Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Surgery is booked!

So...last week I went to my second hospital pre-op appointment and saw the anesthetist and although I am borderline (closer to the line than not) anemic there has been a slight increase in my levels and I was approved for surgery - YAY #1!

On Monday morning I got a call asking if December 7th suited me to have surgery.  I didn't even check my diary I just said Yes then and there - YAY #2!


I am so excited about it FINALLY getting done after waiting very impatiently for the past year and pretty much being constantly sick for a total of 2 years now.

I am shitting myself a bit though!

Not only because I have to get everything 'Tash' ready before the op - so much to do omgoodness!

Or, the fact that its going to hurt like an absolute biatrch. 

Or, because I know recovery probably isn't going to be quick or easy as my immune system isn't going to miraculously fire back up overnight which means it will affect us financially as I won't be working and also means that I will need to get the exemptions in place for Uni. 

Or, because I know that having my tonsils removed is only op#1 of the bigger picture  (I will talk more about that when the time comes). 

Or, what my voice will sound like after the operation.  

Although, all those things aren't making it any easier.

What is scaring the shit out of me most is the thought of what happens next?

As much as I hoping that after this operation my life can return back to some semblance of the past there has also been so much in it that has changed since I began getting sick (to the point I have been at least) that its almost a blur.  It kind of feels like I am being given this opportunity to start over, to reinvent myself so to speak, which is awesome on one hand but bloody scary on the other...remembering the issues I have with change and all.

So anyway, I am 'trying' to just take it all a day at a time and not over think things - hahaha, funny right!

That's about all I have to share at the moment - I will try and keep you all updated throughout the process...wish me luck!

Love, Light and Peace
xox Tash


PS.  Studying is going well although OMGOODNESS sooooo much work, last week I contemplated throwing in the towel but this week I seem to have found my groove a little.  I must remember to apply for exemptions.

PPS.  Our DHS case worker popped in today to discuss a few things and so Mark and I have a bit of contemplating to do.  Mind you what we discussed with her pretty much only confirmed that which we had already considered but its hard to make it final...if that makes sense.  At the end of the day though we need to think about what is best for our family and that is Hosanna included of course.

PPPS.  I am feeling a lot more positive about things these days in comparison to my last post, things aren't all smooth sailing but at least it hasn't gone down like the Titanic.

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I welcome all messages and comments that are positive and encouraging. If however you do have some criticism please make sure that it is constructive rather than destructive. Much Love, Light and Peace XOXO Tash!