3 sets x 15 reps
Both legs then each individual
This was frustrating as the right leg really struggled

2 x Sets (weight increased for the 2nd round)
15 x Barbell Chest Press
10 x Leg Lowers

2 x Sets (weight machine)
10 x Chest Press (let me just say OUCH)
15 x Lat pulldowns (only did 10 in the 2nd set)

2 x Sets
15 x Shoulder Press
21's (1st round with 4kg DB's and 2nd with BB)

2 x Sets
30 Russian Twists with 5kg Medicine Ball
20 x Knee Lifts
20 x Crunches

Whoa is it any wonder I burnt 500 calories Phew!


2 clients that I lost for PT's last week have come back again which is fantastic.

I spent some time this afternoon out in the garden taking some photos and it was just so relaxing.  I am going to share the photographs on my Natasha Hurst Photography facebook site soon.

That's all for now, it's already 2.30pm....see time really does fly I'll be doing box jumps and running marathons before I know it.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Small Victory

Cherish even the smallest of victories, 
for all of them combined will become the grand prize 
- Natasha Hurst

I lost 100grams and am very impressed with myself because considering the week I had food wise it is very surprising.

Let me give you a little summary...

Mother's Day Luncheon - Crumbed Chicken with Creamy Mash and a very decadent chocolate pudding and 2 glasses of white wine.

Lunch with the girls - Thai Chicken Salad with dressing (I forgot to ask for it on the side), lemon lime and bitters, 1/2 sticky date pudding and ice cream and Chai Latte.

Afternoon Tea Date with Glenn - Chai Latte and Lemon Meringue Pie.

Takeaway night - BBQ Beef Pizza (way too many slices)

Mothers Day Dinner - Golden Syrup Dumplings and ice cream

and...Homemade Banana and Zucchini Bread.

OMGOSH!!!  Soooo much food.  On a plus there was no blocks of chocolate!

As you can imagine after a week like that my body was well and truly screaming to be nurtured and so today I made a huge pot of Vegetable and Risoni Soup and it was just what I needed.

I also managed to do 1 full round and then 1/2 reps for another round of the following circuit.

Wall Squats (mini ones) with Lateral Raises into Fly's with 3.5kg DB's x 15
Resistance Band Russian Twists x 20 
Inch Worms x 10
Leg Lowers with DB Chest Press x 10
DB Air Boxing x 30 seconds

Today has been a biggie for me with helping Mum with an online test, 4 P/T sessions (2 Groups and 2 Solo's) and housework (catch up from not doing it on the weekend) and so tonight I am in bed feeling a little sore and sorry for myself but it's well warranted so I at least have a smile on my face as I feel accomplished.

Lastly I wanted to share a link to a photo shoot that I had done on the weekend by Mick Davson Photograpy (see the last 13 photos).  These were taken as part of a Photography Workshop he was taking and its hard to believe that they were taken with very little preparation and as part of a demonstration.  I could sit and be self critical in each of the photos but I'm not going to, instead I'm going to embrace them.  I am who I am flaws and all!

OK that's it for now as its time for me to chill in front of the idiot box.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Physiotherapy Exercises

It's been 7 weeks since I had my Tibia Tubercle Transfer surgery where the surgeon broke the main bone of my lower leg (tibia), realigned the knee cap and threw some screws in to hold it in place and now it's up to me to do all that I can do to ensure that all the pain and frustration has been worth it and that I get FULL (not 60%, 70% or even 90%) use of my leg again.  At the moment that percentage is around the 30% mark and so my aim is to do all that I can to improve the odds.

On a positive note my body is taking care of the healing process on its own and the wound/scar is looking great.  I do still however have a numb/tingly feeling from the knee down to about 10cm above the ankle from where they sliced the nerve that runs across the leg when they operated but I have been advised that this is normal and that sometimes it doesn't stop feeling that way.

Anyway the reason for this post is to share my home physiotherapy exercises.  The reason for documenting is so that a) I can remember them, b) I can print them out if the surgeon wants to know what I've been doing and c) so that my trainer/s can work out some sessions with them in mind and d) it may help someone who is going through the same/similar thing (consult your therapist first though ok, just to be on the safe side).

Ankle Pumps - Sit with legs straight out and point toes up and then point toes down (plantar flex) and then bring back up (dorsi flex).  Repeat x 10 times.  Perform with both legs simultaneously and then each leg individually.

