Thursday, June 20, 2019

New Hair Do!

Okay, I did have a post up and then I accidently deleted this take number two.

On Tuesday 18th, I got a new do...the boys also had a trim.

I knew from Jazz asking me every day for weeks on end when we were getting a hair cut, that I was over due but, it wasn't until I took the below pic that I realised how badly I needed it.  Hmmm given that my bestie gave me a not so subtle hint last week, I should have though hey LOL...Biartch!

Anyway, as is usually the case in winter, I was well and truly over the blonde. So, the plan was to do something a little left of spice things up a tad.

BUT, it didn't work and that night I went to bed feeling what I can only describe as disappointed.  Admittedly, I was already somewhat emotional after a day of counselling friends, a misunderstanding with Mum, and rushing around to get Mark to his chiro appointment.  Bottom line though, was I didn't like it!  

I think it was due to a combination of reasons.  One, because I have grown fond of my curls and didn't like the blowdryed style (although I did like the warmth of the hairdyer), I don't mind it straight, but the hair straightening kind of straight.  Two, because I was expecting that wow factor and instead got 'brown'.

Anyway, the next day I washed it and let it dry naturally (apart from my bangs) and it grew on me a little more (no pun intended LOL).

Funnily enough, last night my Mum actually complimented me and said it was the nicest she has seen my hair look in quite a while.  Glenn agreed saying that it was better than the bright red; a colour I actually love!  Mark and the boys however, are on the fence...I think they were also disappointed given I had shown them the pic of what I was hoping for.

It isn't a reflection on the hairdresser by the way, as I think she has done a good job overall...I just really wish I could of had something 'different'...I guess I do, just not the different I was expecting.

Either way really, it looks much better than it did, so for that I am very thankful!

I am going to give it a few more days and if it still doesn't spark the kind of joy I want to feel then I will throw through a packet colour...probably a deep dark auburn!

Anyway as the quote above says, at the end of the day it doesn't matter what the hair looks like it is all about self confidence.

So with that in is me, smiling anyway!

P.S.  How do you 'get over' the disappointment of expecting one thing, but getting another?  I'm leaning towards the thought pattern that perhaps it just wasn't meant to be!

Jazz turned 14!

June 19th 2019

Oh gosh, it feels like I blinked and now here we are...

When I found out I was pregnant with Jazz, only 9 months after Ace came into world, I remember being worried that I wouldn't have enough love to give. To be honest, not that you can tell by our very first photo together, it took me a little while to truly bond with Jazz as I felt guilty for being away from Ace. I was soon to learn that I had an abundance of love for both of my boys. 

As I write this post I am feeling quite emotional and a bit lost for words (shock horror hey). How can I possibly begin to describe the overwhelming feeling of love and pride I feel for each of my boys.

But today is all about Jazz, all about my baby boy who is 14 today!

Our day started with morning snuggles...a moment that I am so blessed Ace captured. 

Ace was up as he was the first person Jazz went in and snuggled with...I am so envious of the bond they share, truly each others best mate. During our snuggle time, I asked Jazz if he felt any older? His reply was "No, but maybe I will at the end of the day". I love the way his mind works and his innocent honesty.

Then it was time for the usual tradition of walking into a decorated room with presents ready and waiting to be ripped open with excitement.

The first gift Jazz opened was one he received from his Nan and Pop on the weekend. Hows this for timing he was opening it, they called! Divine timing or what!

Next, he gifted Ace with a 'big brother' present and Ace gave him his 'little brother' one. 

Then it was onto the others (Nike Jumper, Xbox Game, Bluetooth speakers to name a few). We were a little sneaky and hid his new phone under some books. And, as payback for the ole wrap up his jocks as a gift for me on mothers day prank...inside his phone box was a pair of my undies hahaha!

Again, following tradition, after unwrapping gifts we get Maccas Hotcakes for breakfast.

The rest of the day the boys spent playing xbox, building lego and just enjoying each others company. Oh yeah, no school or work on birthdays in this was simply a day of enjoying gifts.

