Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Years Eve 2020

Friday 31st December 2020

I think its safe to say that 2020 will go down in the history books as the unforgettable year of social change. The year that forced us all to adapt to a new 'pandemic' reality; touching all of us in unique ways - lockdown/isolation, restrictions, social distancing, remote learning, telehealth appointments, mandatory mask wearing, over usage of hand sanitiser, travel bans/border closures, a divided state, and panic buying to name a few.

Whilst many things about 2020 were downright shitty both on a personal (it has been the year of plumbing issues for us) and global level (not at all an ideal time for a loo paper shortage), there were many positives to focus upon.  The biggest of those for me personally is the shift to a lower gear.  Whilst many found the hiatus difficult to navigate, I was thankful that I was ground to a halt.  In facing my own set of challenges which at times felt like they came hard and fast, one after the other (random hospitalisation, myriad of medical tests, mastectomy/reconstruction, triple infection, wound opening, rehospitalisation, further surgeries, severe pain, recovery process, Mark hospitalised,  pneumonia, abnormal cervical scan, hysterectomy, premature menopause, anemia, and drug detox to name a few) the change of pace allowed time for guilt free much needed rest, recovery, and quality time with my family including our new kitties; the best medicine ever!

I sit here reflecting on the 365 days that have past, feeling a little gobsmacked and relieved; there is certainly no denying it/I was a hot mess, but I got through - we all did!

I have to say that like so many, I am looking forward to closing the book on 2020, and starting 2021 on a blank page and a whole new chapter.  As I have said before though, I hold no false hope that everything will magically become 'perfect and covid-19 free' at the striking of the clock at midnight.  Life will simply be what it is, until it is something else, and hopefully just as we have already successfully done, we will all continue to put one foot in front of the other to get through the other side!  

If this year has taught me anything at all, it is to be genuinely grateful for the smallest of blessings, and to always have hope in a better tomorrow.  As the saying goes, what lies ahead is far greater than anything we leave behind, and with a positive mind and an open heart anything is possible!

Whilst my amazing three boys are my pillars of strength, I honestly don’t think I would have gotten through this year as unscathed if it were not for the weekly zoom chats, social media interaction, texts/calls, random goodie drops and the treasured catchups with family and friends that were actually possible.  Thank you all for helping me through the shit storm of 2020!

And now for my traditional closing...

Whatever 2021 may have in store, I am praying for it to be filled with an abundance of love, light, and peace for us all!

LOVE that is unconditional and unlimited!

LIGHT that makes the shadows disappear and guides our way!

PEACE of mind that brings a stillness to the soul!

How blessed I am to see the end of another year and welcome in a new one!