Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Don't wait for motivation!

Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviours. It is what causes us to act, it is our desire to do things.

There are 2 types of motivation: 
· Extrinsic (external) motivation 
· Intrinsic (internal) motivation

Extrinsic motivations are those that arise from outside of the individual and often involve rewards such as trophies, money, social recognition or praise. 

My reward for reaching goal is a trip to Sydney to climb the bridge and to trek through the Blue Mountains.

Intrinsic motivation are those that arise from within the individual, such as doing a complicated cross-word puzzle purely for the personal gratification of solving a problem.

I want to feel proud and accomplished and feel like I really do belong in the field I have chosen to work in.

What are your 'motivating factors' for staying true to your nutrition and exercise regime?  

So often I hear....Oh I wish I had your motivation and oh I just can't get motivated how do you do it?   And again I ask....

What are your 'motivating factors?  What do you want to achieve?  How badly do you want it?

For me it's not about 'being' motivated OR 'having' motivation in fact I say 'Motivation Schmotivation', Don't wait for motivation to hit - go out and find it! Just do it without even thinking about it and before you know it, you will be 'motivated' to continue.

Every morning I tell myself the same thing...'Come on - get up and just do it' and I do just that despite wanting to stay snuggled up in bed, despite wanting to waste time on facebook, despite wanting to just catch up with mates and despite wanting to comfort eat.  I am certainly not motivated to get up everyday and do the same mundane everyday chores, juggle  my time so that I can fit everything into my day and stick to healthy food choices BUT I do it anyway and now its habit.

Alongside Habit is 'Organisation', and each day I have a list of things to do (cleaning, working out, studying, juggling motherhood, work and a social life) and a meal plan (eating healthy and limiting junky choices) and I simply just do it.

Admittedly there are days where plans go out the window and that's ok it's a part of life but that's where you need to work hard at making good choices or adding in incidental exercise and making sure that you get straight back into routine when you can.

Ok, so if you are paying attention you would have noticed the little pictures with 'motivational / inspirational' quotes on them.  Do they help you to find motivation?  Do they give you a little kick up the butt?  If so that's great but REMEMBER:

So tomorrow when you have that feeling of 'I just can't be stuffed'....Get up off your butt anyway and JUST DO IT!

Are you MOTIVATED Now?

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