Until...he got visits from school mates (Louis, James and Sunny) and went out for a bike ride.

In the evening Mapa and Glenn came over and we had Fish'n'Chips for dinner (the birthday boys choice). 

As Jazz got clothes from Mapa, in between courses Jazz gave us a little fashion show...very cute!

We also had a Freddo Ice cream cake (birthday boy got the most mini frogs...7 of them), and it was so special that Aunty Skeet and company, facetimed and got to be a part of the singing and hoorays.

All in all whilst not going out and about (we will be going to the movies on Saturday), it has been a wonderful day.

Thank you to everyone who visited, text, called, posted on social media and facetimed my little man today. It means heaps as him feeling special, makes me feel very happy.

Oh...tonight as we were tucking him in, Mark commended our boy on his graciousness. We left his phone till the last gift, and also didn't get him a Nike cap as I knew his Dad was getting it, but not once did he get disappointed or ungrateful...he was just thankful for what he had received. What an amazing kid he is, one with a smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts.

THAT SMILE...Infectious ain't it!

I love you my baby boy, intergalactic amounts times by infinity.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

June 2019 - Part 1

June already can you believe it!  AND I'm actually writing this post 'in June' and not two months down the track *high fives to little miss smug me*

It's winter here in the southern hemisphere, and its absolutely bloody freezing!  As much as Autumn is my fav of all the months, I really dislike that it turns into winter.  I know, I know, we need the seasons to change yadda yadda, but seriously people my fingers are like ice blocks as I am typing this right now brrrrrr!

Saturday 1st

I spent the day studying...OMG this assessment (Public Health Part C) is seriously doing my head in!

I did take a break for a little while when Mum popped in...she brought over some homemade vegetable soup and chow mien...bonus no cooking for me tonight.  

Sunday 2nd

Refer to yesterday!

Although I did remember to take time out to call my Step Dad for his birthday.  He is currently on a lake somewhere up towards South Australia but plans on escaping the cold and heading North asap...lucky bastard!

Wednesday 5th

Tonight I attended my first BRA (Breast Reconstruction Awareness) meeting. There were about 15 other woman in similar situations who sat and listened and looked while 5 woman who have already gone through the surgery shared their "show and tell".   It was good and I will go again.  

I don't think I've shared my decision yet,  which the BRA meeting helped further cement.

So here is what I've decided...

A) I'm not keeping my nipples, but will have a reconstruction and tattooing. 

I'm not doing this for cosmetic reasons, and so the whole waiting another year for the risk reduction surgery to start wasn't appealing at all.  

B) I'm going with the option of using tissue from my own thighs.  Whilst a HUGE operation it feels more 'right' for me.  One of the biggest factors was that because it will be my own tissue it means my boobs will change with me, and given my weight fluctuates like a yoyo I like that idea.

Saturday 8th

So I've been in a shit of a headspace and struggling to just put one foot in front of the other at the moment...all while TRYING to write an assessment worth 40% of my subject grade eeekkk.  I mean on Tuesday I spent the day crying...that ugly crying type, you know what I mean?

Anyway...reason for the funk was because on Monday 3rd June, I quit smoking! I lasted a whole 5 days without anyway BUT caved in the wee hours of this morning.

Mind you, in saying that I have had 5 smokes in 6 days, which in comparrison to the 150 I would of had in that time, is not too shabby! 

As much as I don't like to admit it, my mood isn't as low, and I'm talking it was LOW despite all my hippy trippy witchy tricks (oils, herbs, affirmations etc).  

And would you believe it, the essay I had been struggling to write is now finished. 

Anyway, I'm not beating myself up because it was a good effort, I just need to keep trying...I've done it before, I CAN do it again!

It probably didn't help that on top of withdrawals and detoxing it was also TTOTMOMG I am so having that NovaSure thing done, I can't handle it anymore, my uterus is seriously trying to kill me.

Tonight I helped one of my study buddies proof her assessment...yes I know, more study but as I always say "we are all in this together" and so helping each other through is all part of it.

