Monday, May 31, 2010

The Challenge - Weigh In #1 + Day 1 of Week 2

I woke up this morning feeling very 'heavy' and incredibly nervous about the days weigh in.  On my trainers orders I had breakfast which I found mentally hard to deal with it but still survived!  After the School and Kinder Drop offs I wandered over to the shopping centre where I run into another RED Team Member and so we killed some time Chatting away (as you do) until it was time to head to the Gym for our 11am weigh in.  Here are the results!!

The Challenge - Weigh In #1

WHOO HOO - Goal Achieved + 100grams!!

Whilst I am really happy about the loss in 'Weight' itself, I am really disappointed in the other results and plan on turning that around in the coming weeks. 

So far the main reason we have come up with is that my calorie intake wasn't high enough and so my body once again went into 'starvation mode / reduction in metabolism'.  I need to be around the 1000 calories per day mark (after exercise) and on average last week mine was only 600 calories per day!

I also need to mix my training up a little and not overdo it so much as its making it hard to keep the calories up.  Time to work smarter and not harder!

For Example:  CALORIE KING 
Today I did a 45 min+ Upper Body Resistance Workout (419 Calories) AND a 45 mins+ Boxing Circuit (517 Calories).  Total Calories Burnt = 936.  Total Calories Consumed = 1512.  Total Calories for the Day 1512 - 936 = 576 Which is under by 424 - Not Good!! 

I am blown away with that figure considering that today was a was my FREE MEAL DAY and I spread it out a little rather than over indulge in one sitting:

Jazz and I had a Coffee / Playdate after Kinder this afternoon with some friends and I was treated to a Chai Latte - my first in over a week - YUM!

Tonights dinner was a Ligher Version of Fettucine Cabonara (made with Lite Evaporated Milk instead of Cream).  It as very filling and I only managed to eat half of what I served.

Normally for my Meal 6 / Snack I would have a Forme Yogurt but tonight I went with 200g of Lite Greek Yogurt and 1 Tbs of Sugar Free Maple Syrup and it was DELICIOUS and very satisfying.


It is all a learning curve and as my trainer reminded me tonight:
"Striving for perfection is good; but we don't always have to expect it"
I am trying really hard to remain positive and think of the bigger picture as it is just as important to have a positive mind set as it is to eat well and exercise.  In order to reap the rewards I plan to stay focused and positive; to be true and honest with myself and to remember that it wont happen overnight but it will happen.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Challenge Day 7, Week 1

NO EXERCISE to report today as it was my REST day!!


Breakfast - Protein Pancakes with Banana and a drizzle of Sugar Free Maple Syrup.  This was very filling and very sweet.  I don't know if Iwill have it again but it was nice for a treat.

Pancake Recipe
Serves 1
1/2 Cup of Oats
2 Egg Whites
1/4 Cup Cottage Cheese
Cinnamon to taste
Drizzle of Queens Sugar Free Maple Syrup

Lunch - Homemade Pita Pizza.  This was really tasty and very filling.  I will definitely be making it again.  The best part was that Glenn, Ace, Jazz and I all made one each with toppings of our choice.  And, the boys ate it all!!

Tash's Pita Pizza
Serves 1
1 Wholemeal Pita Bread
1 Tsp of Tomatoe Paste
Garlic to taste
Tri Colour Capsicum
6 Green Olives halved
4 Thin Slices of Tomatoe
Pineapple (1 ring cubed)
50g of Shredded Lite Ham
1/4 Cup of Cottage Cheese
Drizzle of Balsamic Vinegar

Dinner - Cajun Beef Meatloaf (100g), Mashed Potatoe(60g) / Pumpkin(60g) and Vegetables with Gravy.  It was yummy and I will have it again even though I liked the Turkey Meatloaf more.

Sugar Free Maple Syrup on Carrots - YUM

Cajun Beef Meatloaf Recipe
Serves 5
500g Lean Mince
1 Onion
1 Carrot
1 Zucchini
1 Egg
Whorstershire Sauce to Taste
Cajun Spice to Taste

Mix together, put into meatloaf tin and cook until done!


