Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bootcamp Madness

So it's Sunday morning and my alarm goes off at 6.45am so I get up and get ready to head off to my 4 weeks of Bootcamp with the same line repeating over and over in my head...'WTF were you thinking woman?'. I pick up and Bec and we both look at each other with that same look of OMG who's idea was this again. We arrive at the location and as we walk up to meet everyone else I am internally psyching myself up for the torture that lies ahead thinking its ok only 3 more sessions, only 2 more sessions, only 1 more session! So an hour later I have finished and feeling awesome and full of energy no longer thinking about crawling back into bed but instead going to have a productive day with my boys.

It is this line of thinking, this feeling of awesomeness that is to blame for me signing up for another 6 weeks of the same madness, because who else in there right mind would prefer to be burning 500calories at 8am on Sunday morning in the wintery weather while every one else is at home all warm and cosy snuggled up in bed asleep!

And so, the internal monologue starts all over again.....WTF were you thinking woman....OMG who's idea was this again!

This is what we trained in this morning
Madness or Dedication?

I have to say that I constantly surprise myself with what I can do and have so many moments where I catch myself asking...WHO ARE YOU? Its like my own 'self' cannot believe that I am capable of achieving such greatness. I mean - who is this person that get's out of bed early to exercise? I am SO not a morning person and yet I find myself looking into the stillness with this feeling of such Peace and Calm. Who is this person that loves to exercise and just keeps going back for more despite having a leg that doesn't want to co-operate? It doesn't feel like that long ago that just carrying my own body around was enough of a workout and that I loathed having to move from my bed let alone going for a walk OR doing a bootcamp of all things.

You have to admit that its really pretty!

I often wonder what my life would of been like if I wasn't the Fat Girl, if I didn't wag P.E - Would I have been an Athlete? Tri-Athlon, Marathons, Swimming, COMMANDETTE?

I may look sweet BUT really...
Drop and give me 20....

I wasn't kidding - C'mon, YES YOU...chop! chop!

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