Thursday, January 31, 2019

Goodbye January 2019

Thursday January 31st 2019

And just like that, the school holidays are over!  Oh boy do we have some amazing memories to look back on and hold dear within our heart.  To say that we are all feeling so totally blessed and full of gratitude is an understatement!

Anyway, after 5 and a bit weeks of summer holidays TODAY it was time to head back to school.

Despite not getting back into 'an early to bed - early to rise' routine the week before today, the boys were absolute superstars and were all set and ready to go by 7.30am - eager beavers or what!

By 8am, we had five boys (my two plus three of the boys mates) all set and ready to head off...but not before I managed to get a photo of ALL of them!  Must of looked hilarious, me in the driveway with my 'bed' hair and dressing gown on, calling them up to the wall for their pics LOL.

My gorgeous boys - Ace (Year 9) & Jazz (Year 8)

With their mates - I love how these guys have each others backs!

And then they were on their way...

And the house was soooo quiet...way too quiet!

While the boys were off at school being AMAZING, this Mumma went back to work while her sweet man got the house back to sparkling!

After school all five boys were excited to tell us all about their day AND to get back on the xbox and play fortnite!

Cutting out the afternoons/evenings boring bits and jumping forward...tonight Aqua Aerobics started back and yet again, I loved it!  The bonus ofcourse is it meant that I got to catch up with my beautiful friend Sarah, which is always awesome!

Skipping more boring bits and here we are...almost at my curfew for turning off technology and unlike the boys who complained, I am beat and ready to hit the hay!

Goodnight dear readers MWAH xo

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Talents, Virtues, Purpose 2019

So I'm a little bit behind on answering the manifesting questions posted by the lovely Sonja on the Mindset Wellness group page (check it out HERE), but better late than never I say. Also, to be completely honest with you, I've been in complete holiday mode.  Mind you they go back tomorrow, so I have had to haul arse and start to get back into some kind of routine...uniform and shoes ready, schedules printed, books ready, sleep/wake pattern slowly re-established.

Anyway, heres a little recap of what we have covered so far!  Click the LINKS to see what I'm talking about, if you haven't been follow OR for a refresher, if you have!

And now here we are at Day 4 - Talents + Virtues + Purpose!

What are your talents?

Ok so I'm just going to put it out there that I find this question incredibly difficult. I really don't do well speaking myself up. I think its because I really dislike those who are 'egotistical' (you know those that have their heads so far up their own arse they can't see anything or anyone around them) and a question such as this one means tapping into that place. But, as the point of this is stripping back the layers, here goes...I also totally get that there is an element of ego needed in order to succeed in business...I guess there is a fine line though hey, between selling oneself and selling that which you can provide.

*I am a quick learner
*I am musical (sing & play guitar, dabble on other instruments)
*I am empathic and compassionate
*I am creative/artistic
*I am good at organising things whether that be events or clutter
*I am strong willed (some may say stubborn)
*I can express myself in words
*I have a Certificate of Aromatherapy, Nutrition, & Shiatsu and a Mastership of Reiki.
*I have a Diploma of Remedial Massage and am passionate about using my skill to help others.
*I can make a mountain out of a I know normally this is a negative saying and yes I do have a tendency to also veer on that side of things, but I think of the saying more in terms of the ability to make a little stretch. For example. Money! Its amazing how one can survive, thrieve (depending upon your interpretation of the word) with minimal income.

What are your values?

Here's just a few off the top of my head.  I am sure that if I took extra time to really ponder and analyse, that I could come up with more.

*I strongly believe that good manners and good moral standards cost nothing and yet get you a long way in life.

*I believe a warm friendly smile, a firm welcoming handshake and an embracing hug are invalable gestures to share.

*I believe that perfection is a state of mind although still something worth striving for.

*I believe that being true to who you really are is a very important life process.

*I believe in keeping it real, in not hiding your emotions, in showing your truth as you see it.

*I believe in being open minded, and in the willingness to learn new things.

*I believe that knowledge is not power, the way that knowledge is applied in order to obtain wisdom is!

*I believe that respect is not given based purely upon age or status, but something that is earnt. This does not mean however, that rudeness is acceptable until that has been achieved.

*I believe in honesty at all costs as the truth always comes out in the end...integrity!

*I believe that everybody makes mistakes but its how you own them and work to amend them that really matters. I believe in second chances.

*I believe that if it serves to protect yourself and those you love, cutting toxic people from your life is of paramount importance.

*I believe that a positive attitude and an optimistic outlook sure beats the alternative of bleakness.

*I believe that you don't always have to agree in order to get along, but you must find a mutual ground where you can agree to disagree.

What is your purpose?

WOW, what a question!

I believe it is sharing my talents with others, to work towards making a positive change in the world.

What are your current career fantasies?

I want to have a career that helps others to feel whole, to feel truly connected to who they are, to be healthy on all levels mind, body and soul.  To be the lighthouse in their lives...corny hey!

How do these align with your values, your talents and your health/wellness intentions?

I believe that for the most part who I am and what I stand for are all in alignment.

