Sunday, August 27, 2017

Holy's been ages!

I am sure that I have said this before but seriously where the f*#k does time go?  It's like one minute you are welcoming in the new year and the next thing you know, the end of the year is only 4 months WTF!  I don't know about you, but I'd like life to slow down a little so that I can catch up!

Yet again, it has been ages since I have written anything here. Why is that?  LIFE, life gets in the way, thats why!  Well, not life as such but all the shit that goes along with it.  By shit I ofcourse mean all forms of 'shit'...good shit, bad shit...bullshit.  Such a descriptive word 'shit' haha!  Not as powerful as FUCK though, that one is the bomb!  Fuck this shit!  Fuck yeah!  Is it only an Aussie thing or is using cuss words to describe our emotions, whether they be good or bad, also done globally?

Anyway there is no real point to this post other than to post something because I have been slack bitch, and theres another cuss word...classy Tash, real classy - NOT!  But hey, can't fault me on keeping it real.




That's it, I've got nothing else to add at this point but be sure to watch this space for more.  Hahaha that just gave me a mental image of a skeleton sitting in front of the screen waiting for me next post.

Nah, seriously...I will be posting again soon!

So until then this is me saying BUM, BUGGER, POO, BITCH just because I like the way it sounds and because I really have nothing more to add right now in the time frame in which to do it in.

I crack me up sometimes, or maybe it should be I'm cracked...the jury is still out on that one!

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