Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 3, Week 3 - 5kg in 4weeks Challenge!

Firstly I want to know where the time is flying too - geez talk about flashing before our eyes!

Secondly, here are this weeks weigh in results.

Whilst it sucks that I have put on 500grams I have managed to reduce my Body Fat % and Increase my Skeletal Muscle which at least explains the gain.

So far this week I have only trained on Monday (Impact Fitness Boxing) and Tuesday (KNo PT Session) with some spot workouts at Contours for my tour on Wednesday and so I am a little antzy to say the least,  but feel that my time is best spent with my sick little man snuggling the day away.  I have another PT tomorrow which I am looking forward to.

Food wise this week hasn't been major disciplined but has still been within reason (and my calories) so I am not too fussed about it, but will need to be careful on the weekend as I find it to be my danger time. 

With regards to the 5kg in 4 Week Challenge at the half way mark I have managed to reduce my Body Weight by 1.7kg which means that I need to lift my game if I am going to get the rest of the 3.3kg off in the next week and a half - hmmm, I think perhaps that is a little unrealistic but I will continue to forge ahead because as I have come to realise with my running - it doesn't matter how long it takes to cover the distance as long as it is indeed covered!  Could be said for many things in life really!

Well that's it from me for now, heading back to the couch with my baby!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 3, Week 2 5kg in 4 week challenge

After Tuesdays awesomely empowering workout I followed it up the next day with a Boxing Session that kicked some major butt and then last night I did a Toning Class that left both myself and the trainer 'gobsmacked'.  Todays exercise was a leisurely 30 minute walk hand in hand with my precious little man as well as lots and lots of stretching and meditation and I am more physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted today than the past 3 put together!

Food wise my calories are at a reasonable figure but I could be getting them higher.  I have a HUGE day on Saturday and despite the fact that I am choosing to take along healthy alternatives, I am still sure that my calories will be in the excessive margin and so I figure it will balance out - hmmm perhaps wishful thinking?

I am very excited about tomorrow's workout session with Bec as I have written us up a Program and am hoping is going to be great!

I got some incredibly exciting news today that I am very much looking forward to sharing but am waiting on the official paperwork to come through first, but all good things come to those that wait!

Oh, I may not update this blog for the next couple of days as Friday's are always mad with life, photos and music and as I said earlier this Saturday is massive and Sunday I am planning on going for a walk with the family and have a feeling I will be feeling very seedy and so that will lead us back into Monday - OMGosh its lucky I have a wonder woman top!! 

Love, Light and Peace xoxo

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 1, Week 2 of 5kg in 4 weeks challenge!

Hmmmm, on a weight loss front I am over the moon - what an awesome result 2.2kg in 1 week.  On the body fat and skeletal muscle percentage side of things however I am totally pissed off at myself.  Here is what calorie king said....

'Good, a loss of a 1kg a week is great news, however a loss of more than 1kg may represent a loss of muscle. This situation, if not addressed at an early stage of your program could result in a reduction in your metabolism, which may make weight loss more difficult. You may need to increase your daily caloric intake by 250 calories'.

So in other words, I need to EAT MORE because even though my calories were up in the 1200 - 1400 area it included my Coffee's each day which as we all know isn't substantial enough to count as nutritious.  So even though it sucks right now I know that I can turn it around.


Today's PT session was awesomely empowering, I am still amazed!!  I ran on the treadmill for '1' minute at a speed of '14' (not just once either) and this was after already doing stair climbs, lunges, squats, sprints and treadmill intervals OMG!  A huge thankyou to my training buddy Bec and my mentor Kerriann.

On top of the awesome workout I spent a lovely afternoon with my beautiful new friend Marianne, who in the short time we have known each other has encouraged and inspired me in ways that I can't even clearly express at this point in time.  I also had the best phone chat with my Mum that was full of laughs and so very much needed.  But the icing on the cake was getting a comment on facebook from my precious man telling me that I am looking good.  Even if he had of just typed 'hello' I would of been over the moon - it means the world.

Oh I also have some other news but that can wait until Thursday night!

Love, Light and Peace xoxo Tash!

Monday, October 18, 2010

There are many things of beauty and I am one of them...

...Terminal uniqueness erodes my soul and leaves me with a feeling of awe and reverence, I am incomparable, I am a thing of beauty and I accept and celebrate my place in the universe!

