Sunday, December 30, 2018

Farewell 2018...

And just like that the end of year is upon us, and what a year it has been. One that has certainly been filled with raw and unscripted moments consisting of “the ups, the downs, and everything in between”!

The highlight of 2018 by far was the day that I married my sweet man. Saturday April 21st 2018, what an amazingly magical day that was, one that I will cherish forever.

Sadly, as the saying goes with every up there is a down, and that down was my baby sisters breast cancer diagnosis. The battle she has fought this year has been one that I wish I had the ability to erase, but she has done it with courage and grace and in my eyes she takes the stand next to my Mum as the two strongest woman I have the honour of calling my family.

The in-betweens that float amongst the ups and downs are plentiful. I cherish the wonderful memories that were created, and embrace the lessons learnt from those moments that were more challenging.

As I say farewell to 2018 and welcome 2019, I am enough of a realist to know that past mistakes, hurts, hurdles, and trials will not miraculously disappear at the striking of the clock at midnight. However, I am also enough of an optimist to believe that what lies ahead is far greater than anything we leave behind, and with a positive mind and an open heart anything is possible.

With that said, I am wishing you all a 2019 full of everything that life has to offer. May the ups see your smiles shine so brightly that the shadows surrounding the downs dissipate as quickly as they arrive. As for the in-betweens, may they be bountiful and joyful so that you can look back upon the memories knowing that you truly lived every moment.

So, from me to you on this second last day of 2018, I hope 2019 is filled with an abundance of love, light, and peace!

LOVE that is unconditional and unlimited!

LIGHT that makes the shadows disappear and guides your way!

PEACE of mind that brings a stillness to the soul!

I feel truly blessed that I get to see the end of another year and welcome in the new one!


Decemeber 2018

1st - Okay so confession time...our tree and the decorations have been up since Melbourne Cup Day! Yes I'm one of those crazy people who did it early. Admittedly I was in 'prepare for all possible scenarios mode' during that time and figured we were all together so why not use it as something positive to do together. Boys are at their Dads this weekend so our elf hasn't arrived yet...I am sure there will be lots of crazy antics to come. On a final note...first day of Summer and the weather is giving us a beautiful glimpse of the hot days to come!

2nd - My sweet man and I spent the day out in the back garden today. As much as it always feels like the work out there is never done, what we did accomplish feels awesome. Oh and we got our first beetroot YUM!

5th - Ace wrote out his Santa letter today and his P.S made my heart smile..."P.S.  After all, I would be happy to get anything you choose".  He also told me today he told a kid at school to p#$$off as he was picking on MY little brother.  Plus this afternoon when Jazz got home from school, when giving me my usual kiss and cuddle, he said "You look really pretty Mum, but then again you are pretty every day".

9th - Happy Birthday to Me!

Omgoodness I am so totally blown away by all the birthday love I have received today. Saying thank you does not feel like enough but thank you, thank you, thank you! You have all made me feel so special and loved.  My family fill me with so many blessings each and everyday but today I was so spoilt with so many wonderful gifts that my heart is overflowing with gratitude.  Most of all, I am truly thankful for the privillege of 44 years earthbound...yes, even the grey hair and wrinkles that come with it.

Oh and we spent the day catching up with my Mums brothers and their families and it was so truly wonderful to all be together again...first time in 40 years!

11th - So today this happened - new hair, yeah! yeah!

12th - My baby sister had her final radiation treatment today. I am so proud of the way she has fought and held strong throughout this whirlwind of a year. “It's not about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward". Onward soldier! Onward!

14th - Came across a poem I wrote back in 2015 in my facey memories, and felt like sharing it again xo

Life can change in the blink of an eye
With each fleeting moment a chance passes by
Or perhaps its seized and captured as yours
Embraced for all it is both beauty and flaws
We take the good with the bad and the bad with the good
Sometimes we cant change it or dont if we could
For it all adds up to be who we are
All tiny grains of sand in an hour glass jar
I really don't know what I'm trying to say
Except embrace life and what it offers each day
Be thankful to those who are present and gone
And draw from the strength of each lesson learnt to carry on

16th - After 4 months of not having it in because of nose op, I managed to put my nose ring back in today YAY - Ouch!

17th - Ace went off to his Year 8 school camp today and the elf was hoping to hitch a ride. And, in all the elf crazyness this mumma forgot to get the traditional "off to camp" pic EEEKKK!  

