Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Rant...

I am really really freaking annoyed at the fact that so many people that I know who have lapbands  and have had awesome results are now back into triple figures because their bands have stuffed up. 

OK I get that the reason for getting the band in the first place is because we couldn't do it on our own but some of these people that I am annoyed with have gone on to become Personal Trainers and so have learnt the tools they need to make a difference and yet instead of making the change they are whinging and making pathetic excuses. 

Seriously, quit sooking that your 'band is broken', stop shoving shit into your mouth and get up off your arse and move it.

I get that its hard...I have had my band stuff up (mostly from my own actions) and also suffered (suffering) depression BUT I chose to change my life, I chose to be healthy and I chose to not make excuses.

Now before you say oh but your band isn't broken blah blah blah....No, its not but it is also not doing all the work for me, I have learnt that you can't rely on the band to do it all you have to help it along by exercising and eating right!

With or without the band its a choice that you either do it or you don't and if you don't then you stay FAT - simple! 

Don't get me wrong, I am far from perfect, I have days when I am lazy, I have days when I choose to just mope around feeling sorry for myself, I have days when I eat crap....BUT it is NOT everyday, I don't allow it to be my reality.  You choose who, what and where you want to be.....if you don't like something then CHANGE IT!! 

Only YOU can make it happen!! The question badly do you want it? 

When my first band stuffed up I went off the rails in a big way and put on a stack of weight and even now I am 10kg from my goal of a healthy BMI (due to going off the rails WITH a working band - its easy to cheat) and yes it SUCKS, and yes it gets me down BUT rather than allow it to consume me I choose to STOP it before it got out of control!  I don't want to get any bigger than I am, I don't want to be that fat person again and so I have promised myself that it wont happen and it wont!

Do you want to be Fat?  Do you want that huge bowl of pasta more than a healthy weight? Is that block of chocolate worth going up a dress size for? Do you want to be the one everyone looks at with pitty?

I do not mean to offend anyone with this post and if I have then there is obviously some truth in what I have said for it to have made an impact or else you wouldn't have given it a second thought.

I can remember a time when I would of been offended and hurt but still continued to make excuses rather than listen to what was being said because it was too hard.  But isn't it hard enough living with self hate and disgust everyday?  I much prefer the path of Healthy Nutrition and Exercise and yes somedays it is bloody hard but I can now look in the mirror and say "Yeah, you're alright".  Can you?


  1. Bit harsh Natasha, since many of us read your blog. :(

  2. So I thought seeing as you were full of an almighty insight into my life when you wrote this, I might bring you up to date to make you realize why you had no place to comment. 2 weeks after you posted this garbage, my band was diagnosed as a full slip and I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome... If you don't know what that is, google it, find out how supposedly "easy" it is to get off your "ass" with chronic fatigue. Next time you need to shut your mouth when you don't know all the facts. Light and Peace AND TRUTH. Jacee *insert sarcastic face here*

  3. Ok I will agree that it may of come across harsh but it is the reality of it and it is my truth and I stand firm. No one was singled out and mentioned by name because I am not just frustrated at one person but numerous stories and I posted my blog as a rant to get it off my chest and also a reminder to myself which is who the blog is mostly for. Also I apologised in the blog for anyone who should take offence and as I said it is hard to hear and yes it hurts but we make the choice of how we allow it to affect us - it is all about choice and free will and they can be controlled. I know that lack of self control is the reason that most people get the band in the first place but the band is a tool to help you, it is NOT a quick fix and yet it is how most people (including myself at one point)use it. If people are just going to get the band, lose weight by not learning anything along the way and then have something go wrong a couple of years down the track then they put it all back on again plus some then what is the point of being banded it the first place? I also realise that the blog could have been ill timed however numerous posts that I saw was the straw that broke the camels back. In all honesty whether I posted my blog yesterday, tomorrow, or a week from now I believe I would of received the same response. I could of posted my opinions on the status comments and walls of those that frustrated me but I didn't because that would of been harsh and hurtful instead I did it in a blog of which people can choose to or not to read. SO, after all thats been said I would just like to say thanks to you for your constructive critisim and for taking the time to read and comment.

  4. Jacee (or should I say Anonymous), It is a shame that your band slipped and I hope that the necessary steps have been taken to get the problem fixed. With regards to you being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome I also hope that you can find the strength needed to be able to deal with and overcome it. OH and perhaps you should find out more about people before you make assumptions because then you would of known that I was infact diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in 1998 and had my fair share of struggles. In fact when I was diagnosed it was still something that wasn't well known and so I worked with top medical practitioners to test clinical trials. I was also published in the emerge magazine (part of the CFS Society of which I was a memeber) and even started up and ran a support groups for others going through the same thing. (If I was as childish as you I think this would be the place where I would add a sarcastic face). Once again it comes down to stopping the poor me excuses and making the changes needed for better health and I am proving the fact that YES you can infact overcome it with the right mental attitude. If YOU google it you will see that there are atletes and celebrities who CAN still get off there arses and perform to the top of their game. As I said on my facebook post when you decided to make this blog ALL about YOU, you were only 'one' of the people that I am/was frustrated at but I am not on the 'bash Jacee wagon' because you are doing enough of that on your own....I get that right now you think that everyone who offers any advise or states an opinion is against you but I believe that you can turn your life around - you just have to do decide to do it. Regardless of the fact that you have put your weight back on YOUR journey has been one of inspiration and tremdenous courage and whilst the band was a part of it - the biggest part was you! Even though you no longer have my support because its your own doing that you are where you are and quite frankly I think you need to grow up, I still wish you Love, Light and Peace. Also for future reference, if you don't like what I write in 'my' blog as 'my' own Truth, then simply do not read it.


I welcome all messages and comments that are positive and encouraging. If however you do have some criticism please make sure that it is constructive rather than destructive. Much Love, Light and Peace XOXO Tash!