Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Take Responsibility....

Regardless of how fabulous your trainer is they aren't there beside you 24/7 - Your body is a result of the choices YOU make!

My awesomely amazing Personal Trainer can work my butt off while I'm there and tell me over and over again about the importance of eating clean BUT unless I move my own butt on the other days when he's not kicking it for me AND actually listen and take his advise about sticking to clean eating, then the results I want are not going to happen and the only person to blame is ME - not my trainer!

Every Sunday night I plan for the week ahead, Work/Study, Food, Exercise, Family and Free time. Everything is scheduled like an appointment. 

In order to make sure that I can keep my meal appointments I shop ahead to ensure that I have all the ingredients on hand and ready for easy preparation. If possible I make my meals in advance - this also helps when those curve balls are thrown.

What about you....Are you prepared to fail by not taking the time to prepare?

You cannot out train bad food choices.

 Don't start a DIET just start making better choices one step at a time!

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