Sunday 9th 

With hand on my heart I can honestly say that despite all my struggles, despite those moments where it feels that it is just all too much to deal with, I feel so blessed to be breathing. And so today, I took some time out to just simply BREATHE.

I also had a lovely surprise visit from my bestie, who gave me a gorgeous present that I cherish just as much as her friendship.

I also feel honoured that another friend reached out, and that I managed to push my own shit aside to be there to catch her ( be here ro give a hug and lend a listening ear).

And lastly, I managed to finish my final assessment of the semester (a video presentation which took me like 100 takes eeekkk I'd prefer singing to talking any day) and am now on a study break until semester to go and degree number one will be freaking ripper.

Both boys flew the coup tonight and stayed at their mates places so my sweet man and I got Pizza and Pasta and went to bed and stuffed our faces while watching movies.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...

I pretty much stayed in bed and watched movies for the entire 3 days...

I was supposed to go and see the breast surgeon on Wednesday 12th but I got a message on Friday last week (yes the day I caved and had a smoke) that it had been rescheduled to the 17th of July.

Thursday 13th

Back to much as I love what I do, after having a few days off I really struggled to get back into the swing of things.

Friday 14th

Mark helped a friend of ours move her office, the boys had a student free day and slept in then cleaned their rooms and packed for the weekend, and I worked and then cleaned.

That evening we met up with Glenn at the optus shop so I could help him with a new mobile and internet plan.

After wards we all went to LaPorcetta for dinner, then Mark and I said our farewells and went shopping for Hosannas (June 12th) and Jazz's (June 19th) birthday presents.

When we got home, Ace rang for help to set up Glenn's new phone and while he was doing that Jazz and I played silly games on Facebook messenger and had a good laugh.

Saturday 15th

More shopping...ewww I really dislike shopping, but we got it all done!  And, we even did all the wrapping.

Sunday 16th

I sit here today with a feeling that I can only verbalise as 'contentedness'...and this quote, these words are spot on!

Both perfection and blessings are a state of mind, based purely upon ones own perception of such.

I am perfectly imperfect and for that I am truly blessed!

Monday 17th

And here we are...TODAY, the moment of now...

As I said earlier I'm sitting here typing away with icicles for fingers.  It doesn't help that I am sitting outside because I'm having a smoke!   

I know! I Know!  It is something that will be reduced and stopped again very soon.  I think I will be able to handle it better this time, at least I hope so.

Today was a good day...I worked and Mark did as much as he could around the house with a sore back.  He hurt it Friday and it progressively got worse over the weekend, hopefully it will come right.

Tonight we watched a movie called 'Gifted', well worth watching.

I also gave Mark his injection...good thing I don't see the needle go in.  I simply place it on his arm, press the button, wait for the two clicks and that's that!


Tomorrow is my day off.  I initially took Tuesdays off to help my sister, then when I got sick and had my nose op and got back on my feet, I kept it as a study day.  As I'm on study break until August (have I already said WHOO HOO LOL), tomorrow will be spent catching up on things that didn't get done today aka changing linen and lots of washing, I might even be a good wife and give my man a would be better than the 'there ya go that will do ya' basic rub in of deep blue I've done.

Its been quite an experience updating my blog these past couple of days, reliving if all really makes you think "WOW...all of that and yet, here we are"...doing A-Okay.  We may not be financially wealthy but we've got a shit tonne of love and things to be thankful for...kinda makes me feel like one of the wealthiest people out!  Oh bloody hell, even I gag on the corny shit I write sometimes.

Anyway catch ya really soon, thanks again for reading my ramblings.

Ooohhh tomorrow afternoon is also HAIR day, so be sure to stay tuned for a before and after pic!

Monday, June 17, 2019

May 2019

Wednesday 1st

You remember how I wasn't going to wait up for results this year...well I did for this one as it was worth 50% of my subject grade and was playing on my mind. I was so relieved when I saw 45/50. Maybe I work better in a haze of mess LOL. 

