Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Next Phase Weigh In #1

Considering my rocky start I am so happy with this weeks results.

(Oh shit - Skeletal Muscle should read as +.2% bugger it)

I am back at the Gym and let me just say OUCH but in such a good way LOL! 

I had a really shitty day today.  I took my baby boy to have a skin pigment looked at which resulted in him having it removed which meant a small surgical procedure.  He was so brave, me on the other hand have been a mess since the doctor told me his plans.  After a very emotional day (which also included me dropping my phone in the toilet and major stress trying to fix it - Telstra SUCKS!) I ended up buying popcorn and pigging out and now I feel like crap on all levels.  Oh well as they say tomorrow is a new day.

Anyway I have a shitload of stuff to get organised ready for tomorrow, I was supposed to be spending the day playing music but now I have to go to a Telstra shop first which sucks - Blah!!

Motivation v's Inspiration

Motivation feeds off our feelings and so cannot be relied upon to keep us striving for more.

Inspiration however fuels the positive feelings and in turn spurs the motivation!

So, I am thinking that if you find something inspirational in whatever your are putting off doing, you will then find the motivation to want to get up and do it!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Next Phase.....

So, the challenge is over- now what?? 

I am feeling very lost at the moment and to be completely honest a little depressed and just generally drained.  I haven't been to the Gym for a workout at all this week and I am missing it, well not the Gym exactly but the high I get from it and my team mates too.  Also I have been lax with my eating (I'm not even putting it into Calorie King) which always makes me feel blah!

I hurt my shoulder on Saturday morning at training so that, on top of my knee is a real pain in the arse to say the least.  Anyway with that said, I have decided to listen to my body and REST!  Well, not completely but from high impact anyway - today I went for walk with Mum and tomorrow I am going to do water aerobics as for the rest of the week, well lets see what happens.

Ok enough whinging, its time to kick my own butt into gear, I said I would go for 12 weeks and that is exactly what I am going to do.  Tomorrow is a new day and it is never too late to start again!

My Goals for the next 4 Weeks...

To loose 2 - 4 kg. (Currently 79kg)
To reduce Body Measurements so jeans are looser.
To be able to run 4km continuously in under 30minutes.
To get adequate rest (bed before midnight).
Follow Exercise and Nutrition Plans.
Hyrdrate my body by drinking 2Lt of Water per day.
Increase Skeletal Muscle by .5 - 1%  (Currently 26.6%)
Decrease Body Fat 1 - 1.5% (Currently 38.8%)

My Ultimate Goals:

Reach goal weight of 69kg - 74kg = Healthy BMI (Currently 79kg)
To drop body fat % to between 21% - 33% (Currently 38.8%)
To drop Viceral Fat to 5 (currently 6)
To be fit and healthy enough to become a Personal Trainer
To be a comfortable Size 12
92-97cm BUST (Currently 96.5cm)
71-76cm WAIST (Currently 89cm)
98-103cm HIP (Currently 111cm)

The Challenge - Final Weigh In Results

Here are the final results of the 8 week challenge. 

I am feeling really proud of what I have achieved, it hasn't been easy but it has sure been rewarding.

My Goals for the 8 Weeks...

To loose .5kg - 1kg per week.
*I lost .65kg per week

For my Size 12 Jeans (pictured in before photo) to fit comfortably.
*Whilst they are more comfortable I would like them to be a little looser.

To be able to run 4km continuously in under 30minutes.
*Knee has prevented me from running but my fitness level has improved.

To get adequate rest (bed before midnight).
*Had maybe one night a week that I went over curfew and then it was only by an hour at the most.

Follow Exercise and Nutrition Plans.
*I am so happy with my dedication to this, even when I did come off the rails I was able to get back on again which is a huge accomplishment as in the past I would of just given up.

Hyrdrate my body by drinking 2Lt of Water per day.
*I didn't get my 2Lt everyday but I have been drinking more than I used to - I would like to improve on this.

Increase Skeletal Muscle % and Decrease Body Fat %
*Achieved - Whoo Hoo!!

