Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Update as at End November 2010

OMGosh I have been so slack updating this blog.  The past month has been really 'blah' (mostly due to menstral problems - need I say more!) and I have pretty much just been going through the motions which means that my weigh in results have yet again gone up (again mostly due to menstral problems Grrrr) and although its not a drastic increase it is enough for me to be disappointed. 

My current weight is 81kg - which is 7kg away from being within my healthy BMI range and my first goal of 74kg.  My BF% is 41.4% and my SM% is 25.2% and although these figures are far from where I want them to be I have decided that I need to focus on 1 area at a time and right now that is to reduce my weight so that I am at least considered to be 'healthy' - something that is very important to me.

So I am back on track and working towards my goal and I have every faith that I will actually achieve it but its just a matter of when!  I have decided that the best approach (considering there is only 4 weeks until the New Year and in that time I also have my birthday, numerous parties and Christmas Day to deal with) is to just take one day at a time and to be as disciplined as I can when I can and to relax and enjoy myself when its time to do so (within reason of course).

Well that's pretty much all I have to say at this point in time - remember to never give up chasing your dreams nomatter how sidetracked you may get at times and also nomatter how long it takes you to reach them.  The main thing is that you do indeed get there and if you see it and believe it then you will infact achieve it!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

5kg in 4 Weeks Challenge Day 1 Week 4

Considering that this morning was a family breakfast for my Mum's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM) and also a public holiday I am quite happy with my food for the day (lunch could of been a better choice).

I didn't do any exercise today as the morning was spent with Family and the afternoon I spent studying - no excuses I know, but tomorrow is a new day.

Anyway I am going to keep it short as I need to have an early night, I have been getting told that I look tired alot and once again my face is starting to look drawn so my family are on my back about my diet and I am thinking that if I look rested I wont look so bad - Beauty Sleep LOL!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 7, Week 3 - 5kg in 4week challenge

OMGosh the last day of Week 3 is already here and tomorrow I start my last week on this challenge and I can tell you now that there is no way that I will reach the 5kg loss.  Although I'm a little disappointed I also know that it will come off eventually and if its 6 or 8 weeks instead of 5 does it really matter?  The answer to that question being NO but me being me would of course prefered it to be sooner rather than later LOL!

I received some bad news on Friday afternoon that got me thinking that life is just way too bloody short to be worrying about crap like dieting and so I allowed myself to endulge in The Ploughs deliciously decadent Chocolate Pudding which was so yummy and so bad for my hips.  Other than that and Fish 'n' Chips for lunch yesterday my food hasn't been too bad but not too good either - a few bad choices made.

Training has been a little on the slack side this week, I did a PT on Tuesday and Friday and have boxing tonight and that is pretty much it.  I need to lift my game in that area.  I did however play Just Dance on the WII which get me feeling sweaty so I haven't just sat on my butt.

Oh I won't be weighing in this week as tomorrow is Cup Day and as its a public holiday the Gym is closed.

So far today has been a really good - it feels great to have my dedication, motivation and will power back again.  Thank you all so much for the kicks up the butt when they are needed, your support is awesome.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 3, Week 3 - 5kg in 4weeks Challenge!

Firstly I want to know where the time is flying too - geez talk about flashing before our eyes!

Secondly, here are this weeks weigh in results.

Whilst it sucks that I have put on 500grams I have managed to reduce my Body Fat % and Increase my Skeletal Muscle which at least explains the gain.

So far this week I have only trained on Monday (Impact Fitness Boxing) and Tuesday (KNo PT Session) with some spot workouts at Contours for my tour on Wednesday and so I am a little antzy to say the least,  but feel that my time is best spent with my sick little man snuggling the day away.  I have another PT tomorrow which I am looking forward to.

Food wise this week hasn't been major disciplined but has still been within reason (and my calories) so I am not too fussed about it, but will need to be careful on the weekend as I find it to be my danger time. 

With regards to the 5kg in 4 Week Challenge at the half way mark I have managed to reduce my Body Weight by 1.7kg which means that I need to lift my game if I am going to get the rest of the 3.3kg off in the next week and a half - hmmm, I think perhaps that is a little unrealistic but I will continue to forge ahead because as I have come to realise with my running - it doesn't matter how long it takes to cover the distance as long as it is indeed covered!  Could be said for many things in life really!

Well that's it from me for now, heading back to the couch with my baby!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 3, Week 2 5kg in 4 week challenge

After Tuesdays awesomely empowering workout I followed it up the next day with a Boxing Session that kicked some major butt and then last night I did a Toning Class that left both myself and the trainer 'gobsmacked'.  Todays exercise was a leisurely 30 minute walk hand in hand with my precious little man as well as lots and lots of stretching and meditation and I am more physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted today than the past 3 put together!

Food wise my calories are at a reasonable figure but I could be getting them higher.  I have a HUGE day on Saturday and despite the fact that I am choosing to take along healthy alternatives, I am still sure that my calories will be in the excessive margin and so I figure it will balance out - hmmm perhaps wishful thinking?

I am very excited about tomorrow's workout session with Bec as I have written us up a Program and am hoping is going to be great!

I got some incredibly exciting news today that I am very much looking forward to sharing but am waiting on the official paperwork to come through first, but all good things come to those that wait!

Oh, I may not update this blog for the next couple of days as Friday's are always mad with life, photos and music and as I said earlier this Saturday is massive and Sunday I am planning on going for a walk with the family and have a feeling I will be feeling very seedy and so that will lead us back into Monday - OMGosh its lucky I have a wonder woman top!! 

Love, Light and Peace xoxo

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 1, Week 2 of 5kg in 4 weeks challenge!

Hmmmm, on a weight loss front I am over the moon - what an awesome result 2.2kg in 1 week.  On the body fat and skeletal muscle percentage side of things however I am totally pissed off at myself.  Here is what calorie king said....

