Sunday, February 16, 2020

No answers = answers

Hey ya'll,

I thought I would pop in and give you a brief (hahaha who are we kidding, like seriously not gonna happen!) update on whats been going on in the life of moi.  


10th February 2020

I mentioned in a previous blog (HERE) that I was going for a gastro/colonoscopy to see if they could answer the mysterious question of:

'What is causing this lower left abdominal pain and the 'IBS' type symptomology I have been experiencing' since January 2nd?  

Lets just say preparation was not fun to say the least!  But, my wonderful family did help lighten the mood by making lots of poop related jokes, at my expense ofcourse!  Jazz was especially funny as he just couldn't figure out how the camera could fit up my bum LOL.

And here I was thinking it smelt okay so couldn't be THAT bad...WRONG, unless you enjoy drinking straight triple concentrated sugary lemon cordial that is *YUCK*

One litre of goopy mix in an hour and omgoodness my poor tummy was so full.  By the last sachet mix, I was well and truly in struggle town.

Thankfully, the actual procedure was a breeze in comparison, all due to a special milky substance that sent me off to la la land.  I was in full form too, even waved and said goodnight to every nurse in the room LOL.  What is a bit freaky though is that I cannot remember going from the recovery room to the sitting room where I had a cup of tea made just the way I like it.  Which makes me think they must have asked and I answered.  I wonder what else I said *shudders at the thought*.

My Gut

Up my butt!
How cool are these pics of the insides of me...never thought you'd ever see THAT side of me did ya huh!


Gastrocope results showed that I do indeed have reflex/heartburn (ummm derrr), which is due to a pouch in my lapband (well s%£+).  This has caused a fundic gland (I think that's its name) polyp.  Well actually, it is caused due do to a push back reaction to the heartburn medication that I have been taking.  It is definitely time to go back onto my Iberogast I do believe, which is a natural alternative to the proton pump inhibitors (eg. Pantoprazole).

Colonscopy results revealed rectal polyps, which were removed and sent off for testing.  Thankfully, they were BENIGN *phew*.  Due to finding them, I now need to be checked every 5 years.


Speaking of butts, even though those things were discovered, the specialist sadly informed me that they are NOT the answers we were indeed searching for.  Which means that next week I am off for a HIDA scan whereby I will be intravenously injected with radioactive tracer so they can view my liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, and small intestine. Maybe that will answer THE question, or maybe not!

To be completely real with you, my gut (no pun intended) believes that it is indeed bowel endometriosis.  But, ofcourse the one specialist I am STILL waiting on, is the gynecologist!  And I just repeated myself as I said it HERE too!


Oh, next week (on the same day as HIDA at 9.45am in Williamstown, and the other at 11.00am in St.Albans) I will be seeing the lapband surgeon to address the flipped port mentioned previously HERE, which could, maybe, also correct the pouch (Read HERE to find out what a pouch is...yes, its not the first time) - oh please let it be that easy!  If it doesn't fix it that way my options are: 

a) Remove the band.

This scares the absolute shit out of me!

Recently I've been reading back on some of my old blog posts, which considering the 'weight' related content, could be quite dangerous for someone on the wagon  from an eating disorder (always will be)...same applies for looking back on photographs,  hmmm actually they are quite possibly the biggest of triggers.  Anyway, they've got me thinking about how different my life is now in comparison to the weight obsessed version of old.  Don't get me wrong, I still have moments nowadays where I worry about how I look, especially if I see photos where I look huge, or running into someone I haven't seen in a know the whole I've put on weight since they last saw me thing. 

However, I have found the ability to quickly remind myself that my weight does not define me.  And as much as I don't like to admitt it perhaps there is an element of having someone in my life who doesn't see me for my size, and as a rssult has helped me see all the other little things that add up to make me uniquely me, regardless of what size I am.

Just to remind myself...

I am fun and quirky and love with passion beyond words.

I am determined, stubborn and driven.

I am organised and structured but also love to just fly by the seat of my pants every now and then.

I am creative and arty and see the beauty in things others find mundane.

I am positive,  optimistic and love my bifocal rose coloured glasses, half glass full mentality.

