Sunday, October 4, 2020

More Nether News!

If you have been paying attention, then you will know that I was going under the knife again for a total hysterecomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (removal of uterus, cervix, ovaries and fallopian tubes).

Friday 2nd October


Up at 6.05am and straight into the shower. 

Despite taking the time out a couple of days ago (and struggling to do so, I forgot how taxing it was on the arms), I straightened my hair thinking it would be easier to manage when in hospital. 

I quickly discovered otherwise - thanks to the boys taunting yesterday morning; 'cock-atoo' head I believe they called me!  It turns out that straight hair means brushing to look neat.  Whereas, curly just looks the same brushed or not; a jumbled mess.  Oh, that was my long winded way of stating that I washed my hair LOL!

At 6.25am, I kissed my boys goodbye (Jazz pulled yet another all nighter...we need to get him back into school routine ASAP.  Mind you, he stayed up specifically so he wouldn't miss saying goodbye...naww sweet boy!), wheeled my suitcase out to the car, and at 6.35am we were pulling out the driveway and on the way!

We arrived at Ballarat Base Hospital with plenty enough time to stop briefly and admire the beauty of nature...

And, to say our goodbyes at the door.  

Mark struggled not being allowed to come inside with me whereas, I simply went into 'it is what it is' mode!  Admittedly, nerves were high!

- Temperature check, and standard Covid-19 questions ✔

- Front desk check-in, and sticker stuck ✔

- Admission granted... I arrived and checked in at the 1st Floor DPU spot on 7.30am ✔

- Admission paperwork with nurse ✔

- Anesthesia doctor check-in ✔

- Sexy surgery outfit provided ✔

- Waiting, waiting, more waitIng ✔

I was finally called and we made what felt like a bloody long walk into the pre-surgery room.  Here  they popped a bung in my hand and gave me an lovely injection..."equivalent to one and a half glasses of wine"...bye bye nervousness!  

The last time I remember looking at the clock it was 8.50am.  Not long after that I was in the operating room being shuffled from one bed to another and breathing in a special sleepy time gas!  

While I was on the chopping block, Mark was keeping busy, and keeping everyone updated...


When Mark came in to see me after the op, all I remember is feeling FREEZING.  Thankfully, my sweet man brought me my R4L blankie and put his beanie on me 'kinda'.

Pic taken at 3.24pm.

Eyes open - 3.59pm and a cuppa!

Hmmm the pic says it all!

Two hours goes really fast, and time was up and he had to leave in what felt like a blink of an eye!

And ofcourse the process wouldn't be complete without Markys facebook update, so here it is!

Update #1

(No cuppa necessary...unless of course you feel like a cuppa; in which case, go make yourself said cuppa and then sit back and enjoy a bit of that cuppa, as you read my rantings and ravings.....not that I actually rant and rave...CRAP!! **spoiler alert** Actually, should I put that asterixed "**spoiler alert **" at the beginning? Hmmm...not sure. 

Actually, having looked at this post and the advice that a cuppa ISN'T necessary; I would ACTUALLY recommend a cuppa !! And I kinda HAVE raved on. But, I haven't ranted, as I feel ranting requires a sense of anger; and I'm not angry...just long winded sometimes)

Welcome back to medical madness!  Your faithful reporter Mark here, coming to you from the empty confines of our lil love-nest...☹

It is with great joy that I can report that my dear, darling Denigirl has pulled through her hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (Removal of cervix, uterus, both fallopian tubes and ovaries) without any major issues...thus far. 😊

My gorgeous Angel is indeed flying high tonight, with many thanks to the inventor of Endone (tm, pty ltd, et al)!!

Before being permitted to exit stage right, we need to wait to see if ALL nasties were cut out and have a meaningful discussion with the pros!😁

Anywho, I'm knackered...been an exhausting day...both physically and mentally. 


Saturday 3rd October

Good morning...despite very little sleep I'm doing okay!

I had to call the Doc in during the night as I was itching like a mad woman, and stressing that they accidentally gave me penicillin.  Nope, turns out it was just because they used a woollen type kylie and still had the surgical plastic on me like WTAF eewww!  

On top of that, the poor lady across from me had 'another' heart attack, and so there were people running from all directions and beeping galore.

Also, being woken every hour for observations makes it hard to sleep.

