Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Update as at End November 2010

OMGosh I have been so slack updating this blog.  The past month has been really 'blah' (mostly due to menstral problems - need I say more!) and I have pretty much just been going through the motions which means that my weigh in results have yet again gone up (again mostly due to menstral problems Grrrr) and although its not a drastic increase it is enough for me to be disappointed. 

My current weight is 81kg - which is 7kg away from being within my healthy BMI range and my first goal of 74kg.  My BF% is 41.4% and my SM% is 25.2% and although these figures are far from where I want them to be I have decided that I need to focus on 1 area at a time and right now that is to reduce my weight so that I am at least considered to be 'healthy' - something that is very important to me.

So I am back on track and working towards my goal and I have every faith that I will actually achieve it but its just a matter of when!  I have decided that the best approach (considering there is only 4 weeks until the New Year and in that time I also have my birthday, numerous parties and Christmas Day to deal with) is to just take one day at a time and to be as disciplined as I can when I can and to relax and enjoy myself when its time to do so (within reason of course).

Well that's pretty much all I have to say at this point in time - remember to never give up chasing your dreams nomatter how sidetracked you may get at times and also nomatter how long it takes you to reach them.  The main thing is that you do indeed get there and if you see it and believe it then you will infact achieve it!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

5kg in 4 Weeks Challenge Day 1 Week 4

Considering that this morning was a family breakfast for my Mum's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM) and also a public holiday I am quite happy with my food for the day (lunch could of been a better choice).

I didn't do any exercise today as the morning was spent with Family and the afternoon I spent studying - no excuses I know, but tomorrow is a new day.

Anyway I am going to keep it short as I need to have an early night, I have been getting told that I look tired alot and once again my face is starting to look drawn so my family are on my back about my diet and I am thinking that if I look rested I wont look so bad - Beauty Sleep LOL!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 7, Week 3 - 5kg in 4week challenge

OMGosh the last day of Week 3 is already here and tomorrow I start my last week on this challenge and I can tell you now that there is no way that I will reach the 5kg loss.  Although I'm a little disappointed I also know that it will come off eventually and if its 6 or 8 weeks instead of 5 does it really matter?  The answer to that question being NO but me being me would of course prefered it to be sooner rather than later LOL!

I received some bad news on Friday afternoon that got me thinking that life is just way too bloody short to be worrying about crap like dieting and so I allowed myself to endulge in The Ploughs deliciously decadent Chocolate Pudding which was so yummy and so bad for my hips.  Other than that and Fish 'n' Chips for lunch yesterday my food hasn't been too bad but not too good either - a few bad choices made.

Training has been a little on the slack side this week, I did a PT on Tuesday and Friday and have boxing tonight and that is pretty much it.  I need to lift my game in that area.  I did however play Just Dance on the WII which get me feeling sweaty so I haven't just sat on my butt.

Oh I won't be weighing in this week as tomorrow is Cup Day and as its a public holiday the Gym is closed.

So far today has been a really good - it feels great to have my dedication, motivation and will power back again.  Thank you all so much for the kicks up the butt when they are needed, your support is awesome.