I have amazing people in my life who offer friendship, love and support.

There are so many things that make me ME; my weight is only the vechile in which holds it all.

So as I was saying, I am scared.  Scared of possibly ending uo back in both ends of the scale morbidly obese, or anorexic.  

b) Replace band with sleeve or bypass.  Nottle is leaning more towards the sleeve with me as apparently I'm not heavy enough for bypass (oh gosh still makes me shake my head and giggle in disbelief).  I've gotta say, I'm not actually opposed to option b, problem however. is that there is a 5+ year public waiting list.  Alternatively I can take out private health insurance which would probably see it happen within  year, but  I think we would struggle to fit into the budget. Then again we used to find money for smokes, which reminds me...

I am 60 days smokefree as of today 13th February 2020.


And the biggest news of all is that I got THE call today and (drum roll please)...

My BREAST SURGERY date has been set for Monday 24th February 2020...only 10 days away...holy frogballs, now it's real I'm packing my dacks eeekkk!

The above could obviously depend upon the results of my HIDA scan (although my inflammatory markers, blood sugar and vitals are all good for take off), so even though part of me is hoping it will hold the answers we are looking for, the other part does not want to miss this surgery date as my lumpy bits in my lumps have grown (still waiting on that call I mentioned HERE about the follow up diagnostics) and along with it my anxiety.

Ohhhh and talking about the surgery date, guess who is due to get her nightmare of a monthly visitor a few days before...blergh!  So, given how bloody horrible (literally) TTOTM is for me, I totally went against something I believe in and visited my GP for a magic pill to stop it; just during surgery and initial recovery, remembering that for the reconstruction they are taking muscle, skin, fat and blod vessels from my inner thighs (from groin down towards knee).  I certainly do not need that mess!


Oooh that reminds me...the plumbing drama mentioned HERE still has not been resolved.  Thankfully however, after calling the real estate agent and explaining the fact that I am going for a huge op, and as such will NEED indoor plumbing, 15 days later 'some' progress has been made.  So okay sure we don't have plumbing inside again yet, but its a start!



I mentioned in my last blog (HERE) that I had been a negative nelly and planned to do the work to turn my frown upside down.  The past few days I have spent very slowly (apart from my toilet dashes) pottering about in my garden, and as I have mentioned previously in my 'gardening' posts (see labels at bottom of page) I find it very meditative and cleansing.  Also, the fresh air and vitamin D from the sunshine helps me to think more clearly.  Which led me to the revelation that all these tests that are not providing us with an answer to our looming question, are actually giving us an answer.  They are telling us everything that the pain/symptomology are not!  Which in of itself is pretty insightful and makes the original daunting list of possibilities less daunting.  A huge thankyou to my little sis Marketta for helpin me find a different perspective!

Well thats it for now I think.  Until next time, sending LLP to you xo Tash.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Time for a realignment...

Of late my positive polly crown has been a little crooked. Sure I use humour to lighten the mood here and there, but thats just a smoke screen; a ruse to disguise how I'm really feeling; albeit a poor excuse of such. In addition to my crooked crown, my face has been adorned with a crooked smile, or more to the point a 'smirk'; yes even the mask I usually wear to disguise the truth is not polishing up so well. In other words, I have been a negative nelly and the things that would usually not get to me, or that I would just easily roll with; you know, like water off a ducks back, has really been ruffling my feathers.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you can't keep it real. Hell, I'm a big advocate of not shitting in someone's back pocket, or my own for that matter. Plus, I believe that you've gotta meet the dark to truly know the light, you know the duality of life! In addition to that, there's a saying that goes along the lines of "too much of anything isn't good for anyone", whichs aligns with Chinese medicines philosophy of too much of one emotion causes imbalance which in turn leads to dis-ease; therefore, balance is the key to achieving and maintaining optimum health.

So, what I am trying to say in my totally long winded arse about way, is this...

Even though my life situation at present is not picture perfect, I would rather count my blessings and be thankful for each and every one of them, than to focus on my problems and allow them to darken, depress and destroy me. Happiness and Positivity is quite simply a either choose 'to be' or choose 'not to be'!