I had a relaxing day at home with lots of quality family which is just what the doctor ordered - absolute Bliss!

I am so excited about tomorrow's weigh in and yet nervous at the same time.  I am hoping for at least a 1 - 1.5kg loss, anything over that will be a bonus and if its under well there is always room for improvement.

Stay Tuned for the Results of my hardwork tomorrow!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Challenge Day 6, Week 1


Calorie King Diary - I did try to have dinner but despite it being yummy and me really wanting to eat it, my body just wasn't willing to co-operate.

Steak Sandwich

Steak Sandwich Recipe
50grams Sandwich Steak
1 egg
(Fried in Lemon Juice and Water)
2 Slices of Bread (Toasted)
Drizzle of Balsamic


I set up a circuit at home!

Warm Up
2 minutes on Treadmill / Ellipical

5 minutes on Treadmill

Option 1
Speed 5kph @12% incline

Option 2
2% Incline
1 min  @5
30sec @8
30sec @9
30sec @5
30sec @8
30sec @9
30sec @5
30sec @8
30sec @9

Abs 3 sets with 30 second rest between sets

10 X Crunches
10 X Bicylces
10 X Alternate Leg Lowers

High intensity step-ups

Upper Body (with 2kg DB)

10 X DB Curls
10 X Flies
10 X DB Press Ups (with Squat)
10 X Lateral Lifts
10 X Rows

5 minutes on Ellipical Trainer (High Setting)

Lower Body #1 (3 sets with 30 second rest between each)
12 X Jump Squats

Lower Body #2

10 X Squats
10 X Pulse Squats
10 sec Squat Hold


Today was a very busy but very fulfilling day!!


Worked out at home with Red Team Member Sarah Attard who brought her kids over to play with mine and so we proved that even when the weather is terrible and the kids are at home it can still be done - it may be a little stop start but its still better than nothing.

Sang at the Save the Bacchus Marsh 'Avenue of Honour' Rally and took some pictures too.  It was a great turn out for a really worthwhile cause - SAVE OUR TREES!

Then photographed Erins little Girls Princess Gymnastics Party and also managed to sneak in some promotional photos for Kerriann's amazing face painting

AND all this with my two little ratbags right beside me!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Challenge Day 5, Week 1



We had our first group training session today and it was awesome, motivation plus.  The girls are all so wonderful and pushed themselves hard despite being sore from a big workout week and our trainer (Kerriann) provides us with so much encouragement that piking out and letting her down is just not an option and so I am sure that we are all going to 'shit it in'!

I achieved something today that I am really proud of - I managed to hold 'plank' position for just over 1 minute which considering that my highest has only ever been 45seconds I am so happy!

Today's training was a circuit and I think I would be safe in saying that it was one of the hardest I have done this week.  But, in saying that I am loving the variety that circuits and interval training gives.

Group Training Circuit

Warm Up - Jog

30 second Circuits with Jog/Run between each station
- Tricep Dips on Step
- Dumbell Thrust Squats
- Abs (Bicycles)
- Skater Jumps on Step
- Medicine Ball Throw Downs

Boxing / Ab (Crunches)
Stairs (Doubles Up and Singles Down)

Cool Down - Jog
Abs (Plank)


Food wise today I am dissappointed in myself - not for splurging but for not getting in as much as I should have and for not keeping to my time limits of no more than 3-4 hours between meals (I had dinner at 10:25pm and my lunch was at 2:30pm).  I did however notice tonight that 'stress' gets me craving food like popcorn and chocolate and just something yummy in general but I managed to just push on through it and now all's good which is a very positive step.

Tonights dinner was Chow Mien made in the slow cooker - YUM!!

'Tash's Chow Mien Recipe'
Serves: 5
500 g Beef Mince
1 medium Onion (diced)
2 medium Carrots
3 stalks Celery
1/4 Cabbage
1 Cup Frozen Corn Kernals ALDI
1 Cup Green Beans ALDI
Curry Powder / Soy, Tomato, Whostershire Sauce (To Taste)
Salt-Reduced Chicken Stock (To Taste)

Food Diary at Calorie King


Other than being tired and sore I am feeling good and really loving my life (even with stressful moments). 

