Saturday, October 8, 2011

Time for an Update

So for the past week I have been writting a blog in my head which goes something a little like this.....

I am so completely and utterly disgusted in myself because I have put on weight and so I feel like a total hyercrite, I'm over my knee not enabling me to do the kind of exercise I want, I am sick of this and over that and blah blah blah - insert negative self talk here and while I'm at it lets insert the putting down of ones self here too *sigh* *grumble* *sob*!!

As you can see it has all been nothing but NEGATIVE CRAP and so I can tell you right now that  the blog I had intended to post will not be the one I sit here and write!    There will be no negative self talk or self sabbotage from this point on as it is energy depleteing and does not serve a purpose in my life. 

I choose only to focuses on positivity, and anything or anyone that does not fit within this framework shall be burnt at the stake. Hmm perhaps a little melodramantic but you get my point - Its time to "STOP MAKING EXCUSES"!!

So with that said I am very much looking forward to the next phase of my journey - An 8 week Challenge to Empowerment!!

I could rattle of a list of goals focused around weight loss (getting to 74kg would be nice), measurement and size reduction (comfortable 12-14) as well as a heap of fitness goals (increase strength and stamina) but they are not the 'main' objective.  My aim is Empowerment, Strength and Health, anything else that happens along the way will be an added bonus.

Something that I am very excited about is that I will be sharing this challenge with one of my personal training clients - Tash, who in a short time has already broken through many barriers and seen improvements - you can read all about her journey HERE.  Not only is Tash one of my clients but I am very happy to say that we are fast becoming really good friends and share many of the same interests (some of which are music and craft) and values - which is always a good foundation =)

Well I think I will leave it there for now, I will be sure to come by again very soon (before starting day on Monday) to post some "Starting Stats" as regardless of whether or not its the focus, its always good to have a starting point in which to look back on.  There will also be some other information on mini goal posts!

Before I go though I would like to share some Personal news:  My son Ace (7) lost his very first tooth today, he is so excited that he gets MONEY tonight from the Tooth Fairy.  Oooh, what is the going rate these days?

1 comment:

  1. blog buddies! I cant wait to start the challenge. I am PUMPED. xx


I welcome all messages and comments that are positive and encouraging. If however you do have some criticism please make sure that it is constructive rather than destructive. Much Love, Light and Peace XOXO Tash!