Monday, October 19, 2020

Back to school...

Monday 12th October

As covid-19 case numbers are low here in regional Victoria, it was declared by those in power, that all kids are to go back to onsite learning.

Today is their first day...

Have to be real with you here, as much as it means I get to have a proper rest, Mark can maybe get stuff done, and the boys get to see their mates, "we" aren't really all that excited about it.  Alas, off they went, but there were no happy dances here!

Thankfully the masks hide their distain!  Mind you, wearing them all day is not at all appealing, despite being a neccesity for safety.

I know I haven't been working due to having the ops and then the recovery process, but given the whole covid stuff, I would of stopped work anyway to make the boys my priority...I've always said they come first!   Therefore, their safety is paramount, and if that means keeping them home and us having to do the schooling, well it is totally worth the lack of rest or work not getting done. 

In saying that, it is possible that part of our lack of joy jumping is due to fear.  Whilst I don't feel it is totally unwarranted, we currently have no active cases here in regional Vic, so that is a positive and eases the anxiousness.  If there were active cases here in Bacchus Marsh we would have certainly reconsidered sending them.  Actually, should circumstances change, they'll get their wish and be staying home again.  As much as we loved having them home, heres hoping that doesn't happen hey!

And there's another reason we aren't all that thrilled about school returning; we have enjoyed our family time together at home.  Not to say we have lived in each others pockets, no siree, we each like our own space and company too much for that.  But, the times we've all been together has been special; whether it be schooling, walks, movies and snuggles, or just chit chatting about this, that, and the other.

Whilst I like being involved in their education and knowing exactly what they are learning, it has admittedly been more so when we have not been homeschooling.  As I've said before, patience isn't my strongest attribute and Ace tends to procrastinate and give up before actually trying; a pet peeve of mine (I have a long list of those...a whole other blog)!  

In saying that though, there were days that were absolute gems, where all the praise and encouragement saw them rise above all challenges.  My favourite part of all is watching them put head down and bum up and having those aha moments when they 'get it' and are then filled with a tremendous sense of empowerment, which inspires them to do more.

Yet again time has flown and it is now Monday 19th October and the 2nd week of onsite learning for term 4.  

The first week went well, although truth be told, from Wednesday they both asked each day to stay home.  It took all my strength to be strong and say no!  But as much as I would love them home, school is important for them.  Also, rest is important for me (there will be a blog coming about that soon)  And, I need Marky to get some shit done out in my poor neglected garden!

So with all that in mind, I am going to continue to be strong and deny the requests to stay home and snuggle with Mama.  And Mama is going to try really hard not to mope, but instead embrace the time to rest and recouperate!

As always, thanks heaps for reading.  LLP xo Tash

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