Sunday, July 26, 2020

Hello Fresh Versus Dinnerly

Now that I've trialled both Hello Fresh and Dinnerly (or Dingalee as my Mum calls it LOL.  Everytime she does it, that song 'my ding a ling, my ding a ling, I want you to play with my ding a ling' gets stuck on my head)!, I thought I would do a comparison blog, and hopefully answer all the questions I've been asked on my socials.

What's the price difference?

Based on 5 nights of meals, for 4 people at the non-discounted price...

Hello Fresh = $159.80 (including $9.99 shipping) per week.

Dinnerly = $113.95 (including $8.95 shipping).

That's a difference of $45.95.  Considering you still need to buy 2 nights worth of dinners, Dinnerly is definitely more affordable.

Which tastes better?

Both places supplied fresh, high quality ingredients.

However, I thought the Hello Fresh meals were much tastier - gourmet quality.

In comparison, whilst there were some nice elements to the Dinnerly meals, for the most part they were just 'okay'. 

In terms of stars...

Hello Fresh = 4.5
Dinnerly = 3.0

Whats more convienient?

I like that Hello Fresh provided their meals in bagged packs.

I also liked their printed recipes however, they don't supply weighted quantities on the recipe which makes it hard to recreate at home.

In comparison, Dinnerly uses less packaging due to the ingredients being loose in the box.  Let's face it though, it's no different to when we do a normal grocery shop.  Plus, I like using my tupperware fridge mate containers to keep things fresh. 

Whilst I wasn't keen on an online recipe card, a bonus is that I can easily zoom in to enlarge the writing, the recipes are easily reproducable at home, and I can share them.

What is easier and quicker to cook?

I think this would also depend upon the recipes you select.  

Based on our chosen recipes however, Hello Fresh provided more ingredients which meant more preparation time, and more dishes to wash (omg talk about lots of dishes).  Their recipes also had more elements so took a little longer to cook.

Hello Fresh = More time in the kitchen.
Dinnerly = Less time in the kitchen.


Dinnerly is more affordable.

Hello Fresh meals are tastier.

Hello Fresh is more convenient in terms of packaging and recipe card.

Dinnerly meals are quicker and easier to cook.

To conclude, it depends upon what factors are more important for you.

Me personally, if I'm paying out money for a meal box, I would rather it be worth it in terms of tasting good, so Hello Fresh is my top choice.  

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