Thursday 2nd 

So even though I only need 5% to pass the subject I am so stressed over my next assessment right now. It doesn't help that the lecturer hasn't replied to my message to confirm if my topic is okay. I think the stress is also due to it being a topic I am am passionate about; I'm doing a health promotion poster and my topic is self breast examination for young woman. 

Talking about such...have you checked your boobs lately? 

Friday 3rd 

Mark and I had a little lovers quarrel tonight over something that I believed was him making a mountain out of a molehill. In hindsight, I can see his point of view...essentially I was insensitive! Luckily our spats are few and far between and don't last very long.

Then, I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning working on my assessment because I lost everything I had worked program dramas are real people! Luckily, I had saved a draft in the old platform...but still a major HF! 

Saturday 4th 

May the 4th be with you all **hehe** sorry I couldn't resist!

Today I finally completed my assessment **major sigh of relief** 


As everything else was all done, I figured a nice hot relaxing bath (and a glass of moscato) was the perfect way to reward my efforts! 

Oh boy, was it lovely! I even let my man join me *Oh la la la* 

Why is it that I do not make time to stop and have a bath more often? 

It is definitely something that I intend to change. Perhaps it will become my 'assessment submitted' reward. 

Our favourite band is on at the pub tonight, but after my bath (or maybe its the wine) I'm a little too relaxed to even get dressed hahaha! So instead it's bed and snuggle time! And Indian takeway too YUM! 

Wednesday 8th 

Grade for the second assessment of Public Health was released today...29/30! Again, I ponder the whole working better in a haze of mess! I only need 2% to pass the subject yee har! 

Today I had my Gyno appointment, which was a waste of time as he couldn't check anything out due to it being another appointment has been made! 

Mum also had her appointment today too, which went well and she doesn't need to go back for another year...AWESOME NEWS! 

Since we were up in Ballarat we organised a lunch date with my beautiful cousin Michelle. It was so good to get to have some proper time together, except as is always the case the time went way too quickly! 

Oh...I haven't told you. My little sister Marketta is the ambassador for this years Geelong Mothers Day Classic; raising much needed funds for Breast Cancer research - her fundraising page is HERE

Check out her newspaper articles HERE and HERE

Thursday 9th 

Had Jazz's ILP meeting at school today. No surprises that he is trying ultra hard and doing really well. We were surprised to hear that he had been attempting 'at level' work though, not to say that he is at level but the fact that he is willing to give it a go, and doesn't get upset by the fact that it is challenging is a positive. I say it all the time but if he could get dux based on effort alone, that kid would have it hands down! 

Mum and Dad (Marks folks) came over from Tassie this week and so came and spent the night with us. It is always so wonderful chatting with them into the wee hours of the morning. I love that they acknowledge how happy Mark is, and thank me for it. Honestly though, he makes me just as happy *gush*. 

Friday 10th

Today Mum and I went on our traditional 'opshopping spree', I thought we may have needed an Ark to get around town as it belted down with rain all day! So good though as it was much needed!

Then we all went out for a late lunch at Hogs Breath in Melton. The boys took the day off, and my Mum met us there too which made it even more special.

Hogs Breath Dessert - YUM!

Today would have been my parents 45th Wedding Anniversary. They were SO young! My Dad was turning 20 the next day, my Mum was 19...and yep 2 months pregnant with me. Yes I'm the product of a holiday romance between a blue eyed, blonde haired Australian beauty and a tall dark handsome Maori boy. Oh what a love story! My Mum, upon speaking about my Dad, once said "he was like my drug that I just couldn't get enough of"...such powerful words, such a deep love! Whilst sadly their marriage did not last, there is absolutely no denying that their love for each other did.

That's Koro next to my Dad...maybe that's what Dad would look like?

Saturday 11th

Today would have been my Dad's 65th Birthday, and yet to me he will eternally be 36 (the age he was when he passed). I cannot actually even imagine what he would of been like as an 'old man'. Not that 65 is old. Mind you, I can remember when he passed and everyone saying 'Oh gosh he was so young' and yet there I was at 16 thinking 'Really???'. Now that I'm an old bat...I get it, yep way too young!