I wanted to share one of my recent meditation focus' which was on Self Love and realising that you can hold yourself in high regard but not be 'EGOtistical' about it.

When you receive a compliment do you reply with a negative about yourself? If so, try this: when you next receive a compliment just simply say "THANK YOU" and nothing else. Do not follow it up with a negative and do not give one back that is not why it was given (well it shouldn't be anyway).

I was challenged with this exact thing today which isn't suprising at all considering I put it out into the universe in the first place. I can't even tell you the number of compliments I received today which was of course good for the 'ego' and awkward all at the same time.

One of the compliments was from one of my trainers who said "You look good today". It took all that I had to just say "Thank you" and not say what first came to mind which was "as opposed to every other day". BUT the positive here is that I stopped that from happening and accepted it.

You know what (without sounding like I am up myself which too bad if it does) he was right! Not only do I feel good today but I do look good too - goes to show that what you feel on the inside you portray to the world on the outside.

You are a wonderful person let yourself see and believe what the rest of the world does!

....When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Try adding an affirmation to your daily routine it can be helpful to reprogram negative self talk.  It doesn't have to be anything eloborate but it does need to be said with conviction.

Love, Light and Peace xoxo Tash!

5kg in 4weeks Challenge - Day 7, Week 1

OMG I haven't written in here since Thursday, here's a brief catch up.

Friday - INTENSE Cardio P/T session which included lots of interval training on the Bike, Cross Trainer and Treadmill.  Knee gave me shit but I pushed through as I am determined to not let it beat me.

Friday night was my TaLi at The Plough and as hard as it was to resist the Chocolate Pudding I did  it!  And,  I even asked for no Macaroon with my Skinny Latte.  If you haven't tried either of the things I am talking about then you really don't know what you are missing out on - sorry to those of you dieting but seriously I recommend that you treat yourself on your next free day - oh on a Friday night of course!

Saturday - Saw me at a birthday party surrounded by people eating delicious food and I have to admitt that I strayed a little and had a handful of lollies but other than that I am proud of my efforts.  Especially the no snacking while watching a DVD part - big step for me!  No workout so - stayed within 1200 calories.

Sunday - Busy Paperwork day at home.  No workout and went over 1200 calories because of bad and lazy food choices - Toasted Baked Bean and Cheese Sandwiches Yummy but WTF Carbs, Carbs and Carbs!!

Monday - Today - Now!!  I have had an awesomely productive day and am feeling F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C!  Tonights Impact Boxing session was crazy intense, I definitely made up for the past 2 days thats for sure and I have a feeling that tomorrow I am going to one sore little chicky. 

You can see my food intake HERE

Well, that's it for now tomorrow is weigh in and I am hoping for a good result but in saying that "I am not defined by the figure on the scales" and so if its less than a positive result I will still continue as this is a lifestyle change and in order to succeed you need to put in the hard yards.

Thanks for the support, it means heaps.  xoxo

Friday, October 15, 2010

5kg in 4weeks Challenge - Day 3, Week 1


Diary - Here!

The adjustment hasn't had much of an impact at all which is great on one hand and not so much on the other, but its still early days and from past experience it sometimes takes a few days to kick in properly.


Today's session was awesome, partly because of a new and challenging program and also because I had my training partner there to push me.  (Sickies are one of the best inventions ever)!

Cardio Warm Up 
10 minutes on Bike (intervals)

Circuit Warm Up
Plank with alternate arm reaches (45 seconds)
Reverse Lunges with torso twist (x20 - 10 each)
Boat Hold with Hands at side (45 seconds)

Circuit Toning X 3
Side Bridge with Lateral Raise (x12 each @2kg)
Single Leg Squat (x10)
Brazillian Crunch (Plank with Leg Under) (x20)
Lunge with Glute Leg Raise (x10 each)
Mountain Climbers (30 seconds)

Cross Trainer 10 minutes
1 min @4%
1 min @8%

Abs X 2
Paddler (with Black Resistance Band) (x20 each)
Boat Hold with Hands at side (30 seconds)
Reverse Crunch (x20)

Stretching, Stretching and more Stetching


Todays meditation focus...

The answer to no longer 'feeling like you are fighting a battle when you didn't start the war' is to quite simply; choose NOT to participate! It's amazing how battles dissipate when there is no one to go to war with.