Theraband Ankle Pumps - Sit up with legs straight out and place the middle of the band on the ball of the foot.  Hold theraband so that it has some resistance and do Ankle Pumps.  Repeat x 10 times.

Theraband Eversions - Sit up with legs straight out and wrap middle of theraband around the foot of the operated leg (in my case 'right') and then loop it behind the opposite foot ('left').  Turn the 'right' ankle outwards (evert), hold for up to 5 seconds and then return.  Repeat x 10 times.

Quads (Supine) - Lie down on back with both legs straight. Tighten thigh by pushing the back of the knee to the floor. Hold for about five seconds, relax for a few seconds and  Repeat x 10 times. (this can also be done sitting up - watch not to engage glutes).
Quads (Prone) - Lie on stomach with legs straight out and toes on the floor.  Straighten out the knee and lift the foot up off the floor.  Hold for 5 seconds and then lower.  Repeat x 10 times.  Do each leg individually and then both together.

Heel Slides - Lie down on back and slide your heel towards our butt making sure you keep your foot on the floor, bed or couch. The more you bend the better.  Repeat x 10 times.  (this can also be done sitting on a chair).
Straight Leg Raises - Lying down with one knee bent at 90 degrees, lift your straight leg upwards till it's even with the height of your opposite knee.  Repeat x 10 times then switch legs.  (this can also be done sitting on a chair - watch not to engage hip flexors).

Wall Slides - With feet shoulder width apart and 30cm - 45cms away from the wall, slowly lower your buttocks toward the floor. Go ¼ of the way down only and squeeze a soft ball between your knees. Hold for five seconds then return to the starting position. Repeat x 10 times.
Heel Raises - Whilst standing (holding onto something for support), raise heels off the floor as high as possible and repeat x 10 times.

Balance - Hold onto something for support for about 10 seconds and then let go and simply balance on one leg.  Repeat x 10 times each leg.
I know that these sound like really basic exercises but I can tell you that at the moment they are really quite tough and tire me out quickly.  I am aiming to do 3 sets of each of exercise per day.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Deflated Moment...

After a beautiful afternoon at the Mothers Day Luncheon a visit to my surgeon well and truly burst my happy bubble.  To cut a long story short he just focused on all the negatives and didn't even acknowledge any of the positives I had made over the past 7 weeks!!  

I get that my Quads being non-responsive is not a good thing and means that I am way behind in the healing process but its not my fault and I am doing everything I bloody well can to try and make it do what I want it to do.  But, he doesn't think it's good enough and pretty much implied that I was lazy, which is something I despise because it is so far from the truth its not funny.  

He said that wants me to do 3 Physiotherapy sessions per week with vigor sports (which at $80 a pop I just can't afford) as well as Hydrotherapy and other general exercises to build up the strength of my quads, some of which the physio told me not to do so that's left me totally confused and wondering who I listen to.  

Oh and if that wasn't enough on top of it all he told me that the chances of me getting full use of my leg again were slim (around 60% - 70% if I'm lucky).  I know that he has an odd bedside manner and probably doesn't even realise that he made me feel like shit but he did and I walked out feeling totally deflated.

So after taking some time to vent (on facebook), cry and process it all I now understand that to him I am just a body that he is trying to fix to the best of his ability.  He hasn't been there week by week to work with me and see the progress I have made, he's just purely seen that the knee was broken so he operated to fix it and according to his book at the end of Week 1 when he saw me I should of been at this point and then at the end of Week 6 I should of been higher at this point BUT I wasn't and so obviously something's not right and in order to make it right this is what is recommended.  The fact that I have in deed already been doing some of the things doesn't even factor into it for him right now - frustrating but just the way it is.

So I have decided that the best thing for me to do is come up with my own plan of attack that fits within my budget and sits right within my own mind as to whether or not I feel I can or can't do something because after all it is MY body.  If in 6 weeks time when I go back ( I can't drive until he gives me the ok) he still isn't happy with my progress I can tell you now that I won't be walking out with him making me feel like I haven't done all I can and to make sure of that I'll take my Mum with me LOL, he won't know what hit him!

MY PLAN (so far):

2 x Physiotherapy Sessions per week - 1 with the hospital (where I have been going) & 1 with Vigor Sports
2 x Personal Training Sessions per week
1 x Hydrotherapy Session per week
Daily Physiotherapy Exercises (minimum of 10 x reps of each exercise - I will blog these soonish)
Use only 1 crutch and/or Walk unassisted as much as possible
Listen to my body and do not push too far
Stay Positive

Anyway lastly I wanted to share a message that was sent to me from one of my gorgeous friends as it touched me deeply.

