Sunday, July 26, 2020

Hello Fresh Versus Dinnerly

Now that I've trialled both Hello Fresh and Dinnerly (or Dingalee as my Mum calls it LOL.  Everytime she does it, that song 'my ding a ling, my ding a ling, I want you to play with my ding a ling' gets stuck on my head)!, I thought I would do a comparison blog, and hopefully answer all the questions I've been asked on my socials.

What's the price difference?

Based on 5 nights of meals, for 4 people at the non-discounted price...

Hello Fresh = $159.80 (including $9.99 shipping) per week.

Dinnerly = $113.95 (including $8.95 shipping).

That's a difference of $45.95.  Considering you still need to buy 2 nights worth of dinners, Dinnerly is definitely more affordable.

Which tastes better?

Both places supplied fresh, high quality ingredients.

However, I thought the Hello Fresh meals were much tastier - gourmet quality.

In comparison, whilst there were some nice elements to the Dinnerly meals, for the most part they were just 'okay'. 

In terms of stars...

Hello Fresh = 4.5
Dinnerly = 3.0

Whats more convienient?

I like that Hello Fresh provided their meals in bagged packs.

I also liked their printed recipes however, they don't supply weighted quantities on the recipe which makes it hard to recreate at home.

In comparison, Dinnerly uses less packaging due to the ingredients being loose in the box.  Let's face it though, it's no different to when we do a normal grocery shop.  Plus, I like using my tupperware fridge mate containers to keep things fresh. 

Whilst I wasn't keen on an online recipe card, a bonus is that I can easily zoom in to enlarge the writing, the recipes are easily reproducable at home, and I can share them.

What is easier and quicker to cook?

I think this would also depend upon the recipes you select.  

Based on our chosen recipes however, Hello Fresh provided more ingredients which meant more preparation time, and more dishes to wash (omg talk about lots of dishes).  Their recipes also had more elements so took a little longer to cook.

Hello Fresh = More time in the kitchen.
Dinnerly = Less time in the kitchen.


Dinnerly is more affordable.

Hello Fresh meals are tastier.

Hello Fresh is more convenient in terms of packaging and recipe card.

Dinnerly meals are quicker and easier to cook.

To conclude, it depends upon what factors are more important for you.

Me personally, if I'm paying out money for a meal box, I would rather it be worth it in terms of tasting good, so Hello Fresh is my top choice.  

Saturday, July 25, 2020


I was browsing facebook and came across a Dinnerly advertisement.  Long story short, there was a discount code and well, I decided to join up so to compare it again Hello Fresh.

The sign up process was quite simple.

1.  Select a box

I selected the family box giving me 5 meals for 4 people.

2.  Set location

This is also the sign up step.

3.  Delivery Details

Choose your day.

4.  Payment

I was really happy that you could use a paypal option, rather than crefit card details.

Total cost with the special (including $8.95 for shipping) is $93.95. 

Once special is over, total cost will be $113.95.

You need to subscribe to weekly boxes, however pausing and cancelling your account is an easy process.

5.  Choose meals

Meals are automatically selected for you.  You can however, edit the choices and pick anything you like from a choice of 20 options.

Friday 17th July 2020

Our Dinnerly Box was left at our front door bright and early this morning!

First thing I noticed when unpacking was that unlike Hello Fresh all the ingredients are loose in the box, aka no meal packs.

Secondly, it was hard not to notice there was no recipe cards.  These are supplied online.  

Sadly, I had a whole day before delivery where I could not access my online account, this definitely put a dampener on the experience from the get-go!

Our first meal, cooked that night was Chicken Chow Mien. 

Mark cooked this one and said it was easy enough to follow the online recipe.

We had an unexpected guest for dinner so stretched the meal out to serve 5.  Whilst not a huge portion, I found it filling enough.