"I choose not to participate in warmongering and to not feed the egos of those that choose to be the warmonger".

A tip that I have found useful over the past couple of weeks is that rather than using my energy to fight back and play into the warmongers drama,  I instead use it to help my training by focusing the frustration on lifting extra weight or running that extra km.  Not only will you stop the negative patterning that only feeds their egos but you will also be increasing your energy rather than depleting it.

That's it for today.

Love, Light and Peace to all!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 2, Week 1 5kg in 4 weeks Challenge

I am going to keep this blog brief as I have decided to turn off the computer and head to bed early so that I can snuggle with my man and read my book, 'Your perfect body - a state of mind' by Craig Harper.    

I went through my new program today at the Gym and loved every minute of it.  I am so happy that I am no longer wandering around aimlessly!  Thankyou so much Kerriann for once again providing me with direction.  You are awesome.

Food wise today I did well.  Dinner wasn't much but that's because I had a small amount (.3ml) of fluid put in my lapband today.  I am postive that it was the right step to take and that it won't drastically restrict my intake (other than tonight of course).

Well that's it, short and sweet!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

5kg in 4weeks Challenge - Day 1, Week 1

Here's my weigh in result and my new starting point.  I have decided not to reflect upon the past but to look forward to the future and to my new goals.  I am very proud of my achievements thus far and although at times I have strayed from the path I have learnt along the way and that makes the journey worthwhile.  You never ever really go backwards you just take an alternate path for a little while.

My Goals for the 4 Weeks:
To loose 5kg (Weigh 76.4kg or less).
To reduce Body Fat percentage by 3%.
To increase Skeletal Muscle percentage by 1.5%.
Cardio + Resistance Training (6 days per week).
Follow Nutrition Plan (1400 calories).
Hyrdrate my body.
Get adequate rest.

I have decided not to focus on any other goals for the time being because as we know goal posts can be changed along the way and so I am just going to give myself permission to take it one step at a time and focus on the task at hand.

EXERCISE:  Todays session was an awesome way to kick start my training again - boxing, stair climbs, push ups, side obliques, abs - jam packed and intense!  I also got my new training program today and am very excited about trying it out tomorrow - its looks like a challenge that's for sure but I'm up for it!

Physio didn't really provide me with much relief but its a step in the right direction all the same.  She didn't tell me it was because I 'am' fat BUT she did say that it is more than likely a result of me previously being fat!  Oh she also said to limit the running and to stop when it hurts and if it gets worse see a doctor blah blah blah!  I have some exercises to do which will help build up the muscles around the knee cap so that it stabilises more which will fit in well with my training schedule.

Here's today's FOOD Diary - Tash's Calories
I didn't quite reach my Calorie intake but its a good start, I have already prepared my lunch for tomorrow and will also be sure to have a proper breakfast and start back on my Protein Shakes after my workouts.

I will leave you with the quote that I used to motivate and inspire me today! 

You cannot transcend what you do not know. To go beyond yourself, you must know yourself - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

In order to be able to push past my sticking points I need to know myself enough to be able to know where they are and then ofcourse to know when to stop pushing. Visualisation and positive thought is the technique I use to achieve this.  See It, Believe It, Achieve it!

Monday, October 11, 2010

An update before the 5kg in 4 Week Challenge!!

Well as you can tell from the lack of posts my nutrition and fitness has been pushed to the back burner for the past couple of weeks and unfortunately I am once again feeling uncomfortable in my own skin and will no doubt have a terrible weigh in result tomorrow (which I will take in my stride and use to motivate me to achieve my goals)!

My knees and Heels have been giving me alot of grief and so I wasn't able to compete in the 5.7km Melbourne Marathon this year which is dissappointing but listening to my body was more important to me and besides that there will be others.  I have finally been given a Physio appointment for tomorrow morning and I am hoping that they will be able to tell me what the problem is.  I must admitt though that I am really worried that they will just tell me its because I'm fat - don't think I could handle being told that again!

I've been feeling a little like a fish out of water at the Gym lately and so I am really looking forward to getting a new program so I can once again have some focus. 

Tomorrow I start a new challenge which I am hoping will kick start me back in the right direction - 5kg in 4 weeks! 

I will set more goals tomorrow after weigh in so that I know exactly where I am at.

Your support to encourage, motivate and even kick me up the butt when needed is very much appreciated.