'Good, a loss of a 1kg a week is great news, however a loss of more than 1kg may represent a loss of muscle. This situation, if not addressed at an early stage of your program could result in a reduction in your metabolism, which may make weight loss more difficult. You may need to increase your daily caloric intake by 250 calories'.

So in other words, I need to EAT MORE because even though my calories were up in the 1200 - 1400 area it included my Coffee's each day which as we all know isn't substantial enough to count as nutritious.  So even though it sucks right now I know that I can turn it around.


Today's PT session was awesomely empowering, I am still amazed!!  I ran on the treadmill for '1' minute at a speed of '14' (not just once either) and this was after already doing stair climbs, lunges, squats, sprints and treadmill intervals OMG!  A huge thankyou to my training buddy Bec and my mentor Kerriann.

On top of the awesome workout I spent a lovely afternoon with my beautiful new friend Marianne, who in the short time we have known each other has encouraged and inspired me in ways that I can't even clearly express at this point in time.  I also had the best phone chat with my Mum that was full of laughs and so very much needed.  But the icing on the cake was getting a comment on facebook from my precious man telling me that I am looking good.  Even if he had of just typed 'hello' I would of been over the moon - it means the world.

Oh I also have some other news but that can wait until Thursday night!

Love, Light and Peace xoxo Tash!

Monday, October 18, 2010

There are many things of beauty and I am one of them...

...Terminal uniqueness erodes my soul and leaves me with a feeling of awe and reverence, I am incomparable, I am a thing of beauty and I accept and celebrate my place in the universe!

I wanted to share one of my recent meditation focus' which was on Self Love and realising that you can hold yourself in high regard but not be 'EGOtistical' about it.

When you receive a compliment do you reply with a negative about yourself? If so, try this: when you next receive a compliment just simply say "THANK YOU" and nothing else. Do not follow it up with a negative and do not give one back that is not why it was given (well it shouldn't be anyway).

I was challenged with this exact thing today which isn't suprising at all considering I put it out into the universe in the first place. I can't even tell you the number of compliments I received today which was of course good for the 'ego' and awkward all at the same time.

One of the compliments was from one of my trainers who said "You look good today". It took all that I had to just say "Thank you" and not say what first came to mind which was "as opposed to every other day". BUT the positive here is that I stopped that from happening and accepted it.

You know what (without sounding like I am up myself which too bad if it does) he was right! Not only do I feel good today but I do look good too - goes to show that what you feel on the inside you portray to the world on the outside.

You are a wonderful person let yourself see and believe what the rest of the world does!

....When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Try adding an affirmation to your daily routine it can be helpful to reprogram negative self talk.  It doesn't have to be anything eloborate but it does need to be said with conviction.

Love, Light and Peace xoxo Tash!

5kg in 4weeks Challenge - Day 7, Week 1

OMG I haven't written in here since Thursday, here's a brief catch up.

Friday - INTENSE Cardio P/T session which included lots of interval training on the Bike, Cross Trainer and Treadmill.  Knee gave me shit but I pushed through as I am determined to not let it beat me.

Friday night was my TaLi at The Plough and as hard as it was to resist the Chocolate Pudding I did  it!  And,  I even asked for no Macaroon with my Skinny Latte.  If you haven't tried either of the things I am talking about then you really don't know what you are missing out on - sorry to those of you dieting but seriously I recommend that you treat yourself on your next free day - oh on a Friday night of course!

Saturday - Saw me at a birthday party surrounded by people eating delicious food and I have to admitt that I strayed a little and had a handful of lollies but other than that I am proud of my efforts.  Especially the no snacking while watching a DVD part - big step for me!  No workout so - stayed within 1200 calories.

Sunday - Busy Paperwork day at home.  No workout and went over 1200 calories because of bad and lazy food choices - Toasted Baked Bean and Cheese Sandwiches Yummy but WTF Carbs, Carbs and Carbs!!

Monday - Today - Now!!  I have had an awesomely productive day and am feeling F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C!  Tonights Impact Boxing session was crazy intense, I definitely made up for the past 2 days thats for sure and I have a feeling that tomorrow I am going to one sore little chicky. 

You can see my food intake HERE

Well, that's it for now tomorrow is weigh in and I am hoping for a good result but in saying that "I am not defined by the figure on the scales" and so if its less than a positive result I will still continue as this is a lifestyle change and in order to succeed you need to put in the hard yards.

Thanks for the support, it means heaps.  xoxo

Friday, October 15, 2010

5kg in 4weeks Challenge - Day 3, Week 1


Diary - Here!

The adjustment hasn't had much of an impact at all which is great on one hand and not so much on the other, but its still early days and from past experience it sometimes takes a few days to kick in properly.


Today's session was awesome, partly because of a new and challenging program and also because I had my training partner there to push me.  (Sickies are one of the best inventions ever)!

Cardio Warm Up 
10 minutes on Bike (intervals)

Circuit Warm Up
Plank with alternate arm reaches (45 seconds)
Reverse Lunges with torso twist (x20 - 10 each)
Boat Hold with Hands at side (45 seconds)

Circuit Toning X 3
Side Bridge with Lateral Raise (x12 each @2kg)
Single Leg Squat (x10)
Brazillian Crunch (Plank with Leg Under) (x20)
Lunge with Glute Leg Raise (x10 each)
Mountain Climbers (30 seconds)

Cross Trainer 10 minutes
1 min @4%
1 min @8%

Abs X 2
Paddler (with Black Resistance Band) (x20 each)
Boat Hold with Hands at side (30 seconds)
Reverse Crunch (x20)

Stretching, Stretching and more Stetching


Todays meditation focus...

The answer to no longer 'feeling like you are fighting a battle when you didn't start the war' is to quite simply; choose NOT to participate! It's amazing how battles dissipate when there is no one to go to war with.

"I choose not to participate in warmongering and to not feed the egos of those that choose to be the warmonger".

A tip that I have found useful over the past couple of weeks is that rather than using my energy to fight back and play into the warmongers drama,  I instead use it to help my training by focusing the frustration on lifting extra weight or running that extra km.  Not only will you stop the negative patterning that only feeds their egos but you will also be increasing your energy rather than depleting it.

