Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Alone Time

August 31

"So you see, imagination needs moodling, - long, inefficient, happy, idling, dawdling and puttering." - Brenda Ueland.

When was the last time you just sat and looked out into a great expanse of nothing and allowed your mind, your body to be still?  Just breathed in and out, completely still in your thoughts and movements?

I used to do this on a regular basis but lately I have been so caught up in the hustle and bustle of dealing with life that I had forgotten my coping strategy, forgotten to allow my self to breathe and to trust in the higher power; be it GOD, Buddha, Brahman, Allah, Great Spirit....whatever your belief - a higher source of power, out there in the universe.

It was nice to be reminded about my alone time today, especially as winter draws to a close - waking from our hibernation state to open up a new season, embracing new growth and new beginnings.

Today I got some really good news. I have been approved for my university funding. YAY right? Well, it was for about 30 minutes and then the feeling of euphoria faded.

Unfortunately, my mind has been racing overtime with what ifs and indecision over which course I really want to do and whether or not to do the course which appears to be the easy way out and yet not the one that ultimately fulfills my hearts desire and it has left me feeling lost and confused and deflated rather than elated.

SO after opening up my book tonight and reading today's meditation I made the choice to take some time out and be still before I make a decision.

I really wanted to just rush in to enrolling into a course and getting started because as you may of read in my previous post, patience is not one of my strong points and I had been impatiently waiting for aaaaggggeeeeessssss to hear the amazingly wonderful news that I was given today; but instead, I decided to take some time to just be still. To stop over analysing everthing! To stop trying to figure it all out! To trust that internally I know the answers and if I don't then I will be guided in the stillness.

This is an awesome song that says it all perfectly!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Interruptions OR Not Interruptions?

August 30 - Interruptions

"It is distraction, not meditation, that becomes habitual; interruption, not continuity; spasmodic, not constant toil".

Anne Wilson Schaef writes:  How difficult it is to mesh the process of our life and the process of our work.  Yet, how sweet it is when that happens!

I've been feeling really impatient lately as it seems that I have lots of little things that are waiting on finalisation and I'm just not getting anywhere *sigh*- too many 'interruptions / road blocks.  Things like; becoming a citizen, university funding and application, court (whether my step-daughter is coming to live with us full-time or not), my health (my tonsils removed) and something else really big but again I need to wait PATIENTLY!

Patience is really not a strong point of mine.  Maybe that's why all this is happening...maybe!  

Everything happens for a reason whether we planned for it or the process of life and all the processes will fall into place.

Who were you before the world told you who you should be?

WOW! That is such a powerful question!

A few months back I had my little boy Jazz who is 11, come home from school upset because its all so hard for him (he has Global Development Delay) and he had noticed that he doesn't always do the same work as the other kids. 

He asked me, 'Why am I different Mum'?

I could of gone into the 'clinical' reasons behind it but instead I reminded him of how amazing he is and all the things that he can do that I can't; like riding a skateboard for instance. I have tried several times but decided that broken bones were not worth it lol...I totally suck and can't even stand on it without both of my boys holding me up, one on each side. But I digressed, where was I? I was telling him how amazing he is.... 

Anyway that seemed to appease him somewhat and the conversation ended.

Recently when having a conversation about what my boys want to be when they are older, my baby boy paused, thought about it for a little while, then comes out with 'I just want to be myself'.

What a perfect answer! 
All I can ever ask for my boys is that they be happy with who they are and what they choose to do in life. Provided of course they always remember the morals and values I have raised them with.

Do not allow yourself to be are so much more than a title, a condition, a descriptive word. You are YOU and there is only one of you out here in the big wide world.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Impression Management

August 29 - Impression Management

"Women's virtue, is man's greatest invention" - Cornelia Otis Skinner

"A virtuous woman is someone who is herself"

How much of what we do is to please others?

How much of who we are is defined by how others see us?

How easy it is to lose ourselves in the opinions of others!

I think this quote says it all!

I'm not in anyway saying to be rude and obnoxious or not to listen to constructive criticism as it can help us grow.  However, I am saying to stand firm in what you believe and most importantly to believe in who you are!

Creative time with my boys....

Monday 29th August 2016

Yesterday afternoon my boys came home from their Dads and got straight into making their Book Week parade costumes for this morning.

Firstly, they looked through their books and after a few mind changes decided on Steve and The Creeper from Minecraft (which is also a household favourite xbox game - I love how it unleashes so much creativity and with the help of the instruction books it also gets them reading).

Then we had to figure out how to make a costume.  

The boys decided on box character heads and normal clothes to match.  We found some boxes in the shed and overcome the frustration at not having the right size boxes with a little quick thinking to rebuild them to the right size (no easy task let me tell you).