As I have mentioned previously though, giving up smoking and getting myself back to that place that radiates health (albeit a sterotypical image) is high on the agenda so that I actually feel as though I am walking the talk!

What are your personal intentions?

I want to live in a way that I would be proud of my boys to follow in the same lead by example!

What are your professional intentions?

To share my knowledge, experiences and wisdom with others, so that it may lead them to realising their truest potentional.

What are your philanthropic intentions?

Hmmm another tricky question...let me see!

*I guess the biggest one is the fact that I am an organ donor. I know that right now that doesn't mean much, but hopefully when my time of this earth comes to end, it will make a huge difference in someones life.

*I plan to donate massage vouchers to local fundraisers. I struggle with this a little as on one hand it is also for personal gain, in the sense that it advertises my business. In saying that however, it is not purely about gaining anything but also giving and supporting.

*I would like to give of my time to a worthwhile cause. When I was on the Relay For Life committee, I felt a real sense of purpose, a part of something worthwhile. I want to feel that again, to feel as though I am helping to make a difference.

*I would like to look at donating blood this year. In the past I haven't been able to due to a blood disorder, but I haven't enquired recently and maybe things have changed...since my tonsillectomy my immunity has improved so maybe it will be possible?!

*I plan to continue to pick up rubbish when I am out and about, rather than just walking past it.

*I plan to repurpose and reduce waste.

Well, thats about all I can think of at this stage, thanks heaps for reading. Be sure to stay tuned xo

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Australia Day 2019

To celebrate or not to celebrate!  I have to be honest with you here for a moment, I am torn between both!  Although I am leaning more towards NOT, well not on Jan 26th anyways!

Here is my reason why NOT to celebrate!

When colonisation occurred in Australia in 1788, white dominance relegated the first inhabitants of this land to reserves and missions (Foley, 2005). Stripped from the fabric of their traditional ways, and forced to adapt to a foreign way of life, the health and wellbeing of Indigenous Australians declined in tumultuous proportions (Gracey & King, 2009). Hundreds of years later, the effects of this troubled history due to a plethora of injustices such as; segregation, displacement, dispossession and cultural destruction, is still having a devastating impact (Foley, 2005).

So, I know that we have Sorry Day on May 26th, which is all about coming together as one and taking the steps towards healing past wrongs; the atrocities experienced by the Stolen Generation.  But I don't think it is enough to heal past wounds, the deep sorrow experienced from the litany of injustices of colonisation.  

What needs to be done?  I don't know, but surely there is a way for all Australians, Indigenous and Immigrant to come together as one and celebrate the fact that we all live in this beautiful country.

I would personally love to see Indigenous culture made to be a compulsory component of every school curriculum, so that it can be preserved and respected, so that the 'real' history of this countries first inhabitants is known by all!  

I also think the Indigenous flags should be flown alongside the Australian Flag whenever it is flown.  Better yet, why not a flag that incorporates both, so that we can show the unity between us.

I would love to see more Indigeous events and community exposure that could possibly help to break the barriers of misunderstanding...not just on certain days, but everyday!  

I would also love for the inequalities and injustices to be eradicated, for there to be an even playing field for all of us!

And you know what, why can't we change the date to May 8, sounds like as good a day as any to me, hey Mate?!  I get that Australia was founded on this day by the 'white man', and if that wasn't the case then we wouldn't be here living the life that we do now.  But, if its not a day of celebration for ALL AUSTRALIANS, then why not change the date?  Why not show that we are truly sorry for the actions of those before us, and actually take the step to proving it!

Ok, so now that has been said here is my reason TO celebrate!

Whilst I am still not technically an "Aussie"(I need about $250.00 to make it happen and it WILL happen this year), my reason to celebrate isn't based upon the day Captain Cook made his discovery and turned the lives of those already here to wreck and ruin...

It is to celebrate the fact that I am proud to call this land my home!

So to end this blog post...

“I/We Acknowledge and give our heartfelt gratitude to the Ancestors, Traditional Custodians, Elders past, present, future and emerging of the many lands that make Australia - the place that I/We call home”.


Foley, W. (2005).  Tradition and change in urban indigenous food practices.  Postcolonial Studies: Culture, Politics, Economy, 8(1), 25–44.  

Gracey, M., & King, M. (2009).  Indigenous health part 1: determinants and disease patterns.  The Lancet, 374(9683), 65–75.  

Kid Free Weekend...

Friday 25th January 2019

Today was a stay at home and try to stay as cool as possible kinda day. Whilst I love summer, I have to admitt that the top of 44 degrees was even too hot for me!

Mind you, I spoke to my Step Dad today who is out and about travelling this beautiful country of ours, and he said where he was yesterday it reached 49.5 degrees - BUUGER THAT!

After dropping the boys off at their Dads, my sweet man and I grabbed some fish 'n' chips for dinner and went down and sat on the river bank, both loving the fact that the cool change had arrived!

And the rest of the night was spent doing what parents do when the kids aren't' home...SLEEPING that is, well eventually LOL!

St. Georges Lake...

