Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Deadlift PB

So lately I feel as though I've just been going through the motions with my training because of nursing one injury after the other (sometimes all at the same time) despite making sure technique is correct and getting adequate rest, blah blah blah...to say that I'm frustrated would be an understatement!

- Shoulder (possible torn rotator cuff, more scans to be done)

- Back (degenerative narrowing in cervical and sacral regions)

- Neck (pinched nerve at C3/4)

- Knee has been sore and tired (still not 100% after the tibial tuberosity transfer) 

The screws in my knee

BUT.......Injury is only an excuse if you let it be!

Despite all that, yesterday (Monday 12th August 2013) I achieved a Deadlift PB (1 max rep) of 80kg - YAY for me! 

A huge thank you to my trainer Craig Harvey for being patient with me and constantly thinking outside the square. 

I am determined to get into the 100kg Deadlift club - keep watching this space because you will surely hear about it 'when' I do.

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