Given that this is something I am deeply passionate about, why the frig have I been such a sad sack for so long!?!  Regardless of the current imperfections and the dysfunction within my life I CHOOSE to be happy!

Now, as much as I would love for it to be a case of, 'I have said it and so it shall be'!  Truth is, whilst happiness is indeed a way of life and not a destination, you still need to work at it. 

So, I ask!

What do I need to do in my life RIGHT NOW in order to be HAPPY on all levels, and as such ALIGNED WITH MY SOUL PURPOSE?

As I have spoken of in previous blogs where I've listed my happiness goals (Here & Here), all levels refers to mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and essential needs;  my overall WELLBEING!

Tash's Realignment To Do List


(novels that inspire and allow me to escape reality)

Blog More
(At least once a week)

Improve state of mind by keeping a daily Gratitude journal

To genuinely and graciously savour the time off from work and study
(Reveal in the time to do things that I don't normally have time to do)


Take Supplements 
(Restore, Digestaid, Parex)

Eat nutritious meals
(morning green smoothies are a must)

Slow, Steady, Deliberate Movement Daily 
(Walking, Dancing, Yoga, Riding, Swimmimg...anything).

Book in with Optomery School for eye test


(Herb, salad and vegetable patch)

Catch up with friends

Roadtrip to somewhere in nature


Daily Mindfulness Meditation

Daily Affirmations

Bible Study and Prayer

Daily self love exercise
(Mirror work and list)


Keep house clean and organised 
(Clean External = Clear Internal)

Routine and Consistency

Quality family time 
(Night time snuggles)

Reconnect with my man

Tell / Show my family I love them

Daily Text / Call with Mum

Weekly contact with Skeet

More regular contact with Uncle 

Daily aromatherapy blend in diffuser

Morning shower followed by aromatic dressing

Electronic free day once a week

This photo makes me happy!
What is something that lights you up with happiness? 

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Hello February 2020

If you follow me on facey or insta, you would know that on Saturday 1st after sitting and thinking about this and that, I wrote the following...

"We haven't had the smoothest of starts to the year with January certainly throwing some challenging curve balls from start to end BUT as the saying goes 'it could be worse', right!?!". 

Now, despite the fact that yes we did all manage to just roll with everything that the past month thew at us (which is indeed pretty darn awesome), it did not mean that I was hoping for more of the same in February!

This year was supposed to be all about my boob operation...that is/needs to be where my focus goes, not here there and every bloody where else (my family the exception obviously). 

Ain't that the truth!

ANYWAY...As I write this post it is Saturday the 8th, so here is a little bit of catch up!

Plumbing up the s%@&! 

Whilst the real estate did in fact respond to my SOS call, and indeed sent a plumber out to us first thing the next morning (aka the 1st), he only applied a band aid (seems to the theme of our year). So, as he was unable to complete the job until approval and other red tape, for the past week we have had no cold water to the main house, and also no inside toilet!

Now don't get me wrong, we are so ultra lucky that we have a shower and a toilet in the bungalow out the back BUT...when you have had Gastro/IBS symptoms full on for the past week, having to run that little bit further (sometimes in the rain and the dark) really is not helpful. Again, could be worse hey...I mean we are truly blessed that we have plumbing at all!

Missing the fun!

I missed out on going to the local car show with my family on Sunday 2nd as I wasn't well, instead I stayed home alone yet again! Yes, I am feeling sad and sorry for myself because even though many would think that alone time without the hubby and kids is the best thing ever, I actually like making memories with my family. Don't get me wrong, alone time is also great but this is about the bigger picture and in this case, its missing the fun!

On a positive though, I was ultra thankful that Damo and Jess (Glenn's neighbour's) caught up with them at the show. What was even more special, is that afterwards they took the boys to Masons Lane and kicked the footy around, which the boys loved!


Mia was able stay overnight with us for the very first time on Saturday 1st, which was a very special first milestone. And if I am completely honest, it also makes life a little less hectic as it means we don't have to try and jam pack so much into the day within the time frame that also includes two hours of driving to pick her up, bring her here, drive her home and then drive back home. 