Then we wrapped the boxes in white paper so we had a clean slate to work with.  We then flicked through the books to choose our design and drew it up on the box.
Next job was to cut out paper shapes, stick them on and then finish them off with either paints or crayons.

Once all done, we placed them beside the heater to dry.

As you can imagine there was so much excitement getting ready this morning and it was decided that riding scooters to school with box heads was not the safest of ideas LOL.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Humor / Relationships

August 28

I have to say that I am finding today's meditation topic kind of weird and having trouble relating to it.

'Remember one has to perform to get the prize.  One has to be to relate'.

I think its because the description says 'we often marry in order not to work', but that has never been something on my radar.  Yes, it would be great to be financially supported but for me the emotional support is much more important.  Besides that, what would I do if I didn't work?  Even my hobbies end up being work for me.  Like music for instance; it started out as just something I enjoyed doing and then before I knew it, I was actually making a living doing something I loved.  Actually, I pretty much only ever do a job if I love it!  Is being in a relationship considered a job?  I mean, we have to work at it don't we?  And, if we don't like it we walk away from it.  Just like a job!


August 27 - Loneliness

"I was looking all over for what was missing in my life, and then I discovered I was".

"I've lost myself, found myself only to lose myself again and now I'm discovering the me that I truly am"!

You know that feeling of just going through the motions; just doing something because its become such an ingrained part of your existence, that its second nature and even though its just what you are used to doing, you feel so far removed from it all that you wonder who you are, whether you exist outside of this reality?

I've known that feeling all too well on many occasions and each time I've managed to pull myself out of the funk and change something in order to find me again, even if it has only been just a glimpse! 

I have the quote "Life isn't about finding yourself, its about creating yourself" floating around in my head at the moment and I'm at war with myself over whether I agree with it or not. I think for me its about finding yourself in the creative process. 

For example; in all my years of trying to lose weight in order to be a size 8, I've discovered strengths and weaknesses I never knew existed and realised that I am not defined by a clothing label or a number on the scales but, by everything else.  Like my determination, stubbornness, will. I sure as heck haven't found the size 8 me but I found out things about myself I like more than the 'dream' of that. I don't even know if this makes sense to you or not.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you don't like where you are, what you are doing, if you feel like you are drowning in stagnant water, then you have the ability to change it. You can decide to just move on, to do something that doesn't feel mundane and pointless, that doesn't make you feel like you don't exist outside of it. 

Ask yourself this. Does what I am doing fit my image of the ME I want to be? Is this who I am? Am I happy with this person that I see starring back at me? 

In my 41 years of my life, I have changed my life direction so many times because I have lost myself in the haze. From wanting to be a vet and going to university studying Applied Science only to realise that it was something I was doing just because I had told my Dad that I was going to do it, not because it was who I was and something I enjoyed. Doing Accounts Payable for 5 years to make ends meet and even though I was great at it, it stressed me out so much that I ended up being clinically diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. Getting married and getting my dream home only to realise that neither of them brought me happiness, because internally I was lost and unhappy with who I was. Becoming a Mum and a partner and living my life day by day, to be the best of those that I could be; trying so hard to make something that clearly wasn't working work because yet again I was lost, just existing in that space and time but not truly living.

So many times I've felt lost but have managed to find myself simply by changing the direction of my life, by recreating the me I want to be. 

It is bloody scary, there is no denying that but it is so much scarier watching your life from an outside perspective and wondering who that person is.

I am certainly not saying that everyone needs a career or relationship change when they feel lost but I am saying that you do need to realise that you have the ability to re-find yourself and that you are worthy of doing so.

As I write this I wonder to myself am I found? The answer is yes .... I am here, I am Me. Of course there are somethings that I'd like to change (mostly get these fricking tonsils ripped out) but I'm happy to take it all each step at a time. Who knows what the road ahead may bring me?  There could be a crossroad up ahead, we never truly know unless we keep on going. 


August 26 - Parenting

"Perhaps one of the reasons my child chose me as his parent was because there was so much I need to learn".

I believe that our children are born to us for a learn from us and to teach us.  Since I've become a Mum (Mummy, Mumma) not only have I taught my boys some things about life that I believe are really important, but they have also taught me so much about myself and about life in the process.  

I've said before that parenting is the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life but also definitely the most rewarding.   I hold my position as a parent in very high regard and believe it to be a privilege that I be able to have the honour day in and day out to speak into the lives of my children and for them to continue teaching me in the process.

Earlier this morning I received a phone call from the boys Dad asking me to help deal with a situation he was facing.  My 12 year old had lost one of his socks and had gone into 'melt down' mode.  