The Challenge - Weigh In #8 (Last one)

Well, unfortunately I didn't end the challenge with an awesome weigh in result but I'm not letting it get to as its only a gain of 300 grams and the other results didn't change which are actually the more important statistics. 

OMG how far have I come! Before this challenge an increase of even 100 grams would of been a huge issue and had me down in the dumps for days but I've come to realise that the weight reading on the scales can be a very fickle thing in deed - not to say that its not important, its just not the only indictator of whether or not I am on the right track.

Besides that, the overall total is what matters the most and focusing on the positives is what will keep me forging forward.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Challenge - Day 4, Week 8

I am sooooooo sore that tonight I have decided not to go to my Impact Training Toning class!  Gotta say though that its a good sore as there is nothing worse than working my arse off and not having anything to show for it . 

40 minutes of Cardio & 45 minutes of Impact Boxing

10 minutes Cycle (warm up), 45 minutes PT & 60 minutes Fighting Fit

45 minutes Boxing & 20 minutes Spin Cycle

60 minutes (30 minutes PT & Cardio/Weights)

Total so far this week: 325 minutes (5hours 25minutes)

Whoa that's massive I knew that I had done a bit but didn't realise I'd done that much, I don't feel so guilty not going tonight now. 

Well on that note I do believe that putting my feet up and veging in front of the idiot box is the way to go!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Challenge - Day 2, Week 8

Whoa what an intense workout day its been any wonder I am buggered!

Endurance based weight training. (PT session with Kerriann)

10 minute warm up doing a Fat Burn on the Recumb Bike.

1.  Barbell Upright Row - Shoulder Press - Upright Row and so on repeatedly until fatigue and then I got to drop the heavier bar and do it all over again with the lighter one!

2. Pushups - on my toes!!  Yep, you read it right a proper full ROM pushup and when I couldn't do that anymore it was girly ones on my knees.

3.  Straight Leg Deadlifts - 20 reps plus some.

4.  Chin Ups starting outwide for 10 reps and then coming in narrow for 10 reps

5.  Spin - up out of the saddle on high tension for 30seconds and then a Sprint  - Repeat!

Repeat 1, 2, 3, 4

6.  Abs - Incline Bench with weight (10 x RHS Russians, 10 x LHS Russians, 10 x Overhead Crunches)

Repeat 3, 2, 6

Cool Down Treadmill Brisk Walk at Increasing Inclines

Needless to say that I this afternoon I had a nana nap LOL!!

Fighting Fit Class at Gym (with Neil)

This was an intense Cardio/Circuit/Abs workout that burnt over 600 calories and as full on as it was I will be doing it again for sure. 

We did 1 minute on each of the circuit posts with high intenstity Boxing/Combat moves in between. 

We went though the circuit 4 times before doing Abs and then some Tai Chi style stretching.  

Oh and on top of that we did some Mitt Work, while jogging on the spot with knees up.  Jab Cross Punches, Upper Cuts and Hooks.

Circuit:  Barbell Bicep Curls,  Weight Shoulder Press, Bike, Skipping, Bike, Floor to Ceiling Bag, Speed Ball, Boxing Bag, Speed Ball, Boxing Bag, Floor to Ceiling Bag, Leg Lifts, Step Ups, Bike, Resistance Band, Step Ups 

Well in saying all that its now time for bed so that I can do another Boxing class tomorrow.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Challenge - Weigh In #7, Day 1 Week 8

I got the Trifecta again which I am very happy about, so happy infact that I even did a little victory dance in the Gym this morning LOL!! 

So far in 7 weeks I have lost a total of 5.5kg Weight, 3.3% Body Fat and Gained 1.4% Muscle.

I now have less than 10kg and less than 6% BF to loose until I am at my goal.  Although I know that its still a little while away I at least know that I can (and will) do it!  Gotta say that the thought of reaching it is a little scary and leaves me thinking..."what happens then?" but; as the saying goes I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

I am sooooo tired tonight, I even had to push myself to go to Boxing and normally I can't wait to get there.  It goes to show that relying on motivation alone is not the key, you need to do it regardless of whether you are motivated or not!!

In saying that I have a big week ahead of me as I want to end the challenge on a high!

Lastly I wanted to share my newest Before and After picture. 