Oh, and just for the record, whilst I may be progressive in some things, I can assure you that Ace and Mia were indeed in separate bedrooms!

Work...What work?!?

Since I haven't been booked in for my boob op yet (I will talk about that more later) I had planned to go back to work this week. BUT, given the relapse, I once again needed to cancel. 

This sucks for a couple of reasons a) as I am sure I have mentioned before, I really dislike letting people down, and b) I was looking forward to earning some money to help us get back on track.

On a positive, it has meant that I have been available for the boys after school, able to catch up on this blog, and um...been able to stay on top of telling Mark what to do around the house? Hmmm, ok so maybe, just maybe, that is not a positive for him LOL!

Top Half!

Firstly, in a previous post I mentioned that the operation to have my boobs removed and then reconstructed would be in February; but IF there is emergency cancer patients then I would be pushed back. As it turns out, that IF indeed happened and I have been told that it will now more than likely be done in March. Again provided that there is no emergency cases.  No denying that it sucks, but to be completely real with ya, if it means that a life has possibly been saved by bumping me, I am totally okay with that.

I had an appointment scheduled with my risk management team and breast surgeons at .RMH on Tuesday 4th, but they called and said there point attending until I had updated diagnostics done first.  Also, given that I am in the process of waiting to have them removed and haven't changed my mind about anything, there really isn't much need for the appointment.  Anyway, I was advised that someone would call and book me in for some more tests soon. As yet, no phone call!

I will just keep waiting patiently, and in the meantime hope like heck that whatever is going on with my gut sorts itself out, OR I get some answers so that the problem can be fixed! I really don't want to be needing to run to the loo during recovery!

Bottom Half!

In addition to waiting on my appointment for the top half, I am also still waiting on an appointment for the bottom half.  This one I think is frustrating me more than any of them because it was the specialist who told me I NEEDED to come back in JANUARY.  I mean, why say it and then not make it happen.

On top of that, since my last appointment in October a few changes have happened and I really want them addressed ASAP.

Things like the fact that the mirena was a flop and therefore didn't solve the initial problem it was used for.  In fact that problem has become worse than it originally was and so I want to get the hysterectomy paperwork sorted so that ball can start rolling (also another time bomb risk reducing measure).

I did briefly talk to my breast care nurse about the possibility of having both done at the same time, BUT she said given the complexity of the op already, it is best to do them separately. 

Another reason, is because I (and my GP) believe the cause of my pain and my bowel related issues is due to Bowel Endometriosis (BE).

Even though I am going in to have a gastroscopy and colonoscopy done this coming Monday the 10th February, BE is a condition that apparently can't be detected via those measures.  But, as we want to rule everything out, it is a necessary step!  Mind you, I am more than open to being wrong if it means an answer sooner rather than later.

Wanna know a positive?  My initial gastro/colonoscopy appointment was on the 10th of March but due to the recent relapse, even though they usually prefer things to settle down, they bumped me up.  Yay!  I'm not at all looking forward to drinking the goop stuff though, or the evacuation process.  I think I may set my bed up in the bungalow instead of trying to run from inside to out!


I went to see my GP on Tuesday and was told that there wasn't really any more that could be done other than continuing to address the symptoms until the tests are done *SIGH*.

On a plus though, I am lucky to have a GP that works in an integrative way and embraces natural methods such as; just allowing things to run their course rather than suppressing them.  Mind you, I really would of liked to be able to take a magic pill to stop the poop...I would of even been happy to drink the cornflour water, but alas letting it just flow is/was (finally got a reprieve) best, this I know!

I am also blessed that she is open to me taking supplements as considering the amount of prescription drugs going through my system at the moment, plus the fact that our nutrition has not been as 'on point' as it normally is during the school term (yes, I admit it, I get lazy on the holidays) they will be ultra beneficial in providing gut support.  A huge thank you to the lovely Sonja for setting me up with these beauties.

Done biting my tongue!

The boys are with us again this weekend, which truly is our gain and their fathers loss!

