Tuesday, February 19, 2019

A rant to start Feb....

Hello February 2019

So lets see...

The end of January saw the kids back and school, me back at work & Mark back into being an awesome SAHD/H and running around madly after us all.

Friday 1st February

We had a lovely visit from the gorgeous Bec, but other than that we did zip!
We were invited to a local church games night which sounded like heaps of fun, but we were all a little pooped!

Oh...I also tried unsuccessfully numerous (like 50 or so) times to contact the boys father to confirm arrangements for dropping them off the next day.

I also wasn't paid my Child support and wanted to find out what was going on! Um, I don't like what if's, BUT what if it was an emergency to do with the kids (it wasn't praise God), FFS answer the freaking phone! In the end I gave up!

Saturday 2nd February

The day started with a phone call from the afore mentioned person, advising that he had 'Gastro' and was unable to have the boys as previously planned the week before, and that I wouldn't be getting child support this week as he had no money (mind you he only said that because I asked about it DESPITE asking several times for him to let me know if its not going to be paid so I can stop direct debits and amend the budget). You could say, I was a little (okay ALOT) pissed off!

So...we had a wedding to attend that day and given it was over the other side of the city, we booked a room for the night (good old credit card to the rescue, as I had used the money I had on hand, to buy Ace two new jackets for school plus some food shopping, thinking that I was getting a payment this week anyway GRRR selfish people really give me the shits!).

Anyway, when I first asked him to take them a few weeks back, he had said No as it was his birthday weekend. So, I arranged for Mum to have them and she arranged her schedule to do so. As the boys were more keen on going to their Dads instead (it was going to be hot and he has aircon and would possibly take them to the wier), when he dropped them off last fortnight I asked him again and he agreed (the boys were there also probs why he said yes)...providing it wasn't Friday as he was planning a big night for his birthday! I assured him it would be from 12pm Saturday to 12pm Sunday and to sweeten the deal, I said that we would have them on the Friday of his weekend and drop them Saturday instead...mind you, he owes us a day from dropping them back early a few weeks prior. Not like it phases us really as we prefer them being home with us.

Long story short, Mum once again changed her schedule and so the boys spent the night at Mapas house, where they went to the trots for the first time ever! Considering I basically grew up at the trotting track because of having race horses, I can't believe I haven't shared this part of my life with them before.

It took me a while to calm down, but I reminded myself that it was an affirmation of the fact I made the right decision in leaving AND that being angry about it doesn't solve anything and only robs me of more joy! Inhale the good shit...exhale the bullshit!

Stay tuned for Part 2 of Feb 2nd!

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