That's it for today.

Love, Light and Peace to all!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 2, Week 1 5kg in 4 weeks Challenge

I am going to keep this blog brief as I have decided to turn off the computer and head to bed early so that I can snuggle with my man and read my book, 'Your perfect body - a state of mind' by Craig Harper.    

I went through my new program today at the Gym and loved every minute of it.  I am so happy that I am no longer wandering around aimlessly!  Thankyou so much Kerriann for once again providing me with direction.  You are awesome.

Food wise today I did well.  Dinner wasn't much but that's because I had a small amount (.3ml) of fluid put in my lapband today.  I am postive that it was the right step to take and that it won't drastically restrict my intake (other than tonight of course).

Well that's it, short and sweet!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

5kg in 4weeks Challenge - Day 1, Week 1

Here's my weigh in result and my new starting point.  I have decided not to reflect upon the past but to look forward to the future and to my new goals.  I am very proud of my achievements thus far and although at times I have strayed from the path I have learnt along the way and that makes the journey worthwhile.  You never ever really go backwards you just take an alternate path for a little while.

My Goals for the 4 Weeks:
To loose 5kg (Weigh 76.4kg or less).
To reduce Body Fat percentage by 3%.
To increase Skeletal Muscle percentage by 1.5%.
Cardio + Resistance Training (6 days per week).
Follow Nutrition Plan (1400 calories).
Hyrdrate my body.
Get adequate rest.

I have decided not to focus on any other goals for the time being because as we know goal posts can be changed along the way and so I am just going to give myself permission to take it one step at a time and focus on the task at hand.

EXERCISE:  Todays session was an awesome way to kick start my training again - boxing, stair climbs, push ups, side obliques, abs - jam packed and intense!  I also got my new training program today and am very excited about trying it out tomorrow - its looks like a challenge that's for sure but I'm up for it!

Physio didn't really provide me with much relief but its a step in the right direction all the same.  She didn't tell me it was because I 'am' fat BUT she did say that it is more than likely a result of me previously being fat!  Oh she also said to limit the running and to stop when it hurts and if it gets worse see a doctor blah blah blah!  I have some exercises to do which will help build up the muscles around the knee cap so that it stabilises more which will fit in well with my training schedule.

Here's today's FOOD Diary - Tash's Calories
I didn't quite reach my Calorie intake but its a good start, I have already prepared my lunch for tomorrow and will also be sure to have a proper breakfast and start back on my Protein Shakes after my workouts.

I will leave you with the quote that I used to motivate and inspire me today! 

You cannot transcend what you do not know. To go beyond yourself, you must know yourself - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

In order to be able to push past my sticking points I need to know myself enough to be able to know where they are and then ofcourse to know when to stop pushing. Visualisation and positive thought is the technique I use to achieve this.  See It, Believe It, Achieve it!

Monday, October 11, 2010

An update before the 5kg in 4 Week Challenge!!

Well as you can tell from the lack of posts my nutrition and fitness has been pushed to the back burner for the past couple of weeks and unfortunately I am once again feeling uncomfortable in my own skin and will no doubt have a terrible weigh in result tomorrow (which I will take in my stride and use to motivate me to achieve my goals)!

My knees and Heels have been giving me alot of grief and so I wasn't able to compete in the 5.7km Melbourne Marathon this year which is dissappointing but listening to my body was more important to me and besides that there will be others.  I have finally been given a Physio appointment for tomorrow morning and I am hoping that they will be able to tell me what the problem is.  I must admitt though that I am really worried that they will just tell me its because I'm fat - don't think I could handle being told that again!

I've been feeling a little like a fish out of water at the Gym lately and so I am really looking forward to getting a new program so I can once again have some focus. 

Tomorrow I start a new challenge which I am hoping will kick start me back in the right direction - 5kg in 4 weeks! 

I will set more goals tomorrow after weigh in so that I know exactly where I am at.

Your support to encourage, motivate and even kick me up the butt when needed is very much appreciated.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

6km Challenge, Day 2, Week 4 - Weigh In

Ok so although the weight gain sucks its not as bad as I thought it would be.  On top of that I suprisingly lost Body Fat and Gained Muscle which is awesome!!

I did really well getting back on track with my food today but have to admitt that tonight I am feeling hungry and peckish for something junky!  BUT, I will not succumb to temptation not because "nothing tastes as good as being thin will feel" but because Kerriann will torture me more if I do LMAO!!


Well I did it, I got through a KNo Torture PT session.  Luckily I was in good company and got to share it with the very inspirational Bec.  It's always nice have that extra someone to push you a little harder or to slacken off a little with (us, nah never, hehe).

Today's Workout

Circuit #1 (2 minute intervals with half court run between each station)
*Tricep Dips
*Crunches with 4kg weight (pushed up to ceiling)
*Step Ups with 4kg weight

Circuit #2
*Calf Raises X10
*4kg Shoulder Press X10
*Half Court Jog
*Half Court Jog

Circuit #3
*Side Leg Raises each Side X10
*4kg Shoulder Press X10
*Walking Lunges
*Half Court Jog

Circuit #4
(with 4kg Dumbell)
*Calf Raises X10
*Full Court Run
*Squats X10
*Full Court Run
*Adductors? X10
*Full Court Run
*Reverse Lunges X20
*Full Court Run (or walk in our case - exhausted)

Circuit #5
(2 minutes to do as many as possible)
Crunches X 10
Push Ups X 10
REPEAT over and over and over....


It feels great to be back on track - I am feeling very happy!

Monday, September 27, 2010

6km Challenge Day 1, Week 4

I didn't weigh in today but I know that its going to be absolutely terrible and its all my own fault so I am just going to go with it and work my butt off to make the change that I want to see - within reason of course, no calorie cutting and excessive exercise for me, Skinny Fat is not a good look!

I only have 2 weeks left of this challenge and just under 2 weeks until the big run...my life gets back on track with nutrition and training tomorrow and I can't wait. 