What shits me most about it though, is that if the kids had of done something terrible to warrant it, or if I was a terrible person to deal with and made co-parenting a living nightmare, then it would be understandable.  BUT, to not make ANY contact with your kids because you have chosen to be with a woman who HIT your son, who DISRESPECTED your sons boundaries and who was quite happy to just HIDE away in the dark while you were passed out cold for over an hour...makes no sense to me what so ever!

Seriously, when you have already lost one child and will never ever again get an opportunity to make things right with them, wouldn't you make more of an effort this time around!?!

Honestly, if he doesn't pull his head out of his arse soon and reach out to his kids, it will again be too late!

I am done making excuses for him, done being a sucker!


And I think that pretty much brings us up to date with things huh?  Not ultra exciting but it is what it is!

Jazz stayed home with us last night whilst Ace, Zac and Louis went to empire, then came back here to stay the night.  This morning (well more like early afternoon) the four of them went off exploring, and now its just the four of us home.

Ace is cleaning his room (he's a good egg really) , Jazz is on his xbox (surprise surprise), Mark is hanging washing on the line and I am typing this whilst waiting on my Choc Banana Bread to cook.

Tonight I really want to get the floors vac'd and mopped and our weekly/fortnightly food menu sorted so that I can do some online shopping (or do I go to Aldi tomorrow because I know its cheaper, but then that means I have to go out in public and deal with people and well...oh its a hard decision). 

No wait...Uni Limbo!

I just remembered that I forgot to talk about feeling like I'm in limbo.  I know I have said that in the past and my sister said something that helped, but of course I've had a senior moment and i can't remember what it was.

I've told you that I finished my first degree (Bachelor of Complementary Medicine), with a grade point average of 6.5 thank you very much (between a Distinction and a High Distinctiond if you were wondering what it meant).  But, did I mention that the graduation ceremony is going to be in May 2020?

As for the next degree, which is approximately 40% complete, I am yet to re-enrol as I don't want to drop out mid subject because of the op!  The other thing is that I don't know if I will really be up to studying straight after the op and whether it will be wise to write essays when high on morphine (could prove interesting LOL).  Also, I will be needing to do quite a few subjects on campus for this next degree, so again I need to be 100% on my feet.  The plan was initially to go on campus during the summer/daylight savings months and do online subjects for the others, but as the saying goes "even the best laid plans, come unstuck".

Take two...

Okay, I think that's it now.

This is me sending LLP out into the universe!

xo Me :)

True That - AMEN!

Friday, February 7, 2020

More January 2020

Thursday 16th

As mentioned previously HERE, today I had an appointment to have my lap band adjusted via CT scan.  If you can't be bothered reading that post, bottom line is that my port has flipped, and so I need an operation to flip it back over.

As we were going to be coming home via Deer Park, I stepped completely out of my comfort zone and allowed Ace to catch a train ALONE for the very first time and go and see Mia.  Thinking back, I was his age the first time I also caught the train on my own, ironically I also got off at Deer Park.

As we had some time to kill before picking Ace up we decided to go out for lunch.  Not wanting a boring old cheap and greasy take away place, we instead went to Lazy Moes in Caroline Springs.  As we walked in I could smell a curry cooking, so I ordered it! I and am happy to report that it tasted as delicious as it smelt.

Oh and nope, I didn't eat it all, so it was a great little snack for Ace on the way home.  That is when we eventually got back on the road to head home.  It turns out that Mias Mum (Dianne) and I, can chat each others ears it!

PS.  Happy 7th Birthday to my precious niece Keana Mae!

Oldie but goodie!

Friday 17th

Today I was supposed to catch up with my RAP Girls (Rita, Amanda and Peta) for lunch, but sadly I instead ended up at the doctors yet again!  Mind you, it wasn't only just for me this time, Mr. Jazzy joined me also.

Why you ask?  Well, last night when we got home, the two boys went to the skate park.  When Jazz got home he complained of a sore ankle but didn't say much more about it.  Fast forward a few hours to the early hours of the morning and HOLY CRAP...RICE to the rescue until the next day!

So yep, we ended up running around getting him xrays.  Thankfully it wasn't broken but it was indeed a deep sprain whilst meant more RICE and getting around on crutches for a couple of days.