Now I could of very easily said 'its my kid free weekend, I'm off the clock deal with it yourself just like I do for the other 12 days of the fortnight', but that's not the kind of person / parent I am, so I dealt with it as best I could from a distance.

It is really difficult trying to calm down a child at the other end of the phone when the other parent has also become highly anxious and is trying to exert hierarchy rather than to actually listen, console and take proper steps to find the missing sock AND the other younger child has been drawn into it, choosing the side of his Dad.  As you can imagine the sobbing was heart breaking and the yelling in the background just made it worse.

One of the biggest things I have learn't in parenting which has also helped me in everyday life when it comes to dealing with conflict is that if I allow myself to be drawn into the 'bubble' of frustration, anxiety, sadness, rage; then the situation will not be solved.  But if I can remain calm and open minded and try to soothe the situation enough to draw them into my 'bubble', we are more likely to find that truce to be able to move forward.

So in the end the only thing I could do was this:

Speak to the youngest of my boys and remind him how he feels when it seems he is being picked on and when he can't find something.  Guide him to either be helpful to his brother in a loving way or to keep himself entertained doing something else away from the conflict.

Speak to the boys Dad and tell him to stop 'yelling', to go outside calm down and then to go back in and look again properly from a place of love.

Speak to the owner of the missing sock and get him to take a deep breathe and to calm down.  (We say to do 'turtle' which basically means to retreat inside your self for a little while).  Once he was calmed down he was given 3 choices.  He could a)  Keep on looking for his missing sock and keep getting flustered and have his Dad get stressed because he was waiting to go out to have things done by a certain time; b)  just wear the socks he doesn't like for the short term so that they can go out and do what needs to be done OR c)  not wear any socks at all.  Both b & c involved him looking for the sock once he returned.

After I spoke to all 3 I said there was nothing more I could do other than reminding them that this time together was supposed to be enjoyable and that it would most likely be another 12 days before they were together again.

Another lesson I have learnt is that some days you have to choose your battles and determine whether they are worth it or not.

5 minutes after I hung up the phone I received a text message from my eldest saying 'I love you Mum'.

Now I have no idea what happened when I hung up the phone, whether the sock has been found, whether the attitudes of all changed BUT I did what I could and learnt from it in the process.

I am not always going to be here to help with these situations so sharing my knowledge with them in the moment was valuable.  It also reminded me that on the days when they are home and I am flustered for one reason or another and a sock mysteriously goes remember the advise I gave and do turtle and surround myself in a serenity bubble before looking for the bloody rouge sock lol.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Random acts of kindness

Yesterday (27th August 2016) I was feeling less than OK, until I received a text message saying 'I have popped a little something into your letterbox'. After mustering up the energy to walk the few meters to the letter box I looked inside and found a gift of some Aromatherapy blends for my family to use along with a little note. It's amazing how your whole attitude can change in an instant. Admittedly I still physically felt like crap (as I still do now) but the warmth that such a random act of kindness brought to me at that instant was so powerful that it changed my whole attitude for the day and the glum, gloominess vanished.

So, to person who took the time to show love and kindness in such a beautiful way yesterday; I say thank you for being my reason to smile :)

Happiness / Control

August 26th

The meditation for today as per the Meditations For Woman Who Do Too Much book by Anne Wilson Schaef, is about Happiness / Control.

"They seemed to come suddenly upon happiness as if they had surprised a butterfly in the winter woods" - Edith Waharton

"Happiness is a gift.  It comes like 'a butterfly in the winter woods'.  Let it sit with us a while".

I have a quote up on my living room wall that says "Happiness is not a destination it's a way of life" and every day when I see it, regardless of the daily struggles I may be facing it helps to remind me to be 'happy' and 'thankful' for the positive blessings that are in my life at that present moment. 

If you have read my previous blogs you may have seen one called MY HAPPINESS GOALS. This is a list of things that I need to do in my life NOW in order to be HAPPY on all levels Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually and Essentially. 

Does this mean I'm not happy now because I am yet to accomplish those things? No! It simply means I am choosing to work towards a higher level of happiness that I am currently experiencing.

Sounds a little contradictory hey? Let me try and explain it a better.

From a scientific approach 60% of our genes determine our happiness level and the other 40% is up to us.  I am however going to choose to skip over that thought for the simple fact that I believe that science is an ever evolving thing and, also because it could open up a huge debate that I am not willing to enter into at this point in time.

The definition of happy is: the state of being happy, defined by positive emotions of joy, contentment, satisfaction, bliss, euphoria...

It is a sociological belief that happiness is the only worthy emotion and that the rest are signs of a weak character.  So if we were to remove all the other emotions and amplify only the pleasures in our life everyone would just automatically be happy right? Wrong! How can we know true happiness if we don't also know what makes us feel the opposite - sadness. 

