Sunday, August 19, 2012

Out of action again!

So,  my pain in the neck got to be a right royal 'pain in the neck' and last Sunday evening I ended up in the hospital emergency room in tears begging for them to help me.  A few hours and 3 injections later they managed to take the edge off my pain enough to send me home with a referral for an urgent CT scan.  The results came back showing it to be Thoracic facet joint syndrome along with Thoracic degenerative disc disease (spondylosisso).  I have had lumber degeneration for quite a while but unfortunately it has progressed faster than they thought it would.

So, its a matter of staying on top of the pain enough to continue with intensive Phyio/Osteo/Massage (very light soft  tissue massage only) and then to work out ways to modify my current lifestyle and exercise - no quick fix unfortunately.  Worst case senario (if the pain doesn't ease) being surgery BUT, this is an option that I do not want to consider.

Disk Degeneration - Flattening of the disk

I am still in pain (neck and back is out of alignment creating a constant headache and sharp shooting pains up and down my spine if I move the wrong way) but it is being controlled thanks to a combination of rest, pain killers, anti inflammatories and steroids (a concoction that makes me feel very ill and either knocks me out or keeps me awake). 

On the nutrition front I am ashamed to say that my eating has been shocking and so it is no surprise that the scales have gone up.  Why do I do it to myself when I know that when I'm unable to exercise that it is even more important for my eating to be 'clean' *sigh*.  Oh well, tomorrow is another day and I plan to turn it around and make the changes I need to get these excess kilos off as I am feeling fat, ugly and horrible.  This is the last week of the MB12WBT and I am so annoyed at myself for it being yet another challenge I stuffed up on and didn't complete successfully....yes, yes I know - I am being too hard on myself given the challenges of my knee and now this!

Even though I believe that everything happens for a reason I have been wondering what else is the universe going to throw at me? Like FFS c'mon when is enough enough!

It's ok despite me being shitty and annoyed and over it all right now I have not lost my determination and drive to succeed.....I just needed to have a dummy spit first.

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