Thursday, February 21, 2019

Valentines Smellintines...

Even though we don't believe in celebrating valentines day, my sweet husband still wrote me a poem (as he does every year - so okay, that kinda does technically mean we celebrate LOL).

Here it is for 2019

A day some fear and some find scary.
The 14th day of February.
With unrealistic expectation
Of P.D.A's from our entire nation.
Your love's not true, without a gift...
To this notion, folks...I GET MIFFED!
EVERY day I show my wife
That SHE is my love and the joy of my life.
Consumerism sux. All the pressure it brings.
Making millions for companies, coz we buy their "things".
I implore you, dear people. Don't fall for this farce.
Tell the BIG corporations, "Stick it up ya Khyber Pass".
Love should be shown, each and every day.
With the deeds that we do and the words that we say.
My dear darling Deni, this one thing I pray 
That you KNOW that love, not just today but ALWAYS!

Here is my reply...a poetic one ofcourse!

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Thank you for emptying the bucket for me
When I spew!

Well, we did vow in sickness and in health afterall!

Anyway, bottom the people you love, that you love them through your actions.  Words mean so much more when the action matches that being said!

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