Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Mind, Body, Soul Consciousness

Since studying I have been made to question my own definitions and beliefs in things such as health, healing, the connection between mind, body and soul, as well as the existence of a higher power. I thought I would share a few of my ideas with you...

I believe that health is the culmination of the physical, mental and spiritual centres of an individual working in harmony together to provide balance. Health is non-linear...there is no straight line to get there, no perfect picture of what it looks like. As I am sure I would of mentioned in a previous post, 'perfection' is a state of mind; something worth striving for but unreachable at the same time, due to our own expectations and definitions of said perfection changing along the way; everyone has a different view of what 'perfect' means to them. 

I believe that within each of us is the innate ability to heal; to preserve life. This ability is powered by a subtle energy that allows for harmonious functioning as a whole being; a balance physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and essentially. Just as I believe that health is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach, I also believe that this innate ability, whilst present in all living things, is an individual process dependent upon how the concept is embraced. 

Is this innate ability our soul, our spirit, God perhaps? I personally believe it to be my soul, which is one and the same as my spirit - just a play on words really. It is the flame that keeps my spark of life ignited. God, I believe the Galactic Omnipresent Divinity - a power higher than myself that fuels the fire. Again I believe these definitions are open to interpretation of the individual.

I believe in the connection between body, mind and soul. Each whilst being its own entity, each is enmeshed with the other to the point that what we think, we ultimately become; all assisted with the innate ability of preservation driven by an invisible energetic force.

In today's world, uunfortunately, many have chosen to close the door of their mind and lost their spiritual connectedness, now behaving in a way that strongly emphasizes the separation of their body, mind, soul connection. The tangible dense energy of duality, has become so deeply ingrained into our world culture that it is an almost inescapable background assumption of all our thinking; appearing as a cause and effect of limiting boundaries to our potential consciousness. Without having tried to encounter, experience or understand the laws of nature, many have enclosed themselves in boxes of limited definitions, keeping them imprisoned in the denseness of fear, afraid to recognize the power lying dormant within, thus keeping them locked into frozen energy patterns. These distorted expressions of life can only be maintained if they are sustained through thoughts, words, actions, feelings or beliefs, that are in discord to that of the symphony of life. 

Despite wishing to change the course of life’s events, ironically, we fear change, when change itself cannot be scary. It is only change! By adjusting our perceptions and having the courage to go beyond what we already know and to explore our inner depths, we can shine a light on the shadows and awaken our consciousness, pushing to the surface anything that conflicts with the harmonious frequencies of the symphony. This creates an illusion that things are getting worse and has the potential to return our focus to the problem instead of the solution. However, by remembering that negativity needs to be transmuted back into positivity, it reduces/eliminates the problems instead of intensifying them. 

I believe that consciousness, is the vibrational shift that keeps the cycle of existence turning, it is our connection to spirit. Once we truly consciously connect with our true self, the intrinsic interwoven-ness with everything becomes visible. It alters the conditions of our life experiences with the recognition that we are the co-creator of our reality and sovereignty over our own life is the expression of our conscious choices. 

By focusing our thoughts holistically and becoming consciously aware of the body, mind, soul connection, it will release us from the frozen energy patterns, freeing us from the materialistic world of judgment, therefore activating the innate ability to fully accept and embrace our humanness, whilst also becoming aware of our vastness; merging them together to become deeply grounded within our true self, full of infinite vitality.

In saying all of this, I believe that wherever one sits currently in the path of health, a connection of the trinity or disjointedly focused, there is no right or wrong, it is all simply part of the individual journey to awakening. 

Friday, September 1, 2017

Don't Wake Me Up...

Without rattling my own chain (ok so maybe just a little rattle), sometimes I will listen to songs I've written and think, 'Did I truly write that'?  That thought comes partly because I am in awe of the song and also partly because these days my song writing inspiration is so rare that I wonder whether it really was me and whether I still have it.  I guess for me, inspiration can't be forced, it comes when you least expect it!  And that is exactly what has happened with my newest song called Don't wake me up :)

On the weekend I had a little tinker on my guitar and as I was flicking through my song book I found a chord progression and a lyric line I had been playing around with back in Jan 2015. Anyway, long story short...I sat with it a bit, put it down when I couldn't come up with anything and then came back to it again yesterday and this baby was born. Not my most amazing of original songs but still something I am proud to say I wrote. 

This one is for my sweet man Mark...I am so glad to be dreaming with him!  Words don't really do justice to describe the way he makes me feel, the joy he brings to my life...I love him with every inch of my being, I am in love with him more today than I ever thought was possible.  Sickening isn't it LOL!