Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Guess What?? Tue 6 Sept 2011

So here I was thinking that I had maintained in the last month (clothes test) BUT I braved the scales today and I have actually LOST 2kg's (I now weigh 84.1kg)!!!  I was so shocked that I checked it 3 times LOL.  I am SO happy, its the little boost I need to keep me strong!  Goes to show hey, that Nutrition plays a HUGE role in it all.

I managed to walk the kids to school today which felt really great, not only because I was up and about but also because I got to share a special moment with my boys.  Today was the first day that Ace rode his bike to school without training wheels and the first day that Jazz rode his with only one wheel on. Ace did so well but Jazz on the other hand stacked it a couple of times. I have really missed being able to run around with them the way I normally do and so to be able to do this with them really made my day - not to mention theirs also. =)

I am feeling much better today and have so far had a very productive start to the week.  The house is sparkling, the clothes are washed, folded and put away, the shopping has been done, the bills have all been paid, and now I get to spend my time finalising things for Relay For Life, putting my set list together, doing business accounts, lodging our tax returns and ofcourse Studying as well as a myriad of other things - there is never a dull moment in the life of Ms Tashua!

Monday September 5th 2011

Hmmmmm, I seriously don't even know where to start with this update?  The past month has been crappy to say the least, just one thing after the bloody other (capped off with Fathers Day) and to be totally honest with you,  I spent the weekend in bed with a bad case of the FML's and those that know me, know that I don't do FML's - feeling sorry for myself on occassion 'yes' but not FML's. 

Anyway after giving myself a peep talk along the lines of 'there are people out there that have it worse than you do so get over yourself' I came to realise that if nothing else, this past month has made me stronger and more determined to achieve everything that I want to achieve as well as shedding the light on a few other things too, but thats a whole other blog or three.

So you know that I had my knee done and it turned out to be worse than expected and that I was waiting to see the surgeon...Well, the verdict is that I do infact need a Full Knee Reconstruction - yipee NOT!  Firstly though its 2 months of intense physio, a brace and then back to the surgeon to book me in for the first part of the op.  Yes he will be doing it in stages.  WHY? Because he feels it will be best. *Sigh* 

On a plus I am walking around more (without my sticks) and can drive again so life has been able to get back to some kind of normal - all except for Gym. *Another Sigh* 

Whilst I have managed to maintain my weight I feel Fat and Frumpy and Blah and really need to start getting active again as I miss the Gym and being able to participate in the workout with my PT clients (who would of ever though hey!).  Although my knee has healed enough to allow me to do modified activity the rest of what life has thown at me has prevented it from happening.

So as you can guess I was feeling ultra frustrated at not being able to do things the way I usually did them and as a result of this I started grinding my teeth which fractured a tooth killing the nerve and creating an abess which saw the RHS of my face blow up like a balloon.  The pain was so intense,  worse than anything I have ever experienced (I would rather give birth and go through a tummy tuck all over again and thats saying something).  

I woke up in pain on the Thursday (after the funeral) and went to the dentist on Tuesday only to be sent home again as they weren't able to take it out because of the infection.  Luckily I self medicated with antibiotics I had left over from my last dental visit and it meant that I was able to get the sucker pulled out on the Friday.  A dislocated jaw and 4 lots of needles later OUT it came!  

Relief?? I hear you ask, umm NO! The infection on the nerve still hadn't healed and also the infection spread into the sinuses so it also became a medical problem as well as a dental one. So that meant more anitibiotics for me and stronger drugs too (this at least got me doing a little happy dance).

So a week later I was up and about again until ACHOO!! Yep you guessed it I GOT THE FLU!  Can you believe it,  Im on two lots of antibiotics and I still get bloody sick - seriously come on! 

So now my nose is running, my throat has razor blades in it, my voice is almost non existant and my chest is so bloody tight that I run out of breath walking to the toilet (insert nebuliser here). **Triple Sigh**

So there you have it....one thing after the other.  I am hoping that since there has been 3 things that there is nothing else to come as I really am well and truly over it - I want my life back. 

Anyway as I said earlier theres others out there that have it worse than I do....

Some people don't have a knee to get fixed, Some people don't have teeth to give them trouble and some people need to be on a machine to breathe all the time not just when they have the flu - so really I've got nothing to complain about. 

Oh well, as the saying goes 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger' - in which case I think I should try out for the next strong man games LOL!

Thats all for now (I hope), I will be back again really soon to fill you in on my revelations!