Thursday, March 7, 2019

Oh boy!

When I was at the doctors last week, he noticed that I was overdue for my papsmear so he personally booked me in to see one of the senior female doctors.  In my defence I did book in last year and even went to see the quack (best name for said so called professional) AND she put it in the 'too hard to do right now basket'!   This is the same said quack who completely missed Marks diabetic diagnosis as she was too busy giving him a lecture on smoking, without actually asking whether or not he still smoked!

Despite every fibre of my being wanting to cancel, I went.

Long story short abnormalities were found, so now I need to go for another bloody lot of tests!  

Bloody hell!  Not really what I needed when I was already a teeny bit on the anxious side because of the whole breast thing!

I tried to get my appointments for testing on the same day, one after the other, but no can do!  So two seaparate disruptions to my work/study schedule it is.  I shouldn't be so grumpy about it I know, especially when in comparrison to what my sister had to/still does goes through, its really quite minuscule.

On the plus side, part of the tiredness is due to being mildly anaemic...nothing I didn't already know, but it seems that it has caught up with me even more so these days.  I don't know why though as to be honest my life is heaps more smooth sailing and stress free than what it has been.  I mean I've not studied full on like I was for the past 3 months AND I am actually going to bed way earlier than I was too.  Work has probably been a little busier but its only 10 to 15 hours per week...not really even part-time!  It honestly seems so ridiculous that I am so bloody tired!

Anyway, I wasn't going to post about this topic as quite frankly talking about my Yoni issues seems a little like TMI.  BUT, I decided to share as a reminder/prompt to any lovely ladies reading this (if it applies), to please book in and get things tested!

Be sure to get a breast examination while you are there too yeah!

Anyway, I'm over writing about, thinking about and talking about all this stuff so thats it!

Until next time, LLP Tash xo


  1. You crack me up girl. Not all the tiredness, TMI, stuff, but the fact you make it real with a bit of humour added. Love ya guts an' all. ������❣

    1. Love you too Sis, gotta laugh through it all otherwise it would all be way too drama queen in the household is enough :P


I welcome all messages and comments that are positive and encouraging. If however you do have some criticism please make sure that it is constructive rather than destructive. Much Love, Light and Peace XOXO Tash!