It's now time to shine brighter than ever before and there is "nothing" and "no-one" that will stop me from achieving my goals! 

Well that's it from me for now, I will let you all know the results tomorrow night as embarrassing as they will be but as you know honesty is always my best policy as the truth always comes out in the end.

Much Love, Light and Peace.

A Catch Up on Week 2 and Week 3...

OMG where has the time gone I am so sorry that I have neglected this blog not only for those who read it (wishful thinking there hehe) but also for myself because I have let myself go and I am feeling very BLAH because of it.

The last time I wrote was at the end of Week 1 and after a week of using extreme willpower and pushing myself at the Gym I was hoping for a good result!  Well, it wasn't and I was incredibly dissappointed to say the least.

Weight In Results as at 17 September 2010

Weight = 78.8kg (+.5)
BF %   = 39.6% (+.8%)
SM %  = 26.1% (-.4)
BMI     = 26.3

Despite my shitty weigh in result I was still determined to push forward and not let it get me down and although Week 2 was a little stop start with the workouts due to my family being sick, I still did really well nutritionally up until the Saturday at Relay For Life which saw me eating on the run and *junk* was the easier option, well the laziest anyway.  Next year I will be better prepared to fuel my body properly especially considering the amount of energy that gets burnt.  Let's just say that I started at 10am on the Saturday Morning and the event ended at 10am on Sunday Morning and in that time I had a total of 1 (and a bit?) hours sleep the rest of the time was go go go! 

From then on Week 3 was a total write off both in the food and exercise department.  After the exhausting event that was R4L (Committee Member and Team Captain) I decided to allow myself a couple of days to rest and recover before heading back to the Gym.  What I didn't count on however was an emotional rollercoaster and so I took to eating for comfort and decided to avoid heading out doors and spent the week snuggling with my boys (I love school holidays). 

And so here we are....Day 1, Week 4!

Monday, September 13, 2010

6km Challenge Day 5, 6, 7 - Week 1


Friday I did well - No Dessert at Myrniong.

Weekend - I can do better.  Food choices were good just not enough.


Other than Fridays PT Session (which was hard but awesome) and cutting up the dance floor at the pub on Friday night (or more to the point early hours of Saturday morning) I did nothing!  I did have good intentions of going for a run today but instead I sat with a friend and played music.

General Wellbeing

I really want a good result tomorrow as I have done better nutritionally than I have in weeks and really need it to keep me strong as I have really had to use alot of willpower this week.  BUT in saying that if its not so great I will still keep on going as this is something that I really really want.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

6km Challenge Day 4, Week 1


Ace said that he was too sick and tired to go to school today so I cancelled my PT session and instead spent the morning in bed with my precious babies.  Whilst it was wonderful to have a days rest it really played havoc with my mental wellbeing as I got the guilts up about being "lazy". 

I ended up managing to find 30 minutes for myself which I spent doing an upperbody workout which consisted of 10 minutes Boxing and 20 minutes Weights.


Because of having the guilts about not doing a proper workout and also because I wasn't sure what Mum was making for dinner my food intake today was quite restricted and not within my time frame of every 3-4 hours.  Whilst it wasn't the best way to go about it, it helped to ensure that I was still within my daily calorie allowance.

Note:  I put in dessert as a '1/2 serving (117g) of Sizzler: Desserts: Bread & Butter Pudding' which is 213 calories BUT it was Mum's Homemade dessert which I am sure would be less as she has always made a light alternative with Low Joule Jam and No Butter.  So really it should be called Mum's Bread & No Butter Pudding LOL!


Other than feeling lazy and dissappointed in not managing my food a little better I am also proud of the fact that I made myself find 30 minutes to do a workout and also that I stayed within my calories by not having seconds even though it was very delicious and oh so tempting.

My knees are giving me the shits big time and so tomorrow I am going to follow up the Physio AGAIN, I am also thinking that another massage in the meantime might also be very beneficial - I will have to work out finaces first (I wish I had a money tree - but thats another blog all together)!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

6km Challenge Day 3, Week 1


5.3km in 48 minutes!!  I've gotta say that despite the fact that I got a blood nose in the first 2kms and my knees prevented me from running the whole distance (which is very frustrating), I am still really happy with todays result. 

Of course that's not all - 5 mins on the bike as a cool down followed by some Ab's torture and then some important and much needed stretching.


Food Diary HERE - It feels good to be back on track although I am feeling hungry which makes me think that I might need some fluid (a tiny little bit) put back in to my band. 

My knees are really sore tonight to the point that getting up after sitting down is painful to say the least.  I am hoping that resting them tomorrow (its Upper Body Training Day) will do the trick enough for me to be able to get back to training on Friday.  I was beating myself up a bit today on the 'run' as walking (despite it being a power walk) is just not the same.  Apart from the knees being sore I am also generally sore all over which means that I have infact been working hard - gotta love that feeling!!  I am also really tired which means that I need to get more rest so on that note,  its goodnight from me.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

6km Challenge Day 2, Week 1


Todays PT session was all about "Strengthening and Conditioning" my legs in order to try and fix my knees and let me just say OUCH!!

Cardio wise I did 25minutes of uphill intervals which felt more like running a marathon but I pushed through and felt really good afterwards - exhausted but good.


Back on track with regular meals and appropriate calories.  Feeling really hungry right now so tomorrow I am going to make up some vegetable soup as a healthy snack alternative.

Check out todays food intake HERE!


Right now I am feeling Blah, Ouch and Tired but I am Happy!

Tomorrow the plan is to hit the road and run up Werribee Vale Road for 2km's come back past Stoneys and up around the BMC Block and back to the Gym = 5.3km's.

6km Challenge Day 1, Week 1

Ok, so todays plan was to run at an easy pace for 25 minutes but unfortunately my knees prevented that from happening and so instead I did a power walk with uphill intervals followed by some Upper Body Resistance Training PLUS an Impact Fitness Boxing Class.