Whilst not physically with me there are times when I catch a glimpse of him in Aces eyes, Jazzs cheeky grin or my own facial expressions when I sing and I know a part of him is here with me always. He will always be my hero and I will always be his little girl.

Today while the boys went shopping for gifts for me, I took my Mum shopping for gifts for her. It felt nice spoiling her, although she kept on looking at the price of things she liked and then putting it back. She also kept trying to buy me things which was not the point of our outing. I managed to deter her and instead she bought the boys a new top each which they love. 

After our shopping expedition we all went out for lunch at the Fleece...Fish 'n' Chips and Salad, my fav yummy!

Sunday 12th

I personally don't believe that you need a special day to show and tell the people that you love, how special they are to should be a given EVERYDAY! But, in saying that, it is nice to have a day where a little bit of extra effort is invested into ensuring they 'know' and 'feel' they are important! So to all the Mums out there today (be it biological, step, foster, aunt, nan or the blokes who play both roles), I hope you know your worth. I hope you know that you are precious to those who matter most... 

To my Mum Kathy, Thank you for never giving up on me, for always pushing me to be who you believe I can aspire to be, for the support you provide day in and day out. As much I know I can stand on my own two feet (after all, you raised us to be independent, outspoken, hard headed and driven young woman), I also know I would be lost without you. 

To my MIL, thank you for raising a son who is not afraid to show love and who puts his Queen at the forefront of his home. 

We told the kids they couldn't go in the water on our wedding day LOL 

Photo by JJ Photography 

To those whose Mum is not with them today, know I am wrapping my arms around you from afar. 

My sweet man wrote my a poem for Mothers Day. I love how he makes me feel so special! 

Today we all give homage 
To those who gave us life.
Our dear amazing mothers
Like my sweet darling wife!
I've seen the way she loves our boys.
Sweet motherly affection
Yet swift to action "monster-mode"
If our boys need protection!
She gives of all she has for them 
Of money, time or skills 
Because she wants the best for them 
A life with all "the frills"!! 
So here's a shout out to my wife 
Although she's not MY mother! 
She truly is splendiforous 
And unlike ANY other! 

Today not only did I get to have a sleep in, but I was also showered with lovely gifts from my precious boys (and of course my darling husband). There were lots of morning snuggles (my favourite part of each and every day), laughs (omgoodness my mind is sometimes a little not so clean...btw its a deodorant can lid...oh gosh "MUM, what were you thinking!!!"), moments of keeping it real with practical jokes at Mums expense (I told them off for buying a bag when we have plenty, so said bag was wrapped as a gift AND of course the given answer whenever it comes to the question of what one needs is undies...SO, I got some of theirs LOL). I feel very spoilt with so many presents, which they of course helped me unwrap. I love that they still do that, they get so excited by giving, which makes my heart smile. And, I must also admit that this softie had a little teary moment upon reading the beautiful heartfelt message in her card! 

Being a Mum is seriously the most challenging and rewarding thing I have ever done in my life. It is not always moonbeams and butterflies that's for sure, but if I do nothing else right in my life, I KNOW that I have done the best I could at raising two amazing young men. They may give me the shits on many occasions, but my pride meter for each of them is off the charts. 

This would have to be one of my favourite photos of the 3 of us....these little guys are my world and without them my life would have no purpose. 

Thank you to my friend Anne for capturing this moment forever x

Monday 13th 

I am meeting with the Breast surgeon today. I am hoping that I come out of my appointment with answers to my long list of questions. A surgery date booked would also be a bonus, although I might be pushing it there! I just really want to stop feeling like I am in limbo, I want to get it all over and done with so this daily anxiety, this feeling of impending doom can bugger off! Oh well, whatever happens happens, I just need to release expectation and trust the much easier said than done! 

Okay, here's an update on today's appointment which was actually with the Breast 'Plastic' Surgeon (Dean Trotter) and not the Breast Surgeon like I thought...well I actually thought today was with both but nope just one. 

