Task 1: Write a list of goals that you want to achieve in the 1st week of the 8WEC.
Empowerment Contract
- Get my nutrition back on track
- 2 X PT Sessions
- 2 X Gym Sessions (Aqua / Gym Floor)
- Finish Massage Modules
- Cut down from 2 sugars to 1
- Organise all my training sessions in advance with a back up plan if needed
- Maintain Balance (Family, Work, Friends)
- Start self love exercises
Empowerment Contract
I, Natasha Hurst agree to work towards a Fitter, Stronger, Healthier version of myself which inturn will provide me with a feeling of Empowerment.
I am committed to achieveing this goal with the use of healthy food and exercise and promise myself that I will not slip into negative patterns of bahaviour as they are destructive.
I am committed to praising myself for even the smallest of achivements as I have earnt it. eg. a loss is a loss no matter how big or small as I am committed to not allowing a figure on the scales to determine whether it is a good or a bad day.
I am committed to following a healthy nutrition plan consisting of 5-6 small meals per day with a minimum of 1200 calories and I am committed to not over endulging.
I am committed to allowing myself 1 free meal per week and will not feel guilty for doing so.
I am committed to reducing my sugar intake in my tea/coffee from 2 to 1 (in the first couple of weeks) and then switching to Natvia (a natural sweetener).
I am committed to forgiving myself for any slip ups that I may experience along the way no matter how big or small and agree that I will not allow them to trigger any self sabbotage (in its various forms eg. emotional eating binge), instead I will pick myself up dust off and get straight back on the wagon.
I am committed to exercising for a minimum of 30 minutes 6 days per week which includes 1 X P/T Session and 2 X Gym Sessions per week.
I am committed to exercising for a minimum of 30 minutes 6 days per week which includes 1 X P/T Session and 2 X Gym Sessions per week.
I am committed to allowing my body to have 1 day of rest.
I am committed to maintaining a food, exercise and mood journal and to blogging my journey on a regular basis as doing this makes me more accountable for my actions.
I am committed to making time to study so that by the end of the 8 weeks I will have completed all modules for Cert 3 & 4 in Fitness, Cert 3 in Massage and Cert 3 in Nutrition. By doing this it will provide me with more opportunity/options for my future and is an important step towards empowerment.
I am committed to giving myself adequate rest and will ensure that I am in bed with lights out by 11pm on weeknights.
I am committed to hyrdrating my body by drinking at least 1 - 2 bottles of water per day.
I am committed to stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing change.
I am committed to accepting the limitations that my knee has produced and be kind to my self. Should I experience pain I will STOP as it is not my friend and will only cause more injury.
I am committed to not making any excuses.
I am committed to loving myself for who I am nomatter what shape or size I am and will look in the mirror everyday and say "I love you Natasha Hurst, you are beautiful to me".
As a reward for all these committments I will be the best version of myself possible which in turn makes me a better person all round (mother, partner, daughter, sister, friend, trainer).
Natasha Hurst
10 October 2011
I would like to say Thank you to Tanja Louise for sharing the idea of this contract. I came across Tanja's page through the Aim Train and have been inspired by her weight loss journey. Click HERE to visit Tanja's Facebook.
Pretty insightful. Thanks!
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