Feeling really flat mood wise today but am determined to turn around my negative results.  I can do it!!

My Plan - Training and New Challenge Begins!

The Oct 10th 5.7km St.George Melbourne Marathon is fast approaching and so I have decided to make the most of the opportunity and to set myself a challenge in the hopes that it will once again spur on my will power and determination.

My Goals for the 5 Weeks (35 days):

To loose between 3kg - 5kg.
To be able to run 6km continuously in 45minutes.
To reduce Body Fat percentage by 3%.
To increase Skeletal Muscle percentage by 1.5%.
Running + Resistance Training. 
Follow Nutrition Plan.
Drinking MORE Water.

Running Training - 4 days on and 2 days off.
Resistance Training - 1 full day off per week.

My Ultimate Goals:

Reach goal weight of 69kg - 74kg (Healthy BMI)
To drop body fat percentage to between 21% - 33%
To be a comfortable Size 12
To drop Viceral Fat to 5 (currently 6)
To be fit and healthy enough to become a Personal Trainer

Monday, September 6, 2010

Horrible Weigh In Result for Start of Sept 2010

Today's weigh in result is totally depressing, devastating, disasterous, diabolical the list can go on and on.  I am hoping with my entire being that its not an accurate reading and that once my bodies hormones figure out what they are doing that the scales will once again show a more positive result.

As embarrassing as this is to share here are the results:

Weight increased by .8kg = 80.3kg
Body Fat percentage increased by 2.6%  = 40.7% 
Muscle percentage decreased by 1.6%  = 25.5%

Ok so I will admitt that I am still not getting in enough healthy calories and have been purging again on occassion and because of this it means that I am not feeling nourished and so have been eating crap in order to find some satisfaction.  But whilst my food intake hasn't been the greatest I don't feel that it has been so bad as to reflect the results that are showing, especially considering that I have been working my butt off with my exercise.

Anyway, as you can imagine I am feeling really down on myself but am trying really hard to make it work in my favour rather than against.  It is now even more important for me to turn things around and get back to kicking some goals and I have a plan!!

Stay tuned to find out more!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

An Update as at SEPT 2010!

Not much has changed with regards to Weight, Body Fat and Muscle percentage which is really frustrating but at the same time is all due to my own actions and although its getting me down I am finding it difficult to get back on track.

I have gone back to old habbits of not eating small nutritious meals on a regular basis and eating junk (emotional snacking) when I do eat,  which means that my calorie intake has fallen below my BMR and my body has yet again gone into Starvation mode.  I have been trying but I have 3 good days and then its downhill from there until I manage to get on track again.

On the exercise side I am still working out, although not as manically (if that is a word) as I am exhausted, which of course comes down to nutrition and not fuelling my body properly.  I do however believe that the reason I am at a plato is because I have been keeping up the exercise otherwise I am sure I would of put everything back on again - at least body fat percentage wise.

With regards to exercise I have also been pushing through with injured knee's', which is making life very frustrating as I am planning on participating in a 5.7km run on 10 October and haven't been able to run because of the injury.  Whilst I have been doing alternative training it just still doesn't feel the same.

I had a Remedial massage yesterday that used tigger point therapy to loosen up the muscle conjestion and although it has reduced a great deal of the heaviness I was feeling, they are still giving me the shits (to put it bluntly).

So anyway that's pretty much all I feel like writing right now as the saying goes 'old habbits die hard'.

Time to kick myself up the arse and get back on track, here's to my next blog being more positive.

Thanks for the support.  Love, Light and Peace OXXO

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Outfit Comparrison Picture April 09 vs August 10

On March the 10th 2010 this is what I wrote about the picture (below) taken in April 2009.

Its amazing what you take for granted!! I was so unhappy with how I looked when this photo was taken and now all I want is to get back there again....this is what I am working my butt off to achieve and I promise myself that when I get there I am going to SMILE and most importantly I am going to be well enough to really enjoy it.

Well as you can see, I am there and I am reasonably healthy but I am not smiling!  I am still not happy with how I look and although I know I have come so far from where I was it feels very unrewarding.  Will I ever be happy?  Will I stop changing the goal posts?  Will I ever be able to accept a compliment without chringing on the inside? 

My lapband specialist has said that she is happy with my weight where it is, which I believe is WRONG as I am not even within my healthy BMI range yet.  I told her that ideally I would like to be between the 69kg - 74kg range which means I still have between 5 - 10kg to lose.  I manged to talk her around to agreeing to the 74kg but she believes that 69kg is too little for my frame and that I would look terrible...I guess seeing is believing.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

An Update as at 14 August 2010

I hadn't realised that it had been so long since I updated this blog.  To be honest with you the past couple of weeks have been like a yo yo in all aspects of my life.  Biting off more than I can chew not only affects my stress levels but inadvertantly my hips too!

Food wise this week has been shitty - Comfort eating is a real problem.  Exercise wise this week I managed 4 out of the 7 days which is OK but ideally I want to be doing my 6.

On a big positive I ran 2.3km in 20 minutes on Friday about 2 minutes of that was walking to catch my breath so the aim is to build up my stamina so I can go the distance and then increase my speed to get my time.  I'm doing the St.George Melbourne Marathon 5.7km in October so there will be lots of running training sessions between now and then.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Need to get back on track!!

So, the week started off with a great weigh in result and also some awesome training sessions which gave me the boost I needed to get my eating on the right track.  Unfortunately I can't say the same for the middle and the end of the week. 

After the 'shitty' day I had on Tuesday I pigged out on Popcorn (a whole 200 gram bag) which just made me feel like crap so I decided to just learn from it and move on. 

Wednesday's food was great (apart from purging dinner) but didn't see me doing any exercise (apart from lots of guitar playing). 

Thursday I woke up feeling like I was hit by a truck and so ended up spending the afternoon on the couch asleep and was in bed fast asleep by 10pm which for me is 'early. 

Friday I cancelled my PT session as getting out of bed was a struggle.