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Challenge Day 4, Week 1

Calorie King Diary (not enough Protein or Fat today)

Up until tonight I still had a pep in my step but after tonights Toning Class let me just take this moment to say OUCH OOOH ARRR EEEE OWWWW - LOL!!

It was bound to catch up with me considering how much I have been doing and suprisingly I am still looking forward to doing tomorrows group session and I still have a smile on my dile.

Here's a recap of this weeks training thus far....

Monday -  Boxing Circuit (Cardio)
Tuesday - Upper Body Resistance (Resistance)
Wednesday - Program Show - Lower Body (Cardio/Resistance)
Thursday (AM) - Interval Session / Personal Training (Cardio)
Thursday (PM) - Toning Circuit (Resistance/Cardio)

Total Time: 5 Hours

Food wise I am feeling a little more confident after todays Nutrition meeting (Kerriann went above and beyond by bringing in samples which were YUM and also doing up a Menu plan!) although I have so much to learn and I have a feeling its going to take a while before it becomes second nature but that's Ok I will learn as I go along  - Trial and Error.

Lunch - Chicken and Vegie Soup and Burgen Bread

   Dinner - Tandoori Chicken and Vegetables

I've gotta admitt that the Soup was a bit on the bland side as it was too watery and didn't have enough flavour despite me putting in lots of herbs.  Maybe its just because I'm so used to having the salt content - I usually put in a chicken noodle soup packet.

Dinner on the other hand was Delicious and I learnt a new trick today which I used to cook it.  Instead of using 'Oil' I cooked the chicken in lemon juice!

Well thats its from me for another day, I am exhausted and so bed is looking better by the minute.

GO RED TEAM, we are so gonna kick Andy Pandy's Butt hehehe!!

Challenge Day 3, Week 1

Calorie King Diary

I woke up this morning feeling very flat and struggling to keep my eyes open but I managed to put one foot in front of the other and headed into the Gym to go through the other half of my new program which is yet another awesome challenge and saw me saying OUCH lots hehe!  But I did it and for that I am feeling really accomplished.

 Note:  I didn't do the repeats today but went through both of the options instead.

Food wise I didn't manage to eat all I should have but I also didn't splurge which considering I have 24 chocolate bars in my possession (Kinder Fundraiser - $1.20each) that is some pretty bloody good will power.


 PURE GOODNESS (Tonights Dinner)

I got a compliment today that I was looking good, "tired but good" and so that is enough motivation for me to keep on keeping on, the tiredness I can combat with some earlier nights which is where I am heading right now.  Thanks for the support, got another big day ahead of me tomorrow - PT Session and Group Nutrition Meeting!  XOXO

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Challenge - Day 2, Week 1

Today I feel like all I have done is eat, eat, eat, eat, workout and of course do the usual headless chook runaround.


I worked through half of my new program - Upper Body
It's certainly challenging but that's the way I like it - I just need to push beyond my 'sticking point'.

Warm Up
Speed @ 5kpm for 10 minutes
Started with no incline and increased incline by 2% every 2 minutes.

Note: Weight Training
Weight is increased with each set of repetitions and reduced by 50% for the last set of 12.

SM Bench Press (X 12, 10, 8, 6, 12)
Incline Flies (X 12)
Lat Pulldowns (X 12, 10, 8, 6, 12)
Bent Over Row (X 12)

3 sets X 12 reps of each
Lateral Raise
Front Raise
Shoulder Press
(Rest and Repeat)

Bicep DB Curl (X 12, 10, 8, 6, 12)
Concentration Curl (X 12)
Tricep Cable Pushdown (X 12, 10, 8, 6, 12)
Tricep Dips

Cooldown / Stretch


Breakfast @ 8:30am (Running Late)
1/2 cup oats made with water and then 30g of Whey Protein mixed into it - doesn't sound all that nice but believe me it was delicious and incredibly filling.

