Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 3, Week 14

Without getting into the nitty gritty details of my bowel movements, let me just say that my IBS settled down a little last night and this morning I weighed 1kg lighter and suprise suprise had a little more energy too.  Whilst I'm still not feeling 100% I did manage to get out and about a little bit today and to also do some housework. 

Tomorrow I'm meant to be doing a PT session which I really want to do but I am unsure if its what I should do considering that I'm still not 100%.  The thing that is really weighing on my mind is that there is only 18 more days until the Mothers Day Classic and so far I have only managed to jog 1km of the 4km.  The other thing is that I don't want to let down my Personal Trainer.  If I do it, I know that I will push myself to the limit and then more than likely end up falling in a heap again (and Mum and Neen will say "I told you so") whereas if I wait another week I can get back on my feet properly again.  Its catch 22 really because I know that if I don't go I will feel guilty and then more than likely pig out and then end up feeling worse emotionally.  OMG is it any wonder I have a bloody headache! 

Anyway I'm going to finish on a POSITIVE by sharing this much quoted piece of magic...
"As you think, so you are. As you imagine, so you become."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Positive Note to Self...

'The measure of a person is not on how well she prepares for everything to go right: but how gracefully she stands up and moves on when everything goes wrong!'

Day 2, Week 14

OMFG There is only 19 days until the Mothers Day Classic and I have missed the past 2 days of training due to feeling like utter crap.  I spent the most part of today sleeping and I am still exhausted.  I went to the Doctor this afternoon and he sent me off for some bloods to check up on my iron and vitamin levels.  Blood Pressure was normal seated but it dropped when I was standing which explains the dizzy spells.  He also had a feel of my tummy and said that my IBS has flarred up again which explains me going from one extreme to other.  And if all that isn't enough my back is still sore.  My daily Zen quote says "You can't have the ups without the downs" which is true but it still sucks!!

So anyway on a positive, I registered for the Moorabool Relay for Life today 'GO JESTERS' and I also registered for the Gym's Biggest Winner 8 week challenge 'GO RED TEAM' which starts in June so I am excited about that and am even more determined to get my health back on track so that I can kick some major goals.

The doctor advised me this afternoon to stop focusing on weight loss and to focus more on the long term benefits of a healthy diet and exercise.  He said that I had already achieved so much and that I should be proud of that and to just let my body find a place where it is happy to be at (within reason of course).  I agree with him to a certain point, but I'm not even in my healthy weight range yet and that is a big concern for me. 

Well, thats it for me today I am thinking of going swimming tomorrow just so that I am moving and the spa and hydro pool sound pretty good too.

Thank you all so much for your support even when I'm less than my usual chirpy manic self.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 1, Week 14

Geez, I have been so slack - it feels as though I am just chasing my tail and going round in a never ending circle.  I had 2 weeks off completely due to being sick and I am finding it hard to get back on my feet and of course Easter didn't make things easy either (need I say anymore)!!

Last week (Thursday and Friday) I managed to get back to the Gym and do a couple of PT sessions and it felt incredible to be moving again. I was looking forward to working out this morning but unfortunately I have pinched a nerve in my back and am a little sore to say the least, so here I am resting!

My diet hasn't been too good, I either don't eat or I eat but the wrong things and so I weighed today and it came as no suprise that I have put on 1.5kg - and I weigh 83.6kg. 

I feel like I am never going to get this weight off and am so disheartened.  In order to get to my first goal of 74kg I need to lose 9.6kg and 14.6kg to get to my Ultimate goal of 69kg.  I am hoping that the 8 week challenge at the Gym will be just the kick up the arse I need - fingers crossed!

PT Session - Thursday - Lower

15 minute Warm Up on Treadmill
6kph @ increasing incline to 10%

Back Squats
Static Forward Lunges X 10 each side
Back Squats
Static Reverse Lunges X 10 each side
Back Squats
Static Forward Lunges X 10 each side

30second intervals
Warm Up
Tension Upright

Cruches with Medicine Ball Throws
Medicine Ball Russian Twists

PT Session - Friday - Upper

Warm Up on Bike


Lat Pull Downs 3 X 15 reps
Single Arm Row Twists 4 X 10 reps
Push Ups on Step X Max

20 second plank holds X 3

April 2010 Weigh In & Measure Results

Ok, so I'm 19 days late but as the saying goes - it's better late than never!

TOTAL LOSS (3 months) = 3.6kg / 24cm / 9"