Thursday, January 17, 2013

It's School Holidays

So you can't get to the Gym for the next 2 - 6 weeks and taking the kids along with you to a PT session is the worst idea ever because you know they aren't going to allow you to concentrate (OR maybe your trainer is on holidays).

SO, what do you do?

Sit around at home feeling sorry for yourself, head out for the day and stuff your face with all the wrong things because what's the use of caring for the next  few anyway?  

NO! there are still no excuses...You just need to think outside the square and work out a way to workout.

Like this design?
You can buy it on a T-Shirt HERE

Take the kids to the PARK and PLAY with them while at the same time getting a really good workout

Warm up with a game of tag - add some extra fun and play kiss chasey any excuse to give the kids a big smooch MWAH.

Plan out a playground circuit and aim to do it 3 times

LOWER = Step Ups (10 each leg) – Step up with one leg and then the other, step down and alternate. Want a harder option?  Jump onto step with both feet together, step down and repeat.

Go commando and crawl through the tunnels

Under and through / Walk the plank...

Pole Climb...

Stairs...up and down, incline push ups

Pull Ups – Grab the bar with palms AWAY from you (pull up) or FACING you (chin up).  Engage your shoulders (pull your shoulder blades back and downward), keep your core tight, and pull your chest up towards the bar.  If these are too tough, do NEGATIVES – jump above the bar, and lower yourself slowly.

Don't be hard on yourself if you find both difficult and can't lift yourself up, the action still works the desired muscle groups and with practise before you know it you will do it.

How fast can you cross the bridge - hold the sides and lunge yourself forward?  Walk the beam without hands and engage your core...

Cargo nets are always fun to climb...

Swing Rows – Grab the chains of a swing, lean back, make your body tight and straight, and use your back and arm muscles to pull yourself up.

Want to add a challenge to your planks - put your feet on the swing and use your core to support you.

Weave and Balance...

Up and Over...

Hold the rope and up you climb...

Monkey Swings...don't fall or the crocodiles will get you

Don't forget some water fun....

Splashing in the water is being active and FUN too.

Something else holding you back??

Maybe you have sick kids at home or it's raining and cold or hot and sticky.  

The same rule applies, there are NO excuses.  Think outside the square and work out ways to 'work out' at home.

......But I don't have any gym equipment!!

You don't need any!!  All you need is a bit of imagination and the desire and dedication to actually want to do something and you will find a way.


Dance - Turn up the music and move

Use Chairs or the Coffee Table - Step Ups and Dips come to mind

Body Weight Exercises - Push ups, Crunches, Plank, Squats, Knee Highs, Burpees, Lunges...

Use things around the house - Cans of food or water bottles for light weights

There's so much you can do and still put your family first.

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