Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Since mid December I haven't watched what I've eaten or done a proper training session (not one particular excuse other than just needing to walk away from it all for a while) and whilst I haven't totally over endulged or been ultra lazy I have paid the price of a 2kg weight gain.  I know that it could of been much worse but I am starting to feel uncomfortable and now enough is enough! 

I have set myself a 'get back on track' date of Feb 4th simply because that's when life gets back to some kind of normality for me.

The week and a bit in between that date will be spent stuffing my face with as much junk food as I can and sitting on my butt doing nothing, hahaha NOT, rather it will be spent making small steps towards being strict with myself for a little while to detox my body and mind. 

Once I have detoxed it will be back to what I believe is the key to success and that is Moderation not Deprivation!  

But, it is important to realise that we often justify a reason for too much moderation.  Maybe I skipped a meal?  Maybe I did a little extra walking? Or perhaps someone else got it for me and its rude to not have it? I am sure I can think of something, an EXCUSE why I can stuff my face with crap that will make me feel crap!

How am I going to say NO to eating the deliciously decadent sweets that are calling my name?
How am I going to avoid just getting takeaway food on the run because I am running late?
How am I going to avoid raiding the kids 'naughty' snack box at midnight?
How am I going to avoid my 'well deserved' glass of moscato?

With D.I.S.C.I.P.L.I.N.E and some pre-planned tactics - a Saying 'NO' Action Plan!

Workout your weekly exercise schedule in advance and stick to it
Prepare your weekly menu and do the shopping ready for the week ahead
If you have the time pre-prepare/cook what you can so that it is less time consuming
Schedule a weekly FREE meal (not a day, a 'meal' only)
If you are going out make sure you have healthy snacks with you
If you are going out for a meal eat a light snack at home before hand so you are not hungry and therefore you will be less likely to give in to temptation.

Share your plan with those around you so that you are accountable for your actions and so they know to help you stay on track rather than adding to the temptation.

I don't like the 'D' word personally but it gets the point across

Stop and ask yourself why you are about to eat.  Are hungry, bored, emotional?
Analyse what you are about to eat.  How many calories? What would you need to do to burn it off?

What can you do to avoid temptation?  You know the whole 'I'm not hungry but I know its there and its calling my name' senario.  
Have a glass of water? Go for walk? Play a game on facebook? Call a friend?
Stick motivation quotes, a goal list, before pictures ANYTHING that will help you stay strong where you will see it - On the Fridge/Pantry. 
I carry a before picture in my wallet and I have a sign on my fridge and pantry door saying....DO YOU REALLY WANT IT?

Saying NO and resisting temptation is going to put you one step closer to reaching your goals
Being strong enough to Say NO will make your Self Esteem grow

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