If you read the previous post you will know that I have been dealing with being unwell (I have been to the specialist and have other tests and appointments booked for the new year so all is on the right track towards answers), what I didn't mention however was that I have also been nursing a partner who has had a couple of hospital visits and an operation and who is still not out of the woods just yet. As well as two little boys who have also been dealing with hayfever, asthma and other general germy things that they bring home from school AND running a household and my own business/s. Are you tired after reading that? Yep me too but as I have said before I refuse to allow anything to beat me. As you can imagine though ME time is not something I get a great deal of and so despite not being 100% I have still been going to my training sessions 3 days a week and giving it all that I can with no real purpose other than to get out the house and just do it!
Now, whilst that is awesome within it self, I am someone who thrives on direction and purpose and so in all honesty have been feeling a little lost. After a few conversations with my dear friends and a discussion with my trainer I decided that its time to let go of the fears that are holding me back and I have come up with some new goals to work towards.
Before I go into the goals though I feel that I should note the 'fears' as these had me in a stagnant holding pattern and so rather than them being in my head for me to mull over I will release them.
1. Fear of allowing my past eating disorder to resurface and not being able to see the signs - This has been stopping me from getting serious about my nutrition but I know that I have learnt so much about using food to fuel my body and that skinny is no where near as sexy as strong is and in order to get strong my body needs to have food to eat.
2. Fear of setting a goal and my injuries preventing me achieving them and therefore failing - My injuries are not an excuse they are 'real' and so its OK that I can't run, box jump or throw because there is always another option. The only time I will 'fail' is when I quit!
3. Fear of loose skin and going under the knife again - I know that when I reach my goal weight I will have loose skin and I know that I wont be happy looking in the mirror and seeing it despite knowing that underneath it I am trim, toned and terrific and so that only leaves me the option of going under the knife and having it removed. This thought terrifies me as my past operations were not exactly speedy recoveries and also took a lot out of me on a mental health level. The cost is also something that I have issues with as it will mean me being incredibly selfish and using money that could go towards my families future.
That's pretty much it...apart from the whole people judging me fear but that really doesn't factor into it on a major scale as people will judge regardless of who you are or what you do because sadly its human nature and it makes us feel better about ourselves for a little while - I know I have been guilty of it also. That is just a matter of staying true to who I am and continuing to love myself warts and all because at the end of the day its me who rests with me.
With that out of the way its time to reveal my 'Health and Fitness' GOALS....
*Weight Loss, Fat Percentage Loss and Skeletal Muscle Gain.
I am currently HERE:
I am giving myself a time frame of 1 year (my 40th Birthday) which is a healthy rate of under 1/2 a kilo per week - this allows for celebrations such as christmas and also enjoying some of life's fuctions.
I have set a target weight of 71kg for the purpose of having a goal to work towards.
Should I reach my ideal body fat percentage of 25% and that figure be higher I will be happy as I know that body composition is more important that a figure on the scales.
*Fitness Goals are planned on a 3 month basis - by Mid March.
1. 100 continuous skips
Today I stopped at 38 and 72
I find skipping really difficult because of all the trouble with my knee but I am determined to get my 100 in a row and then increase the speed because it will mean that I am closer to being able to achieve my 5 in a row of Double Unders.
2. '2 in a row' unassisted pull ups
Today is day 1 of the Armstrong Program and I vow to give it my all and not give up.
I had initially considered starting in the new year as starting today meant that I would need to also do it on Christmas Day but I figured what better gift than to continue towards my goal and my family have said that they will stand there will me and cheer me on.
DAY 1 RESULTS: 5 x Rounds for MAX REPS with 90 seconds rest between
R1 (Blue Band Only) - x5 just below bar
R2 (Blue and Black Band) - x 7 chin to bar
R3 (Blue and Black Band) - x 5 chin to bar
R4 (Blue and Black Band) - x 4 just below bar
R5 (Blue and Black Band) - x 3 chin to bar
3. 1000m row in less than 4 minutes
4. 100kg Deadlift Club
My current PB is 83kilos however today I struggled with 70kilos as my back wasn't feeling very strong.
This one isn't one that I 'have' to achieve but if I do I will be over the moon.
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