Saturday and Sunday haven't been much better and as a result of feeling blah I have been comfort eating - not to the extreme but enough to make me feel guilty which just feeds the blahness - its a never ending cycle.

Anyway I am sure that tomorrows weigh in result is not going to be a positive one but I am determined to not let it work as a negative but instead to fuel my determination to get my butt back into gear.  I also have a feeling that the universe is going to throw more crap at me this week to test my will power and strength of spirit but I am not going to give in, I am going to forge forward and power through.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Next Phase Weigh In #1

Considering my rocky start I am so happy with this weeks results.

(Oh shit - Skeletal Muscle should read as +.2% bugger it)

I am back at the Gym and let me just say OUCH but in such a good way LOL! 

I had a really shitty day today.  I took my baby boy to have a skin pigment looked at which resulted in him having it removed which meant a small surgical procedure.  He was so brave, me on the other hand have been a mess since the doctor told me his plans.  After a very emotional day (which also included me dropping my phone in the toilet and major stress trying to fix it - Telstra SUCKS!) I ended up buying popcorn and pigging out and now I feel like crap on all levels.  Oh well as they say tomorrow is a new day.

Anyway I have a shitload of stuff to get organised ready for tomorrow, I was supposed to be spending the day playing music but now I have to go to a Telstra shop first which sucks - Blah!!

Motivation v's Inspiration

Motivation feeds off our feelings and so cannot be relied upon to keep us striving for more.

Inspiration however fuels the positive feelings and in turn spurs the motivation!

So, I am thinking that if you find something inspirational in whatever your are putting off doing, you will then find the motivation to want to get up and do it!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Next Phase.....

So, the challenge is over- now what?? 

I am feeling very lost at the moment and to be completely honest a little depressed and just generally drained.  I haven't been to the Gym for a workout at all this week and I am missing it, well not the Gym exactly but the high I get from it and my team mates too.  Also I have been lax with my eating (I'm not even putting it into Calorie King) which always makes me feel blah!

I hurt my shoulder on Saturday morning at training so that, on top of my knee is a real pain in the arse to say the least.  Anyway with that said, I have decided to listen to my body and REST!  Well, not completely but from high impact anyway - today I went for walk with Mum and tomorrow I am going to do water aerobics as for the rest of the week, well lets see what happens.

Ok enough whinging, its time to kick my own butt into gear, I said I would go for 12 weeks and that is exactly what I am going to do.  Tomorrow is a new day and it is never too late to start again!

My Goals for the next 4 Weeks...

To loose 2 - 4 kg. (Currently 79kg)
To reduce Body Measurements so jeans are looser.
To be able to run 4km continuously in under 30minutes.
To get adequate rest (bed before midnight).
Follow Exercise and Nutrition Plans.
Hyrdrate my body by drinking 2Lt of Water per day.
Increase Skeletal Muscle by .5 - 1%  (Currently 26.6%)
Decrease Body Fat 1 - 1.5% (Currently 38.8%)

My Ultimate Goals:

Reach goal weight of 69kg - 74kg = Healthy BMI (Currently 79kg)
To drop body fat % to between 21% - 33% (Currently 38.8%)
To drop Viceral Fat to 5 (currently 6)
To be fit and healthy enough to become a Personal Trainer
To be a comfortable Size 12
92-97cm BUST (Currently 96.5cm)
71-76cm WAIST (Currently 89cm)
98-103cm HIP (Currently 111cm)

The Challenge - Final Weigh In Results

Here are the final results of the 8 week challenge. 

I am feeling really proud of what I have achieved, it hasn't been easy but it has sure been rewarding.

My Goals for the 8 Weeks...

To loose .5kg - 1kg per week.
*I lost .65kg per week

For my Size 12 Jeans (pictured in before photo) to fit comfortably.
*Whilst they are more comfortable I would like them to be a little looser.

To be able to run 4km continuously in under 30minutes.
*Knee has prevented me from running but my fitness level has improved.

To get adequate rest (bed before midnight).
*Had maybe one night a week that I went over curfew and then it was only by an hour at the most.

Follow Exercise and Nutrition Plans.
*I am so happy with my dedication to this, even when I did come off the rails I was able to get back on again which is a huge accomplishment as in the past I would of just given up.

Hyrdrate my body by drinking 2Lt of Water per day.
*I didn't get my 2Lt everyday but I have been drinking more than I used to - I would like to improve on this.

Increase Skeletal Muscle % and Decrease Body Fat %
*Achieved - Whoo Hoo!!

The Challenge - Weigh In #8 (Last one)

Well, unfortunately I didn't end the challenge with an awesome weigh in result but I'm not letting it get to as its only a gain of 300 grams and the other results didn't change which are actually the more important statistics. 

OMG how far have I come! Before this challenge an increase of even 100 grams would of been a huge issue and had me down in the dumps for days but I've come to realise that the weight reading on the scales can be a very fickle thing in deed - not to say that its not important, its just not the only indictator of whether or not I am on the right track.

Besides that, the overall total is what matters the most and focusing on the positives is what will keep me forging forward.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Challenge - Day 4, Week 8

I am sooooooo sore that tonight I have decided not to go to my Impact Training Toning class!  Gotta say though that its a good sore as there is nothing worse than working my arse off and not having anything to show for it . 

40 minutes of Cardio & 45 minutes of Impact Boxing

10 minutes Cycle (warm up), 45 minutes PT & 60 minutes Fighting Fit

45 minutes Boxing & 20 minutes Spin Cycle

60 minutes (30 minutes PT & Cardio/Weights)

Total so far this week: 325 minutes (5hours 25minutes)

Whoa that's massive I knew that I had done a bit but didn't realise I'd done that much, I don't feel so guilty not going tonight now. 

Well on that note I do believe that putting my feet up and veging in front of the idiot box is the way to go!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Challenge - Day 2, Week 8

Whoa what an intense workout day its been any wonder I am buggered!

Endurance based weight training. (PT session with Kerriann)

10 minute warm up doing a Fat Burn on the Recumb Bike.

