Sunday, December 30, 2018

October 2018

October Blessings

1st - I love going for family walks in the evening and soaking up the beauty from the vast array of coloured blooms.

2nd - When I refer to light, I reflect upon an innate energy, a source of higher power. Light disperses the darkness and the closer you get to it the more the shades of grey dissipate. "...the inner glow will shine through dirty stained glass windows". As a "healer", I see myself as a lighthouse, shining my light on the path of those who need to feel empowered, guided. As is the duality of life however, whilst the outside of the lighthouse shines bright, often the stairwells within have shadows that need careful navigation.

4th - I sat in my backyard today looking out at the beauty that surrounds me. Not a day passes that I don't stop and acknowledge the beauty of our magnificent tree. Her strength, beauty, grace. Her ability to adapt to the seasons, ever reaching upwards embracing each moment. She still holds onto some of her old dried and crumpled foliage, and yet new buds are forming. How wonderous to think that it won't be long until she is once again full of new life, a new phase in her existence here on this earth. Oh how she speaks to me, filling my heart with hope.

7th - Today we listened to an 80s mix while I was studying and my sweet man was just doing his thang. As it happens several songs got my foot tapping and so I figured why not get up and have a boogie on the back porch. Anyway I just came across a quote saying "if you stumble make it part of the dance" and well we've been stumbling through life a bit lately so it seems fitting that today we let our hair down a bit. Omgoodness so much fun, its been way too long between dances. I love my man so much, not a day goes by that he doesn't make me laugh or at least smirk at his stupid Dad jokes. Stumbling is bearable with you as my dance partner my sweet sexy crazy man!

8th - I can remember a time, which doesn't feel like that long ago, that my boys never knew how to ride a scooter and now here they are doing crazy jumps that make my heart beat at a rapid pace and skip a beat all at the same time. As much as I am fearful of them hurting themselves, I love that they push past their fear and give it a go anyway and even when they make "epic fails", they get up, dust themselves off and try again until they reach that fist pump, high five moment. There may be 30ish years between us but they teach me so much each and every day.

11th -  I went to water aerobics tonight whilst it certainly wasn't an intense workout, the heart rate did get up a little and the arms certainly felt it a couple of times. Most of all though it really helped loosen me up physically and mentally and it was fun...more so from laughing. Quote of the night, "I think I've done a hammi" LOL.

17th - (*)(*) MRI followed by a lunch date with my handsome husband. We don't like the city all that much but today we even took a little wander around Melbourne Central which was nice. The best part was coming home (as it always is)...hence the smiles!

19th - I've had "fitness" related memories popping up on my facey feed the past couple of weeks, well in all honesty they have no doubt popped up more often but I haven't been affected by them. Anyway the reason they've gotten me reflective and a little miffed is probably because I finally ditched my excuses (albeit 'some' of them valid) and have started moving my butt with Zumba and Water Aerobics which are both a far cry from the kind of workouts I was once tortured by (and tortured others by also hehehe) and yet loved so much. Anyway, after my first Zumba class which left me feeling like an uncoordinated baby elephant, as well as red faced (not just from my lack of Zumba prowess) and ready for the cool down after the warm up, it got me thinking about how fit I used to be and the reality of how far from that I am now hit me! ANYWHO, seeing this quote tonight was perfect timing, and so rather than getting down about how fit I 'was' compared to how fit 'I am not' now, I patted myself on the back said "welcome back, I've missed you, now lets kick some arse you good thang"!

21st - It has been 6 whole months since one of the best days of my life ever! Heres to many more months to come full of the same love and admiration for each other. Happy six months, my sweet adorable sexy husband you!

My incredibly talented husband wrote me this poem today in celebration of our 6 month anniversary.