18th - I felt so uneasy last night not knowing if my boy was safe but got a text message and now Mumma is feeling at ease again!

19th - Todays awesomeness includes:  My big boy Acey coming home from camp! Our home is complete again, we missed him so much.  And, my baby boy Jazza Mac receiving an Encouragement Award at tonight's school ceremony! Very proud moment indeed.

21st - That awesome feeling of self-pride when you open uni results and see double high distinctions! Coupled with the fact that instead of having to do 6 subjects next year, theres only 4 to go because of exemptions whoo hoo!

22nd - We were very blessed to be able to arrange for an additional overnight contact with Miss Annie, so that we could celebrate our Hurst-Shilling Christmas together.  Jeffelf even came back from his over night check in at the North Pole, with a special early delivery from Santa.

Summer Solstice Blessings to you all. May the light shine brightly upon the path of your dreams!

23rd - Did the traditional go looking at Christmas lights tonight.  A bit sad that a few places that usually have lights, didn't this year BUT in saying that, there were a couple of newbies which made up for it.

24th - AM update:  Things are getting real here...magic reindeer food making has been done. The house and yard are people ready, presents are wrapped and food prep is underway. Omgoodness, I think I am nearly excited as the boys...although unlike Jazz who recons he will not be able to get to sleep because "hes just too EXCITED"!!!! Once Santa has been I will fall into a deep slumber ready for the early wakeup call!  Oh, I finally caved and Ace is now in the land of Facebook...better behave myself!

24th - PM update:  The magic reindeer dust was scattered, key left out, aswell as water, a carrot and 'no' rum balls made by the boys, we read a book and it was off to bed so that Santa could weave his magic!

25th - Merry Christmas everyone!

Our Christmas morning started with an early wake up surprise by a cheeky little elf (aka Mapa) who had let herself in, snuck into our room and snuggled into the chair beside the bed...all whilst Mark and I were both happily snoring away. Whilst waiting for Dad to arrive we exchanged the outside gifts and made special calls to Pa and Aunty Skeet before heading back inside to the excitement of Santas surprises. Then, it was Mapas traditional bacon and egg sangas for breaky followed by lots of cooking in preparation for a family feast. After lunch, there was clean up, napping, fun on the trampoline, a quick dip in the pool to cool off, cake smashing, present exchanging, secret santa playing, dessert eating and a family selfie to finish off the festivities!   As much as we all feel so incredibly special by all the wonderful gifts received, they are just an added bonus...the real gift, the gift that cannot be measured in monetary value, is the gift of time spent as a family.  An absolutely perfect Christmas Day with many wonderful family memories made. I didn't get many pics of the day as we were all caught up in the moment of being together, but this one is by far one of my favs of the day. 

26th - This morning I woke to a little man (Jazzy) snuggled up next to me. He and I then tiptoed out into the xbox room #1 (aka the sitting room) and this technology challenged mumma got him all set up to play. Once Ace emerged the process was repeated, albeit much quicker the second time. Santa may have gotten the credit for the presents but Mum sure scored points getting them game ready!  As if they weren't enough of a challenge, I then spent the arvo trying to figure out Mapas new toy...the Goggle Home Mini. Not sure I conquered that one but we sure had some fun trying.  Then after a lovely visit with one of my beautiful besties, I packed up the Christmas Tree and all the decorations and got the house all fresh and clean ready for Aces birthday celebrations.  And now...this Mumma has well and truly earned the time to put her feet up and enjoy a baileys with her sweet man.

27th - WOW what a scorcher today was...summer is well and truly here whoo hoo!  I am so grateful for aircon inside, the shade of our beautiful tree and a pool to cool off in!  I am also thankful that Mum shouted us tea at the pub 'n' chips and a nice fresh salad in aircon comfort - winning!  Oh and did I mention that I didn't get out of bed until 1.00pm...biggest gratitude moment right there!

28th - Family Fun Day in Torquay! 

29th/30th - Boys at their Dads, so this Mumma managed to get this blog up to date :)

31st - WORK!  Which kinda sucks, but on the other hand, I am truly blessed to be able to do a job that I worked hard to learn AND that I find incredibly rewarding AND I am passionate about.  PLUS there is the bonus of working from home. doesn't really suck all that much!

And that is a wrap on the recap and the end of 2018.  Month 12 of 12 over and out!