As for taste, well I personally think my chow mien, and asian mince noodle recipes are nicer, and more generous in portion size.  But, the noodles were nice and it was okay; not a dish I'd rush to have again.  No reflection at all upon the chef, I must say!

Funnily enough Ace said he WOULD have it again, and came looking for more.  Go figure, he's the fussiest in our household!

Sunday 19th July, 2020

Todays Dinnerly meal was Cheesy Crumbed Chicken with Baked Sweet Potatoe.

It was quite tasty, and really quick and easy to make; the oven did all the work!

We all loved the sweet potatoe which was baked in a garlic butter.  And the cheesey panko crumb was yummy too.  

A not so positive is that there was alot of spinach; admittedly the oil/vinegar dressing was good though.  Surprisingly, the boys ate most of it!

Confession:  I added another sweet potatoe (so 3 in total), as after I'd cut it up I didn't feel there was enough; so glad I did!

Monday 20th July, 2020

Our dinnerly meal this evening was a Korean Beef Rice Bowl.  

I think this was the less generous of servings so far.  I personally found it filling, but Jazz and Mark both came looking for more.

A sure fire sign that the flavours were very tasty.   It had just enough of a kick to get my nose running LOL.

It was also quick and easy to whack together, and even easier since I used my rice cooker for the brown rice.  How cook is brown rice?!?  I love the nutty chewyness!

Have to say though, Ace wasn't keen on this one at all.  Not that it went wasted though;  Jazz and Mark shared it, while Ace ate Baked Beans.

Tuesday 21st July, 2020

Tonight we had the quickest and easiest version of San Choy Bau I have ever made; way quicker than 'fast food'!

In all honesty though, I can't say it was the yummiest.  

Maybe its because I'm not a big fan of pork mince, or just simply because I wasn't feeling it tonight and so the secret ingredient (love ssshhhh) was missing.  

The peanuts on top were good though!

Thursday 23rd July, 2020

Our final Dinnerly meal was Lamb and Carrot Pie with Potato and Pea Mash (aka Shepherds Pie).

So it might look like mush bit it was absolutely yummy!  

Admittedly I did modify the recipe slightly...

- I added added celery, a little curry powder, and instead of putting peas in the mash I added it to the meat mix (bits in mash - ummm no thank you).

- I used tomatoe sauce instead of paste, simply because we had ran out.

- It also didn't thicken up very well so I needed to add in some cornflour.

- A sprinkle of cheese to the top of the spuds added an extra special element.

It was real wintery comfort food!

And that's trial week over!

Would I pay full price of $114.00 per week for it?  Yeah!  

Would I recommend it for others? Yeah!

I will admit though, the convienience factor of not having to a) think about whats for dinner each night, and b) go food shopping, certainly sweetens the deal.

Be sure to check out my next blog to read a comparison between Dinnerly and Hello Fresh!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Daily Non-negotiables

Do you have a list of daily non-negotiables? You know, one or more habits that are a must to do without fail? Whilst I have quite a few things on my list, for this blog I want to focus on just one.

My number one daily non-negotiable is… make my bed! 

I find it unbelievable how even if the room itself is not neat, tidy and organised, a made bed changes the whole feel of the room. I also find that there are huge rewards in one simple task; such as, a feeling of accomplishment. Why wouldn't I be a bed making advocate when it brings about such a positive start to ones day. 

From a very early age, I taught my precious boys the importance of bed making, and now its become what I believe is a 'good habit' which takes them no more than a few minutes. 

So, perhaps they do not prop the pillows and place the throw rug 'just so', the way I like, but simply pulling up the covers so that they aren't strewn all over the room is something that makes my heart smile. 

Need more convincing? Okay, heres some more reasons why I'm an advocate of making the bed. 

Reduces anxiety, stress & tension 

Walking into a room and seeing sheets screwed up into a bunch, pillows tossed here and there, and blankets all over the floor, triggers a sense of panic. Making the bed however, reduces the look of mess and clutter, and as such eliminates the feeling of chaos. 