Standing there, down in the sand
Feeling nervous, but looking grand!
Beaming with enormous pride
Waiting for my gorgeous bride.
Dogs on the beach, gulls in the air
There's crowds of people everywhere!
The music starts...singing, oh so sweet
I see my bride! My heart skips a beat!!
My head in a tremendous swirl
At the sight of my darling Denigirl!!
Tears of joy, sweet love of my life
Vows and rings exchanged, she's now my wife!
Six months ago, my dreams came true
When on a dog-filled beach, I married you!

Here is my poetic reply...

22nd - 2 years since he asked and I said..."Yes! Yes! A million times "Yes"!

23rd - So uni study is a little full on at the moment with 3 essays due in 3 weeks. Whilst its admittedly been a bit tough juggling study with work, family and a social life, I can almost see the finish line for the year and its such an exciting prospect. I can't even count the number of times I have reached the point of almost admitting defeat and throwing in the towel, admittedly mostly due to the guilt aspect of taking time away from my family. In saying that though, they have been the ones encourgaing me to keep going, reminding me to focus on the bigger picture and assuring me that they understand why I'm doing it.  Anyway, talking about study, I had better get back to it as my mans birthday is fast approaching and I want to give him my undivided attention and show him how spesh he is. 1 down 2 to go...getting there ever so slowly but surely!

24th - One of the highlights for me each and everyday (bar one per fortnight) is having my boys sit on my lap and give me huge cuddles. They seriously melt this proud mummas heart!  Oh and 2 down 1 to go...

25th - 4 years since we met in the local watering hole known as The Border and I asked if he was gay.  I am so eternally grateful he was not!

When first we met after a night of fun
I had no idea that you were the one
Whilst at arms lengths you were placed just known as my mate
The friendship we formed raised much debate
Then you broke the rules and expressed how you felt
And right there in that moment my heart started to melt
But I wasn't ready to admit something was there
And for months you showed patience, support, love and care
Whilst I could go on retelling the story
Reliving each day of 4 years in all of its glory
I just want to focus on this day right here
How it came to be cause you felt like a beer
How I'm glad I accepted your facey request
And how our new friendship made us both feel so blessed
So whilst now you are my husband and I am an your wife
What I cherish deeply and what changed my life
Is that you are my best friend, my partner in crime
And I'm so glad you became a compadre of mine.
Happy 4 year "Friendaversary" 

Flowers fresh from both mine (white iris') and Mums (roses) garden. The perfect reflection of beauty for a week of celebrating milestone events of our love story.

27th - Its a family day today, so we decided to jump in the car and go for a drive...ended up in Beaufort where we got to check out the sculptures that Uncle Dean we are with one of them. To give you an indication of height, Mark is 6ft 4". Oh did I mention this was done with a chainsaw.

28th - Happy Birthday to my handsome husband!

30th - Tonight my man and I went along to our very first line-dancing (boot-scooting) class and we absolutely freaking LOVED it! So much so that we will definitely be going back. OMGoodness so much fun! Awesome music, great group of people, air conditioned room and verbal instruction so you can easily (well kinda lol) follow along. It may not be a hardcore kind of workout but we certainly moved our feet and even wiggled our booties YEE HA!

31st - Happy Halloween!  Decorations hung by the boys last night, trick or treating done for the day and now the boys are settled in to watch a scary movie. As much as its a bit of an overcommercialism I've gotta admit that its pretty fun to see so much of the community out and about. Also the boys still want to hang out with us oldies so thats ultra cool, even if I am a bogan!

Oh and 3 of 3 done and dusted!!  And just like that, I have finished uni for 2018. Now I wait impatiently for my results, although from my calculations I've at least earnt my pass. It certainly has not been an easy year by any means but I am so blessed to have an awesome uni support crew and understanding family and friends to get me through. Which is great as if you thought this year was manic, wait for the next installment! I enrolled into my subjects for 2019 today and all I can say is HOLYFROGBALLS!!! But enough about that, for now we focus on the achievement of completing this year...I am so proud of the little nerd I am!

And that is month 10 of 12 of 2018...Only 2 more recaps to go!

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