November 2018

2nd - It was my beautiful Mummas birthday on Friday. It is my birthday wish for her that we get to celebrate many more, because as much as she can be a massive pain in my rear end (and I'm 110% sure she would say the same about me), I would be lost without her. Although we talk or text everyday, it is so easy to get caught up in our own world, but I hope I show her enough how important she is to me. A little bit of love goes a long long way and my love for her reaches beyond the moon.

7th - So the last MRI required me going back in today to have a MRI guided core biospy.  My final test of the day was a mammogram to check that the marker clips were in the right place. Just before the radiographer opened the MRI images she said to me "Oh, dont freak out with the pics, they look a bit like rabbit ears", I was like "ummm, okay". So, she opens the image and I couldn't help but LOL as sure enough she was right...flopsy and mopsy right there on the screen. Still makes me giggle. Back on the 20th to see the oncologist. Little sore and tired tonight but all in all feeling okay.

11th - We all stopped in silence for 1 minute at 11.00am today.  Lest we forget!

18th - Friday night and Saturday was spent doing our Christmas (& January birthdays) shopping which I am happy to say we are about 90% done. Then last night we caught up with Glenn and the boys and went down to the Strawberries & Cherries festival fireworks. Whilst the boys were off being hoons on the dodgems, Mark and I got our crazy dance on. Fireworks started mid-ride which added to the fun, and we even got to catch the tail end with our boys which was pretty spesh!

20th - Today I am heading in to the oncologist to get results of the biospy. Despite my mostly positive demeanor sometimes doubt creeps through the cracks. Today is one of those moments and I just can't find the words to begin to describe what is going on in this heart or head of mine. The only thing left to do, is surrender them to God and give gratitude for everything.

I am blessed that my beloved will be by my side enduring my crushing grip as I hold his hand.

I am blessed that my sister who is facing her own battle took time out to let me know she was thinking of me.

I am blessed that dear friends have messaged with words of love and support.

I am blessed that my Mum will be here to greet the boys after school.

And despite this feeling of uncertainty that lies before me today, I am blessed that I have the opportunity to take the steps needed be proactive in my own health journey.

If there is a strong link of cancer within your family be it genetic or not, I urge you to take the steps to do whatever tests are needed to ensure you have the upper hand!  PREVENTION is the KEY!

FANTASTIC NEWS! The lumps discovered in both my left and right breast have come back as BENIGN!  

Omgoodness spelling mistake oh my...oh well I'll get over it!

Good news however does not equal complacency...there is still much work ahead!  I will be having a prophylatic mascestomy!

27th - Tonight we finally made it back to our line dancing class and like the last time, absolutely LOVED it! The songs were a bit on the faster pace side tonight so a couple of times its fair to say we just made it up as we went along, giggling all the way. Certainly got a bit of a sweat up and got the ole heart racing, which is an added bonus! Looking forward to next week, although sadly its the last for the year SO hopefully youtube will have a few vids for us to dance along too over the break.

October 2018

October Blessings

1st - I love going for family walks in the evening and soaking up the beauty from the vast array of coloured blooms.

2nd - When I refer to light, I reflect upon an innate energy, a source of higher power. Light disperses the darkness and the closer you get to it the more the shades of grey dissipate. "...the inner glow will shine through dirty stained glass windows". As a "healer", I see myself as a lighthouse, shining my light on the path of those who need to feel empowered, guided. As is the duality of life however, whilst the outside of the lighthouse shines bright, often the stairwells within have shadows that need careful navigation.

4th - I sat in my backyard today looking out at the beauty that surrounds me. Not a day passes that I don't stop and acknowledge the beauty of our magnificent tree. Her strength, beauty, grace. Her ability to adapt to the seasons, ever reaching upwards embracing each moment. She still holds onto some of her old dried and crumpled foliage, and yet new buds are forming. How wonderous to think that it won't be long until she is once again full of new life, a new phase in her existence here on this earth. Oh how she speaks to me, filling my heart with hope.

7th - Today we listened to an 80s mix while I was studying and my sweet man was just doing his thang. As it happens several songs got my foot tapping and so I figured why not get up and have a boogie on the back porch. Anyway I just came across a quote saying "if you stumble make it part of the dance" and well we've been stumbling through life a bit lately so it seems fitting that today we let our hair down a bit. Omgoodness so much fun, its been way too long between dances. I love my man so much, not a day goes by that he doesn't make me laugh or at least smirk at his stupid Dad jokes. Stumbling is bearable with you as my dance partner my sweet sexy crazy man!