During this mornings rounds my Gynocology surgeon and team confirmed that they found a cyst on my left ovary.  We believe this is the reason I ended up in hospital on Aceys birthday, even though the CT scans and internal ultrasounds didn't find it.  Oh, and surprise surprise, its (rare) symptoms are some of the problems I've been having like; severe lower back pain, irregular bowel motions, heavy abnormal periods, and bleeding during sex.

Also, on Wednesday last week I got a call from my GP to tell me that my papsmear results weren't good. This was confirmed during the operation. Since my burn and scrape operation last year the pre-cancerous squamous cells have regrown and changed into cancerous cells. HPV was also detected. 

Anyway..., they assured me that they successfully removed EVERYTHING!  

Given family history, they also went up into the bladder to check for abnormalities.  Thankfully it is all clear! 

At this moment, there is no need for systemic treatment (e.g chemotherapy, radiation) as it was caught early and now it is all gone - thank f#^% for that!!!

I have an appointment to discuss things in more depth in 6 weeks time. Things such as; whether I need ongoing vaginal smears, whether they/I/we want a PET/Bone scan. 

Because they did the op laprascopically (only 4 little incisions) they took everything out via the vagina. But, because I'm 'little' (sorry to those who find it TMI) they had to cut and stitch (dissolvable); let me just say "burnies". 

My cathetar was taken out this morning, I had a lovely shower, and bloods were taken (oh another thing to discuss is menopause parameters.  I will be taking herbal route before even contemplating pharmaceutical Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), if at all)! They are measuring my wees today and then doing an ultra sound of my bladder to check I'm voiding ok. 

If all is good, it is looking like home either late today or tomorrow...

I am hoping for today, as I know I will actually sleep at home!  Something you may not know about me, is that I have a phobia about people standing over me, watching me sleep. So yeah, being in a room full of strangers, with nurses coming in and out constantly equals NO SLEEP!

The joys of laprascopic proceedures...

A belly full of gas...

Check out my facebook live video HERE!

Update 2

Okay, this is your favorite medical reporter Mark, coming to you from the bedside of my beautiful bride. 

I've gotta keep things real. That's just how I roll...So, despite feeling so very blessed 🙏 (yeah, yeah... I know. Technically its a high five and not prayer hands, sue me! 😁), Im still finding it hard to get my head round a few things 🥺 so I'm gunna just yak. Been told I've got the gift of the gab!!

So the Gynocology surgeon and team confirmed that they've successfully removed all the nasty bits 🙌! My darling Denigirl has an appointment to have a yarn about "things" with the head honcho in 6 weeks time 🤔. 

Despite not having a great sleep due to various reasons but mostly an itchy beautiful bride is feeling hunky dory 😁..... so much so infact, that Imma toss her over ma shoulder and take her home. Home is the best place for her to get proper rest and I can be there at her beck and call...besides, it gives me a genuine excuse to wear my skimpy nurses' outfit!! 👨‍⚕️

Sunday 4th October 

Photo taken at 6.21pm 2/10/20

Here's Markys update for today which covers everything nicely.

4/10/20's me again! Hopefully, this will be my final update for a while! 

So, the girl has been given the green light to come home...but with conditions! 

Haemaglobin levels are quite low (around 85 but should be 120), so first condition is that we need to take supplements. Next, we need to visit our G.P. to check that the levels have actually increased. If they haven't increased, then we'll need a blood transfusion. 

All in all , she's not doing too bad. A bit lethargic, a little dizzy, tummy a little distended, but better at home than she was in hospital. She actually got some half decent sleep!

Anywho, better boot off...m'lady desires a cuppa...aaand I DID promise to be at her beck and call. What IS a beck? I know someone can that what it means...she becks and I call. Or is it she becks AND calls? Dang! I've done it again...prattling away!!

See ya's!

Well, that's its folks.  I am pretty drugged up and ultra tired so I am gonna love you and leave you.

I will finish by saying this...even though I am ultra blessed, smile on cue, push through the pain to get stuff done, and say I am doing okay...I am ultra freaking weary and have moments where I feel, if I disappear for a while, please come find me as I may need your help to pull me put of the darkness, and sometimes even my pride prevents me from crying out.

If you made it all the way to the end of this post, you rock!  

Thanks heaps for your support, friendship and love xo

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