Whilst I didn't get all of my questions answered, I did get some answered, but then again I also left with more questions...well decisions really - BIG if this decision wasn't already big enough (although one I firmly believe is right for me...fear does make you second guess yourself though)! 


A) To keep my nipples or not to keep my nipples? 

If I keep them, then I need to have a breast lift first as my puppies are currently pointed south. This will be my first operation and is purely a cosmetic one. If I don't keep them, then risk prevention will start immediately. Either way, sensitivity of the nipple will be lost, so it purely comes down to asthetics and personal choice. There is an option of having a nipple reconstruction and tattooing done down the track.

B) To have implants or to use my own skin?

Implants are the simpliest option but also come with its downfalls. If I use my own tissue it will be from my inner things as I don't have enough on my tummy, and using my back fat would make me look disproportioned in the long run. Fat grafting/lipo will probably need to be done too, I was pretty happy that he said he could fix up my dog ears when doing it.

Anyway I have written down a list of questions (6 pages worth actually) am hoping my questions/decisions can be answered/assisted when I get to see the Breast Care Nurse, and when I attend a BRA (Breast Reconstruction Awareness) Meeting. 

I have 4 weeks to research it all before my next appointment where I will choose which waiting list I will stay on for whichever path I choose to take on this journey. 

Oh...I also need to give up smoking before he will put me on the list! I mean its a contradiction anyway...having a major surgery to remove my breasts because my chance of getting breast cancer is 90-95% but I'm inhaling cancer causing toxins because I smoke hhhhmmm!

As for a date...I'm looking at 13 months time so June/July 2020...I am hoping it will be after Jazz's 15th birthday as I really don't want to miss another one because of being in hospital.

I am feeling incredibly overwhelmed by it all at the moment, it all seems so surreal to be honest. 

I have found an awesome online support group though through pinkhopeaus with lots of stories shared of people in similar circumstances, so that has made a big is nice to not feel alone! I know I'm not...but in a way, only I can make this decision based upon what I feel is best for my family...for me!

I hadn't really shared much of this journey on facebook for fear of judgement, but tonight I did. I am so thankful that I did as the messages of support have been so incredibly overwhelming. So blessed!

Tuesday 14th

We had a meeting with Ace's year level coordinator this afternoon. Seriously hoping that they can put some strategies into place to help him. It doesn't help that he isn't really interested. I really wish I had of had him assessed the way I did with Jazz as I KNOW he needs the assistance. The teacher said that it is an option (a difficult one, but one all the same), but when I spoke to Ace about it he broke down saying that he didn't want to be called a 'dumb arse' by the kids at school for having an aide. So, I suggested home schooling...again it did not go down well. So I kind of feel like I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. I mean he has no idea what he wants to do with his life yet, and that's ok...shit I'm in my 40's and only just figuring that shit out. But I really feel that it is important for him to stay in school for as long as possible. I have been sitting with him and making him do homework, but seriously it takes me an hour to get him motivated and then another hour to do only part of many hours do they expect him spend on homework each night - everyone needs and deserves down time. I am sure it will work out, I am sure I will work it out, but right now I feel like my son might be drowning and I just hope that he decides to grab on to the lifeline I am throwing out, or at least starts treading water rather than swallowing it!

Wednesday 15th 

Ace starting sniffling and coughing last night (is it anywonder STRESS), and surprise surprise I also woke up feeling like crap. So much so that after doing a massage, I came inside cancelled everyone else and went to bed. 

Thursday 16th 

Stayed in bed all day watching movies with Ace. 

Friday 17th 

The rest did us both the world of good and it was back to work and school! 

Saturday 18th 

There is no tomorrow and yet, we plan ahead for it in this moment that we have now, wasting our breath on what may never come. Living fully means living a life of faith. Surrendering ourselves to the notion that our plans are in fact made to fail, as we have no real control over what comes next! 

These are my ponderings as I go about my day. Well, as I sit here contemplating the list of things that need doing and a million thoughts that are crowding my mind that need addressing! 