8th - I can remember a time, which doesn't feel like that long ago, that my boys never knew how to ride a scooter and now here they are doing crazy jumps that make my heart beat at a rapid pace and skip a beat all at the same time. As much as I am fearful of them hurting themselves, I love that they push past their fear and give it a go anyway and even when they make "epic fails", they get up, dust themselves off and try again until they reach that fist pump, high five moment. There may be 30ish years between us but they teach me so much each and every day.

11th -  I went to water aerobics tonight whilst it certainly wasn't an intense workout, the heart rate did get up a little and the arms certainly felt it a couple of times. Most of all though it really helped loosen me up physically and mentally and it was fun...more so from laughing. Quote of the night, "I think I've done a hammi" LOL.

17th - (*)(*) MRI followed by a lunch date with my handsome husband. We don't like the city all that much but today we even took a little wander around Melbourne Central which was nice. The best part was coming home (as it always is)...hence the smiles!

19th - I've had "fitness" related memories popping up on my facey feed the past couple of weeks, well in all honesty they have no doubt popped up more often but I haven't been affected by them. Anyway the reason they've gotten me reflective and a little miffed is probably because I finally ditched my excuses (albeit 'some' of them valid) and have started moving my butt with Zumba and Water Aerobics which are both a far cry from the kind of workouts I was once tortured by (and tortured others by also hehehe) and yet loved so much. Anyway, after my first Zumba class which left me feeling like an uncoordinated baby elephant, as well as red faced (not just from my lack of Zumba prowess) and ready for the cool down after the warm up, it got me thinking about how fit I used to be and the reality of how far from that I am now hit me! ANYWHO, seeing this quote tonight was perfect timing, and so rather than getting down about how fit I 'was' compared to how fit 'I am not' now, I patted myself on the back said "welcome back, I've missed you, now lets kick some arse you good thang"!

21st - It has been 6 whole months since one of the best days of my life ever! Heres to many more months to come full of the same love and admiration for each other. Happy six months, my sweet adorable sexy husband you!

My incredibly talented husband wrote me this poem today in celebration of our 6 month anniversary.

Standing there, down in the sand
Feeling nervous, but looking grand!
Beaming with enormous pride
Waiting for my gorgeous bride.
Dogs on the beach, gulls in the air
There's crowds of people everywhere!
The music starts...singing, oh so sweet
I see my bride! My heart skips a beat!!
My head in a tremendous swirl
At the sight of my darling Denigirl!!
Tears of joy, sweet love of my life
Vows and rings exchanged, she's now my wife!
Six months ago, my dreams came true
When on a dog-filled beach, I married you!

Here is my poetic reply...

22nd - 2 years since he asked and I said..."Yes! Yes! A million times "Yes"!

23rd - So uni study is a little full on at the moment with 3 essays due in 3 weeks. Whilst its admittedly been a bit tough juggling study with work, family and a social life, I can almost see the finish line for the year and its such an exciting prospect. I can't even count the number of times I have reached the point of almost admitting defeat and throwing in the towel, admittedly mostly due to the guilt aspect of taking time away from my family. In saying that though, they have been the ones encourgaing me to keep going, reminding me to focus on the bigger picture and assuring me that they understand why I'm doing it.  Anyway, talking about study, I had better get back to it as my mans birthday is fast approaching and I want to give him my undivided attention and show him how spesh he is. 1 down 2 to go...getting there ever so slowly but surely!

24th - One of the highlights for me each and everyday (bar one per fortnight) is having my boys sit on my lap and give me huge cuddles. They seriously melt this proud mummas heart!  Oh and 2 down 1 to go...

25th - 4 years since we met in the local watering hole known as The Border and I asked if he was gay.  I am so eternally grateful he was not!

When first we met after a night of fun
I had no idea that you were the one
Whilst at arms lengths you were placed just known as my mate
The friendship we formed raised much debate
Then you broke the rules and expressed how you felt
And right there in that moment my heart started to melt
But I wasn't ready to admit something was there
And for months you showed patience, support, love and care
Whilst I could go on retelling the story
Reliving each day of 4 years in all of its glory
I just want to focus on this day right here
How it came to be cause you felt like a beer
How I'm glad I accepted your facey request
And how our new friendship made us both feel so blessed
So whilst now you are my husband and I am an your wife
What I cherish deeply and what changed my life
Is that you are my best friend, my partner in crime
And I'm so glad you became a compadre of mine.
Happy 4 year "Friendaversary" 

Flowers fresh from both mine (white iris') and Mums (roses) garden. The perfect reflection of beauty for a week of celebrating milestone events of our love story.