Lunch @ 2.45pm
6 thin Sundried tomoatoe and basil rice cakes
1/2 cup of cottage cheese
Salad with Balsamic Vinegar Dressing

Was made in the morning hence it being soggy!

Dinner @ 5.30pm
100g Turkey Meatloaf
130g Mashed Potatoes (with a dash of skim milk)

500g Minced Turkey
1/2 carrot grated
1/2 zucchini grated
1 tsp minced garlic
1 egg

Mix together and put into a meatloaf pan and cook until done!

Check out my 'Full' Food Diary HERE:

Oooh I managed to cut down to 1 sugar - whoo hoo!


I really felt like some chocolate tonight but managed to push aside the cravings by keeping busy and snacking on healthier options, pretty proud of myself for that.

I am sore but that's to be expected and as they say keeping moving is the best option.

I am planning on being in bed by 11pm tonight so that's it from me for another day.

Thanks for the support XOXO

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Challenge Begins - Day 1 Week 1


This morning I got up and ran around like a headless chook in order to find the time to be able to make myself a healhty breakfast of Baked Beans (1/2 cup) and Scrambled Eggs (1 egg and 3 egg whites) and it was delicious.  But, due to me not being relaxed enough my band decided to get rid of it. 

I missed my Morning Snack due to being out and about and unprepared.

Lunch was an Energy Bar on the run - which I know wasn't the best option but I figured better than nothing.

While I was cooking dinner I made myself a Banana Smoothie with my Protein Shake and shared it with Glenn who agreed that it was really nice.

I went all out with Dinner and cooked up a Steak (100g) with Ratatoullie, Broccoli (1/2 cup) and Potatoe(120g) topped with Cottage Cheese (1/4 cup) which was a hit.  I have to admitt that I didn't eat the Steak and Ratatouille but the rest was delicious and very filling.

Note:  With Steak and Cheese = 1.5 serves Protein

To finish up my day I had a cup of tea, with a dash of skim milk and 2 sugars.  I was supposed to cut the sugar or replace it with equal but I caved so tomorrow I will switch.


Tonights workout was an Impact Fitness Boxing Session which was hard but awesome and I burnt 550 calories which makes it even more worthwhile. 


I still need to get my menu plan done for the week which is a little bit tricky as I'm still finding the nutrition side of things a little bit daunting.  Other than that I am feeling really positive about this whole experience and so glad that I took up the challenge.

Tomorrow I am heading into the Gym to do my new Upper Body workout and so that's it from me for today as I made a promise to be in bed before midnight and time is ticking away.

Day 1 of Week 1 - OVER AND OUT!!  I did it - YAY!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Before and After Videos....

About the Lapband and Tummy Tuck...


As mentioned in my previous post I was initially banded in Feb 2001 and rebanded (due to complications) in Sept 2009.  I have been asked on several occassions what a 'Lapband' is and how it works and so I have decided to post some pictures which will hopefully answer those questions.  If you want more information please click this link.

To tighten or loosen the band, an injection of saline is given through the Port (which is fixed to the muscle). 


In August 2008 I had an Extended High Lateral Abdominoplasty.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

8 Week 'Biggest Winner' Challenge Begins!!

Monday is fast approaching and with it the start of the 8 Week 'Biggest Winner' Challenge and I am beginning to wonder exactly what I have gotten myself into and whether or not I have bitten off more than I can chew.  Not only does it involve an intense workout schedule (6 days per week - Resistance and Cardio), it also involves dramatically changing my diet which is the part that is making me the most nervous.  But, I signed up for it and that means I stick to my word and give it 110% because there's no point doing a half arsed job and besides that I have every faith in the fact that I will finally see the results that I have been looking for by doing this.

My Goals for the 8 Weeks:

To loose .5kg - 1kg per week.

For my Size 12 Jeans (pictured in before photo) to fit comfortably.

To be able to run 4km continuously in under 30minutes.

To get adequate rest (bed before midnight).

Follow Exercise and Nutrition Plans.

Hyrdrate my body by drinking 2Lt of Water per day.

Increase Skeletal Muscle % and Decrease Body Fat %

My Ultimate Goals:

To loose 10kg - 15kg.