Even if we were to only have those pleasures in our life, it is our innate human nature to still want them to be better or to achieve something greater, and as a result we become more unstuck.

It is important to see the whole tapestry of our reality in order for happiness to be attained.

If we know that happiness is not:
- only experincing positive emotions and feeling good all the time
- something brought with money / an accumulation of stuff
- a final destination

What then is it and how do we experience it?

The key intention is to simply be happy - it is a choice that we make.

- To show gratitude for what we have, whether that be a possession or persons 
- To cultivate a sense of purpose, belonging, optimism
- To practise deliberate acts of kindness; nurturing; forgiveness of both yourself and others
- To genuinely and graciously savour all of life’s joys; be an active participant in the mosaic of our life
- To practise mindfulness; taking care of your needs on all levels mind, body and soul

I could enter into each of the points above in more detail but in short....

Happiness is not a one size fits all approach.  We, each of us have the power to take control of our state of being; to choose our thoughts, our behaviours, the direction of our life.

It is about being present and observing the NOW moment. 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Pssst I have a secret....

August 24 - Secrets

'As the French say....nothing is so burdensome as a secret'.

We have a rule in our home that secrets are not allowed!  

This has been reinforced even more so since my eyes were opened to the horribly disgusting things that can happen to you in the environment where you are supposed to be safe and protected. I had better stop there as thinking about it not only makes me physically ill but also brings to the surface a fire of rage and hatred towards certain individuals that need to remain unnamed, but oh my how I wish I could shatter the facade they are keeping and open everyone's eyes to the truth.

Anyway moving on...

I am by no means saying that I have never kept a secret because that would be dishonest.  But, I learnt the hard way that living our lives openly and honestly without any need to hide our sins is the best way to live, because just like lies (and let's face it most secrets are to hide something) the truth is always revealed.

There are exceptions to the rule however such as gift surprises, party surprises, the truth about Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the like - which is technically not a lie but an embellishment of an old age tradition.  Oooh this last one could open up a good debate hey but I'm not going into that one now as I am already on the edge from thinking about the first part of this secrets post.

That's that.  The end! 


August 23rd - Struggle

'Sometimes we have to struggle....sometimes not'.

There are so many quotes about 'struggle' that I found it hard to pick one that truly resonated with me and so this post is photofree.  

Struggle for me as hard as it is means that I am going to be stronger at the end of it all.  Do I wish that things could be less of a struggle?  Absolutely.

Would I be bored if there was no struggle in my life?  Most likely.

Do I have anything else to add to this topic today?  Nope


August 22nd - WoNdEr...

When is the last time you got lost in the wonderment of something? Cloud Formation, Rainbow, Life in general? 

Funnily enough the next day after reading this as I was driving home from the hospital, I saw a DOUBLE RAINBOW. How truly 'wonder'ful mother nature is!

Zen by Natasha Hurst

Looking at the world 
Through the eyes of a child 
Renews the wonder and excitement 
Of the things we take for granted 

Its amazing how 
So much goes unseen 
When we are totally absorbed 
In the confusion and the numbness 

What a wonderful world we live in 
Look around you open up your eyes 
Let the beauty that surrounds you 
Make you Smile 
Just Smile 
If only for a little while 

Looking at the world 
From a mountain high 
Releasing all my inhibitions 
And spreading my arms open wide 

Its amazing how 
One can wake from a dream 
And realise that they were never 
Asleep to begin with 

What a wonderful world we live in
Look around you open up your eyes
Let the beauty that surrounds you
Make you Smile 
Just Smile 
If only for a little while 

Have you ever watched?
As a bud begins to bloom
One by one the petals open
Embracing the glory of life 

What a wonderful world we live in
Look around you open up your eyes
Let the beauty that surrounds you
Make you Smile 
Just Smile 
If only for a little while 

Song Composed 21st of Feb 2008


August 21 - DUTY

'Discipline says I need to, Duty says I have to and Devotion says I want to'. 

'Duty should be a byproduct of who we truly are, and what we value, and what is important to us'. 

Today's meditation has me thinking about what I do out of 'duty'? 

What in my life is an horrendous unenjoyable ritualised task due to the feeling of having no choice but to fulfill an obligation? 

(And no Mark a daily bowel movement is not the kind of 'doody' I am talking about LMAO). 

The definition of duty is: A moral or legal obligation, a responsibility. 

So if you think of it in that way, most of what I do is out of duty of some kind but it has turned into an expression of love and so I continue to do it, freely and willingly. Maybe? I don't know! 