'Allow yourself the emotions of crap days - then embrace that emotion and turn it into an energy that is productive.  What you're going through is hard and quite simply sucks.  Stop feeling like you are not allowed to feel frustrated, angry or sorry for yourself.  You are!  Just don't let it fester, embrace that emotion and use it.  You are the champion of positive thinking and giving your clients the advice you need yourself, but even when you know it sometimes we still need someone else to say it - so I'm saying it to you.'

Thank you to all of you for showing me your support and encouragement, your love and friendship means the world to me.

Mother's Day Luncheon

Well not that I'm surprised by this fact but my Mum was right and today I went along to the School Mothers Day Luncheon and had a really lovely time with some fantastic ladies.  As well as going along as a Mum I was also asked to be a guess speaker, or more to the point singer and so I sang 2 of my favourite 'Mum' inspired songs.

Troy Casser-Daley - The ladies in my life.

Kasey Chambers - Mother
(I couldn't find one of KC so here's a quicky from me)

I  really loved sharing my passion with everyone and was very touched by the gift of some beautiful 'thank you' flowers.  Being appreciated is such an amazing feeling.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

So I have had 7 people (3 groups) cancel their sessions this week and put their training on hold until further notice for various reasons (money, family, time).  Each  reason is totally understandable BUT it is really hard to not take it a 'little' personally.  After last nights revelations of being ready to give it all I have got to have them all pull out on me just feels crappy and starts the self doubt cycle turning again.  In saying that though, I am determined to not let it break my spirits as I have others that are still on board and so will focus on helping them to achieve their goals.  I do have to say though that it's a lot of worry finance wise to not have as much coming in, but money is only money and always comes in somehow (it just means I need to put some spending spree plans on hold) and as long as we have a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and loads of love , we don't 'need' for anything else.

So enough of the negatives let's get stuck into the positives of the day of which there are plenty....


I decided today that is was time to say goodbye to my Toilet Chair, Shower Chair and Arm Chair and even though it is proving to be more of a challenge than I thought it would be I am not looking back.


This morning I did a kick arse PT session with Craig and am so proud of myself because I managed to walk  between circuits without my crutches and stood up for half of the session to make my leg muscles work a little more. 

Here's what I did today...

TRX Warm Up
2 x Sets
Pull Ups x 10
Bicep Pull Ups x 10
Single Leg (obviously not the bung one) Squats x 10

Cross Fit x21 reps, x15 reps, x9 reps
Double Rope Waves
Pull Ups (TRX)
5kg Wall Balls

2mins Cross Trainer High Resistance (arms only)

2 x Sets
Chest Press X 15
Latt Pull Downs X 15 

2 x Sets
10 X Barbell Shoulder Press

2 x Sets
10 X Resistance Band Twists (each side)
20 X Russian Twists

10 X Leg Lowers
10 X Leg Lifts
These are so hard when you can barely lift your leg

2 x Sets
20 X Swiss Ball Crunches


I got taken out to lunch by my gorgeous friend and new business partner Eleisha.  I am so excited about starting our new venture which is (drum roll please) - 'Shared Passion Photography'.  We have so many ideas and plans and cannot wait to see them come into fruition.  Oh and she is now my Plan B (backup) for the Moorabool News, I am so happy to have someone that I really trust to work with.


I had a physiotherapy session this afternoon and although it was tough and frustrating and I was told that the chances of me driving within the next couple of weeks is very slim; she said that I had improved heaps since our last session 2 weeks ago and that I no longer need to use the machine to wake up the Quad muscle as it is responding - FINALLY YAY!  So now its just a matter of continuing to do what I have been doing without over doing it.


I went to the shopping centre today on my crutches and did some shopping (with the use of the trolley), I even socialised (a little).  I know that this doesn't seem like a big deal but it was my first time in 7 weeks that I walked in there and wasn't on my scooter (it helped that Glenn was able to drive me there).

Well with all that said I am going to bid ye all a goodnight as I am exhausted and for the first time in 3 days have had an Endone (slow release morphine) and so my words are starting to look like one big blur.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Inspired by TV

I just watched the finale of The 2012 Biggest Loser and am incredibly inspired by their AMAZING transformations.  A huge congratulations goes out to Margie for winning the title and to Lydia too for taking home the eliminated contestants prize. BUT, my hat goes off to Alex who has shown me that you can overcome ANY obstacles that are put in your way because THERE ARE NO EXCUSES!