27th - Its a family day today, so we decided to jump in the car and go for a drive...ended up in Beaufort where we got to check out the sculptures that Uncle Dean we are with one of them. To give you an indication of height, Mark is 6ft 4". Oh did I mention this was done with a chainsaw.

28th - Happy Birthday to my handsome husband!

30th - Tonight my man and I went along to our very first line-dancing (boot-scooting) class and we absolutely freaking LOVED it! So much so that we will definitely be going back. OMGoodness so much fun! Awesome music, great group of people, air conditioned room and verbal instruction so you can easily (well kinda lol) follow along. It may not be a hardcore kind of workout but we certainly moved our feet and even wiggled our booties YEE HA!

31st - Happy Halloween!  Decorations hung by the boys last night, trick or treating done for the day and now the boys are settled in to watch a scary movie. As much as its a bit of an overcommercialism I've gotta admit that its pretty fun to see so much of the community out and about. Also the boys still want to hang out with us oldies so thats ultra cool, even if I am a bogan!

Oh and 3 of 3 done and dusted!!  And just like that, I have finished uni for 2018. Now I wait impatiently for my results, although from my calculations I've at least earnt my pass. It certainly has not been an easy year by any means but I am so blessed to have an awesome uni support crew and understanding family and friends to get me through. Which is great as if you thought this year was manic, wait for the next installment! I enrolled into my subjects for 2019 today and all I can say is HOLYFROGBALLS!!! But enough about that, for now we focus on the achievement of completing this year...I am so proud of the little nerd I am!

And that is month 10 of 12 of 2018...Only 2 more recaps to go!

September 2018

September Gratitude

1st - Spring is here...let the thawing process begin...hibernation is over...time to bloom!  Grateful for Dinner at Mums tonight.

2nd - Happy Fathers Day to my amazing husband. The boys and I love you so much and are so proud to call you our family!  Grateful I could spoil my man today.

3rd - I am thankful that today while I wept my sweet man held me in his arms.  I am thankful that today my sister called to see how I am.  I am thankful that I was gifted with the ability to express my emotion through song.

4th - Massive gratitude to the lovely @anandamaya_ton of @tonbul_hair for getting rid of my greys, giving me bangs and making me feel human again AND to @apple_blossom33 for coming to visit too. I love our catch ups, I am so blessed with the gift of friendship.

So lately I've felt overwhelmed by life in general and as much as I tried to stay strong, yesterday was the moment that the tears started to flow and flow and know that ugly kind of crying? Well, thats what I'm talking about - not a good look when your nose is already swollen and snuffy! Anyway, after unwrapping myself from my sweetmans arms, he took my hands, looked me in the eyes and asked me a simple question..."What is something positive you can focus on to get through today"? And that there, is where the inspiration to start #september_gratitude came from. I will be completely honest, at first I was so consumed by my own sadness that it was hard to think of something. But, as the saying goes, everyday may not be a good day, but there IS something good in everyday - no matter how trivial that something may be!

5th - Todays gratitude is a chai and a chat with my beautiful friend Sarah, a cuppa and mint slice biscuit with my dear friend Claudette AND my sweetman @markshilling working hard to get the front garden looking nice for me.

6th - I am grateful for a husband that gets up early and gets the boys ready for school while I sleep in until 11am.

Well I didn't move mountains today, but I did make these! Best bit is they didn't cost a thing and we saved the world some landfill. Have I mentioned before how much I love succulents and spider plants? P.S. Its because I rarely kill them.

And while I was sitting on my butt making these my husband was busy working on turning the bike shed into a garden shed.

7th - I was (am) grateful for a comfy warm place in which to rest!

8th - I am grateful for beautiful camilla's in our garden. And, a hubby that embraces his feminine side and puts them into a lovely arrangement for me.

9th - My happy gratitude thoughts for Sunday September 9th other than the fact that I have a clean home, a fridge/freezer that finally works which means it is now full of healthy food, two happy boys, an adorable husband and I submitted my uni forum posts on time IS:  Special gifts from special friends - yummy! Big Mwahs from me to you, thank you.