Funniest thing when the doc said RICE, Jazz was like "is that really all I'm allowed to eat"?  Of course Mark and I had to string him along just for a little while hehehehe!

Saturday 18th

So yesterday Ace went out riding with his mate and then sent a message in the afternoon asking if he could stay the night.  Then, today the same thing happened.  Each time I was okay with it, because lets face it, the holidays haven't been all that exciting for any of us (although out of all of us, he has had it the best).

Then, as seems to the be the standard thing to do, despite knowing that we had already discussed the raised topic and I had already made my feelings about it very clear...he had to go and push the boundary!  Let's just say I was ultra peeved!

It seems to be happening more and more lately...I mean he even pushed THOSE buttons on NYE!  And yep even tried doing it when I was in hospital, like WTF!  

Its like all of a sudden they reach a certain age and then wham they become selfish little assholes, who only think that you are the best ever when you are allowing them to do something they have asked for, or given them an amazing gift!?!   

I shouldn't really complain too much because to be completely real with you, I am pretty lucky really.  I guess I'm just not used to it, and having very little patience for bullshit these days probably doesn't help!

PS.  Happy Birthday to my brother in law Jeremy!

Sunday 19th 

So I'd been feeling a little 'over it all' the past couple of days and needed to do something! anything!  I really do not do well sitting on my butt doing nothing for too long, and it has been way too long!  Anyway, aqua therapy at the BM local pool it was!  Whilst not the beach, and not a hotel pool somewhere far away, it was the way to spend some quality time as a family outside of the house, whilst also cooling off on all levels (let's just say that I am mega grumpy at life and EVERYONE in it at the moment)!  Mind you, in saying that, the pool wasn't the same without the usual gang down there...missed you guys xo

We pretty much had the pool to ourselves...

We got home in just enough time to grab the clothes off the line and hang towels and swimmers out (so they get a good natural rinse) before the lightning, thunder and hail stones hit **WOWEE*

Monday 20th

Happy Birthday Kohden James!

Another oldie but goodie!

Today the four of us plus mapa went on a road trip to Torquay, so that we could celebrate the combined birthdays of Keana, Jeremy and Kohden.  

The added bonus this year is that Pa (Uncle Geoff) was also down for a visit, and so it was a proper family celebration...we even managed to get a family photo WHOO HOO!

Having Pa there makes up for not getting a holiday adventure...

From Torquay it was a very slow drive in the terrible weather to Williamstown to see the lapband specialist, where I was put onto the waiting list for surgery...MORE HERE!

Wednesday 22nd

Today we all (the four of us plus James and Mia) ended up at the BM Pool, where I also got to just sit and chat with Dannielle, which was lovely.  

Anyway time came to head home (TTOTM decided to show up a day early, so glad I wasn't in the water at the time) but my car key wouldn't shut off my long story short the engine wouldn't start!

Seriously WTF is next...SO over it!

That meant we had to wait for the RACV, and then we had to wait for the TOW TRUCK (lucky I pay out for roadside assistance every year huh), and eventually we all got to go home, have showers, get warm and run Mia home.

Thursday 23rd

We had a house inspection today and I stayed in bed!  Yep, a very bad case of CBFs indeed!  Doesn't help that I am bleeding like a mofo...eeeeewww

Friday 24th

When we called the RACV the other night the bloke basically told me that the key was fooboocachooed and that the only way I could get the car to start again would be to get an autoelectrician out to work their magic.  Anyway, figuring that I had nothing to loose anyway, I pulled the key casing apart and what do ya know!  The car immobiliser unlocked, which meant that we were able to start the car, and drive it down the street to get a new key, albeit $150 later.  Mind you, it is cheaper than the RACV bloke told us it would be.


Before the whole car key incident, our plan was that after the house inspection we were going to pack so that on Friday 24th we were ready to head off on a family road trip to do the silo art trail.  

On Friday night we were looking to stay in a hotel in Horsham.  Then Saturday 25th we figured we would head up to Lascelles and camp by the lake. Sunday 26th, I had planned on staying in the Madgala Lodge in Stawell (the same place were went to last year), before heading home on Monday 27th.