I've been sitting here chatting with Mark about this topic (well more debating) and each thing we've thought of has a motivating force 'of love' behind the reason why I do the majority of the things I do in my life. The only things we could really come up with that I do out of a duty is to pay my bills, taxes, bookwork and the gardening lol BUT even each of those have a reason behind them, a motivating force which comes from a place of love SO the duty for them is secondary - a by product.

Its OK to not be OK...

August 20th 2016 - Sadness / Moving On

'My grief and pain are mine - I have earned them, they are part of me. Only in feeling them do I open myself to the lessons they can teach'. 

Earlier this week after trying so hard to be strong for so long I surrendered to everything I was feeling and allowed the veils of keeping a brave front to be dissolved. It was in doing that, that the process of healing truly began. Rather than keeping myself held a prisioner of stagnation, resentment and remorse I was able to open a new pathway of growth and exploration.

I believe that everything happens for a reason whether its to teach us a lesson, to remind us of values or to just make us stop and reflect. You cannot move forward unless you first let go and order for that to happen and for new beginnings and possbilities to be possible you need to acknowledge what is real. 

I'm not saying to unpack our grief and to stay there but I do think we need to keep it real. Express that which is causing saddness, despair, resignation rather than bottling it up, ignoring it and hoping that it will all just magically go away. 

It is in the acknowledgement of things that are less joyful (negatives) that our joys (positives) gain greater power as we are much more thankful for find balance we must acknowledge the existence of duality.

Exhaustion due to busy-ness

My thought/meditation for the day from the book 'Meditations for woman who do too much by Anne Wilson Schaef.

August 19th - Exhaustion

'Busyness is a drug that alot of people are addicted to'.

'It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants, the question is - what are we busy doing'?

'It is not what I do, but the way that I do it that will get me in the end'.

Even that which is good for us can have a negative effect if it takes over and becomes an overwhelming addiction fueling the fire of our exhaustion.

In past years I would fill my life to the brim with 'things' to do because I wasn't happy and so was hoping that the more full my life was that it would help make me full-filled, in actual fact what it did was create more dis-stress in my life adding to the unhappiness. 

These days I am in a place of happiness and as such have lightened the load and released the need to be constantly 'doing' something at a high pace or at a level of achievement. 

Whilst this is great, on another hand it also leaves me feeling like I should be doing more, I should get more clients, I should study, I should have a hobby. Where is the line drawn? 

For me personally it is about choices....

I choose to do something rather than feeling like I have to. 'Have to' implies I have no choice when in reality we always have a choice. I choose to get clients so that I can provide for my family, I choose to study to increase my knowledge in areas I find interesting and I choose to do a hobby in order to appeal to my creative nature, socialise ect whatever the reason maybe. So where am I going with all this? Busyness is a choice - choose what you spend your time (energy) on wisely and the bank will not keep depleting.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

My Daily Meditations

I've decided that I'm going to read through this book each day and if I have something worthy of sharing that relates to elements within my life at that particular moment, then I'm going to blog about it.  This could be interesting......stay tuned :)

On another topic completely.....

I am trying to figure out how to add a thumbnail photo snippet and summary to my blog posts (other than having to manually add a 'jump break' thingy and it is completely doing my head in.  I have followed posts and tutorials and its still not working.  Arrhhhh technology sucks sometimes but then again I wouldn't be sharing this without it now, would I.

In order to see if the last code I entered worked or not I'm just going to ramble on for a little while about nothing really in particular because surprisingly enough I actually can't think of anything to say right now - there's a turn up for the books.

This whole design thing is so time consuming but whilst I'm laid up in bed resting  (well actively resting because I'm doing this), I am actually finding it somewhat therapeutic - except of course for the frustration that not being able to get this thumbnail/readmore thingy working.

Well I think that's enough characters or whatever they call it to be able to test it out.

Thanks for reading....any tips if I can't get it working would be ultra appreciated xo

What do you like?

The other night my partner (Mark) I were sharing the things we 'like'. 

How incredible the feeling of when you share a thought that awakens the senses evoking the pure essence of the thing being expressed verbally is.

I like the smell of rain on a warm day, the feeling of the drops falling down upon on my skin, the sound when it beats down upon an old tin roof.

I like the smell of a campfire and starring hypnotically into the flames, I like the sound of the wood crackling and feeling of the fires warmth upon my skin. 

I like handwritten letters and being read to allowing the sounds of the voice to send my into a meditative state.

I like clear night skies where I can gaze into the vastness above contemplating my existence and knowing that there is so much more out there and that someday I will be reunited with those I have lost.

I like people who are kind, loving, caring and compassionate, people who bring out the positive qualities in yourself just because of who they are.

