Thursday, August 11, 2011

Knee Update - 1 week and 1 day after

It is 1 week and 1 day since my Knee Op and recovery is coming along SLOWLY but surely...

Here is what it looked like on Day 4

I will admitt that unfortunately my recovery has been hindered (I ripped out one of my stitches) because of me being me and doing a little too much too quickly - like cleaning my house on Sunday for instance.  In my defence Glenn was being a sook and whinging about having to do everything and so I got sick of the crap and decided to just do it my bloody self! Backfired on him really because the past couple of days he's had to do even more.  Do you think he will appreciate everything I do now?  Hmmmm!

Anyway on top of that I took a different pain medication that kept me up all night and then I also went out for lunch on Monday (which is all that has kept me from going completely insane this past week so totally worth it).  Anyway no lectures needed as I have paid for it enough since. 

Tuesday and Wednesday were spent sleeping, sleeping, sleeping and yes you guessed it more sleeping as a result of stronger pain meds and from just generally feeing completely drained.  The only thing that I managed to do on the Wednesday was take 2 PT sessions and that involved me sitting down and giving orders - something totally foreign to me.

Today I am happy to say has seen me staying awake and although the pain was stronger (I reduced the pain meds) I managed to make it through and got some much needed study done and even took another PT this evening.

On the Food and Exercise Front, my Nutrition hasn't been too crash hot (very little - apart from chocolate) but Glenn said last night that my face and neck had thinned out and despite the no exercise (uncless you count holding the mitts) I do feel lighter.  Not the best way of doing it I know and as a result I have been getting more heartburn.  Next week I will have more mobility so will make more of an effort to eat regulary and healthily.

Tomorrow my Mum is going to be my Chauffer for the day and so I am heading out to do my Baby Pictures and also some other odds and ends and I cannot wait. 

Saturday I have a doctors appointment to get the stitches out which will make getting around alot easier.  I will take another photo for you then!


On Monday afternoon one of our very close family friends passed away without any warning.  This touched me very deeply and emotionally I was a mess.  I believe that this was also the reason for my deep slumber state on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

R.I.P Aunty Lesley I will always remember you as the best Donkey impersonater ever.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

"Knee Day" Came and Went

Hi All,  Just a quick message as my happy pills have started to kick in and all the letters are starting to blend into one big kalidescope looking thing LOL!

I had my knee operation on Wednesday and on top of the Arthroscope I also needed to have a Lateral Release as it was a little messier than he first thought.  Watch a video of Arthroscopy with Lateral Release HERE

I will also need to go back under again to have my patella fixed as he said that it is very unstable.  As yet I am unsure what that will involve as I was too out of it to ask any questions, but for now recovering from this op is my first priority anyhow.

On the recovery side of things apart from my blood pressure being low (hence why I am so pale - see picture below) and ofcourse the pain which is to be expected (and being managed by happy pills), I am doing OK and am even managing to hobble around slowly - no marthons just yet (dizzy spells are another side effect of low blood pressure).

My little boy Ace (7) is sick with a Lung Infection and so he and I have been spending our days snuggling which has been lovely - but I am hoping that he feels better soon now that he has antibiotics.

Anyway, this evening I had a teary moment where I was feeling sore and sorry for myself but I got this message from my Personal Trainer giving me the kick up the butt I needed...

'You are tough, there isn't much that will stop you except for you feeling sorry for yourself so SNAP OUT OF IT!'

I sent him a message saying thank you and that's what I pay ya for LOL, nice to know he can kick my butt even when hes not torturing me in the gym.

Well everyone, time for me to go riding on my magic carpet to enter La La Land.  Will keep you updated!


Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday August 1, 2011

I don't exactly know where to even begin with this blog as the past month has been one of so many ups and downs that it has left me feeling somewhat numb to the whole thing - I am, or more to the point I 'was' (I kicked my own butt back into gear this morning) in a state of 'I don't really give a shit' and yet still going through the motions - well kind of anyway (In other words it was half arsed!).

My nutrition has been appauling (too little due to lapband, too much due to emotional baggage and just generally not giving a toss) and as a result my body has been lacking energy which means that my training hasn't been as consistant as it usally is (only 3 days rather than 6) and I have also been sick more often - suprise! suprise!

I haven't been on the scales or done any measurements as I am pretty sure that they would have definitely gone up but in saying that I don't feel that it would be by a 'huge' amount or maybe thats just wishful thinking.

Anyway, I just wanted to touch base and let you know whats been going on before I go in and have my knee operated on.  Only 2 more sleeps to go!!  

So, its time to stop self sabbotaging and get proactive.  I have booked in a PT for today and also tomorrow (weights, weights and more weights - leg work!!), which will tie me over until I get the all clear to be able to train again (Walking, Aqua and Upper).   I will also be going grocery shopping to stock up on lots of nourishing food so that my recovery process is quicker. 

Well thats it for now, its nice to feel like a give a shit again!

PS.  I have to mention how hypercrital I have been feeling.  It was hard to be in the head space I was in and yet still motivate others to achieve their goals!  But, I guess that's all part of the journey and what makes me so awesome at my job (even if I do say so myself :oP).