Sense of achievement 

By completing this one simple task, I start my day off with a sense of achievement. Who wouldn't want to start each day on a positive note. 

Produces Productivity 

With an awesome tone set for the day, it motivates one to be productive which opens the door of possibility. 

Cleanliness Godliness

I know I've shared before that my external reflects the internal. Meaning, if my surroundings are cluttered, my mind feels the same. Hence, by taking a few minutes out of my day and making the bed, it cleans the untidiness of my mind. And, it makes the room itself look much neater. 

Cosy Comfort 

And lastly, I love the feeling of pulling back the covers and crawling into a made bed.

Even when we had the single bed in our room for Mark to sleep on during recovery, both beds would get made. Truth be told, Mark would remake the bed for me each time I would get up - just another reason why I love him so. 

And just for comparison heres something that you won't see very often eeekkkk...heart rate racing just looking at it.

Versus something that to me is much more inviting, and reduces the anxiety heart rate. Even with pillows galore!

Oh, another positive about making your bed, for those counting them, is that you get up your steps!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Hello Fresh

Saturday 11th July, 2020

Last week, one of my instagram friends posted that she had 4 "FREE" Hello Fresh boxes available for anyone who would like to try.  After having a conversation with my Mum about this exact topic the week before, I did not hesitate to get one for each of us.

Once sent the free code, I did not hesitate to sign up!

I personally found the steps easy to follow.  Mum however, had a little trouble at her end.  This could have either been due to her internet dropping out, or the fact that old people and technology don't mix LOL.

From memory here they are.

Step 1.  Choose a meal plan.  

I chose the Family Plan, which is easy enough to change if desired.

Step 2.  Customise your plan

For the purpose of the free voucher, I ordered 4 recipes per week, with 4 servings per recipe.  It worked out I had to pay $5.01 which I was happy to do.

For the weeks that followed I chose 5 recipes per week, with 4 servings per recipe.  Total Cost (including $9.99 for shipping) is $159.80.

Step 3.  Sign Up

Set up an account with email and password.

Step 4.  Address

Enter delivery details such as address, and delivery day.

Step 5.  Check Out

Even though the box I got was free, I needed to put in either my credit card, or PayPal details.  In addition, I needed to agree to subscribing for weekly deliveries.  

If however, I decide not to continue, or I just want to skip a week, it is easy to do.

Step 6.  Choose Meals

They automatically select the meals for you.  You can however, edit the choices and pick anything you like from a choice of 18 options.  I preferred to chose myself, especially as Ace is a little fussy so the meals needed to suit him.

One of the recipes I chose, had a lunch option which was good for Ace, so it cost an additional $11.90 for 2 serves.

Today was my delivery day.  The box arrived early in the morning and left on the front door step.  I received a text message to let me know delivery was made.  Contactless to fit Covid-19 protocols.

Mark and I are so excited about not having to decide whats for dinner each night.  Instead, we just pull a brown paper bag, meat, and dressing out of the fridge and follow the recipe.

This could not have come at a more perfect time for us as  I have been feeling so bored with food lately.  Nothing has been satisfying my taste buds, and some meals seem to lack any flavour at all. So, I am hoping that these meals will both nourish and nurture. 

Most comments on my socials about the food have been positive, although price has been a negative factor, and there was a mention of the produce not being as fresh as it could be.  

Let the adventure begin!

Sunday 12th July, 2020

Here is our first recipe - Asian Chicken and Roast Vegie Salad.

The recipe card was easy to follow, and the meal itself pretty simple to whip up.  

It did use a heck of alot of dishes though, and the time it took to prepare/cook was longer than the usual recipes we are used to.