I like smelling my children's hair when they wrap their arms tightly around me to get a big mumma bear hug.

I like hearing the words I love you but I like it even more when they are followed by action to prove it.

I like the sound of my children laughing together and watching as they play so beautifully together.

I like books, music, movies and so much more.

I like the feelings you get when you think about the things you like.

What do you like?

Jan 2016 to Now!

I kind of feel as though I can't really capture what is going on in my life NOW without also recapping a little of what the past two years have held (other than health and fitness wise anyway as you can read the recap blogs about that). I don't want to go delving into a long in depth look into the past and for reasons outside of my control some of it needs to be a little cryptic and so I will try as hard as possible to give you an insight without rambling.....


This year left me feeling as though my world had been turned upside down.

- I had a huge fight with my Mum and we stopped talking.

- My relationship of 13 years to the father of my children ended.

- I lost really good friends.

- I started getting sick (all the time).

I felt like I hit rock bottom and it was heart breakingly devastating.


Although not picture perfect 2015 was a year of putting new plans into place and setting the foundations ready to start rebuilding in 2016. Whilst so much of it was sucky, I am so thankful for each and every experience that the year held but also so glad that it came to an end. 

- I learnt to stand on my own two feet without a support network.

- I learnt how to co-parent with my ex and was able to rebuild a friendship.

- I started a new relationship with a sweet man named Mark who despite having an enormous amount of baggage that brings up so many emotions all rolled into one, is so worth every minute of it.

- I made amends with my Mum and started rebuilding our relationship.

- Crazy schedule with Mark's 6 children (5 Boys and 1 Girl ages ranging from 4 to 16). Let's just say that DHS are involved and his ex is not the kind of person/parent that I hold in high regard (how's that for tactful). 

- Lots of court cases for the above and lots of trial and error and tough decisions made.

- I spent a lot of the year unwell but finally got some answers.

- I had to give up training

As per every other year I held no false hope that with the striking of the clock at midnight that all the things that test my resolve would just magically lessen or disappear. All I could hope for was that I had laid enough of a strong road base that even the rockiest of situations wouldn't break me. 


Whilst in a lot of ways it has been better than 2014 and 2015 it has certainly not been smooth sailing. In fact, I would have to say that in many ways it has been one of the toughest years so far, just on a different level.

- It's been yet another year of being sick constantly and being on medication after medication.

- I was advised that my waiting list paperwork had been misplaced and that I need to redo it and so my 1 year wait time would need to restart.

-  I needed to have surgery to fix my lapband which had been causing the bloating and tummy upsets.

- I ended toxic relationships and walked way from those who were causing dis-stress in my life.

- My little nephew Kohden was born with a congenital condition which saw him having half of a lung removed at the young age of 6 weeks old and was constantly in and out of hospital (more in than out).

- Hearing the gut wrenching words involving the C word and helping them through the treatment and the illness that followed as a result of chemotherapy lowering their bodies immune resistance and discovering other conditions that had previously gone undetected.

- Seeing the toughest person I know break down in tears and for a split second lose their fighting spirit.

- More court cases and psychological appointments working towards the possibility of Marks daughter coming into our full-time care.

- My man being unwell with a long standing condition playing up and causing havoc again.

- We have lost family members.

- I made the decision to cut back the hours on the business I worked so hard to build up.

NOW (August 2016)

Despite all of the things above, 2016 has also held many positives (as did 2014 and 2015).  It has opened my eyes to what / who, is really important to me and strengthened my relationships with those within it.  It has shown me that true strength has nothing to do with breaking PBs in the gym but what is on the inside.  It has given me the opportunity to think about what I really want to do with my life and who I am.

I've lost myself, found myself only to lose myself again 
and now I'm discovering the me that I truly am!

And just like that I woke to find that the sparkle had returned to my eyes and along with it, the zest for life that I had lost under the rubble of chaos that I had allowed to take over. Admittedly whilst so much was/is out of my control, I had completely surrendered my power to change anything admitting defeat rather than approaching it all with my usual dedication, persistence, passion....dare I say stubborness. Well, no more! Today is the day I take back my power, the day I decide to be proactive and change that which I can and accept (work around) that which I cannot rather than carrying it and allowing it to weigh heavily upon me. Today is the day I decide to breathe again, to live again rather than just going through the motions. I've got this!!

2015 Health and Fitness Recap

January 2015

I took a month off everything to just spend time with my family and to gather my thoughts!

February 2015 word FEBFAST

I'm running again, lovin' it and making awesome progress despite my calves working against me.

There was a time that I didn't enjoy the actual running itself but loved the feeling of exhilaration however, despite fighting with the demons telling me to stop, I actually enjoy every aspect of it. The burning of my lungs, the heaviness of my legs, the running away from life.