10th - Todays daily gratitute includes breakfast with my gorgeous friend @nic_sergi_ who gifted me with an awesome comforter set.  A get well soon bunch of roses from one of my massage clients, and a yummy vegetable lasagne for dinner made by moi.

11th - I love love love that both of my boys love mumma snuggles for that I am so grateful and truly blessed.

12th - I am eternally grateful that my two amazing young men chose me to be their Mum.  The past two weeks I have come to realise how blessed we are to have each other. Them loving parents who cares enough to take the time to set boundaries and us, to have them to push those boundaries and test our patience and resolve.  I may be biased in saying so but they truly are great kids that never fail to make me proud, despite the days that they do give me the poop's...which is few and far between.

This moment of them proudly walking me down the aisle to meet my sweet man will forever melt my heart.

13th - I am grateful for each and every one of you who sent prayers, positive thoughts or love to my kid sister today.  I am grateful for all the friends who checked in on me to see how I was going through the excruciatingly long wait today, it means so much, thank you.  I am grateful to live in a country that has such top notch medical facilities and can perform life saving surgical procedures.

14th - Today I am beyond grateful that I got to hear my sisters voice and see her beautiful face...thank you modern technology.  Despite being in a fair bit of pain she is in good spirits and sends her thanks to everyone for the prayers, positive thoughts and love.

15th - I am grateful for awesome uni mates that help me stay sane.  Essay is submitted ✔ Mid semester exam is done ✔and forums posts are up to date ✔

16th - Grateful for a day of doing absolutely zip, zilch, nuffin...except breathing ofcourse!

17th - I went back to work today and despite being tired and the nose being a tad bit sore, I am very proud of myself - even if I do say so myself.  I am grateful to be able to do a job I love, that makes a difference to peoples lives, all from the comforts of home.

Oh and how beautiful is my very first Iris of spring!

18th - After a little public transport debacle around the city today (omgoodness so grateful my 3 men were with me...easier being lost with others lol) coming home felt so good.  The biggest thing I am grateful for today though is that I had a friendly smiling face waiting at the destination for me with a grounding hug. Also thankful that she kept the boys occupied whilst we were in my appointment. And getting time to chat and hangout was a bonus.  Anyway back again in 4-6 weeks which gives my anxiety time to settle down before it spikes again.

19th - I am grateful that in those moments where I feel lost and overwhelmed by life, there are people who I can reach out to who will take the time to listen.

20th - Did nothing but lay in bed and watch netflix!  Nose was a little on the sore, suffy and swollen side today so I am grateful for a day to rest and recharge and watch some funny, sad and wtf movies.  OK so I wasn't completely lazy I did a little uni stuff too.

21st - Its been 5 months today since we sealed our 'I do's' with a kiss.  I am so grateful to have my sweet spunky adorable husband in my world.

22nd - Ostara (Spring Equinox) Blessings.  I am grateful for the renewal that this new day brings.

23rd - So we are just sitting on the back porch chatting about my uni work and a little bird flies in and almost lands on me, to the point I was like "Whoa, WTF".  My dear husband says "Well that was an upclose and personal interaction with nature"!  I'm like "I know right jeez".  Theres a pause and he comes out with **wait for it** "Maybe it was gonna use your hair as a nest".  We both start laughing and I'm like wait! what! "You prick"!  Then we start laughing again and I'm like "So sharing...funny bastard NOT".  So my gratitude today is being able to not only make people laugh at me but also to laugh at myself!

24th - I am grateful for some much needed RnR at the end of a productive day.  And a freshly mown back lawn with thanks to my sweet man!

25th - I am so grateful that we got to spend the afternoon/evening with my sister, brother in law, niece and nephew today AND as an added bonus Mum too.  Highlight for me was sitting with my sister listening to the kids giggling, honestly the cutest sound ever.

26th - I am grateful that when the plumber came and fixed our underground water leak this morning, he didn't kill any of my plants in the process!

27th - I am grateful for long hugs!

28th - I grateful for public holdiays which equal pj days!

29th - Grateful for a lunch date with Mum and watching grandfinal together via text messages.

30th - Grateful for a sleep in, study time and boys coming home early!

And thats a wrap for #september_gratitude 

Another month gone for 2018!