Sunday, December 30, 2018

Farewell 2018...

And just like that the end of year is upon us, and what a year it has been. One that has certainly been filled with raw and unscripted moments consisting of “the ups, the downs, and everything in between”!

The highlight of 2018 by far was the day that I married my sweet man. Saturday April 21st 2018, what an amazingly magical day that was, one that I will cherish forever.

Sadly, as the saying goes with every up there is a down, and that down was my baby sisters breast cancer diagnosis. The battle she has fought this year has been one that I wish I had the ability to erase, but she has done it with courage and grace and in my eyes she takes the stand next to my Mum as the two strongest woman I have the honour of calling my family.

The in-betweens that float amongst the ups and downs are plentiful. I cherish the wonderful memories that were created, and embrace the lessons learnt from those moments that were more challenging.

As I say farewell to 2018 and welcome 2019, I am enough of a realist to know that past mistakes, hurts, hurdles, and trials will not miraculously disappear at the striking of the clock at midnight. However, I am also enough of an optimist to believe that what lies ahead is far greater than anything we leave behind, and with a positive mind and an open heart anything is possible.

With that said, I am wishing you all a 2019 full of everything that life has to offer. May the ups see your smiles shine so brightly that the shadows surrounding the downs dissipate as quickly as they arrive. As for the in-betweens, may they be bountiful and joyful so that you can look back upon the memories knowing that you truly lived every moment.

So, from me to you on this second last day of 2018, I hope 2019 is filled with an abundance of love, light, and peace!

LOVE that is unconditional and unlimited!

LIGHT that makes the shadows disappear and guides your way!

PEACE of mind that brings a stillness to the soul!

I feel truly blessed that I get to see the end of another year and welcome in the new one!


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