Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Long Over Due Update

**So I started this at the start of the year so its a wee bit late**

I am sure I start most of my blogs in the same way but I'll say it anyway.....HOLY CRAP where did time go? 

2013 was a tough year on many levels but on others it was also rewarding and full of many blessings and it is those positives that I chose to focus upon as I headed into 2014 with a realistic view knowing that life is not supposed to be smooth sailing but indeed full of challenges to help you grow. 

I did initially plan on writing a blog recollecting the toils and triumphs however after processing all the collective parts I was still unable to express them in a manner that made sense to me let alone anyone else. 

The best summary I could manage is that life is simply a series of choices, we can make the right or the wrong ones and each of those has an impact on everything else around us. You live, you make mistakes, you learn and you keep on living as best you can. I cannot erase the past, just as you cannot remove the creases from a folded piece of paper nor remove the holes in wood once a nail has been hit into it, but the future can be written to ensure the same mistakes are not made and that each step forward is a step towards the highest version of yourself possible. 

I would like to thank each of you who touched my life in some way during 2013 whether that be to teach me a valuable lesson or to hold my hand as I traversed the darkness. You are all written within the chapters of my life's journey and I look forward to turning the pages one by one as I take each step into the unknown.

“If you want to see a rainbow you have to learn to see the rain.” 
― Paulo Coelho, Aleph

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