BUT, it wasn't to be and that has left me feeling very GGRRR!  I just don't feel like we have had a holiday, no proper quality time as a family, no actual proper 'rest' (other than forced rest which doesn't count) know, no time out in nature to reconnect with the earth, with ourselves, with each other, no time to properly escape the rat race, the usual everyday crap...*SIGH*

On some level I should be thankful that it didn't happen; a) because I really wasn't up for it, and b) because we really couldn't afford it.  Let's just say that when I did the xmas/birthday gift budging, I didn't plan on loosing two weeks (22 hours x $60) of work due to being in hospital, so even though I did squirrel a little away for the school holiday activities, we are in the red and yet again chasing our tail.

Saturday 25th

Today I spent the day in bed!

Need I say more!

Sunday 26th

Today Ace and Mia celebrated their 5 month anniversary, with a family dinner at Lazy Moe's, followed by a movie, and a walk beside the river before heading home.

Yummy Carbonara for Two!

Hahaha check out the photo bombers!
So, as we were pulling into the river area, Mel was pulling out, so we chatted in our cars for a little while which was really nice.

Monday 27th

Today was yet another day of staying in bed...

Tuesday 28th

Today was spent making sure we were all ready for the school term ahead...

Yup, I'm one of those Mum's that labels and irons everything...well for the first week anyway!

Wednesday 29th 
And just like that Mr. Acey is in Year 10!

Here's hoping the year ahead is full of teachings that spark your enthusiasm for learning more and more matey!

It was also good to have Louis arrive this morning so they could head off together for first day of term...great mates make the high school experience worth it!

As for Jazzy, his first day is tomorrow, but he still got in on the photo action, even if it was just to rub in the fact that he was still in his PJs.

Do not let Aces sweet face fool you, check out the arm placement!
So what did Jazz get up to on his last day of the school holidays you ask?  

Watch Video HERE
I've been feeling really OLD lately, so I decided to buy a $4.00 semi permanent hair colour from the reject shop and give it a go.

The boys picked magenta aka PINK!
Thursday 30th

Today it was Jazz' first day of Year 9

He was a little nervous about it last night but having his good mate James, as well as Ace and Louis with him this morning, made a big difference.



And whilst the boys were off expanding their minds, this mumma enjoyed a chai latte with her Man, with huge thanks to the beautiful Dannielle.

Got her eyes checked and had it confirmed that glasses are a must have BUT they will have to wait until I can make it to the optometry school as there is no way I can afford them from specsavers eeekkk!

Picked up Buddy (Mums Dog who is 16 years old, and having more and more trouble daily) from Melton and took him to the vet in BM so he could go to sleep and dream of the rainbow bridge!

Truth be told, I couldn't actually go through with being the one to take him in to the room, so Mark did that part.  I instead stayed out in the waiting room watching the kittens get into mischief.

Not feeling like going home we decided to head out for lunch, where we had the best Dianne Sauce EVER!  Infact, I ended up leaving my beef curry and pouring the sauce on my rice and eating that DELICIOUS!

After school, we (and the rest of the town) went to the BM Pool to cool off.  

It was awesome catching up with Mel and getting to chat to her for more than just a few minutes.  I was also really blessed to get to speak to a couple of other friends of whom I see pop up on facebook but don't get the opportunity to speak to in person.

Friday 31st

Yesterday I was jumping in the deep end and wrestling with my boys, and today...the face says it all really!  

Thinking there is a pattern happening here...
Finish TTOTM and a few days later BAM!

So as today was HOT (40 plus), we arranged for the boys to head to the pool after school.  Not long after, Mark meet up with them after picking up Hosanna.  They all stayed until 8.00pm, whilst I stayed home running between our bed and the loo!

Outside enjoying the brief rain...still bloody hot though!

Oh and guess what...just to end the month with a bang...tonight Mark could hear water running from somewhere...that somewhere turned out to be the laundry wall eeekkk.  So, as we were unable to get hold of the real estate, or a plumber, the only option we had was to turn the water off at the mains.  Not ideal, especially after running to the loo as often as I had been...thankfully I didn't need to go!

And that's that...Goodbye January 2020!