1.  Barbell Upright Row - Shoulder Press - Upright Row and so on repeatedly until fatigue and then I got to drop the heavier bar and do it all over again with the lighter one!

2. Pushups - on my toes!!  Yep, you read it right a proper full ROM pushup and when I couldn't do that anymore it was girly ones on my knees.

3.  Straight Leg Deadlifts - 20 reps plus some.

4.  Chin Ups starting outwide for 10 reps and then coming in narrow for 10 reps

5.  Spin - up out of the saddle on high tension for 30seconds and then a Sprint  - Repeat!

Repeat 1, 2, 3, 4

6.  Abs - Incline Bench with weight (10 x RHS Russians, 10 x LHS Russians, 10 x Overhead Crunches)

Repeat 3, 2, 6

Cool Down Treadmill Brisk Walk at Increasing Inclines

Needless to say that I this afternoon I had a nana nap LOL!!

Fighting Fit Class at Gym (with Neil)

This was an intense Cardio/Circuit/Abs workout that burnt over 600 calories and as full on as it was I will be doing it again for sure. 

We did 1 minute on each of the circuit posts with high intenstity Boxing/Combat moves in between. 

We went though the circuit 4 times before doing Abs and then some Tai Chi style stretching.  

Oh and on top of that we did some Mitt Work, while jogging on the spot with knees up.  Jab Cross Punches, Upper Cuts and Hooks.

Circuit:  Barbell Bicep Curls,  Weight Shoulder Press, Bike, Skipping, Bike, Floor to Ceiling Bag, Speed Ball, Boxing Bag, Speed Ball, Boxing Bag, Floor to Ceiling Bag, Leg Lifts, Step Ups, Bike, Resistance Band, Step Ups 

Well in saying all that its now time for bed so that I can do another Boxing class tomorrow.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Challenge - Weigh In #7, Day 1 Week 8

I got the Trifecta again which I am very happy about, so happy infact that I even did a little victory dance in the Gym this morning LOL!! 

So far in 7 weeks I have lost a total of 5.5kg Weight, 3.3% Body Fat and Gained 1.4% Muscle.

I now have less than 10kg and less than 6% BF to loose until I am at my goal.  Although I know that its still a little while away I at least know that I can (and will) do it!  Gotta say that the thought of reaching it is a little scary and leaves me thinking..."what happens then?" but; as the saying goes I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

I am sooooo tired tonight, I even had to push myself to go to Boxing and normally I can't wait to get there.  It goes to show that relying on motivation alone is not the key, you need to do it regardless of whether you are motivated or not!!

In saying that I have a big week ahead of me as I want to end the challenge on a high!

Lastly I wanted to share my newest Before and After picture. 

Before 2000 and After July 2010.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Challenge - Day 7, Week 7

Last night Glenn and I went to an engagement party and so we decided to make the most of a kid free night and get all glammed up.  I brought my dress at Femme (Caroline Morgan) which is one of the little Asian Shops and its a Size L (12).  I must admitt that I felt pretty good being able to see that my hard work is paying off, and I am so proud of myself as there were '2' chocolate fountains and I managed to avoid temptation.  I did have 1 party pie and 3 lollie snakes but I burnt those off by shaking my groove thang LOL!  Oh and stuck to good ole H20 all night too - no hangover for me!!

Today's plan is to be good food wise and to chill out spending quality time with my precious family!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Challenge - Day 6, Week 7

The end of the 8 weeks challenge is drawing ever near and that to me is a little sad!  I have however made the decision to continue on with the nutrition and exercise plan for an extra 4 weeks - taking it to a total of 12 before having a short break (which NO, doesn't mean going off the rails and eating junk and not exercising) and then taking up the next Challenge whatever that may be. 

Whilst this challenge has only been for a period of 8 weeks, to me it has been a learning experience and one that I plan to make 'life' changing - so really this 8 weeks is only just the beginning!  Not only is it the beginining of a new me but also of new friendships and special bonds that I am so blessed to have made.

Anyway enough of the soppy stuff I just wanted to touch base and fill you in of this weeks Food and Training!

Food wise I am back on track which was hard to do after the big splurge but I didn't want to see bad results at weigh in and so fingers crossed that come Monday I will have a good result.

Exercise wise I mixed things up a bit this week due to having different trainers and let me just say that my poor old body is definitely feeling it - OUCH!!  Even though I am sore I know that I have worked hard which feels AWESOME!!

This weeks achievements....

New PLANK Record is 2:50.  My next goal is to reach the 3 minute mark.

I pressed 80kg (my body weight) on the Squat Rack.

All weights have been increased - now that challenge is on!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Challenge - Weigh In #6 Day 1, Week 7

I achieved the Trinity this week - Lost Weight, Lost Body Fat and Gained Muscle!! Whoo Hoo - AWESOME result!

My motivation over the weekend and for the most part of today was pretty much non existant.  On top of that I have also felt drained and just generally blah. 

Despite feeling this way I managed to kick myself up the butt (after a good cry) and find the motivation to clean my house and go to Impact Fitness Boxing Class.

I am now happy to report that I am feeling more positive and ready for a productive week.  Its amazing how empowered one can feel after bashing the crap out of the boxing mitts!

Well that's it from me for tonight, I have a big upper body workout planned in the morning so its time for some much needed rest.

Thank you all so much for the support it is very much appreciated.

Only 2 weeks of the Challenge remaining!  (Well the Official Challenge anyway, I've decided to do the 12 weeks instead of 8 - crazy I know!!).

The Challenge - Day 7, Week 6

I have the GUILTS something bad right now - OMFG what the hell was I thinking?? 

Friday Night I had 2 Chocolate Crackles (320 calories), an Atkins Peanut Cluster Bar (110 calories) and a Small Bag of Potatoe Chips (127 calories).

Saturday Night I had 2 Chocolate Crackles (320 calories), a handful of Dixie Drumstick Snacks (59 calories) and a 125g of buttered popcorn (685 calories)!!  

