Wednesday, April 4, 2018

End of March 2018...

So I ended the last blog before the month was up OOPS!

March 27th

My baby boy went off to his first high school camp for a whole 3 days and 2 nights, it was crazy how empty our home felt without him.  Happy to report though, that he had an amazing time!

March 28th

I had a dear friend post this on my face book wall today!  I cannot even begin to describe how much they resonated with me.  It's funny how we can tell others these words and truly mean them and yet when it comes to giving ourselves the same compassion, it is much harder to do.  Note to self:  Remember to show SELF compassion!

March 29th

OMG today was totally crazy, BUT I survived!  *High Five to me*

March 30th


Okay, question time!  Do you eat meat on Good Friday?  

Although my Mum is a non-practising Catholic and I'm kind of not really sure what I am; a Spiritual Christian perhaps - We Don't!  

So anyway, I was having a religious debate - I mean discussion (hehe) with my sweet man about this and the only reason I could ascertain and to why our family tradition is to not eat meat (considering it is actually not written in the bible), is as a sign of respect for the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, and so therefore no 'flesh' as he gave of his.

Our little girl in her wedding dress

Today was our monthly overnight visit with Hosanna (our little Annie) and  it was one of the best visits we have ever had.  On top of getting additional time because of it being a public holiday, we were also finally able to tell her of our plans to get married.  To say she was over the moon is an understatement!  We don't have final confirmation of whether she can attend, but things are looking pretty positive!

Talking about our little girl brings me to a quote I shared on instagram recently...

Seems odd that speaking of our little girl brings me to this, but the decision Mark and I made together not to fight for full time care of her, has seen the dynamic with one of my closest friends change.  Quite simply, she disagrees with it and cannot get her head around it.  I get it, I really do, before actually living through it, from the outside looking in I would have made the same judgment call.   Anyway, I have no hard feelings as it is how she feels and I can't change that.  I have come to realise that sometimes its not actually about me, but something within them personally - if that makes sense?  No denying that it sucks!  I miss her in my life and cherish our friendship deeply.  I haven't given up hope though that someday we can get back what we is pretty powerful as is prayer and shes in mine.

If you are reading this please know it comes from a place of love just as I know your messages do...hope it doesn't sound, whats the word you use...c&^#ish!

March 31st

Talking about I attended a Hens picnic for this beautiful 'BRIDE TO BE'.  I am so excited for her and cannot wait to watch her marry the man of her dreams.

    A kind heart and a smile that lights up a room.

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