March 2015

Infection in the knee - FFS!! This literally came from no minute I was walking normally, the next my knee was in agony AND its the left one not the bung one - like seriously what the actual F*#&!!!!

I am feeling lost in the haze of pain killers which somewhat actually sums up how I've been feeling since late last year. I feel like I've been going through the motions but not fully present, wandering aimlessy through the fog trying to find the light that once shone, living on autopilot. Those that know me, know that this is not who I 'truly' am. I am a sieve the day, shoot for the stars kind of girl and so on that note I've decided that with the change of season its time to reconnect, to find that spark I once had, direction, purpose, goals. 

How do I plan to do that? 

By focusing on all the 'positive' aspects in my life...because after all - I am the eternal optimist!

There is always a silver lining and a lighthouse guiding our way towards it. Let the #100happydays #100healthydays posts start flowing, (follow me on INSTRAM to see them) Let the words in my blog flow freely, Let the spark I had for life be reignited.....Let me find ME!!

This is me today - lost in the haze!

So even though I am at home nursing a knee infection, dealing with a yucky tummy from the side effects of the antibiotics and struggling mentally to push through the brain fog that comes with pain killers; I am lucky enough to have a home gym and someone willing to hold the boxing mitts for me and so I am managing to do something - Boxing Tabata it is :)

April 2015

Yet another write off :( But then again April always seems to be that month of the year for me. Why oh why can I not just brush it off and keep on going rather than falling into an emotional heap *sigh*.

For my Dad....written by your loving daughter Natasha Hurst

I wonder how my life would beIf you had of still been hereThis contemplation lingersWith every passing yearI often sit just thinking
Getting lost in the daydream
Of each and every outcome
Different lives played scene by scene
Would I be this? Would I be that?
I guess I'll never know
So I just end up right back here
A life you did bestow
I have gone on living
Doing the best that I knew how
Mistakes I know I've made a few
But they've led me to this moment now
And whilst there's days it all seems too much
That I cannot possibly go on
I remember how hard you fought
And now your dreams foregone
So as I sit here watching
As your grandchildren play
A woman lost in thoughts of you
On this eve of Anzac Day
Know that I have done my best
To make you proud of me
To live life to the fullest
To be the best that I can be.

I love you Dad, its hard to believe that tomorrow will be 24 years since you left us, I miss you xox
feeling emotional.

May 2015
A few months ago not only did I fall off the wagon with a big almighty thud, but I also decided to stay down there for a while and feed the emotions of self pity. This inevitably led to weight gain which of course came with feeling uncomfortable in my own skin, being unmotivated, unproductive and unfocused, being more susceptible to illnesses and to generally feeling like a complete and utter hypocrite. After getting to the point that enough was enough I finally swallowed my pride and spoke to my trainer about how I was feeling and now have some new goals to work towards. As a trainer and as someone others look to for motivation and inspiration its really hard to admit that you failed, but I am only human and plan to work hard to prove that all it takes is the decision to get up and try again. So here I am holding myself accountable and sharing the next chapter of my journey with you all.

I started a new chapter in my journey....It matters not how many times you begin again, but that you actually do! Never give up fighting for what you want....its not easy and there will be setbacks but it will be so worth picking yourself up and dusting yourself off for. DEDICATION, DETERMINATION, PERSISTENCE!!

June 2015

So my May challenge didn't exactly run very smoothly albeit due to me getting sick (yes again!) but progress was made regardless of the fact that I failed to reach my mini goal and so now here we are in June which means reassessing and setting some new mini goals to work towards all with the challenge of life's little hurdles least there is certainly never a dull moment.

July 2015

August 2015

So there is lots of rest, rest and oh yeah more rest on the agenda. So sick of being sick.....this rest thing is exhausting

September 2015

Daily antibiotic injections hurt like heck and do crazy things to my gut but the fact that the haze feels like its lifted even just ever so slightly makes my butt and gut being battered and bruised worth it.

Not many laps at Relay For Life this year....

October 2015

Patience is not one of my strong suits but remaining positive is and that I can and will do....through the haze there is always a glimpse of hope 💚

Because there is a shitload of stuff running around in this head and heart of mine at the moment which totally suck, rather than let those things control me I am going to focus on the things I am grateful for.

