Monday, July 20, 2020

Daily Non-negotiables

Do you have a list of daily non-negotiables? You know, one or more habits that are a must to do without fail? Whilst I have quite a few things on my list, for this blog I want to focus on just one.

My number one daily non-negotiable is… make my bed! 

I find it unbelievable how even if the room itself is not neat, tidy and organised, a made bed changes the whole feel of the room. I also find that there are huge rewards in one simple task; such as, a feeling of accomplishment. Why wouldn't I be a bed making advocate when it brings about such a positive start to ones day. 

From a very early age, I taught my precious boys the importance of bed making, and now its become what I believe is a 'good habit' which takes them no more than a few minutes. 

So, perhaps they do not prop the pillows and place the throw rug 'just so', the way I like, but simply pulling up the covers so that they aren't strewn all over the room is something that makes my heart smile. 

Need more convincing? Okay, heres some more reasons why I'm an advocate of making the bed. 

Reduces anxiety, stress & tension 

Walking into a room and seeing sheets screwed up into a bunch, pillows tossed here and there, and blankets all over the floor, triggers a sense of panic. Making the bed however, reduces the look of mess and clutter, and as such eliminates the feeling of chaos. 

Sense of achievement 

By completing this one simple task, I start my day off with a sense of achievement. Who wouldn't want to start each day on a positive note. 

Produces Productivity 

With an awesome tone set for the day, it motivates one to be productive which opens the door of possibility. 

Cleanliness Godliness

I know I've shared before that my external reflects the internal. Meaning, if my surroundings are cluttered, my mind feels the same. Hence, by taking a few minutes out of my day and making the bed, it cleans the untidiness of my mind. And, it makes the room itself look much neater. 

Cosy Comfort 

And lastly, I love the feeling of pulling back the covers and crawling into a made bed.

Even when we had the single bed in our room for Mark to sleep on during recovery, both beds would get made. Truth be told, Mark would remake the bed for me each time I would get up - just another reason why I love him so. 

And just for comparison heres something that you won't see very often eeekkkk...heart rate racing just looking at it.

Versus something that to me is much more inviting, and reduces the anxiety heart rate. Even with pillows galore!

Oh, another positive about making your bed, for those counting them, is that you get up your steps!

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