'If you can't Run then Walk, If you can't Walk then Crawl'

I have had moments over the past couple of weeks and more so today that I have questioned whether I am walking the right path with regards to becoming a Personal Trainer and following through with my Diploma in Fitness.  The doubt is not because I don't enjoy it because I really do, but because of self doubt issues.  And whilst a lot of it has risen due to my recent operation and slow recovery, they have been lingering for a while.

How can I help others reach their goals when I haven't even achieved mine?  How can I be helping people run when I can barely even walk?  Should I just focus on one of my passions rather than spread myself thin?  My body won't be able to do this forever and I'm not getting any younger...the list goes on and on.  I have been doing the same with my Massage, and Photograhy and Music and Yoga (although I pretty sure that, that one has run its course and is time to be released - I enjoy doing Yoga but I don't enjoy teaching it or learning about the philosophy of it - mostly I just love to stretch out the body so for me its about the posture and not about the why? and hows?  - but that's another blog).

So anyway, after watching tonight I am happy to say that I now have absolutely no doubts that I want to be able to help people achieve greatness (and that I will in fact reach mine) as drawing upon my own experiences is what makes me the awesome trainer I am, as it gives me the empathy I need to help guide and nurture my clients towards their goals.

I know how hard it is to resist all the deliciously bad for you food choices because I constantly have to remind myself 'that nothing tastes as good as being fit and healthy feels'.  I know how hard it is to motivate yourself to exercise because there was a time that even walking to the letterbox was too much of an effort and even now I have my days where I need to convince and push myself to 'just get up and do it'.  I know how far away that goal post is and how draining it feels to think that you are never going to reach it and I too have asked myself 'why bother trying'.  I know that devastating feeling of working your butt off and then getting on the scales and it not moving...I have lived and am still living (despite having come so far) all those moments and it is because of that, that I choose to be continue walking the path of becoming the best Personal Trainer that I can be.

Day 2 Update.

Food wise yesterday was 'ok' but today has been good.  

Exercise wise I haven't done much (yesterday I did 20 X deadlifts into shoulder press and today I did 10 X 6kg kettlebell swings), but I am making myself get up and walk around the house which is better than nothing.   I have to say that I am a little scared that I will hurt myself again (neck and back) like I did last week after the 800 jab crosses, but on some level even that is just an excuse.  Tomorrow I have a training session with Craig and I am really looking forward to it as I know it will be the kick up the butt I need to keep me motivated, even though if last week is anything to go by, I will be incredibly sore.

Emotionally today has been one of ups and downs.  On the upside I finished off another one of my Nutrition modules and so I am one step closer to finishing.  On the down side I have had very frustrating moments with regards to being able to or in my case, not being able to lift my leg and moments where my leg just wasn't strong enough to hold me and so I had to reply on my crutches (which hurts my wrists as lets face it 87kgs is alot of weight to carry around).

Another issue I am dealing with is not wanting to leave my house as it means having to socialise and I am too tired to put on a brave front right now as I am so over it all its not funny.  BUT, I have paid to go to the Mother's Day Luncheon on Thursday and a friend of mine is picking me up so I will just have to put on my mask and head out the door.  Mum has told me that once I get there I will more than likely not want to come home but, what the heck am I going to wear?

Monday, May 7, 2012

I've been slack I know...

Holy Cow, the last time I posted anything in here it was like Day 5 of the 1MKC and now the 10 week challenge is well and truly done and dusted.  I knew that I hadn't posted in a while but I didn't realise that it had been THAT long!  The only excuse I have is that life had been crazy busy and I was exhausted and of late not really up to much of anything,  let alone trying to string a sentence together.

To cut a long story short (well shorter) my knee op has been and gone (7 weeks this coming Wednesday) and recovery has been slow, painful and frustrating to say the least BUT despite all this there has been positives and progress is being made.  

The funky leg brace that I had to wear day and night for 4 weeks
and...days only for 5 weeks.

I am still technically supposed to be wearing the brace until my Quad strength increases (the reason I can't lift my leg), but it's been hurting so I have taken it off and actually I feel that I have made much more progress without it as my muscles have had to work harder to support me.

Dressing - I wonder what it looks like underneath?

Just one of the fun and games associated with showering. 