The blue sky and the beauty of the rust coloured leaves that hang crinkled from the branches of our magnificent tree is capturing my attention more so right now, and that's okay...for in this moment of now, watching her dance in the cool breeze, I am at peace. 

Tuesday 21st 

Today I made some time for ME and booked in for a massage with the lovely @sonjaljavroska_wellnesscoach. Oh gosh my entire being; body, mind and soul needed it so much and now I am feeling as though that 'tap' of infinite possibility has been nudged open (once again). I MUST book in regularly. The reason I don't is because finances are tight, but I am so worth it, and considering I do 10 to 15 hours of massages for others each week, I well and truly bloody deserve one!

So here's a very blissful me sending love, light and peace out into the universe, along with a big MWAH.

Wednesday 22nd

Whilst today's plans did not include spending the most part of it in the Emergency Department with my darling husband, who has a severe UTI, severe case of prostatitis and sugar levels through the roof...

I am so thankful that we have amazing medical care at our door step AND that his blood results were okay enough to allow him to come home. Hoping that things improve from here! 

Saturday 25th

This is how my hair has been ALL DAY plus I've stayed in my PJs (yes, that means no bra) AND I didn't make my bed nor lift a finger around the house! What makes this such a biggie for me however, is that I even knew we were expecting visitors at different points today AND I still didn't run around like the headless chook I usually would. I'm at peace with ME, at peace with the fact that today, this is what you get...maybe even tomorrow too - but then again anything is possible!

So one of those visitors was Marks sister Debbie (and Kiralee too). You know when you wish time would stand still? Well that is how I feel when we get together...especially when we talk about Christianity - there is so much to learn, so much to contemplate, so much to debate (in a friendly way ofcourse). 

Thinking maybe a theology course might be interesting to do LOL...I will just add it to my long list of courses...see I told ya I could be a perpetual student AND yet...the stress of uni is insane! 

How ultra cute is this little pot of happiness she gave it! Thank you Sis! 

Sunday 26th 

The other visitor yesterday, who also called me early this morning to wake me up so she could use the loo (hahaha priceless) is my gorgeous bestie Bec. 

Yes we are both in our PJS hehehe! 

Monday 27th 

I had my 3 hour appointment with the breast care nurse today. I am happy to report that it helped immensely and I am feeling much more at peace about the decisions I have made (albeit still on the overwhelming side). What a difference having an adequate amount of TIME to sit, chat and have questions answers makes. Mind you, I have since thought of more questions but I will have the opportunity to ask them next week at the first of my BRA (Breast Reconstruction Awareness) meetings. 

Anyway the pic above is of a piece of tape, which will possibly be used over the wound sites, instead of stitches. I say possibly as I am allergic to most other kinds of tape, so we are giving it a trial run. I had an initial reaction but it has settled down so fingers crossed. 

Wednesday 29th 

I had my gynocology appointment today. 

I ended up giving the boys off school and taking them with me as I had to be in Ballarat at 8.50am and trying to arrange the boys getting to school when the weather was absolutely shocking was doing my head in. They happily sat in the waiting room. 

I had a cervical biospy done...results soonish! 

Whilst very uncomfortable there were some funny moments.... 

Like the Gyno telling me I had laid an egg, to which I replied with a "bwak bwak". And then him telling me he would be able to remember me now as I had a nice cervix. Seriously I thought stuff like that was only said on television. 

Afterwards he gave me two options to consider in regard to how horrible TTOTM is for me. 

1) A Mirena-IUD
2) A proceedure called a NovaSure

I am leaning more towards option two! 

As for the other concerns namely the abnormal cells and other stuff that is a little TMI for even me to share on this platform, he said we'd discuss all that in the next visit. 

The rest of the day I spent resting until we had to head out again to Marks endo appointment. Long story short despite all our changes, which we can admittedly finetune; his sugars have gone UP! So, that means a weekly injection from now on and back again in two months time for another review. 

And just like another month has gone by.... 

Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to give this blog a read, it truly means the world to me!