Even though I didn't pig out today I skipped meals and didn't choose as wisely as I should have considering the past couple of days pigouts!  Which I think is just as bad.

Was it worth it?  NO! NO! NO!

Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the Popcorn lots because as we all know its my favourite!  As for the others they were just me eating because it was there.  Well the chocolate crackles were because Acey made them and was very excited!   

This feeling right now SUCKS.  All that is going around in my head is "What if the fat % on the scales go up", "What if the girls look at my Calorie King?".  I considered just writting the days off and not writing down and sharing my embarrasment but that would be lying to myself and as honesty is the best policy I just couldn't do it - besides if I did that how could I learn from it?

So anyway as bad as I am feeling right now I need to try to forgive myself and just get back on track.  These things are going to happen, but its how I handle and learn from that matters.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Challenge - Day 2, Week 6

Today was a 'blah' kind of day for me to the point of me bawling my eyes out in the Gym (half way through my PT session) like a sooky girl - how embarrassing!  

I am so frustrated that my knee is still sore and prevents me from doing certain exercises (eg. Dead Lifts) when I really want to work to my full potential.  On top of that I felt that my performance was pathetic as I was struggling to push past my sticking point, which for me means that it beat me and that is something I don't deal with very well. 

I am so thankful to my traniner Kerriann and to my team mate Sarah who comforted and reassured me that I was just being too hard on myself.  

Once I got myself together I managed to dig deep, focus and push on to finish the session which I feel is a postive step as I could of just walked away.

Anyway I felt that it was equally as important to share this side of the challenge as well as the highs.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Challenge - Weigh In #5, Day 1 Week 6

Well in the words of Mr. Meatloaf, 2 out of 3 aint bad!!  Weight Down, Muscle Down but No Change in Muscle Percentage.

So far over the past 5 weeks I have lost a total of
4.1kg and 2.1% body fat.

I looked up in the Louise Hay 'You can heal your life' book tonight about Knee Problems and this is what it says:  'Stubborn ego and pride.  Inability to bend.  Fear.  Inflexibility.  Won't give in.'  Which as much as I hate to admitt it (perfect example right there LOL), does speak volumes!

"I bend and flow with ease, and all is well."  Forgiveness, Understanding and Compassion is the key!

This weeks goals:
  • To loose .5 - 1.0kg
  • To loose .5% - 1.0% Body Fat
  • Hopefully increase Muscle Percentage without it affecting my weight
  • Stay true to my Nutrition plan
Well that's it for now as I have a million and one things to get done before my midnight curfew and I need my rest as I have a feeling that tomorrow I will be tortured in my PT session!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Challenge Day 4, 5, 6, 7 - Week 5

This week has been one of frustration, complatency, guilty splurges and self punishment and so I am interested to see how it is reflected in tomorrow's weigh in results again if it is a not so great result I have only myself to blame!

I have still exercised this week despite my knee giving me crap which I know is a huge step as I haven't let it beat me.  I must say though that the limitations have been incredibly frustrating to say the least.  I brought a brace on Friday and since wearing it I have noticed some improvement.  I am hoping that it will provide enough support to be able to work a little harder this week. 

Food wise I have been slack and allowing myself to have little splurges here and there.  Although its nothing major all the little bits and pieces add up, for example:  stealing one of the kids chips when I open their packet, having a bite of Glenn's piece of cake, a low fat muffin, an extra serve of pasta with 'real' cheese.  I really need to kick myself up the butt and get back on track or else all the hardwork I have put in will be undone! 

So that's it from me for today.  Stay Tuned for the weight in results.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Challenge - Day 2, 3 Week 5

I did it!!  I went to the movies and did not have one single piece of popcorn!!  I was even passing it back and forth between Glenn, Mum and the Boys and managed to stay strong.  I am so proud of me right now. :oD

Its been a week of ups and downs with regards to motivation for training but I have been plodding along and trying to keep up the determination.  I must say though that having an awesome trainer who won't let me give in even when I say "I can't" makes all the difference.  

Oh now for the bit the sucks;  I hurt my knee at Zumba yesterday :o( and so now I am a little limited with training until it heals which is f*#('n frustrating.  I am not letting it slow me down completely though as there is plenty that I can still do as long as I don't push. 

I was thinking today when I was doing Boxing that if I had of been injured a couple of months ago I would of used it as an excuse not to be able to do anything except sit on my butt and eat popcorn LOL - goes to show that a leopard can change its spots if it really wants to!  Another accomplishment!

Oh, lastly I wanted to share a couple of really Yummy food ideas.

Maple Mustard Chicken

Chicken Breast
Sugar Free Maple Syrup
Wholegrain Mustard

Mix the Maple Syrup and Mustard together and rub into Chicken.  Place under Griller and cook both sides.

Lamb Wraps

Lamb Strips (Marinate in Yogurt, Garlic, Rosemary and Mint)
Capsicum (Tri Colour)
Mountain Bread
Lite Greek Yogurt

Cook up Lamb with Onion and Capsicum.  On a Mountain bread, place Lettuce, Lamb, Onion and Capsicum and top with a Dallop of Yogurt.

That's it for tonight, sorry I haven't been doing daily entries but I have been feeling a little behind the 8 ball and there are just not enough hours in the day.  Thank you so much for the support.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Challenge - Weigh in #4, Day 1, Week 5

Todays weigh in result was as I expected - a GAIN!!  But, on a plus I didn't let the team down because my Body Fat % was a LOSS!  So it at least shows that I did something right.  I am fairly confident that the weight gain is not just due to me splurging on Birthday Cake and Fish 'n' Chips but also a lack of bowel movement and muscle gain. 

I can't help but still feel disappointed even though theres also a positive result but beating myself up about it will only lead to destructive behaviour and I am so not going back there.  So its time to get back on track and just keep on keeping on. 

Surely if I do all the right things again this week I am bound to find the balance point for Weight Loss, Fat Loss and Musce Gain!!