 I had a cankle :(

9 days post op...dressing is now off No more garbage bag showers and granny washes. 

At this point the brace still needed to stay on (no knee bending other than physio) and there was still no weight baring and no driving.  Pain was (still is, although not as much) being controlled with good meds and despite my frustration levels being high I kept on 'trying' hard to stay positive and not over do anything so that my recovery wouldn't have any set backs.  

Considering that they removed a piece of bone from the outer side of my leg and moved (and screwed) it to the inner side, it looks pretty good.

3.5 weeks post op

The wound looked good and I no longer had a cankle.  The brace still had to stay on during the day but I was allowed to take it off to sleep (whoo hoo).  At this point I was allowed to slowly start increasing the bend and the weight bearing but both in very small increments.  Still no driving allowed.  Pain had eased enough to be able to cut back (just a little) on the happy pills. Frustration levels were still high and despite having the flu I managed to stay positive. 

Depite feeling incredibly ill I think the flu probably come at a good time because it stopped me from pushing too much and hindering my recovery. 

My knee today

I can now bend the knee, I can weight bare, I can walk 5 -10 steps without my crutches and I can lift my foot off the floor when my knee is bent.  Pain has increased due to doing more but I am managing to control it with meditation and rest and only using my med's when really needed.  The biggest negative however, is that I cannot lift my leg when fully extended which means I am still not allowed to drive.

Luckily, I have a little scooter to get me around and even though the battery life isn't that great (I have had 3 occasions where I have needed to be rescued, yes go on you can laugh, my rescuers did), it helps me to get the boys to and from school and gives me a little bit of freedom to go for a 'walk' if I need some me time.

On the day of the operation (14th of March) I weighed in at 83.5kg and now I am 87.1kg (a 3.6kg GAIN).  I did so well for the first 4 weeks and managed to maintain my weight despite not being vigilant (and it being Easter) with my nutrition, but complacency set in and whamo up went the scales.  Needless to say that I am once again really uncomfortable in my own skin and feeling very much like a good year blimp.  I have to say though that considering my activity level has gone from manic to pretty much non existent, the gain could of been much much worse.  

Up until the operation my nutrition was at the better end of the scale and my training was AWESOME.  I was so happy with how much my overall health had improved and with the help of my 3 incredible trainers, SteveRolando and Craig I was kicking goals. I loved that each of them gave something different to my training that helped to keep me pushing to reach my full potential and I really miss it.

Anyway, the way I see it is that I could wallow in self pity and play the poor me game OR I can stop the sooking and focus on all the positives.  Hmmm, what will I choose??  

I won't lie to you, there has been times in the past 6 weeks that throwing in the towel seemed like a good option but my Mum (my strength) reminded me that us Hurst girls are not quitters and so as hard as both of them can be, I choose positivity and a healthy lifestyle.

And now with all of that said and everything else put behind me and used as a life lesson,  here I am at Day 1 of getting my life back on track.

*Alarm Bells - Negative Alert*  I just caught myself say the word AGAIN very sarcastically as I wrote the above line and have had to stop and give myself a pep talk.  

Yes I am 'back' at Day 1 'again', but does it really matter how many times I have to start again if I am continuing to not give up??   In short, NO it does not.  

I have not failed.  I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work ~Thomas Edison

Failure doesn't mean you are a failure.  It just means you haven't succeeded yet ~Robert Schuller

Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.  ~Henry Ford

Your attempt may fail, BUT never fail to make an attempt.

Here's my plan...

Good Nutrition
I will STOP binging on a block of chocolate every night.  If I really feel like a chocolate I will allow myself a 'mint pattie'.
I will STOP skipping meals.
I will make healthier meal options.
I will not allow my emotions to destroy my hard work

3 sessions per week ( 2 on my own & 1 P/T)
I am so lucky that Craig (NexgenFitness) is willing to come here to train me.  So far I have done 2 sessions with him and they were tough.  It's amazing what you can do without using your legs, you just need to think outside the square.

Ideally I would love to be able to lose 3.6kg in 4 weeks (by the end of May) but I really think that would be too much pressure, so for now I will be happy to just lose anything rather than put it on.

I also really really want to be able to lift my leg so that I can start driving again but I know that if I put too much pressure on myself that I will make things worse rather than better.  In order to combat that I plan to just continue doing my physiotherapy exercises and hoping for the best.

Anyway that's it for now, I will try my hardest to keep this updated more often.

Wish me luck xox