Reach goal weight of 69kg - 74kg = Healthy BMI

To drop body fat percentage to between 21% - 33%

To be a comfortable Size 12

To drop Viceral Fat to 5 (currently 7)

To be fit and healthy enough to become a Personal Trainer

Note:  Weight, Measurements and Photo's were taken on Thursday 20th 2010.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you.  Thank you so much for your continuing support and encouragement it helps to inspire and motivate me further.

I am hoping to be able to post daily blogs which will include details of my diet and exercise and also my general wellbeing for the day.  Stay tuned for more and wish me luck as I commence this amazing new journey.

Love, Light and Peace Always!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

A few random thoughts!

Tonight for the first time in I don't know how long (if ever), I looked in the mirror and wasn't disgusted in what I saw. Sure there are still some improvements that I want to make but I certainly don't want to kill myself in order to make them happen. Realistic Goals, Healthy Lifestyle and Improved Fitness is what I'm aiming for - looking hot once its achieved is the added bonus.

Tonight despite feeling like "poo" (iron levels stupid) I still went to my impact training session and even though I am sitting here now even more exhausted than before and sore to boot I am glad that I did it - crazy I know!

There is only 1 week until the big 8 week challenge and I am so excited and yet nervous at the same time. I am getting weighed and measured and photographed later this week. Oooh that reminds me, I completely forgot to do my May weigh in, measure and photos - that's a good thing I think as it shows I'm not letting it control me - whoo hoo, go me!

The past couple of days I have been cleaning and organising like mad (inside and out) so that I can focus on kicking external reflects my internal, just another one of my quirky traits. Hmmm ok so the OCD still isn't in check but you can't win them all.

More exciting news, I am actually going to be going to the Yoga Ashram to fast track and finish my course and as much as the thought of driving to Woodend once a week isn't all that appealing, the idea of getting to study in a relaxing peaceful environment is so worth it. I am determined to finish this course so that I can start my next one - it is so good having a direction and knowing what I want to do with my life.

Well that's it from me for now, thanks so much for you support it means heaps.

Love, Light and Peace Always XOXO

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Quote - Reminder!!

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, 'I'm possible'..."

Monday, May 10, 2010

A Reminder...

Each step forward is a step in the right direction and moves you one step closer to your goal - it matters not how far you go or how fast you get there but only that you give it a go and never give up, you are worth it...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

An Update for Early May 2010!

Where does the time go?  I am sure that when we find the odd socks hiding place we will also find all the missing minutes that have flown by.

So anyway things on the diet and exercise front have yet again come to a standstill due to me needing to have a tooth removed as well as just generally feeling like crapola.  However, I am getting back to it tomorrow with a PT session before the big 4km run this Sunday.  Can you believe it is here already, I can't and I am absolutely shitting myself but still trying to remain positive as Positive Thoughts Bring Positive Actions (thanks Kerriann).

Oh, the 8 week 'Biggest Winner' challenge at the Bacchus Marsh Leisure Centre will be starting on May 24th so I am going to work on getting my health back on track.  Bottom line health wise is that my iron levels suck and so iron infusions are on the cards but firstly they want to poke and prod to find out why the heck they are so low.

I had another lapband adjustment last week and have had a little bit of heartburn since (nothing that mylanta doesn't fix) but not a huge amount more restriction so I am going back again next week too and hopefully we can get that working for me properly too.

I have also decided to get on board with a group called Impact Fitness & Wellbeing.  They do individual and group personal training at a really really great price and specialise in boxing, cardio, fitball, resistance and toning.  Sessions are conducted over 45mins at a cost of only $14.00.  Yep you read it right and the more sessions you purchase further discounts apply - How good is that!!  Email Contact:

  2 sessions for $  20.00 (Special Introductory Offer)
  3 sessions for $  40.00
  8 sessions for $  96.00
12 sessions for $132.00
24 sessions for $264.00

Well thats it from me for now, I will once again try to get back on top of things enough to keep this blog up to date as I have some slide shows and videos that I want to put together and share with you too.  Oh and I will no doubt share tomorrows PT session with you.