As for taste, Jazz went back for seconds; he loved how healthy it was.  Mark thought it was nice enough to have again; to him portion was perfect.  Ace enjoyed the chicken and tomatoes; he tried the roast veggies but wasn't ultra keen on them.  And me, well even though my lapband didn't allow me to keep it down; maybe because I was a piggy and tried to eat too much because it was yum (keeping things real here right!?) - I really enjoyed the flavours especially the little pepper kick; the tomatoes I wasn't a fan of but omg roasted cauliflower, why have I never had it that way before!

Would we have it again? We all say yes, well Ace is yes to the chicken only.  Good thing too as we still have a bit more left.

Monday 13th July, 2020

Wondering how I know what bag to choose?

The bags sticker, matches the logo printed on the recipe card.  If you pay attention, you'll notice each recipe has a different sticker/logo.

What I haven't mentoned yet, is that for some recipes you also need to add some pantry staples (and water).

This recipe needed quite a few things.

Tonights dinner was a Beef Bipimbap bowl.  

However, as Ace doesnt like egg he went for the lunch option of a Beef Bulgogi Wrap.

I personally felt that the meat was a little on the oily side, so.I drained it before serving.

Also, the rice was cooked via the absorption method and I usually use a rice cooker, as our electric stove doesn't do simmer well.  Truth-be-told, the rice was a little sticky, but tasty all the same.

So what was the taste verdict?

Long story short, it was D to the LISH!  Taste sensation plus! 

Both Ace and Jazz had seconds.  Mark and I were disappointed we couldn't fit more in, but can't wait for lunch tomorrow.

Tuesday 14th July, 2020

Tonight's dinner was Korean Beef Tacos, and they were definitely a welcome change from our usual cheese and sour cream mexican ones; so much lighter and yet tastier.

As mentioned in the previous recipe, some pantry staples were required.

This particular recipe didn't seem as fiddly as the other two, although there were a few steps.

Like, marinate the beef in soy, garlic and honey.

Confession time:  I had a hard time reading the quantities on the recipe card.  So, instead of 1/3 cup of soy, I put in 1/2 Ooops.

And, making pickled onions.  O.M.G, I will definitely be making them again.

From there it was preparing the salad!

Then onto cooking the meat, heating tortillas, and serving.

The verdict:

Both Ace and Mark didn't really care for the fried shallots.

Ace also felt there was too much carrot; cant disagree that there was alot but it wasn't over powering.

Jazz absolutely smashed his, while the rest of us saved one for later, or maybe even lunch.

Realistically, this meal could probably serve 6 people with each having two tacos each.

As for our rating, so far we would put this one in second place; lasts night, is number one.  And we would definitely have it again!

Wednesday 15th July, 2020

Tonight's dinner was Beef Koftas with Cous Cous Tabouli and Lemon Yogurt.  

Despite having quite a few ingredients, it was quick and easy to prepare.

Am I the only one who wears gloves when having to touch meat?  The human kind an exception to the rule ofcourse *hehehe*.

Yes it is true, Mark got out the ruler to make sure they were as close as possible to 2.5cm wide and 6.00cm long LOL.

There were no left overs night.

The verdict:  Third favourite, although only by a smidge.

Jazz, thought it was great, abd th thinks I'm now a gourmet chef (bless his little heart).  Ace, didn't like the currents in the cous cous and thought the meat was a tad dry (I love his honesty but can ya tell he's the fussy one!?!).  Yet again, Mark and I loved it just the way it was.

If I were to make any changes at all though, I would probably be just as happy with the meat cooked like 'mince', and mixed through the cous cous.

Very sadly, that was our final meal for the free Hello Fresh trial box.  Would I pay to get it?  I certainly would!  Would I recommend it for others?  Absolutely.

I will admit though, the best part has been not having to think about whats for dinner every day. 

Wanna know some good news?

From Friday I won't need to worry about it again, as I will be trialling DINNERLY (aka Marley Spoon).

Be sure to stay tuned...

OH, one more thing.  Do you want to try Hello Fresh?  Would you like $50.00 OFF your first order?  If the answer is YES please message me for a code.