Thursday 24th January 2019

After a very cruisy morning and afternoon, we all jumped in the car and set off on a roadtrip adventure with Mel and friends (Danielle and Chris) to St. Georges Lake in Creswick. 

It was so much fun following each other in a convoy along the back country roads.

The Lake was absolutely breathtaking!  A popular spot, but we were luckily enough to find a spot with some shade.

We all had so much fun playing in the water and hanging out together.  Mel and the kids were dare devils and even jumped off the big rock...maybe next time, I will push through my fear and give it a try too!

I am so adding a kayak to my wishlist!  So much gratitude to Mel for letting us take her awesome Christmas gift out for a spin!

Funniest moment for me was hopping in our blow up raft and going around in circles.  

Here I was thinking it was my lack of being able to row straight.  That was until Jai laughed and looked behind the raft...turns out my little shits of son's were holding onto it LOL!

We had a Picnic/BBQ dinner by the lake which was absolutely delish!  It was so awesome that everyone bought food along and shared it, such a great vibe of friendship and togetherness! 

Sadly the time came to pack up and pile back into our cars to head home (aka it got dark).

At 10.00pm when we arrived back in Bacchus Marsh, it was still hot SO we pulled in to 7-eleven for a slushie!  I love that Mel and I had the same idea without verbalising it, another tradition has been made!  I know that I've said it before, but I seriously love hanging out with Mel and the kids.  I am hoping that this year sees more memories made together.

The rest of our night was spent just relaxing at home, talking about our wonderful week of making memories!

Lets take the scenic route...

Wednesday 23rd January 2019

Today we got up, packed up and headed towards home!

As it was a 10am check out AND we were all not really wanting our time away together to come to an end, we decided to take the long way home.  The scenic route, if you will!

From Stawell we travelled to Lake Bolac.

Whilst not free, you can camp here for $15.00 per night.  It has amenities and you can swim in the designated beaches, which are right near the camp spot.  When we drove through, there were only two lots of campers there.  Oh it also had phone reception.  Definitely a place we will be coming back to!

From Lake Bolac, we went to Mortlake. 

The kids got to release some energy on the Skate Park, I went for a little walk (admittedly, only to find a toilet) and Mark sat back and stretched his legs.

From Mortlake we went to check out Lake Colac.

Pa (Uncle Geoff) had told us about a free camping spot on the Lake and so we went to have a look. It was jam packed with caravans and tents and sadly you couldn't swim due to low water quality. The boys were interested in the endangered Water Skink, so it is somewhere that we will come back to...just not in peak season, or when its hot!

From Lake Colac to Lorne.

Whilst Mark is more of a river man (he doesn't like the sand much) he had fun exploring the rocks for sea creatures. 

The boys paddled their feet and left their marks in the sand!


I loved that from where we were, I could see the Airey's Inlet lighthouse.  It's where we scattered Dad's ashes and so I felt a deep connection occur, one where I found me again!

From Lorne to Torquay (with a few detours along the way).

We stopped off at the Cosy Corner, where clothes and all, I went for a dip LOL!

So, when we decided it was time to hit the road and head towards home we jumped back in the car, went to start her up AND she wouldn't start!  The immobisler on the car had decided to turn itself on AND our key wouldn't work to turn it off!  RACV to the rescue!  30 minutes later the RACV guy arrived!  We explained what the problem was, give him the keys and off he went to check it out!  It bloody started...first go, just like that!  OMG so bloody embarrassing!  The RACV bloke found it quite amusing and we all had a good laugh about it too!

Something that I believe in wholeheartedly, is that things happen for a reason.  We may not know at the time what they are, but you just have to allow it to be what is it!  For me, it was that we got to relax and enjoy the beach atmosphere for longer.  And a bonus was that there were people there drumming, so grounding!

Anyway, we eventually made it home, unpacked the car, packed everything away, put on a load of washing and then all settled down to just relax and enjoy the feeling of being home!

As much as we love going away and always wish the holiday didn't have to come to an end, being home again feels nice too!

A relaxing day...

Tuesday 22nd January 2019

As todays forecast was a HOT one, we decided that a day of relaxing by the pool would be the order of the day.

We had a picnic lunch in the room and watched a movie, before heading back to the pool for some more fun times!

Once it cooled down a little, we decided to take the canoe out for a paddle around the Lake.

So much fun, even if I did do 'most' of the paddling!  All those years of being in Rovers definately paid off!

Then we went back to the pool again!

Once we were all waterlogged we headed back to the room for a little R'n'R.  Oh, I found a heart shaped rock on the way back to the room FTW!

R'n'R for Mark and I meant sitting lakeside sipping on a special coffee (aka one with Baileys in it) while the boys lazed on their bed in airconditioned comfort and watched some YouTube.  I was so relaxed that I didn't even get up to take a photo of them!


To finish off our last night of our holiyays, we all played a game of pictionary!  This saw us laughing so hard that I almost pee'd.  In the end no one won the game as we packed it in afraid we were too loud for the guests next door.  We so have to play it again soon!

Can't believe its been 3 nights already, it just flies way too fast!  Home tomorrow!