Before 2000 and After July 2010.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Challenge - Day 7, Week 7

Last night Glenn and I went to an engagement party and so we decided to make the most of a kid free night and get all glammed up.  I brought my dress at Femme (Caroline Morgan) which is one of the little Asian Shops and its a Size L (12).  I must admitt that I felt pretty good being able to see that my hard work is paying off, and I am so proud of myself as there were '2' chocolate fountains and I managed to avoid temptation.  I did have 1 party pie and 3 lollie snakes but I burnt those off by shaking my groove thang LOL!  Oh and stuck to good ole H20 all night too - no hangover for me!!

Today's plan is to be good food wise and to chill out spending quality time with my precious family!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Challenge - Day 6, Week 7

The end of the 8 weeks challenge is drawing ever near and that to me is a little sad!  I have however made the decision to continue on with the nutrition and exercise plan for an extra 4 weeks - taking it to a total of 12 before having a short break (which NO, doesn't mean going off the rails and eating junk and not exercising) and then taking up the next Challenge whatever that may be. 

Whilst this challenge has only been for a period of 8 weeks, to me it has been a learning experience and one that I plan to make 'life' changing - so really this 8 weeks is only just the beginning!  Not only is it the beginining of a new me but also of new friendships and special bonds that I am so blessed to have made.

Anyway enough of the soppy stuff I just wanted to touch base and fill you in of this weeks Food and Training!

Food wise I am back on track which was hard to do after the big splurge but I didn't want to see bad results at weigh in and so fingers crossed that come Monday I will have a good result.

Exercise wise I mixed things up a bit this week due to having different trainers and let me just say that my poor old body is definitely feeling it - OUCH!!  Even though I am sore I know that I have worked hard which feels AWESOME!!

This weeks achievements....

New PLANK Record is 2:50.  My next goal is to reach the 3 minute mark.

I pressed 80kg (my body weight) on the Squat Rack.

All weights have been increased - now that challenge is on!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Challenge - Weigh In #6 Day 1, Week 7

I achieved the Trinity this week - Lost Weight, Lost Body Fat and Gained Muscle!! Whoo Hoo - AWESOME result!

My motivation over the weekend and for the most part of today was pretty much non existant.  On top of that I have also felt drained and just generally blah. 

Despite feeling this way I managed to kick myself up the butt (after a good cry) and find the motivation to clean my house and go to Impact Fitness Boxing Class.

I am now happy to report that I am feeling more positive and ready for a productive week.  Its amazing how empowered one can feel after bashing the crap out of the boxing mitts!

Well that's it from me for tonight, I have a big upper body workout planned in the morning so its time for some much needed rest.

Thank you all so much for the support it is very much appreciated.

Only 2 weeks of the Challenge remaining!  (Well the Official Challenge anyway, I've decided to do the 12 weeks instead of 8 - crazy I know!!).

The Challenge - Day 7, Week 6

I have the GUILTS something bad right now - OMFG what the hell was I thinking?? 

Friday Night I had 2 Chocolate Crackles (320 calories), an Atkins Peanut Cluster Bar (110 calories) and a Small Bag of Potatoe Chips (127 calories).

Saturday Night I had 2 Chocolate Crackles (320 calories), a handful of Dixie Drumstick Snacks (59 calories) and a 125g of buttered popcorn (685 calories)!!  

Even though I didn't pig out today I skipped meals and didn't choose as wisely as I should have considering the past couple of days pigouts!  Which I think is just as bad.

Was it worth it?  NO! NO! NO!

Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the Popcorn lots because as we all know its my favourite!  As for the others they were just me eating because it was there.  Well the chocolate crackles were because Acey made them and was very excited!   

This feeling right now SUCKS.  All that is going around in my head is "What if the fat % on the scales go up", "What if the girls look at my Calorie King?".  I considered just writting the days off and not writing down and sharing my embarrasment but that would be lying to myself and as honesty is the best policy I just couldn't do it - besides if I did that how could I learn from it?

So anyway as bad as I am feeling right now I need to try to forgive myself and just get back on track.  These things are going to happen, but its how I handle and learn from that matters.