November 2015

I had contemplated not sharing any of this phase in my journey with you all due to negative feelings such as shame, disappointment, failure.....I could go on. However, its all part of what makes me ME and so I'm sharing it. I often get told that my resilience to keep on going is inspiring and that faced with the same sort of challenges that I have been faced with over the years others would of just given up and accepted their fate. This then leads to the question of how do you keep going? My answer is that I refuse to give up. Perhaps its my stubborn streak but I'm not a quitter and if I want something bad enough I'm gonna keep working on it until I get it, even if at times I forget that and end up sitting with my arms and legs crossed, hunched over, bottom lipped dropped, face frowned, shitty attitude, feeling sorry for myself for a little while until I decide I'm ready again. For the past 4 months I've been doing just that 'sulking', 'feeling defeated', 'quitting' AND that's not who I am, not the kind of role model I want for my kids and so I've made the conscious decision to embark on the next phase of my journey albeit already presented with many obstacles for me to tackle, but I will do this forgiveness, faith and with food as my focus.

As you may have guessed, the past few months have been shit for me health wise with infection and fever just not going away, tests with no real answers, one lot of antibiotics after the other, pain relief, cortisteriods, asthma medication, specialist referrals and so on blah blah blah...anyway I am over feeling like crap from whatever is going on with me and over feeling even more like crap from the medications meant to be fixing whatever it is..I'm just generally over it all both physically and mentally! AND so today (Monday 2nd November 2015), I decided it was time to use the knowledge I've aquired over the years and stop the cycle. No more napalming my system with chemicals! I'm a hippie at heart and so natural alternatives it is - herbs, a ketogenic diet, light exercise (aka walking), meditation, affirmations and a lot of love, support and prayer in the hopes that this will make a difference.

Yes there are obstacles, Yes they right royally suck, but NO I will not let them defeat me. I WILL FIGHT!

First step - forgiveness and cutting myself some slack by acknowledging that sometimes 'shit' happens but it doesn't mean the future is set in stone.

Second step - deciding to start the nutrition plan I have been researching and focus instead on using food as medicine.

Third Step - Accepting that if my doctor and specialists say I need to start back on the medication I will BUT I will be prepared in advance for the side effects by ensuring on the days I feel capable of doing so I will pre-prep my meals.

Fourth Step - Going for a walk, sitting on the exercise bike or doing yoga on the days I feel I can and accepting that on the days I need to rest that its OK and I won't beat myself up about it.

Step Five - Promising that I will take one step, one brick, one day at a time and not think I'm superwoman and over do it and end up on a downward spiral.

OK well that plan didn't work! Not even at the end of November and I am feeling incredibly disappointed at the moment as I have had to give in and go back on antibiotics which is incredibly frustrating as I still don't have any real answers and the specialist that I am holding out to see isn't until early December and thats still weeks away *sigh*. Oh well....even the bravest of Lion's needed help to get the thorn out of its paw so I can admit defeat and pop a few more pills. The plan to do this un-medicated didn't work, but I will keep on persisting medicated, even though it feels somewhat like swimming against the tide.:/ 

December 2015 ( Happy Birthday to ME and Merry Christmas to ALL)

I've seen the specialist and have some answers. In short the lump that was found in my throat is benign (phew). Its an overactive lymph node due to my immune system not functioning the way that it should and it gets bigger each time I get sick - which as you know from reading this blog is quite often. I am now on the long waiting list to have my tonsils removed (very scary stuff) and hopefully that will mean my immune system will kick in and start doing what its supposed to.

Unfortunately in the meantime I have had to give up training :( It seems ridiculous to me to think that something I was doing in order to improve my health was having the adverse effect and actually contributing towards me getting sick...something about depleting the stores I had to fight with blah blah blah. What am I going to do with no training? How am I going to keep this weight maintained? Holy shit its just all too much to deal with at the moment.

Yes I know this quote is true, but before I start the demolition process I am going to have my little 'FML' moment because telling me I have to wait at least a year for something that will make a huge difference in my life AND that in the meantime I'm told to 'just keep on doing what you're doing' really really shits me - patience is not my strongest attribute *sigh* Luckily though, determination, persistence and sheer stubbornness are and so it's thinking cap can I kick the shit out of these obstacles? I'm all good for the most part just incredibly frustrated but I'll get over it or under it or through it. The life and times of Tash aren't always rainbows and butterflies sometimes there is a huge bucket of 💩. Right now as you can see it's in the form of my attitude.

A Poem by Natasha Hurst

Life can change in the blink of an eye
With each fleeting moment a chance passes by
Or perhaps its seized and captured as yours
Embraced for all it is both beauty and flaws
We take the good with the bad and the bad with the good
Sometimes we cant change it or dont if we could
For it all adds up to be who we are
All tiny grains of sand in an hour glass jar
I really don't know what I'm try to say
Except embrace life and what it offers each day
Be thankful to those who are present and gone
And draw from the strength of each lesson learnt to carry on. 

And that is a wrap for yet another year. Thanks heaps for following my journey. I wish you a wonderful 2016.